Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 2: Create a world of your own

Latest URL: Limited World,

In a fragmented world close to Earth.

Qiao Xun stood on one side of the mountain, looking at the scenery on the other side.

Over there, the slug-like creature was writhing in a pool of sticky water, spitting out some green smoke to show that it was in a good mood.

Qiao Xun's good mood was not guessed by Qiao Xun, but was actually felt.

He looked at those "slugs" seriously, and figured out whether they could have a chance to evolve into higher life forms. After a while, he shook his head and the answer was no.

The structural support strength of this fragmented world is not sufficient for them to evolve into higher life forms. Before they can obtain intelligence comparable to that of humans, the fragmented world has already collapsed.

It is not difficult for Qiao Xun to calculate this matter.

After becoming a god, he can be regarded as a complete body in the true sense. A real and "only" demon. Any finite world can be understood by him one by one in the finite world. It's easy to understand the earth, let alone this pitifully small fragmented world.

This pitifully small world has no secrets in his eyes.

Structure, law, energy, life...

All kinds of things have gone around in his consciousness.

He looked in a certain direction in the orange-yellow sky.

That direction is the easiest and safest way to get to the world in which the earth lives.

The road is in front of you, but you can't step on it.

It's not that he can't return to Earth, but that he doesn't want to... He knows that, as a demon, and God Himself, once he descends on Earth, it will greatly speed up the evolution of the Earth. This is what the gods who are waiting for recovery want, but not the beings on Earth.

For the life of the earth, what is most lacking is not potential and ability, but time.

As long as they are given enough time, they will grow up to be able to protect their homeland.

After solving the Magic Chang'an incident, Qiao Xun gradually lost his direction. He didn't know where to go or what to do. Although it is to reach "infinity". But this kind of thing is definitely not something that can be achieved by shouting slogans. This must be a distant and long-term goal.

Take a rest, and go to other worlds to see Chuang Chuang.

This is his current thinking.

After watching a bunch of "slugs" complete the whole process of birth, growth, development, reproduction, nurture, aging, and death in the short twenty-four hours of the earth, Qiao Xun sighed and planned to leave.

He stood up, and half of his body sank into the void.

Immediately afterwards, a rhythm came from the world barrier of this fragmented world.

someone is coming.

Qiao Xun stopped and walked out of the void. He looked out somewhere on the World Bulwark.

The next moment, on the edge of the distant fragmented world, a familiar figure came into view.

When he saw the visitor, Qiao Xun was very surprised. Because he didn't expect that even if he became a god, the other party would still be able to find him.

"It's really haunted."

He shook his head, understood the world, crossed the space, and stepped in front of the visitor.

The visitor is naturally Yihong.

Seeing Qiao Xun suddenly appearing in front of her, Yi Hong was stunned for a moment. But she was still calm, coughing lightly,

"Oh, long time no see."

"What do you want me to do?" Qiao Xun asked directly.

Yihong asked back,

"Can't I just pass by?"

"There are thousands of fragmented worlds beyond the finite boundaries of the Earth. You happened to be passing by where I was?"

Yihong insisted,

"Just passing by!"

Qiao Xun shrugged,

"Whatever you want. I'm leaving."

"Hold on!"

"What? Just passing by."

Yihong compromised,

"Well, I admit, I found you through 'fatalism'."

"Are you really Yihong?"

"if not?"

"I think it's like you've changed people. The difference in personality between the front and back of the same person isn't that big, right?"

"You think you know me well."

"Yes, it's useless for me not to talk to you. I won't explore the issue of 'fatalism' for the time being. You can just ask me for something."

Yihong asked:

"You've become a god... do you feel anything special?"

"No. I'm still Qiao Xun."

"That's it."

"You seem... relieved?"

"Have it?"


"Imagination. Why should I breathe?"

"...This kind of conversation is so nutritious. After a long time, you still haven't said what you want to do with me."

"Have I made you impatient?"


Joe Tour said.

In fact, people who can see people on earth in other worlds far away, even their old enemy Yihong, have a feeling of nostalgia. Not at all impatient. It's just that his lack of understanding of "fatalism" made him have a natural vigilance against Yihong.

Yihong said in a low voice,


"Don't be like this, I feel very unnatural. Otherwise, you should change back to what you were before, bad and perverse."


"never mind."

Yihong was silent for a while and said,

"I'm a monster."

"I know."

"A very special monster."

"I'll listen if you want to, or it doesn't matter if you don't want to."

"I... Forget it, let's talk about it next time. I'm not sure if revealing my identity in advance will have any impact."

"Look at you. Did you come this far just to say this?"

"No. It's another matter."

"All ears."

Yihong said,

"Qiao Xun, you need to create a world of your own."


"The previous demons were scattered in various mythical worlds, but they never belonged to their own world. Because for them, all finite worlds are their territory. The conflict between this and the mythical world is very strong. Joe Xun , No matter what you plan to do in the future, you need a world of your own, whether you use it to develop your power, or use it as a place to rest, or protect yourself from being discovered... You need a world of your own. And...the only way to know why the world has finite boundaries is to have created the world yourself."

"Creating a world... is a very troublesome thing. The core of the world, the fulcrum of the world, and the like are very difficult to find."

"You have something to do!"

"You mean... the world sand table?"


"How did you know I was here?"

Yihong smiled,

"Of course I know. I knew it from the moment you got the world sand table."

Joe tours,

"...I was really under surveillance by you."

"I don't pay attention to your personal life. I'm just sensitive to the changes that happen to you. Like...you're in love, and I'll know right away."

"...don't say anything like that."

"However, Qiao Xun, I'm very curious. I found your position through your close connection with Lu Xianyi. But you two seem to have broken up."


"However, I didn't feel the change."

"What does this mean?"

"It means that your previous connection has not changed. Breaking up...it's just a verbal agreement. The feelings between you...have not been broken."


Yihong smiled,

"Good, isn't it?"

"Who knows. Let's go back to the world sand table."

"Well. The world sand table can help you create the world. The purpose of the black leather collection of the world sand table was to create a world belonging to the black leather."

"...You black leather don't seem to have that kind of ability. To create the world, you need God no matter what."

"Then you are underestimating us. The most mysterious existence in black leather, the Ace of Spades, has never appeared."

"Ace of Spades?"

"The code name 'World'. You should understand that the ace of spades is not a simple character after listening to this code name."

"Can you tell me that too?"

"There's nothing that can't be said. Hei Ge is not afraid of showing signs. It's just... I'm about to quit Hei Ge."


"Want to...do my own thing."

"I always feel that you have been taken away."

Yihong smiled slightly,


"You're so uncomfortable."

Yihong lowered her eyes and said nothing. She continued the topic of the world sand table,

"The complete world sand table has twenty-four world roots. No one world has as many as twenty-four world roots. Even in the core mythical worlds such as fairyland and heaven, there are only eighteen at most. Now, the world There should be eighteen roots of the world in the sand table."


"Actually, now you can use the world sand table to create a world with a level not lower than the fairy world. But according to your personality, it shouldn't stop there."

"That's it. After you say that, I really want to finish collecting it."

"The more roots of the world, the more difficult it is to create a world. In those core mythical worlds, there are many powerful gods, but it is difficult to create a world with twenty-four world roots. That's what you plan to do. If you do, it will be very hard. At least, it will take a lot of time.”

"Time... The last thing I need is time."

"Also..." Yihong finished, "Then... I wish you good luck."

"no yet?"

"Do you still want me to say something?"

Qiao Xun looked up,

"I haven't spoken to anyone for a long time."

"What I can know, with your current ability, will also know. I think, there is nothing worth saying."

"Earth... There seem to be many demons on the earth."

"Yeah. The demons are also expelled by the mythical world. Only a pure world like the earth can accommodate them. However, I have not yet figured out who sent those demons here."

"A guy named... above Yama."

"Never heard of that name. Maybe a pseudonym."

"Also, there are eighteen layers of **** on the back of the earth. It was also created by Yama above."

"Eighteen levels of hell?"

"Well, it's the eighteen layers of **** that you and I are familiar with."

Yihong frowned,

"Looking at it this way, that person has a lot of ambition. Is he planning to control the earth's cycle of life and death?"

"That person is hiding very well, and even now I can't find where he is. So, I can't help Earth solve this problem for the time being."

"Don't worry. The earth is a multi-party game. It is impossible for him to occupy it alone."

"The earth creatures caught in the middle suffer the most."

"This kind of pain is inevitable. No world can withstand such a huge number of evolutionaries. The road of evolution in the future will be more cruel, and the elimination of life will be extremely fast."

"I don't know what the earth will be like next time I return to the earth."


Qiao Xun looked into the distance,

"Originally, I should have regarded you as an enemy. After all, you made a very big threat to the former me."

"Although I said so. But... think about it carefully, I haven't hurt you."

"That's right... Speaking of which, you have helped me a lot. So, seeing you now is unexpectedly kind. By the way, what did you think of me in the first place?"

Yihong squatted down,

"In the beginning, I just treated you as a toy. I thought, after being bored for so long, I finally have someone interesting."

"When did you change your attitude?"

"You are getting stronger and stronger. I know you better and better. I was surprised until...you were in Japan at that time, and I noticed the aura of 'gluttony' in you for the first time. I found out that you are a demon. Later, in Kabul, I confirmed this matter. My attitude towards you began to change. However, I was just going to help you and get some information from you."

"So, the real transformation is in the... sea train?"

"Well. Through Agnes, I gradually realized that you are a special person...not a demon in the conventional sense, nor a person in the conventional sense. At that time, I gradually felt that you can really change everything. I pay more attention to you. Your mental journey, your growth, your changes... I don't know when, paying attention to your life has become a part of my life."

"Invasion of privacy."

"Take me as a voyeur."

"...you're really welcome."

"However, you don't seem to be very angry."

"To become a god, of course you have to be generous. Let's say..." Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, "I think when I was far away, there were still people paying attention to me. To be forgotten... is a very painful thing. "

"How long has it been since you started worrying about this?"

"Everything in the finite world... can be calculated and predicted."

"Then can you figure out what happened to me?"

Qiao Xun looked at her seriously and shook his head.


Yihong smiled,

"That doesn't explain, you can't know everything in the finite world. Everything related to me, everything I can change, your calculations are inaccurate."

"Then please continue to follow me."

"Do you want to be voyeuristic?"

"No no no, mainly to satisfy your voyeuristic desire."

Yihong turned her head, looked at the burnt brown ground, and smiled.

The wind in the fragmented world is mixed with a strong smell of ammonia, and it is really not a good place to adjust the atmosphere. Yihong stood up,

"Okay, Qiao Xun, I'm going back, and you have to do business."

"I don't want to. You are the only one who can find me."

"You have also become sentimental. The former Qiao Xun was not like this. What about your selfishness? What about your arrogance and arrogance?" Yihong tsk tsk, "I still prefer your rebellious look."

"Haha, then I'm afraid you won't be able to see it in the future."

"there's one more thing……"


"Do you remember the 'Butcher' in Black Leather?"

"Remember. The woman who killed me."

Yihong put her posture very low,

"I'm sorry for what she did to you in the past, but I hope you understand that she is a person who lacks ego, just obeys orders, and has no subjective malice towards you. If... Later, she meets you and also Please... let her go, just keep her alive."

Qiao Xun was a little surprised,

"She... who is you?"

"She is an orphan I picked up and raised by me."

"A mother-daughter relationship."

"I don't accept that claim."


"A lot!"

"what is her name?"


"What about the last name?"

"No last name."

Qiao Xun was silent for a while, looking at Yihong's low profile, with some emotion in his heart. He really never thought that someone like Yihong would still have such a thing in his heart.

"You saved me once. I promise you this."

"Thank you... thank you."

"You haven't said this word for a long time, it's not easy to say it."

"I don't remember~www.readwn.com~ Okay."

"Qiao Xun, you know how to find the root of the world."


"Then I have nothing to say. Time to go."

Qiao Xun asked with a smile,

"Don't you wish me something?"

"wishing you good health."

After Yihong finished speaking, she crossed the limited boundary of the fragmented world and left.

Qiao Xun looked at the empty and lonely deep space and left.

He has specific goals.

Eliminating a person's loneliness with a non-stop journey may be the only thing that can be done.

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