Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 3: The Ring of Truth and the Cloud

Latest URL: Somewhere in the void in the finite world.

Qiao Xun is in a state between "abstract" and "concrete". There is a concrete state of substance, but it is as abstract as space. So he can easily stand in the gap between the voids unscathed. For ordinary matter, it has long been impacted into a particle state by the turbulent flow of various mixed forces that fill the void.

After a long absence, he checked the world sand table in his consciousness.

Since leaving the sea train, he has not paid attention to the world sand table. On the one hand, it is because he cannot use its power, and on the other hand, he has no sense of existence for him. I didn't even know what it was doing before.

After becoming a god, it was only after Yihong said this that he understood the meaning of the world sand table.

The world sand table itself is essentially a core of the world condensed into ideology. As long as there is sufficient matter and energy, it can be transformed into a world. However, such a world belongs to a blank piece of paper, and needs other laws to support it in order to form a "world" in the true sense, rather than a cosmic floating object occupying space.

"Twenty-four world roots..."

["day" sun

"Night" Moon

"Cosmic" stars (missing)

"Land of Life" Earth (missing)

"Life" tree

"Country" Walls

"Sport" wheels

"Still" mountain (missing)

"thinking" people

"quantity" 0

"Competition" musket

"food" plate

"knowledge" book

"trade" shells

"Faith" Cross

"Survival" Building

"Collect" boxes

"Weather" cloud (missing)

"Progress" flame

"Reign" throne (missing)

"Agricultural" sickle

"Industrial" Hammer

Code of "rules"

"God" light (missing)]

The twenty-four roots of the world, and the patterns they represent are presented in Qiao Xun's consciousness. Through these patterns, he can feel the laws and powers possessed by the roots of each world. This power is not the substantive power of rune power, creativity, dominance, etc., but a conceptual power. It cannot be manifested alone, it must be expressed in a specific way,

That is, to be part of the world.

At present, there is still a lack of the roots of the six worlds, which are:

"Universe" stars, "Land of life" Earth, "Still" mountains, "Weather" clouds, "Reign" throne and "God" light.

When the world sand table first arrived, it lacked the roots of the eight worlds. While in Japan, the "books" of knowledge were collected, and the "rules" of the law were collected on the sea train.

What's more interesting is that the corresponding pattern of "Land of Life" is obviously the earth, but it is not on the earth. He is clear about this.

And to say... the root of the world in the sand table of this world is somewhat similar to the current earth.

So, Qiao Xun couldn't help but wonder, could this world sand table be related to the world the earth is in? In other words, whether the world the earth is in was created with such a world sand table.

If you want to know this, you may have to start with the Ace of Spades "World" in black leather.

"You should ask Yihong more about the black leather and the world sand table..."

But forget it, let's go step by step.

Qiao Xun felt the missing six roots of the world one by one, understood them, and then looked for the breath they left in the void.

Feel it quietly.

There is no concept of time in the gap in the void. His current state is static compared to the finite worlds outside the gap. Whenever he enters other worlds, it is the next moment relative to the last time he left the finite world.

So, he has enough energy to feel it slowly.

Don't worry about shaking your head, the finite world has passed hundreds of thousands of years.

The breath of each finite world escaping into the void is very huge. Joe tours dismantling and feeling one by one.

For him, I don't know how long has passed, and finally, at a certain moment, he opened his eyes.

The eyes that were as deep as the deep space flickered with light.

"Found it, 'weather'."

The "weather", the root of the world, cloud, was finally felt by him, in the mixed existence of numerous limited worlds.

He set his sights on the world where "weather" existed.

The thick world barriers have already shown that this world is a very high-level mythical world.

It is one of the five core mythical worlds.

At the same time, he also felt "steam" and "smoke" in the existence that escaped from this world.

Such a thick world wall... this kind of existence...

There is only one world that Qiao Xun knows that fits—

"The World of Steam and Machinery",

Ring of Truth.

He remembered one thing. Lu Xianyi's mother, Ms. An Yang, went to the Ring of Truth after she left Earth last time. She said she was going to find the conductor No. 1 of the sea train.

"Maybe there is a chance to meet..."

Then, he put away his thoughts and went to the ring of truth.

At the same time, he is very clear about the identity of his demon. A demon, breaking through the barriers of the world into a powerful mythical world. Just stating it, without giving any reason or reason, is already a very serious matter.

But... this is not the earth, Qiao Xun doesn't care that much.

At the world barrier on the limited boundary of the ring of truth, he concentrated the power of the devil and launched a swift and violent attack. A gray-white gleam flashed across the world barrier, like layers of ripples caused by a stone entering the water. There are no surprises. The world's barriers to this point collapsed at the touch of a button.

It's not that it's not hard enough, but the power of the devil... It's really incomprehensible. cannot be prevented.

World barriers open. Qiao Xun saw the appearance of the Ring of Truth.

Unlike the finite boundaries of general world chaos. The limited boundary of the truth ring world is very stable, there is no shining cosmic rain, and there is no violent cosmic storm. There are only stars that move according to fixed orbits.

Through a long distance, Qiao Xun saw the place of life in the ring of truth world - the ring of truth.

Without hesitation, he stepped into it.

Subsequently, the World Barrier was restored.


ring of truth,

The second ring outside the core. Graham District, Hayflands Bonfire Education Institute.

The announcement sounded in the steel-cast teaching building,

"Good afternoon, teachers and classmates. I'm Angore Flammin, the safety commissioner of the Bonfire Institute of High Frans. School is about half an hour away. Please allow me to occupy some of your time on the radio. Early morning last night. After two o'clock, the fifth ring outside the core monitored an abnormal response from the deep space of the universe, and there may be a situation where waste stars fall, and there may be high-energy fragments falling to the second ring outside the core where we are. The school decided to leave school for a while Time until the fifth ring clears the alarm. Please don't go out as much as possible when you get home from school, and be sure to bring a reflection umbrella when you go out.

As above, I wish you every day without any threat. The bonfire **** blesses us. "

Immediately, the school bell rang through the Education Institute. The entire education institute became "lively" all of a sudden.

In response to the broadcast just now by the Chairman of the Safety Committee, everyone discussed it with high spirits.

But for Coles, it's just about the same thing as "there is a history class tomorrow, you can skip class". What waste star has fallen, what high-energy debris... Does it have anything to do with the second ring of the core? That is the fifth and fourth ring to worry about.

He took his textbook and hurriedly left the teaching building.

After a while, a shout came from behind him:


The moment he heard the voice, Coles' brow immediately showed a hint of impatience. But when he turned around, he still had a smile on his face.

"Elsa, what's wrong?"

Elsa is a lovely girl with long brown chestnut hair. The blue-green pupil color and the even and symmetrical small freckles on both sides of the bridge of the nose are the direct expression of her cuteness.

"Coles, are you going home?"

"Where can I go if I don't go home? And the chairman of the safety committee also said that if it's not necessary, stay at home as much as possible."

Elsa rolled her fingers through the hair that fell on her chest and opened her eyes slightly.

"The school of education finally put it back on vacation, and just went home like this. Would it be... too much like a good child?"

Coles tapped the book cover impatiently with his fingers,

"It's best not to run around. I didn't bring a reflex umbrella when I went out today, and I'm done for being hit by high-energy debris."

"I brought it." Elsa said, reaching into her shoulder bag to find it.

Coles said:

"An umbrella is just enough—"

He said, froze.

Because he saw Elsa take out two reflex umbrellas from her shoulder bag.

Elsa looked at Coles with a smile,

"Two oh!"

Coles complained in his heart, who has nothing to go out with two reflection umbrellas! Elsa really has you, as expected of you!

At this point, Coles has no room for rejection. Unless he admits that he just wants to be a good boy, listen to the chairman of the safety committee and go home immediately after school.

But this is impossible!

No adolescent young man is willing to admit that he is an obedient and honest baby.

"Okay Elsa, let's go back later..."

"Here, a reflector!" Elsa happily handed Coles a blue reflector.

Coles took the umbrella and looked at the handle of the umbrella,

"It's Blazer's umbrella, Elsa, you are so willing."

"I only have Blazer's umbrella at home."

"Well, it's poverty that limits my imagination. However, Elsa, although I agreed to stay with you for a while, it's up to me where to go."

Elsa nodded vigorously,

"no problem!"

She smiled contentedly.

For Elsa, it doesn't matter where you go, it matters who you hang out with. With Coles...you can go anywhere, even at home.

"Will there be any problems at home?"

"There will be no problem. I told the housekeeper before going to school in the morning. I have an experiment in the evening and I need to stay at school for two more hours."

"Elsa...you really..."

"What's wrong?"

"Forget it, nothing."

Coles tucked his textbook under his arm and strode forward.

Elsa, with a small step, followed in a hurry.

"Coles...slow down..."

"Elsa, Core Bloat isn't waiting for you."

"What does it have to do with it?"

"As a person in the second ring, we are born with the responsibility of solving core swelling. Although we are still young, it is related to our future!"

"Coles, you're thinking too far. The assignment of responsibilities won't happen until you're eighteen. We're only fourteen."

"Only four years, four years! It's just the time to abandon a circle around the core."

"Abandonment rings have nothing to do with us."

"Of course, the premise is that you don't become a waste."

"How come, the Norman family has never been a waste person."

"...Well, forget that your family is a powerful class."

Coles thought of this and walked faster. Elsa followed, gasping for breath.

The dark-gray streets are full of long, straight white lines. They kept turning left and right along the white line and entered the orbital section.

In the track section, the signs of different areas are hung on their respective tracks.

"Coles, where are we going?"

Coles looked at the zone signs and said:

"First Steam Power District in Giles."

"The steam-powered zone...where to do what? It doesn't seem like a good place to play."

"Elsa, I'm not here to play. I'm here anyway, so I'll make it clear. Going to the Campfire Academy is a stupid thing in my opinion, and praying to the Bonfire God every day is the stupidest thing. And Elsa, you... well, Elsa, you're cute, and you don't discriminate against me as someone from the fourth ring like other children of power. But Elsa, I'm going to work hard, work hard to change my family. I'm not as rich as you are, I just need to move on, the family has everything ready for you. But I can't. What the Campfire Academy can learn will only make me a person who works for your dignitaries, and can't change me and my family."

Elsa looked at Coles with her mouth open,

"As expected of Coles, he has already thought so much."

Looking at her appearance, Coles understood that this was because he didn't understand his words at all.

"Alas, Elsa. We may not be suitable friends. In fact, if you hadn't taken the initiative to associate with me, we would have been strangers."

Elsa pulled her hair together and said,

"That's why I took the initiative."

"Elsa, you are too innocent."

"Okay. But what are we going to do in the Steam Power Zone?"

Coles was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. In the end, it's not the same thought at all. He had to give up the idea of ​​persuading Elsa and said helplessly:

"I'm going to study."

"Study! Go to study after school! It's more than going straight home."

"Whatever you want, you don't have to go if you don't want to."

After Coles finished speaking, he entered the orbital section of Gilles' first steam power zone.

"I go!"

Elsa, like a small tail, followed closely behind Coles.

After they disappeared into the depths of the track section ~www.readwn.com~ behind, the figure of Qiao Xun emerged from the steel poured wall.

He looked at the track leading to the first steam power zone of Gilles and narrowed his eyes slightly.

After entering the ring of truth, he did not directly find the "weather" cloud.

But he was certain that "weather" was indeed in the ring of truth. But unlike the way of existence he observed outside the barriers of the world, it is not an abstract concept that exists in the nodes of reality like a book of "knowledge" or a tome of "rules".

"Weather" exists in a very special way. Not at a real node, but in... the future.

In other words, it has not appeared at the current time node. But after he made an insightful speculation on the ring of truth, he found that the "weather" would most likely appear because of the boy just now.

Followed the boy all the way, after repeated speculation, he was more sure of this.

Without hesitation, Qiao Xun entered the same orbital interval.

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