Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 4: science is heresy

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The Ring of Truth is a very interesting world. Compared to Qiao Xun's cognition on Earth, this is indeed the case.

The Life Land of the Ring of Truth is essentially a spherical planet like Earth. However, life here does not live on planets, but on rings of satellites that slowly rotate around the planet. The large and small satellites in the satellite ring, under the constraint of a certain force, firmly rotate according to the established, and at the same time, the strong constraint keeps them in a relatively static state with each other.

And the "human beings" living here have built city-states on this satellite ring.

The satellite ring is divided into six regions.

The first ring of the core, the second ring... until the fifth ring, and the outermost abandoned ring.

The six rings are not on the same plane, but staggered relative to the central planet. Therefore, standing on one ring can see the light of other rings in the sky. Especially when night falls, strips of light crisscross the sky and rotate slowly. It's like standing on the earth and seeing the Milky Way with your own eyes.

The technological direction of the Ring of Truth is similar to that of Earth, but it is completely different.

They only experienced the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution, and then the direction of science and technology merged with the direction of mystery, and gradually became the current civilization of "technology and mystery". There is no information revolution.

Here, you can see trains driven by strange forces, and you can hear the roar of steam all day long... Towering steam power towers are evenly distributed in every area on the ring belt, providing the necessities of survival and living. energy.

And the main energy that drives those steam power towers comes from the central planet——

A hot, heavy planet. Or small stars.

The environment and conditions of the central planet are completely unsuitable for survival. But in Qiao Xun's insight, this planet was once a standard planet-level life place like the earth.

After experiencing something... it evolved into this appearance. And the humans on the planet had to move to the satellite ring.

As for what...

Qiao Xun encountered obstacles in the process of trying to gain insight. Someone has dusted off this past...don't want to be touched by others.

And, this man is very powerful. The means he left behind made it impossible for Qiao Xun to complete the insight in a short time.

He didn't want to waste time on this kind of indeterminate matter. After all, in a finite world now, time is passing. Moreover, in his calculation, the time of the ring of truth is 1:1.8 with the earth. A year has passed here, and the earth has passed 1.8 years.

Unlike in the void, there is no need to worry about the passage of time.

Find the "weather" first, collect the roots of the world, and create your own world. After that, it's not too late to learn about other things.

After leaving the track section, Qiao Xun stood on a dark street.

The road in the middle of the street is paved with four tram tracks. The tram running on the track not too fast or not slowly rings the bell every time it passes a certain distance, reminding the passengers to arrive at the station.

Qiao Xun followed Coles and Elsa onto a tram. They were sitting in the back row of the tram, and Elsa kept talking, but Coles just responded indifferently. Qiao Xun sat in the row in front of them.

He was wearing a detective hat and a gray coat. This kind of dress is the most common dress here, and it will not attract any attention when walking on the street.

As for boys and girls, no matter how much you talk about it, it's family, study and love.

Elsa buzzes around Coles like a bee. Although Coles was impatient, he did a good job on the surface and kept coping.

Until the tram traveled four stops and reached the destination, Coles got up and took a stride forward.


Elsa reacted and hurried to catch up.

When passing by Qiao Xun's position, the shoulder bag swung and hit Qiao Xun's shoulder all at once.

Elsa quickly regained her senses and bent over to apologize.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry!"

When she looked up and saw Qiao Xun's face, she was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously muttered:


After muttering, she regained her senses and quickly chased out.

Then, Qiao Xun got up and followed behind.


On the ring of truth, with black hair, brown eyes, and yellow skin, he is a crippled person who has lost the "nature of truth". Of course, this has nothing to do with race. Any race that loses the nature of truth will become like this. Here, there is no native yellow race.

Qiao Xun did not deliberately conceal his cognitive characteristics.

He didn't mind his status as a "crippled person".

Because "criminals" have no threat, no one will care what a "cript" is doing. On the road, they are as transparent as air.

After getting off the tram, Qiao Xun looked up at the sky.

It is already evening. The beautiful ring is reflected in the sky, and the gorgeous light flashes constantly. And in the higher sky, is a glowing yellow-white star.

That is the central planet of the Ring of Truth. The energy cores and confinement points of several rings.

He looked at the dark deep space and calculated silently,

"There's still an hour."

I didn't stay on the street for a long time. He found the footprints of the two of Coles and followed.

They entered a place called "Boiler Road".

The pot channel is located in the underground hollow section of the first steam power zone of Gilles.

After going down a stairway with about a hundred steps, that's it.

As soon as I walked in, I immediately felt the heat and humidity. Like a steamer.

The fact is also true, the pot is a large steamer. The boiler road is a road about two kilometers long. There are huge boilers on both sides of the road. The boilers burn with flames all day long, making the water in the boilers hot, and the steam is sent to other places along the pipes above. place.

The combination of fire and water is naturally damp and hot.

Ahead, after Elsa walked down the big stairs, her forehead was already dripping with sweat, with strands of hair sticking to her forehead and face. There was also a lot of blush on his face, showing a girlish demeanor. She kept fanning with her hands and asked:

"Coles, haven't you arrived yet? It's so hot here."

Coles said,

"Elsa, you'd better go back. This place is not suitable for a young lady like you."

"You can do it, why can't I!"

"Then you'd better not complain about leaving later."

"Will not!"

After the two walked to the boiler path, Coles walked straight to a boiler. There is a public number on it - "Thirty-two".

Boiler No. 32 was Coles' destination.

After getting outside the boiler, Coles first straightened his clothes, then moistened his throat before knocking on the door and shouting:

"Mr. Boglo!"

"Is it Coles?" A hoarse voice came from inside.

"it's me."

"Come in directly, the door is reserved for you."


Coles' tone was a little excited. In his view, Mr. Boglo kept him out of trust.

"Coles, who's inside?"

"Elsa, don't talk nonsense later."

"All right."

Coles pushed open the heavy boiler iron door.

The inside of the boiler was not as hot and humid as the outside, and the refreshing circulating wind was blowing, which immediately made Elsa, who was suffering, feel relaxed and happy.

is a good place.

The space inside the No. 32 boiler is not large, about the size of three boilers.

What caught Elsa's eyes were all kinds of strange things, and many books. These items and books are neatly arranged on the shelves. On the wall, there are many wires of the same thickness and different colors, which look like wires.

She soon found out where the refreshing circulating air came from. That's... a rectangular... box hanging on the wall?

A cool wind blows from inside, and a relatively large turbofan hangs on the opposite side of the box. Turbofans send cool air to every corner of the room.

What is that...it's amazing. Elsa is curious about the box that blows cool air. She is a noble lady and has a lot of knowledge... but she has never seen or even heard of something like this. It stands to reason that if it is so easy to use, it should have become popular in various rings.

Deep down, a man with very...explosive hair was bowing his head on the workbench, doing something seriously. The workbench was littered with all kinds of tools that Elsa had never seen before.

"Mr. Boglo!"

Coles waved happily.

Boglo turned his back to them,

"Sit down first, I'll be fine right here."


The two sat down. Elsa whispered next to Coles:

"Coles, who is he?"

"Humph, he is my mentor...Although I only think it unilaterally. But I believe that I will become his student sooner or later."

"Wow, is it so powerful!"

Elsa was surprised. She knew very well that Coles was one of the best students in the Campfire Education Institute, and she didn't know how many campfire priests wanted to accept him as a student and teach him the secret techniques of campfire. But he refused.

She didn't expect that there would be someone who Coles wanted to take the initiative to apprentice. Moreover, the other party does not seem to agree.

A few minutes later, the man on the workbench stood up, braced himself, twisted his neck, and turned around. He saw Elsa next to Coles at a glance, the smile on his face subsided slightly,

"Coles, is this your friend?"

"Well... She has to come with me."

Elsa stood up and bowed politely,

"Mr. Boglo, good evening."

Borglo picked up a towel and asked:

"A member of the Norn family?"


Boglo nodded and said nothing. He looked at Coles, smiled slightly,

"Little guy, you are really persevering."

Coles blushed,

"Mr. Boglo, I really want to be your student!"

"Let's not talk about that. Little guy, come and see my new work."

Coles ran over excitedly.

He saw a black machine nearly five meters long, one meter high, and two meters wide on the workbench. There are various precise and small parts on the machine, and a lot of external wires are connected.

"What is this? Mr. Boglo."

"Something that can do automatic calculations."

"Automatic calculation?"

"You come here."

Boglow takes Coles to the end of the machine. While manipulating various switches, he said:

"Coles, what is 5442 plus 1233?"

Coles blurted out,


"What about multiplication?"

Coles did some mental calculations, and then replied:


Boglo was stunned for a while, then smiled and said:

"Four-digit multiplication is nothing to you. Well, yes."

After speaking, he pressed the switch.

The machine immediately made a rattling sound, and about five seconds later, Boglo took Coles to the other end,

"Coles, look. Is it the same as yours?"

On the other end, several metal figures appeared.

"It's really the same."

"This is an automatic computing machine."

Coles was puzzled,

"But... what's the use of this? You can do it with your head or with a pen. Is such a big machine just for calculation?"

"Coles. It's not difficult to multiply four digits, but what about five, six, seven...a dozen digits?"

"That's really hard to calculate."

"But this machine can calculate it very quickly."

"Can such a large number work?"


Coles was skeptical.

Boglow quickly gave Coles a demonstration of multiplying ten-digit numbers.

After seeing the answer, he calculated it with a pen. is correct.

Coles was shocked,

"How did you do it?"

"The charm of automatic calculation."

"However, Mr. Boglo... It will be faster to use the power of 'the nature of truth'. Don't those great mathematicians do this?"

When Boglo heard this, his eyes dimmed slightly.

"But, Coles. When natural science has nothing to do with ordinary people, it is no longer natural science. To be a great mathematician, a great astronomer, there must be 'the nature of truth'... 'the nature of truth' 'Divided the crowd and cut off the dreams of countless people. I always thought, if... there is a way to allow people who do not have the 'sex of truth', or who are not enough, to freely choose their own life, then How wonderful... Now, the automatic computing machine is not good enough, but I believe that it will become very great in the future! It will definitely change our world! Let the exploration of the world and the universe no longer be about having a high-profile 'truth' ' exclusive to people. Each of us, each of us, can feel the world and the universe!"

Coles' eyes were burning and his heart was surging. It was Boglo's great ideal that deeply attracted him.

As an ordinary person from the fourth ring, he is very aware of how humble and miserable they are compared to those who were born with a high-profile "truth".

"Mr. Boglo, I believe you can do it!"

Boglo smiled slightly,

"Kors. I can't do it alone. The future needs many people to create together. Would you like to join me?"

Coles was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"I... I want to!"

"Then, Coles, from now on, you will be my student."

"Thank you, Mr. Boglo!" Coles bowed again and again.

"It's time to call the teacher."


Borglo was enthusiastic about introducing Coles to his automatic computing machine and his vision for the machine's future.

Coles was fascinated.

The two completely ignored Elsa's existence.

But... Elsa didn't complain. Rarely did she see Coles so engrossed in something. Since Coles likes it, she doesn't care. She silently and curiously studied other gadgets, then flipped through Borglo's notes and the like.

Gradually, she watched and frowned. She put down these notes and looked at the two who were very engaged in chatting, with some worry on her brows.

After a while, Elsa looked at the time and said to Coles:

"Coles, I should go back!"

Coles beckoned,

"You go back first."

Elsa pouted,

"Coles, you should be a gentleman. You can't leave your girlfriend alone."

"Oh, Elsa, you have to come with me." Coles muttered.

Boglo said with a smile,

"Coles. Don't make your friends sad. Believe me, the road to success is inseparable from the support of friends, and they are still such good friends."

He leaned down and whispered to Coles:

"Kors, scientific research requires not only wisdom and diligence, but also financial support. Elsa will help you, and don't let her get lost."

Coles pursed his lips,

"All right."

He turned to Elsa and said,

"Come on, I'll take you back."

Elsa immediately smiled.

After saying goodbye reluctantly, Coles left with Elsa.


Qiao Xun leaned his back against the wall of boiler No. 32~www.readwn.com~ and lowered his head. The brim of the detective hat covers his face.

He watched the boys and girls leave.

"Automated computing machines... are we about to usher in the information revolution?"

But after a while, he saw a line of people in special uniforms coming down the big steps and going straight to the boiler room No. 32, without knocking on the door, they broke in directly.

Borglo's angry roar quickly came from the boiler room,

"Stop, you bastards! My science, my research, stop me!"

The yelling didn't last long.

Soon, Qiao Xun saw that the person who had just entered dragged Boglo's limp body out.

Comes and goes, no one cares about him as a "crippled person".

He looked at the mist shrouded under the incandescent lamp and whispered to himself:

"Science is heresy."

After the group took Boglo.

A huge roar came from the upper floor, one after another. Accompanied by the pouring of huge energy, it even spread to the hollow section.

It is caused by high-energy fragments falling on the second ring of the core.

Of course, Xun Qiao knew where these high-energy fragments came from—

The place where he entered the world of the ring of truth. The world barrier is destroyed, and there will naturally be a void storm blowing into the world, causing the destruction of the peripheral forms. The debris generated after the destruction will be pulled by the huge binding force of the central planet.

Of course he knew. Soon someone on the ring of truth will discover:

Someone broke into their world uninvited. chaptere

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