Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 6: truth constraint

Nigel was wearing glasses, leaning over the desk, holding a copy of the Boiler News in his hand, and was watching with relish.

Qiao Xun and An Yang sat on the sofa opposite him.

There is an old man's breath in this room, which is not unpleasant, but it does make people feel a faint pessimism. Perhaps it is the resonance of life and death in the subconscious of life.

"Mr. Nigel, have you eaten dinner?" An Yang asked.

"Dinner. Oh, it seems like it's time for dinner." Nigel reacted slowly, and after a while, he realized that he didn't have dinner.

"Where's Lady Marianne? Didn't she come to cook dinner for you?"

"Marianne, is that the little girl who lives across the street?"

Anyang shook his head,

"Mr. Nigel, there is a river across from your house and no one lives there. Miss Marianne is your maid. A maid to help you take care of your personal life."

"Is there such a person?"

"Ah." An Yang sighed and said nothing.

She didn't bother about "eating or not eating". Nigel is a **** after all, even if he is confused, he will not have any problem with hunger.

She looked at Qiao Xun,

"As you can see, Mr. Nigel is in this state now. When I was on Earth, I was a little puzzled, why the sea train traveled aimlessly and kept going in circles at sea. I tried to contact the No. 1 train captain and couldn't get in touch. When I came here to take a look, I found that he had enclosed himself in this nested world."

"Avoiding something? He's emotionally unstable."

From Qiao Xun's point of view, although Litton Nigel just sat quietly reading the newspaper, his consciousness mapping was very turbulent and confusing. Various emotions are intertwined to form very complex emotional complexes. So that Qiao Xun could not accurately capture his inner dynamics through "lust".

"The winter of consciousness... Probably the supreme gods like them will experience it. After all, they are already standing on a limited boundary, and they may fall directly into nothingness if they are not careful. Mr. Nigel's winter of consciousness... ...it's hard to say what exactly."

"As the giver of mechanical perception, he can be regarded as the first **** of the truth ring world. After all, the core strength of the truth ring world is mechanical perception."


"In this way, it can be regarded as witnessing the changes in the world of the ring of truth."


"Will it have something to do with the truth ring world itself? The nested world mapped by his consciousness is very similar to the civilized cities on Earth after the second industrial revolution."

Anyang nodded,

"Actually, I have carefully analyzed the truth ring. The truth ring should be regarded as the most similar to the earth among the many mythical worlds I have seen and heard of. They all have a common evolutionary route. However, the truth ring world... not Like the earth, it can complete the last piece of the puzzle of technological change."

"the Internet?"

"Yes. The link of information interaction is missing. As a result, the Ring of Truth World has not changed much for a long time. Technological development is only an addition to the Ring of Truth World, and it is essentially a great dynasty of divine magic. You should I have also understood that 'the nature of truth' has become a person's rank label here. The so-called 'sex of truth' is nothing but an adaptation measure to the mechanical perception of the core power. The mechanical perception can be regarded as... magic. "

"If that's the case, why do you have the name "Mechanical Comprehension"?"

"That's a question for Mr. Nigel. Perhaps for him, industrial technology attached to natural science is more desirable." Anyang said, "I have often visited him during my time in this nested world. Almost every time, he holds a copy of "Boiler Newspaper" in his hand. I seem to have told you that thing before. It is a completely independent newspaper in the world of truth circles, and it does not publish any nonsense about God, belief, mechanical perception, etc. It exists naturally and only publishes content such as industrial technology and natural principles.”

"Listen to you, Nigel himself yearns for natural science more than divine magic?"


"However, the outer ring of truth is a world dominated by divine magic."

"I'm actually very puzzled. With Mr. Nigel's identity and ability, it is completely possible to change this situation and encourage the development of natural science and divine magic. But he doesn't seem to do so. Now he is in the winter of consciousness, and he can't. Ask about these things."

Qiao Xun thought for a moment and then asked:

"Do you think that natural science and divine magic can really develop together?"

"I think it can."

"Before leaving the earth, I made one last insight into the earth. Since the age of evolution, the earth has entered a state of technological stagnation. Most scientific research focuses on 'pollution and evolution'. However, This kind of research does nothing to improve the living conditions of human beings. I cannot but predict that once the earth has a native god, it will no longer be technological stagnation, but stagnation.”

An Yang thought about it for a while,

"Do you think the earth might become a second ring of truth?"

"If the divine gift system of the earth is fully formed, this possibility cannot be ruled out."

An Yang looked at Nigel and whispered:

"Thinking about it this way. Mr. Nigel, as the first god, may be the source of changing the ring of truth."


"The only question is why Mr. Nigel didn't try to change again. Maybe the ring of truth will go through a period of pain, but...for a world, the scale is not large."

"Ms. Anyang. You have overlooked one thing. There are many gods in the ring of truth, and not every **** wants to change. Besides... the conditions of the ring of truth do not support it."

"I understand that the gods are not single-minded, but the conditions of the truth ring are not supported. What does it mean?"

"Ms. Anyang should understand that the Ring of Truth didn't start out like this. Its original place of life was the central planet."

Anyang nodded,

"I know that. After the war of God's calendar, the core of the central planet changed drastically, and the surface was no longer suitable for survival, so it gradually evolved into this."

Qiao Xun smiled without saying a word.

An Yang frowned slightly. She thought that Qiao Xun might know something. But since the other party does not choose to speak, there is no need to ask more.

The two chatted with Nigel for a while.

But Nigel, who was in the cold winter of consciousness, couldn't say anything useful.

Qiao Xun didn't stay any longer and left here.

An Yang continued to stay. She had to wait for Nigel to get through the winter of consciousness, so that she could solve his puzzles as soon as possible.


ring of truth,

The second extranuclear ring. The second ring under the continuous bombardment of high-energy fragments was damaged in many places. However, it is not serious. After all, as a ring of aristocrats gathering a large number of nobles, it is impossible for the protection measures to stop the bombardment of a round of high-energy fragments.

Although the damage is not serious, it still greatly affects people's lives.

Because of the large number of high-energy fragments, it is difficult to calculate the trajectory, and it is not easy to avoid it in advance. So everyone had to stay at home. After all, all the buildings in the second ring are constructed in a special way, so they are strong and resistant to the energy of reflecting high-energy fragments blasted.

The same is true of the principle of the reflector.

At this time, you must wear a reflector when going out to resist high-energy debris.

Down Town Drain Town of Dooms.

Four figures in grey hooded robes emerged from the orbital section. Unlike the sparse pedestrians in the town, they didn't hold a reflective umbrella at all, and they couldn't see any equipment on their bodies to resist high-energy debris. The four of them folded their hands and walked towards a certain direction in Drainage Town without looking sideways.

Those with sharp eyes recognized them as occult priests who believed in the "Goddess of Prayer".

The closed priest does not communicate with anyone else, only serves the goddess of prayer, and acts according to the will of the goddess of prayer.

But what kind of wind blows these noble priests?

You know, Drainage Town is one of the few civilian areas in the Second Ring. On weekdays, even sheriffs rarely come here. This kind of priest is even rarer among rare.

The curious person opened the window of his house, stuck his head out and looked carefully at the four closed priests.

I saw that they stopped in front of a house after walking for a while in the town.

The number plate by the door of the house reads:

"House of Antoine".

Coles Antoine's home.

The headed occlusion priest put his palm on the door and opened it with a slight push.

Inside, Coles, who was obsessed with the work notes sent to him by Mr. Boglo, hadn't noticed it. He read the work notes over and over again and kept writing something with his pen.

Until the blocking priest came to him. Only then did he react, raised his head and looked at the four in confusion,

"who are you?"

The headed occult priests have a face hidden in the shadows, and they generally do not show their faces to the world. Face is a label. Block priests who serve the goddess of prayer should have no other labels.

"Coles Antoine."

"It's me, who are you?"

"We are occlusion priests."

"The closed priest... the closed priest under the prayer goddess?"


"Is there a problem?"

"Coles Antoine, please come with us."

"Why?" Coles felt that something was wrong. He looked at the four warily.

The faces of the four were hidden in the shadows, giving him enormous pressure.

"Coles Antoine, you have violated the constraints of truth."

"What is the truth constraint, I have never heard of it!"

The headed occlusion priest did not explain, and the palm of his right hand turned towards Coles.

Coles felt tired like a tidal wave and slumped uncontrollably on the table.

Afterwards, the occlusion priest erected him and left here.

When the residents of Drainage Town saw that the Occlusion Priest took away the unconscious Coles, they immediately talked about it.

"What happened to Coles? It doesn't look like he was taken away willingly."

"Who knows, this kid Coles is usually quite honest, he doesn't look like a bad boy."

"What bad things did you do to invite the occlusion priest. Isn't the occlusion priest usually dealing with other gods?"

"The occlusion priests have always been low-key and mysterious. If Coles made a mistake and fell on them, I'm afraid there will be no good results."


Viola Church District.

The confused Coles woke up faintly under a warm light. He gradually narrowed his eyes and looked forward.

He realized that he was in a church. Sitting on a special chair, the armrests of the chairs are engraved with strange and beautiful patterns, and light constantly flashes between the patterns.

He struggled to get up, but was shocked to find that he couldn't move at all, an invisible force firmly controlled him on the chair.

Then, he looked to both sides, and immediately found that there was a chair next to him, and on it... the teacher he just had, Mr. Boglo, was sitting.

"Teacher, teacher!" Coles exclaimed.

Boglo's drooping head moved slowly, then lifted it up, taking a deep breath,

"You stop me!"

Afterwards, he recovered from the convulsion, and when he saw his situation, his face immediately turned pale. He already knew what awaited him.


Boglo turned around and saw Coles, his expression became even more desperate.

"Teacher, what's going on?" Coles asked nervously.

Boglo said with a wry smile:

"I'm sorry Coles, I'm sorry... I hurt you."

"Teacher, what happened?"

"The truth is bound... the truth is bound..." Boglo kept saying with a miserable smile.

"What is the constraint of truth? The closed priest who took me away before said so." Coles asked anxiously.

Boglo throat rolling,

"Coles, you must defend yourself later! Remember, for sure!"

Coles was dazed and nervous,

"What's the matter...what's the excuse?"

"I forced you from beginning to end, you are involuntarily! I forced you to be my student!"

"but I--"

"Coles! Be sure to do what I say!" Boglo roared like a beast.

Coles was startled and nodded quickly.

Then Boglo lowered his head feebly, as if awaiting the final judgment.

A book of light fell directly in front of the church. Then, the female priest in white came out of the darkness and sat in the light. she

Sitting upright, looking at Coles and Boglo seriously.

After a while, she turned the page in front of her,

"Chapter of Sin: Article 12 of the third book, those who violate the restraint of the truth, wash away the nature of the truth, and give up the ring."

After the announcement, she closed the page and said to the two of them:

"From now on, wash away the truth of Coles Antoine and Boglo Bale, notify the social resettlement of the ring district that they have become invalids, immediately send them to the waste ring, mark them with special marks, and never leave the waste ring."

As soon as the voice fell, the light faded away, and the female priest disappeared along with it.

Immediately afterwards, four knights walked in from outside the church, and they were about to leave after escorting them.

The process is very simple and fast.

So much so that after Boglo reacted, he scolded hoarsely:

"Justification, repentance, and atonement! This does not meet the rules, it does not meet the rules! You are abusing the chapter! This sentence is unreasonable, I don't accept it, I don't accept it!"

Coles was too nervous to speak.

He had absolutely no idea what was going on, his life had completely changed in one day...

He doesn't know what sin is, nor does he understand truth constraints~www.readwn.com~ but he only knows that he will become a "crippled person", be exiled to the abandonment ring, and never leave!

"Never leave" was like a knife in his throat, leaving him breathless.

Even if it's a waste, even if it's a waste! There is no such label either.

This label is meant to punish the most wicked people!

Coles didn't understand, what heinous thing he had done.

"I don't accept it! You... You have violated the will of the Lord of the Machine Sensation Giver, and you have betrayed the truth!"

Bogluo's hoarse roar echoed in the church for a long time.

Until the door of the church was closed and covered in darkness.

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