Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 7: boundary point

The second outer ring belt, the Viola church district.

Outside the cathedral, Xun Qiao stood on the other side of the street, watching the knights **** Coles and Boglo to the special line tram.

What awaits them will be a journey of no return.

Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow morning, they'll go to the outermost abandoned ring via the Ring-Belt Space Train. The Abandoned Ring is the ring with the largest temperature difference between day and night, the most barren resources, the most earthquake disasters and astronomical disasters, and the most complex human race distribution on the entire Ring of Truth.

As an abandoned ring belt, the ring government has already stopped its development and maintenance, allowing it to rotate on a fixed track, acting as a "garbage storage station" and a "protective layer".

The most desperate thing for the people there is that there is no way to communicate with other loops on the discarded loops.

Like a dangerous open prison.

It is conceivable what kind of fate awaits the two of Coles.

Qiao Xun witnessed all this. But he didn't try to make any changes.

He knew very well that it would be easy for him to change their fate. But, once the roulette of fate starts to turn, once the "appointed world line" starts to bend...everything connected to Coles and Boglo will change. The "weather" clouds he originally speculated will also change along with it.

Doing nothing and waiting for the "weather" to appear is the best option.

Although everything in the finite world can be calculated, without Coles, you can still find another world line of "weather". But since the fastest and most convenient world line is in front of him, Qiao Xun will not try to make it difficult for himself. He still has five other world roots to collect, and he has not spent much time stranded on the ring of truth.

After watching the two being escorted to the special tram, Qiao Xun turned his head and left.


The second extranuclear ring, the cuckoo singing area.

Norman family.

As one of the top big families in the second outer ring belt, the Norman family is entitled to own a division independently. There are everything in the Duju Ting District, which is almost equivalent to the former noble fiefdom. Most of the people living here pay 20% of their labor income to the Central Government, and 20% to the Norman family.

Even if 40% of labor income will be used for taxation, the cuckoo tweeting area is also a place that many ordinary people can't ask for.

There is no other reason. With the blessing of the Norman family, the income they earn is much higher than that of ordinary people in other districts, even if they pay huge taxes.

Therefore, even ordinary people living in different districts have different grades.

It's an honor to be on the Norman family's thigh.

Deep in the cuckoo mansion.

Elsa Norman looked at the message sent by the housekeeper and was stunned for a long time. Then she ran out of her room like crazy, and turned left and right in the circuitous corridor... Finally, she arrived at her mother's study .

Mother Blake Diana Norman is receiving guests.

Elsa burst in and shouted:

"Mom...cough, mother mother!"

Diana smiled at the guest, and then said to the assistant next to her:

"Take the guests to the guest room to rest and prepare some refreshments."

The assistant left with the guest.

Then, Diana's face was cold,

"Elsa, what about your etiquette?"

Elsa didn't care so much, threw the message note in her hand, and asked loudly:

"Mother, tell me why!"

Diana glanced at the note on the floor and knew what Elsa wanted to ask. She folded her hands in graceful gestures,

"Elsa, you know, this is against the constraints of truth."

"I know! But the reason I told you was to keep Coles! Now?"

"Elsa, am I obliged to protect him for you?" Diana looked straight at Elsa, "Sasha, you want to protect others, why don't you rely on your own abilities? Or, Sasha... ...you're just too weak."

Elsa was stunned.

"But...why, why did you report him. According to the investigation of the blocked priests, there should be a chance to escape."

"Sasha, you should know that from the moment you saw that note, the seeds planted in our will began to germinate. In any case, the occlusion priest will know about it. The occlusion priest does not communicate with other people, yes Because they are connected to the soul of every person on the ring of truth. The more abundant the nature of truth, the deeper the connection. Sasha, my daughter, who made your sexuality of truth so abundant that even I eclipsed me?"

Elsa lowered her head, her eyes became dull,

"So, it's actually all my fault..."

Diana got up and walked to her, hugged her gently,

"Sasha, my daughter, if you are strong enough, maybe you can kill that seed in the process of germination. You can protect your friend."

"Lord Mother. The restraint of truth seems really cruel."

"Yes, that's the shackles for us all. Want to change that?"


"Then get stronger."

Mother Diana patted Elsa on the back like a noisy baby.

Elsa's godless eyes gradually glowed.


The Ring of Truth World, the Land of Life, the Central Planet.

This slowly expanding planet makes a sound all day long, like thunder on dry land.

After Qiao Xun left the Viola Church area, he left the ring and came to the central planet.

The expansion of the central planet is called "core expansion" by the ring. The unstoppable core expansion threatens the safety of the ring at all times. After the huge planet expands to a certain boundary, it will affect the structural strength of the ring, and eventually cause the ring to collapse.

This is the most central contradiction in the era of the Ring of Truth.

It is the goal that everyone is committed to.

Almost everyone in the ring, under government propaganda, knows about the threat of core inflation. But they never knew why there was a threat of core inflation. Even, many people have no way of knowing that humans once lived on this central planet, and only moved to the ring belt for some reason.

At this moment, Qiao Xun is standing on this former "home".

The central planet is very rich in resources, and almost all minerals and energy necessary for human beings can be found. The oil and coal buried deep in the ground are distributed in the deep space of the "invisible oil" called the metatope. But it is a pity that the backward technology level of the Ring of Truth has not made good use of these resources, but simply exploited some common metal minerals such as oil, coal, gold, silver, copper and iron to maintain the daily needs of the ring.

This makes anyone on earth cry out "waste" when they see it.

Of course, Qiao Xun is not a cosmic energy dealer and is not interested in these resources. What he was concerned with was the fundamental problem of the central planet—the core bulge.

After entering the world barrier of the ring of truth, he tried to do things to the whole world. Although most things can be done, there are still some obstacles.

Like the three supreme gods.

Qiao Xun made no attempt to gain insight into them. He didn't want to expose himself just yet. After all, he is not an intruder, he is just looking for something.

In addition to looking for things, it is almost enough to know the secrets of the world.

For example, the crux of the existence of this central planet - core expansion. Qiao Xun didn't intend to explore this point too much. At first, it seemed to him that it might just be similar to the expansion of the universe in the world where the earth is located. But after getting deeper, he realized that it might not be as simple as he thought.

The expansion of the universe in which the earth is located is the continuous expansion of finite boundaries.

But the expansion where the truth ring is located is the core expansion after the finite boundary is stabilized. Could it be that there will be a day when this core is fully inflated to the extent that it aligns with the finite boundary?

Qiao Xun was curious about this. Because he felt that the ring of truth was similar to the earth. He didn't know whether the earth would reach the ring of truth, but he wanted to find out.

There are almost no people on the central planet, only large mining machines that work all day long.

When he saw these mining machines, Qiao Xun understood that it wasn't that the Ring of Truth couldn't develop industrial technology, it was just... he didn't have that choice.

Can a planetary-level mining machine be built, but an automatic computer?

Can a planetary-level cosmic orbit and a cosmic train be created, but can’t create an internet connection between people?

Can you build a satellite ring, but can't build a prosperous natural science civilization?

Qiao Xun shook his head, took a step and disappeared on the surface of the central planet.

The next moment, he appeared inside the central planet, at the core of the world.

As soon as he came here, he instinctively frowned.

A feeling that made him yearn, but also repulsive, welled up in his heart. It's contradictory, but that's how it feels.

He looked to the core of the world.

A "black" sesame-sized dot, suspended quietly in the very center.

This point seems to have a magical power, making Qiao Xun want to touch and blend. But instinct kept telling him not to get close.

He couldn't tell if the spot was black or not. Or is it black as defined by sensory color. It's like no color. Can't do something about it, can't feel it. It's clearly there, but it doesn't seem to be there at all.

Qiao Xun looked at this black spot for a long time, his eyes gradually changed from curiosity to tranquility, to... Godlessness.

Then, his consciousness ushered in a shock.

The great will, which had been quiet for a long time, once again stared at him from the depths of his soul, awakening him.

Qiao Xun woke up and murmured:

"the third time……"

This time the great will in the depths stared at him for the third time.

The first time was "gluttony";

The second time is the first encounter with "gods";

The third time is...

Even when he became a god, the great will never stared at him. And this time...

worthy of the stare. Probably only the "infinity" that is out of nowhere.

This black dot represents infinity?

Qiao Xun did not agree with this conjecture. It can only be said that it is related to infinity, not the real infinity.

Because it was the first time I saw him, he named this point "Boundary Point" for now.

It is not realistic to explore recklessly. After experiencing the feeling of sinking and being swallowed, Qiao Xun stopped looking at the boundary point. He just wanted to know why this boundary point appeared in the world core of the central planet.

After seeing this boundary point, Qiao Xun felt that he probably understood the reason for the expansion of the core.

If the boundary point is the connection between the infinite and the finite, then it appears in the center of a finite world, and it is inevitable to gradually cover the finite world.

After all, the infinite cannot coexist with the finite.

Qiao Xun tilted his chin and started his second insight into the world of the truth ring. He wanted to see if there were any details that he had missed.

The great curiosity about the boundary point made him unable to bear a more detailed and comprehensive insight into the truth ring.

He gradually connected the cold winter of consciousness, the war of mythology, the expansion of the core and the boundary point of Nigel, the giver of mechanical perception.

Nigel's consciousness was cold because he did something that changed the world of the Ring of Truth he single-handedly established. He was very self-blame and guilty, so he closed himself in that small nested world and became a confused old man.

And the so-called truth ring world change should be the complete suppression of natural science by divine magic. Nigel wanted natural science and divine magic to coexist, but now the situation is completely twisted.

After the Mythical War, humans moved away from the central planet... That is to say, during or after the Mythical War, the boundary point had already appeared, and the core expansion had already begun. Humanity had to move away from the central planet.

Derive from simple causality:

Nigel led to the emergence of the boundary point.

Whether this inference is correct remains to be verified.

Qiao Xun understood from the beginning that it was Nigel who caused the status quo of the Ring of Truth. Therefore, he knew very well that An Yang's waiting was meaningless. Nigel couldn't survive this winter of consciousness.

It's just that he didn't choose to tell An Yang this fact. After all, An Yang still didn't know who he was.

Originally, I didn't intend to continue to care about Nigel and the world ring, so I took the "weather" and left.

But now, with the boundary point, with the infinite. Qiao Xun has reasons to continue to care.

After all, creating your own world is also a preparation for reaching infinity.

He thought about it and left here.


The first ring belt outside the nuclear, the Palace of Truth.

The road to the campfire has been in darkness for a long time. The priests who serve the **** of bonfire may not have received the call of the will of the **** of bonfire for a long time. Unlike the active goddess of prayer, the God of Bonfire is very low-key and mysterious. Although the related Bonfire Education Institute, Bonfire Church, and Bonfire Baptism Avenue are all over the world, he can hardly be seen and his will cannot be felt.

In contrast, the Goddess of Prayer is much more active.

His charm and will can be felt on the weekly prayer days~www.readwn.com~ As for Nigel, another supreme god, the giver of mechanical perception. For the vast majority of the ring people, He is already an existence in the history books. As the founder of the Ring of Truth, he has long been dormant in history.

Most people in the ring only know the existence of two supreme gods, the **** of bonfire and the goddess of prayer.

But at a certain moment.

At the end of the road leading to the bonfire, a cluster of flames quietly rose.

The priests who serve the **** of bonfires felt his will.

The priests murmured in the depths of their consciousness:


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