Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 8: Why did the war start and end?

Extranuclear disposal ring.

Although it is called the Abandoned Ring, in fact, it was once the first stop for humans to move away from the central planet. It used to be called the Ring of Hope.

Humans initially decided to move away from the central planet and established the first ring belt - the Ring of Hope.

Carrying the hope of mankind, it has been floating outside the nucleus for a long time. Until the first to fifth ring belts are established one after another.

Finally, Hope Ring was abandoned due to backward technology and aging facilities. With the approval of the Temple of Truth, the Ring Government released its orbit to the outermost periphery, and then completely stopped its maintenance and maintenance, allowing its life to come to an end.

After the maintenance and upkeep were stopped, the iconic insulation layer of the belt was naturally lost. This makes the temperature difference between day and night great. When the annulus rotates to face the central planet, the temperature can reach a maximum of about 40°C, while facing away from the central planet, the temperature can be as low as minus 60°C.

Under such circumstances, the environment in which the ring is discarded can be said to be extremely harsh. Therefore, the underground shelter became almost the only living structure. Relying on the residual energy inside the disposal ring to heat and supply the basic elements of survival.

Coles and Boglo, who just came to the abandoned ring, are lucky. It is not the hottest and coldest time of the day, but the "warm time" between day and night.

Confused and terrified, Coles recoiled into a ball, leaning on the side of the rusted abandoned bridge pier.

Boglo is much calmer than him. Since it has come to the abandonment ring, there is no point in resisting any more. He knew very well how bad the Abandoned Ring was, and he had to deal with the situation as soon as possible, otherwise he might not be able to survive the first night.

He looked back at Coles, his eyes full of guilt and regret.

This fourteen-year-old...

At this moment, Boglo felt a burning sense of responsibility in his heart. He thought he had to take care of this child who was suffering because of him.

He took a deep breath, swept away the decadent situation, and said to Coles:

"Kors, kid, don't be afraid. Even if you are abandoning the ring, there is a way to survive! Don't worry, I will definitely, definitely find a way to send you back, definitely!"

Coles choked and said:

"Teacher, we... we are not allowed to leave the disposal ring."

"Coles, the restraint of truth has long since lost its original sanctity and majesty. We no longer have to submit to authority... Trust me, there must be a way to leave."

Whether or not there is a way, Boglo doesn't know. But he can only say yes, giving Coles a hope.

In the abandonment ring... Those who have no hope will eventually freeze to death in the cold night.

"what should we do?"

"There are a lot of underground shelters above the abandonment ring. The temperature is starting to cool now, and it will drop to below zero in four hours at most. We must quickly find idle underground shelters."

"Teacher... Can you do research in the Disposal Ring?" Coles suddenly asked with anticipation in his eyes.

Boglo was stunned,

"Are you still thinking about this?"

Coles said anxiously:

"I'm not afraid of going anywhere and suffering... I was born in the poorest area on the Fourth Ring Road since I was a child, and I've endured all the hardships. I'm afraid... I'm afraid that there is no way forward. If, if I can also do research with the teacher, and even if it is discarding the ring, I will be very happy."

He was afraid that Boglo would say...there is no way to do research.

Seeing such Coles, Boglo raised infinite hope in his heart. He finally confirmed that the child in front of him was the student he was looking for.

The haze in Boglo's heart dissipated, and he said with a big laugh:

"Of course, Coles! The Abandoned Ring was once the outpost for humans to leave the central planet, and was the most cutting-edge place in the natural science of the Ring of Truth. It was just abandoned after completing its mission. There are a lot of mechanical equipment, Studying the manuscript is just buried in the ruins. As long as you are willing to look for it, you will be able to find it."

Coles is full of expectations,


"Of course it's true. It's just that we have to start 'picking up' in this forest of rusted steel."

Coles looked into the distance, and under an orange sky, a dead, rusted city seemed to be glowing.

Among the ruins, the original civilization of the Ring of Truth is buried.

Borglo knew very well that the moment the Ring of Hope became the Ring of Disposal, the world of the Ring of Truth abandoned natural science and buried itself in the ranks of divine magic and authority.


The second outer nuclear belt, Graham District, Highfrancs Bonfire Education Institute.

Bonfire meeting.

Numerous chairmen and priests of the Academy of Education were divided into two rows, sitting on both sides of the 24-meter long conference table.

At the very front, under the statue of the bonfire god, sat the dean of the Education Institute.

On the last side, a student is sitting.

Dean Tobias Dillett looked at the students in front of him,

"Elsa Norman, are you sure you want to start the bonfire trial? Our school of education is only eligible for one trial a year. This trial is very precious and sacred. I hope you are full of true feelings towards the bonfire from the bottom of your heart. Yearning, only to apply."

Elsa looked at Tobias resolutely,

"Ms. Dean, I sincerely apply for the bonfire trial."

The corners of Tobias' old eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to be asleep. After a while she said:

"The qualification for the bonfire trial is very precious. Even if it is placed in the first ring belt, it is extremely precious. But you also know that this qualification cannot be obtained by applying for it. Whether it can be recognized by the bonfire is the key, and whether Passing the trial is another story. Elsa, you are the only daughter of the Norman family, and you have more choices in front of you. Why choose such a dangerous path? You know, once the bonfire is carried out Trials have only two outcomes: completion and destruction."

Elsa said loudly,

"I've got my mother's consent."

"Ms. Norman agreed... Since this is the case, there is no need to continue." Tobias looked at the chairman and priests on both sides and said, "Everyone, vote."

The "yes" votes for all of them light up.

Passed unanimously.

If Ms. Norman herself agrees...then this Bonfire Council is just a formality.

Tobias stood up, fingers crossed, his voice hoarse and deep,

"May the bonfire live in your heart forever."

Elsa stood up, stooped and saluted,

"The bonfire lasts forever."

"So are you ready?"


A flame slowly burned in Tobias' old eyes. The flame gradually became real, and a black key was delivered.

She inserted the key straight into the space, twisted it lightly, and a door was opened in the space.

"Come in, Elsa."

Elsa took a deep breath and muttered in her heart:

"Mother, I'll get stronger... Coles, I'll change everything... The bonfire will last forever."

She stepped into the door of this space.


The first ring belt outside the nuclear, the Palace of Truth.

Nigel's Nested World.

Qiao Xun came to this place again. Like the scene she saw before, Ms. Anyang was praying in the Goliath Church.

In this way, she seems to be praying here at this time every day.

Qiao Xun waited patiently for her to finish her prayers.

After a while, An Yang lowered his shoulders, turned around, and looked at Qiao Xun who was sitting in the back row,

"What's the matter this time?"

"Ms. An, do you pray here every day?"

An Yang lowered his eyes,


"Pray for what? For whom?"

An Yang was silent for a while, then exhaled,

"Well, it's not really a secret. I'm praying for Xianyi."

"But it doesn't seem to work."

"Everything in the finite world... can find a common connection. I'm thinking, maybe... maybe this distant thought of mine can be conveyed to her in some way." An Yang supported the lady's hat, "You just When I'm looking for some psychological comfort."

Qiao Xun smiled and said,

"Wandering alone, I really need a little comfort."

"You are also wandering alone."

A gust of wind blew in, and Qiao Xun shrank his neck subconsciously.

"Yeah. I'm not alone, though. Someone is watching."

An Yang didn't ask any further questions and walked out of the church.

Qiao Xun followed behind her.

"What's the matter with you coming this time?"

"I want to tell you that Nigel's winter of consciousness will not end. There is no point in waiting."

An Yang said in surprise,

"How can there be an unending winter of consciousness?"

"Nigel's consciousness of the cold winter is very special. He entered the cold winter himself, not the cold winter. He is willing to stay in the cold winter and never enter the spring."

"how do you know?"

"This is my ability."

Nigel also had desires. So Qiao Xun can know.

An Yang didn't ask any further questions. She looked at Qiao Xun and chose to believe him.

"But I have to wait until he realizes that the cold winter is over."


An Yang struggled for a while, then said:

"Mr. Nigel may know how the war of God's calendar ended."

"Have you been investigating this?"

"Almost. When I was still in the fairyland, I knew why the God Calendar War appeared, but I didn't know how it ended. The supreme gods tried to find the way to infinity in the devil, so they started this war. As for the ending, the legend passed down is that the mythical world finally defeated the devil at the cost of the gods' history. But this ending method is not in line with the reason for the initiation. Moreover, I don't believe that the supreme gods are willing to use this kind of price to go Win, otherwise there will be no path to recovery."

"Have you defeated the devil?" Joe asked.

Anyang said,

"I don't know if this is true or not. Since demons are the embodiment of desire, they should be invincible. After all, no one has truly reached infinity. But there are really no demons to be seen now."

"That's it." Qiao Xun looked up. Then he asked: "Why do you think Nigel knew how the war ended?"

"I'm not sure... But as the supreme **** of the core mythical world, he may know. I have no clue, just keep looking."

"It's hard work."

"No hard work."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"I have a conjecture. Since the reason for the war in God's history is to pursue infinity... and the war is over, does it mean that someone has found infinity? Nigel took the initiative to seal himself in the cold winter, perhaps a crime A wrong and irreversible escape. What can make a supreme **** of the inner world choose to escape? There is only infinite."

"This violent derivation is somewhat disrespectful."

"The simplest may be the most correct."

"I don't know why you're so sure of yourself, but if Mr. Nigel really touches the infinity, why run away? Isn't that what they're after?"

"Maybe, Infinity is not what they thought."

An Yang looked at Qiao Xun suspiciously,

"You seem to know a lot."

Qiao Xun shrugged,

"Just guessing."

"Since you have guessed so much, you must have your own plans."

"I don't have any plans. I just think you're going the wrong way, Ms. An. You might as well explore the cause of the expansion of the central planet's core."

An Yang felt that Qiao Xun was reminding himself.

Does this kid really know anything? But why is it so mysterious... or that there is some hidden secret.

She looked at Qiao Xun seriously.

But Qiao Xun has always been calm.

An Yang was very upset. He was criticized and ridiculed by his half-son-in-law level boy, but there was no way to refute it.

she says:

"Isn't the expansion of the core the constant expansion of the central planet due to internal pressure."

"But what is the internal pressure?"


An Yang really did not study this. Because her attention was almost all on Nigel's side.

"You might as well tell me directly if you know." An Yang said with a cold face, "Don't betray the elders."

"Elder... Forget it. Ms. An, I think it's better to go to Mr. Nigel in person, lest my opinion affect your own judgment."

An Yang said angrily:

"If I could ask him directly, I would have asked sooner? The question is how does he ask like that!"

"Ah, just wake him up."

"Can you wake him up?"


An Yang gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"Then you didn't say it sooner."

"You didn't ask me again."

"You, Qiao Xun, don't you want to see me joking, I'm your elder! Elder!"

Qiao Xun shrugged,

"Then you have to change your elder's temper. I always think that your approach to Xianyi is very problematic, but you are maverick, and of course choose to believe that you are right, regardless of other people. Here too , you never asked me if I could wake Nigel from the beginning to the end, and you take it for granted that I can't either."


"Elder, is there anything you want to defend yourself?"

An Yang's momentum suddenly weakened a lot, she thought hard and said,

"Xianyi... I really can't meet her."

"Why? Because of you, or because of her."

"I... I'm from the fairy world and have a complicated experience. I don't want to affect her because of my experience."

"Ms. An, I always thought you were a... In the parlance of the earth, a strong woman. But I was wondering if a strong person like you is prone to fall into a misunderstanding... Thinking that you have to protect your family and put everything away. The pressure is placed on yourself. However, it is easy to ignore the fact that you and Xianyi are mother and daughter, relatives whose blood is thicker than water... This connection cannot be given up, no matter how you escape, your The experience will affect her."

An Yang's brows softened,


"You know it yourself. It's just escaping. You think you're protecting Xianyi, but in fact, for her, it's the mental pressure she's under all the time." Qiao Xun sighed, "Alas, This is probably family affection. Ms. An, I'm not criticizing you, after all, everyone is an emotional creature, and it is normal to make mistakes. I just want you to face yourself. "

An Yang inhaled slightly, stepped away, and after walking for a while, she said:

"Thank you. You are a good boy."

Qiao Xun shrugged,

"Don't treat me like a child."

"Let's go, let me have a good look at your skills."

"What the elders said is."

An Yang looked up,

"I really want to hear that name from you."

Qiao Xun sniffed ~www.readwn.com~ Forget it. I can't bear this responsibility. "

"You are a good boy."

"I hope you think so in the future..." Qiao Xun murmured in a low voice.


"I said I hope you don't treat me like a child."

"How old are you, are you a hundred years old?"


"Under the age of 100, isn't that a child?"

"It makes sense, I can celebrate Children's Day again!"

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