Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 9: 2nd result of breaking finite boundaries

The wind blew in from the window, lifted the curtains on the side, and the incandescent light flickered in the room.

A corner of the oily newspaper on the table was rolled up. The old man is fast asleep.

"Mr. Nigel, Mr. Nigel!" Someone knocked on the door, and there was a shout.

Nigel was convulsed, his old right hand tremblingly touched the gray glasses from the table and put them on. He looked in the direction of the door and asked:

"who is it?"

"Mr Nigel, it's me, Anyang."

"An Yang...who is it?"

Outside the door, An Yang froze for a moment and muttered:

"Have I forgotten...it's gotten so serious."

She inhaled slightly and said:

"I often come to see you. It's the woman with the yellow face in the lady's hat."

Nigel fumbled through the dirty newspaper, and it took a while before he remembered that there was such a person,

"Oh, it's you. Come in."

An Yang pushed the door open.

Nigel looked at Qiao Xun and asked:

"Who are you?"

An Yang was about to say, when Qiao Xun interrupted her with a wave, then smiled and said to Nigel:

"Mr. Nigel, I'm a community doctor. This time I'm here to check your body."

"Community doctor... When did such a profession exist?"

"Well, the government was established not long ago."

"Is it free?"

"Well, it's free. Our outpatient visits come from the Humane Endowment Society. It's a social benefit."

"That's good... Has the government finally learned to take care of citizens' lives?"

"Well, Mr Nigel, society is getting better."

Hearing this sentence, Nigel's gloomy eyes brightened,

"It's good, it's good."

"Then, Mr. Nigel, please sit down, and I will examine you."

"it is good."

Nigel's spirit has improved a lot, and his back is straightened.

Qiao Xun took out the stethoscope,

"I'll listen to your heartbeat first."

Nigel was very cooperative.

Listening to the heartbeat is fake and pretending.

Qiao Xun quickly walked through some basic procedures and kept records in a proper manner. Then,

"Mr. Nigel, I'm going to make an assessment of your mental state next. I'll ask you a few questions."

"it is good."

"First of all, Mr. Nigel, are you satisfied with your present life?"

"pretty good."

"Do you have insomnia?"


"What are you thinking about when you're sleeping?"

"Hope to be young."

"Being young... what are you going to do?"

"Being young, I hope to read more and learn more knowledge. I want to dabble in mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc."

"Learn these, what do you want to do?"

"I want to make my own contribution to the natural sciences."

Qiao Xun nodded and then asked:

"Mr. Nigel, are you satisfied with the current state of society?"

"It's enough to get better."

"Do you think that divine magic and natural science can coexist?"

Nigel froze for a moment.

"What is divine magic?"

"Mr. Nigel may not have known the outside world for some time. Divine magic is something that has only recently appeared. In this world, some gods have existed at some point in time, and believing in these gods can get magic from them. The power of magic. We call it divine magic. However, after the emergence of divine magic, some people began to worry that the powerful power brought by magic will change society more than the current development of natural science, which will make it difficult for natural science to develop."

Nigel slapped the table tremblingly,

"It's not right! If it's from God...it's not right by any means!"


"Because God changes."

"What about natural science?"

"Natural science will never change! If God changes, magic will change, and society will change... We shouldn't bet social changes on uncontrolled gods." Nigel said and was about to get up. "No, I have to tell the government and ask them to ban divine magic."

"But, Mr. Nigel, magic has brought convenience to our lives."

Nigel said angrily,

"This convenience comes at the expense of the future! Society is a collection and should not be represented by a single god, or by several gods! If... gods make irreparable mistakes, wouldn't society have to work together? To suffer this hardship? No, this is inappropriate! God doesn't care what people think, let alone how they live, they will only pursue their goals at all costs!"

Qiao Xun asked with a smile,

"Why is Mr. Nigel so clear?"

Nigel felt a headache and held his forehead,

"You're still young, you don't understand this...you don't understand..."

"But, Mr. Nigel, magic is really convenient. For example, I can use magic to quickly check your body. It's like this." Qiao Xun said, pulling out a flower with his fingertips and falling on Nigel Er's wrist.

Nigel bounced back like an electric shock,

"Stay away from me! Don't let that kind of thing get near me!"

"Mr Nigel, why are you so scared?"

"Magic...will destroy the world. Gods are all sins." Nigel said, holding his head in pain. He seemed to be recalling something.

Aside, An Yang frowned. She didn't understand Qiao Xun's purpose to stimulate Nigel. Doesn't mental stimulation only aggravate the cold winter of consciousness? But out of trust in Qiao Xun, she waited patiently.

"But, Mr. Nigel, magic has spread all over the world." Qiao Xun said, "As long as you walk out of this door, you will definitely come into contact with magic."

Nigel looked at Qiao Xun in shock,

"When did this happen?"

"Mr. Nigel hasn't been out for a long time."

"But yesterday..." Nigel recalled with difficulty, "Did I go out yesterday?"

Anyang is aware that Nigel goes out for a walk every day.

But his waning consciousness always made him forget what he was doing in the last moment.

Qiao Xun got up and grabbed the door handle and asked with a smile:

"Mr. Nigel, would you like to see the convenience that magic brings to society?"

Nigel looked at the door with difficulty, his pupils trembling.

Joe opened the door little by little.

The world outside the door was reflected in Nigel's eyes.

He saw people flying in the air on brooms, giant beasts sleeping peacefully on the clock tower, a teacher on the other side of the river teaching students magic with a magic wand, and trains driven by magic. Going forward on a magical track without turning the wheel...

Everything he saw was full of magic.

Street lamps are lit by magic, vehicles are driven by magic, and even food is grown by magic...

Food, clothing, shelter, and transportation depend on magic for everything.

Can't see the shadow of the natural science.

An Yang was shocked to see everything outside. She was very sure that before she entered the door, the outside was still the same as before. However, after staying in the house for a short period of time, it changed its appearance.

how did you do that?


No, if it was a phantom, it would be impossible to deceive Nigel.

In other words, Nigel's nested world has been completely changed invisibly. And what changed all of this could only be Qiao Xun.

An Yang was astonished. In Nigel's nested world, ignoring Nigel quietly changes everything.

Qiao Xun he... how did he do it?

"No, no, no..." Nigel kept shaking his head, "This is a decadent world, a decadent world... No, it's not what I want!"

He squatted on the ground holding his head, looking very painful.

Nigel's consciousness began to chaotic.

At the same time, in this nested world, it is a landscape like a landslide. The nested world began to tremble violently, the ground cracked, houses collapsed, canals overturned...

Soon a world rift appeared.

"This is not a good world!" Nigel began to show some robot joint-like lines.

With him as the center, a whirlpool appeared.

Then the nested world kept falling into this vortex.

Qiao Xun said to An Yang:

"Nigel took the initiative to enter the cold winter of consciousness and closed himself, so he must take the initiative to get out of the cold winter. Change the comfort zone he created for himself, and send what he hates the most to him, and he will naturally leave. "

An Yang took a deep breath,

"How... how did you change the world beyond Nigel?"

Joe Tour said:

"Nigel brought divine enchantment to the Ring of Truth. I just found past experiences in his spirit world and brought them out."

Simply put. But An Yang knew that this was a very difficult thing.

It can't be done so easily.

Unless Qiao Xun is strong enough to evade Nigel's self-protection mechanism.

An Yang looked at Qiao Xun's profile. Once again, she was surprised by everything about this child...and even had an inexplicable fear.

She believes that the ability growth achieved by Qiao Xun is no longer a linear change that an ordinary person should have.

"Okay, Ms. An, it's time for us to leave."

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he stepped into a crack in the world and left this nested world that was about to disappear.

An Yang hesitated for a moment and left.


The first ring belt outside the nuclear, the Palace of Truth.

On the road to mechanical perception, Qiao Xun and An Yang waited silently.

There was no one else in the long and narrow corridor but them. For the Ring of Truth world, the person who gave the mechanical perception of the first **** has long since died, so there is no priest serving Nigel now, and this road to mechanical perception has long been closed, and no one has come here. For the Temple of Truth, this is an inaccessible restricted area.

At a certain moment, at the end of the road, there was a tremor on the empty throne.

Afterwards, the Throne welcomed its owner, the giver of mechanical perception, Litton Nigel.

With everything about the old man with Alzheimer's gone, Nigel is back in the real world. In the lonely eyes, it seems to contain the whole truth around the world. As far as he can see, is the end of the world.

He sat on the throne and looked at Qiao Xun and An Yang in front of him.

He knew An Yang, the No. 2 train Zhang of the Sea Train, but Qiao Xun... the stranger who woke him up, he didn't know.

"Mr. Nigel." Qiao Xun greeted politely.

Nigel nodded,

"Hello, distant guest."

"Did you know I'm from another world?"

"The Ring of Truth can't find anyone like you."

Qiao Xun smiled and did not speak.

Anyang looked at Nigel,

"I... would rather call you the No. 1 train conductor."

"It's all right, kid."

Although An Yang called Qiao Xun a "child", she was also a child in front of Nigel, the supreme **** who lived the same life as the Ring of Truth.

"Captain No. 1, do you still remember the Sea Train?"

"Remember. The train that never stops."

"But it has now lost its way forward. It is tirelessly and aimlessly traveling in another world. Its established power level has been completely changed by an accident. I am sorry, I did not take good care of it."

"No, boy. It's my responsibility."

"Mr. train conductor, what happened to you?"

Nigel's left eye is chaotic, his right eye is clear,

"I should repent to the world, but the sins I have committed cannot be forgiven."

An Yang glanced at Qiao Xun, lowered his shoulders and asked:

"The core expansion of the truth ring world, is it related to you?"

"It was me who caused the core to swell. After the finite boundaries of the ring of truth stabilized, I saw the future of the world too early. In the end, the ring of truth would only become a hopeless world. I was overwhelmed and wanted to go Change all that and reinject hope. Reaching infinity is the only way."

"Arriving at infinity...is it the war with the devil?"

Nigel said,

"In the past, we all believed that the end of desire is infinity. The devil is the incarnation of desire. The secret of infinity is hidden in the devil. But... In the end, I found out that this is nothing but a falsehood."

"How did the war end?"

"The purpose of war is the infinity. The infinity is born and it ends. But this infinity is not what we imagined."

An Yang turned to look at Qiao Xun.

Nigel's statement proved that Qiao Xun's conjecture was correct.

Qiao Xun smiled slightly.

An Yang then asked:

"Infinity of birth, what is it like?"

"It's the end." Nigel's eyes became very dazed, "When I saw that point, I suddenly realized that there are actually two ways to break the boundary of the finite, one is to reach the infinity, and the other is... the end. We It condenses all the desires in the finite world, trying to break the boundary of the finite, but what is ushered in is not the real infinity, but the end."

"You are powerless to change this ending."

Nigel's expression darkened,

"Powerless to change. The end of the finite world has already appeared in the ring of truth. Core inflation occurs because of the end and cannot be avoided."

"That's why you closed yourself up?"

"Sorry, boy. I'm a coward."

Joe Tour said,

"So that's the end point. I thought it was the boundary between the infinite and the finite."

"Boundary point is a very interesting statement. But maybe we are weak and hard to see through." Nigel looked at Qiao Xun.

"Does only the ring of truth have an end?"

"Any finite world comes to an end after the war of God's calendar."

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"But Earth doesn't."

"Earth...is that pure world?"

"Yes. The finite boundary of the earth world has been expanding, and although every moment is a finite world, no one knows whether the expanding boundary will stop."

"Earth world, we don't know how it was born. Maybe, the infinite secret is in the earth world."

Qiao Xun looked up,

"So, this is the reason why so many gods choose to revive on Earth."

An Yang was stunned for a moment,

"Is that the root cause?"

"Gods who have experienced God's history of wars know what it means to expand the finite boundaries of the earth world," Nigel said. "That's infinite possibilities."

This view was also gradually realized by Qiao Xun later.

From this perspective, the reason why Zhenwu wants to turn the earth into the root of the world is to speed up the expansion of the earth's limited boundaries.

Joe Tour said,

"Mr. Nigel, don't you go to Earth to find the infinite secrets? Perhaps, there are many gods there by now."

Nigel shook his head.

"Maybe, the old era should end. Maybe, the so-called infinity should not be pursued. Maybe, God should withdraw from the stage..."

"But the world of truth has always changed because of you. Don't you want to change? At least, let the people who are still living see hope." An Yang said.

"Once something happens, it can't be undone. The world of the ring of truth is not my world alone, and it's not what I want it to become, what it can become. In today's world, there are still people who hope to return to that world. When is natural science flourishing?"

An Yang can't answer this question~www.readwn.com~ In her feelings, the divine magic system of the Ring of Truth world has long been solidified. The will of the goddess of prayer and the **** of bonfire completely dominates the world.

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"Maybe there is."

Nigel looked at Qiao Xun,


Qiao Xun waved his hand slightly, and a picture slowly emerged.

In the picture, the dark-skinned teenager is looking for something in the rusty and decayed city ruins under the heat.

At a certain moment, he found something that looked like a simple robotic arm, and shouted with excitement, his eyes full of brilliance.

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