Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 10: tainted truth

Nigel fell into contemplation after seeing Coles "picking up trash" in the abandoned city of the Abandonment Ring.

Qiao Xun knew that he was learning about the world, so he didn't bother and planned to leave.

"Are you leaving?" An Yang asked.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I haven't found what I'm looking for yet."

An Yang looked at Nigel who was thinking, and exhaled,

"I didn't expect this outcome. Your previous guesses were correct."

"It's not a guess, it's just a reasonable inference based on the current situation."

An Yang didn't say anything more, frowned,

"Core inflation is due to the arrival of an end. Any finite world has an end. Doesn't that, if left unchecked, end up consuming all finite worlds in the end?"

"It can't be described as devouring. The end point is not a concrete thing. It's 'nothing', the opposite of existence. Anything that exists is what the end point will destroy."

"In the end, it's a road to destruction."

"Unchanged, indeed."

"That mythical calendar war not only brought about the end of mythology, but also the end of the finite world. Is the pursuit of infinity so important to them?"

"Important, very important."

An Yang looked at Qiao Xun seriously,

"Are you also pursuing infinity?"

Qiao Xun nodded, then smiled relievedly,

"In that respect, I'm no different from them."

An Yang was silent. After a while he said:

"It's been a tough road."

"Hard is the way back."

"What do you get when you reach infinity?"

"The pursuit of infinity is not to get anything, nor is it to achieve a certain wish like this story. It is for infinity itself. For those of us who were born in a finite world, we may be born with a mission to break through the boundaries of the finite and reach the infinite. Like domestic animals that are raised, when they mature, they either run away or become a meal on the plate.”

"I still can't understand."

"Because Ms. An has more pursuits than infinity."

An Yang did not deny it.

Qiao Xun loosened his shoulders,

"Okay, I have to go. If Ms. Ann has any more questions for Nigel—"

Anyang shook his head,

"I came to the Ring of Truth just to explore the real reason for the end of God's calendar war. Now that I know it, I won't stay any longer."

"Are you leaving?"


"Aren't you going to see the future changes in the Ring of Truth world?"

"If every time I go to a finite world, I have to carefully observe the changes in the world... Then in my limited life, it will be difficult to set foot in every finite world."

"Where is the next stop?"

"I don't know. I never plan."

"That's right, after all, they have abandoned their husbands and children." Qiao Xun smiled.

An Yang glared at Qiao Xun fiercely,

"You rude little brat!"

After scolding, she turned her head and took a step and left.

Just leave without saying goodbye.

Qiao Xun then also left the first outer nuclear belt. It was full of strong religious beliefs, and he never liked it.

The road to mechanical perception has fallen into darkness and silence again.

After an unknown amount of time, a cluster of flames rose in the darkness. The flames flickered weakly, as if a gust of wind could blow them out. But it can light up any corner of the road to mechanical perception.

Firelight fell on Nigel.

Nigel slowly opened his heavy eyelids, his eyes as dark as the deep space stared at the flames.

From the flames came the voices of people,

"Teacher, you are awake."

"Oh, you have completely abandoned your body."

God of the bonfire, O'Therius says:

"Teacher, after the war, my body became a burden to me."

"Total abandonment... why?"

Thules replied:

"It's probably best to leave it alone."

"For you, maybe so."

"Yes. I was the first bonfire in the long history of mankind, and this is a return to the beginning."

"Original..." Nigel murmured the word.

Thules asked:

"Teacher, how are you doing this time?"


"Then students can rest assured. The world of truth can't be separated from you, teacher."


"Students are ashamed that they did not dedicate themselves to the ring of truth while the teacher was sleeping. All the burdens fell on the goddess of prayer."


"Unlike me, Maya, the goddess of prayer, never gave up her body, but scattered her body around the world, established numerous divine churches, and firmly guarded the truth constraints set by the teacher at the beginning. Everything is in Maya's Peace and stability under the governance. Regrettably, so far, neither the Giver of Truth nor the gods of steam and machinery have been able to recover."

Nigel's eyelids drooped, hiding half of his eyes, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

"Oh, what do you think is the meaning of truth restraint?"

"In order to make the truth ring world evolve better."

"But is the ring of truth better today?"

"What the teacher meant."

"Oh, it's time for the constraints of truth to be fixed."

The flame of the **** of bonfires, Thuris, flickered for a moment, and then he said:

"But teacher, before that, there is an important question before us."


"Demon, invaded the Ring of Truth world."


"Yes. We need to find it out as soon as possible and destroy it. To prevent it from bringing the curse on this world."

"Oh, are demons still our primary enemy?"

"What do you mean by that, teacher?"

"The enemy is ourselves."

Silence fell on the road to mechanical perception. After a while Thules said:

"...Students are ignorant and cannot understand."

"In that case, O, just do what you want."

"What about the teacher?"

"me too."

Thuries did not speak again until the flames subsided.

After a while, Nigel also left here.

Not long after, he appeared in the Dusk Church in the Second Ring.

It is rumored that the Goddess of Prayer will come here every evening at dusk to bless those who pray.

Rumors are rumors because they won't come true. Of course, in this rumor, just "sending blessings" will not come true. The goddess of prayer will indeed come here.

Through the crowd, Nigel walked to the front of the Church of Twilight.

Just as everyone angrily accused him of cutting the line and blaspheming the goddess of prayer. The goddess of prayer they had expected appeared.

The Goddess of Prayer, who had already turned every part of her body into a divine church, appeared in front of the church at dusk in the form of a spirit body. Her looming figure was reflected in everyone's eyes, and when they saw it for a moment, she asked them to start praying devoutly.

Only Nigel watched her silently.

Maya Gloria, the goddess of prayer, looked at Nigel reverently,

"Teacher, you are back."

Nigel said:

"Maya, you've worked hard."

"Students are just doing their thing."

"Maya, the truth constraint should be revised."

"The students follow the teacher's instructions. But the campfire and the gods have long been accustomed to the original truth. Even the closed priests who serve me have opened the door to peeping. The students have witnessed the gods and the closed priests tampering with the truth. Constrained, but did not stop, ask the teacher to punish."

Nigel shook his head.

As the first god, the original sage of the ring of truth, even if he slept for a long time in the cold winter of consciousness, he would soon know what happened to the ring of truth after waking up.

The truth constraint has long since departed from its original meaning. The Goddess of Prayer, who is in charge of the constraints of truth, seems to have the primary responsibility.

But in fact, she only chose the former between "order" and "meaning".

The collapse of the truth ring world order is more serious than the deterioration of truth constraints. She didn't want to see a situation where the gods rebelled and their beliefs collapsed. Facing the behavior of the gods tampering with the constraints of truth, he chose silence.

"Maya, you have endured enough."

"The teacher is back, everything will be fine."

"Inform you, seven days later, the Hall of Truth will hold a mechanical perception conference."

The voice of the prayer goddess became slightly hurried. She was extremely excited, is the lifeless truth ring world finally ushering in a rebirth?

"Okay, teacher!"

Soon after, the bell of truth at the highest point of the Temple of Truth in the first ring was tolled.

The bells are delivered to every corner of the world. The gods who heard the bell were shocked.

Because the bell of truth has not rung since the war ended.

And the one who is qualified to ring the bell of truth is only the first god, the first sage, and the giver of mechanical perception, Litton Nigel.

Is Nigel back?


Extranuclear disposal ring.

Qiao Xun stood on the ruins, listening to the bell of the truth bell,

"Sure enough, it's been a while, and the texture of the sound has changed."

After he muttered like this, he stepped forward.

The rusted steel forest is full of treasures and hopes of the past. After walking for a while, he saw Coles who was burying his head in a parts pothole.

It's been a while since he came to the Abandoned Ring, and Coles has completely changed his appearance, losing the immaturity and innocence of a student. Probably have tasted the hard life on the abandoned ring.

We suffer from the scorching heat and cold every day, and also endure the weakness and fatigue caused by the lack of nutritional intake.

But Coles is in good spirits. Qiao Xun has been observing him for a few days. Nothing can stop him from his love of natural science. Except for picking up garbage from the ruins, he basically stays in the underground shelter and does research with his teacher Boglo.

Both are geniuses. When they are together, more amazing sparks can be shot out.

Both theoretically and experimentally, both of them have done very well.

Qiao Xun seemed to see that buildings similar to the modern basic sciences on the earth, with them as the cornerstones, were slowly being built.

Of course, the premise is that the cornerstone is not hollowed out.

As for the "weather" cloud he was looking for, it surrounded the building.


Coles returned to the underground shelter. Under the management of the two, this abandoned shelter can be regarded as a model, and the life may be a little worse, but it does not affect their research at all. Theoretical and experimental research can also be maintained for a long time by relying on the residual energy of the discarded ring.

"Teacher, I found a more sophisticated stapler today, which should be good for wiring."

Coles said while sorting out the various parts he had picked up.

Boglo stood in front of the test stand without saying a word.

Coles wondered,

"Teacher, did you find anything?"

After a while Boglo said,

"Coles, it's the energy issue that has been bothering us before."

"Well... that's it. Although the residual energy of the abandoned ring is still sufficient, the energy efficiency is not high enough. It can only be barely used for the function of the builder, and cannot provide the extension of the virtual network."

"Would you believe it if I said that I found a very efficient new energy source?"

Coles was stunned for a moment, then asked excitedly:

"Really, teacher! Really?"

Boglo laughed,

"Come and see and you'll know."

Coles lost something in his hand and hurried to the test bench.

Boglo's stubble almost covers his mouth. But he didn't care at all, his eyes glowed, and he said excitedly:

"When I was debugging the extension parameters of the imaginary part network in the morning, I accidentally found that the dissociation phenomenon occurred after the imaginary part network came into contact with the induction line. I thought it was the dissociation of the imaginary part network at first, but after encountering this situation one after another, I didn't feel right, so I immediately researched, and then I found that compared to the space for matter, there is also space for antimatter. If the network of imaginary parts is used as a medium, antimatter can be converted and then printed in matter space come out."

After listening to Coles, his eyes widened and he said:

"Doesn't that mean that we will have inexhaustible substances!"

"Coles, matter is not the key. The key is energy! The annihilation of antimatter and matter can generate extremely high-efficiency energy! Think about it, print out antimatter through the imaginary part network, then contact matter, and then contact The generated annihilation energy is uploaded back to the imaginary part network through the induction line, isn't that what it is?"

"But it's dangerous. A little carelessness could lead to the annihilation of material space."

"Coles, doing this kind of thing can't be smooth sailing, and there is definitely danger. However, even so, I still have to try." Boglo's eyes flashed with a firm light.

Coles looked at him admiringly,

"Teacher, I will be with you!"

Boglo said with emotion,

"Coles, I changed your life. I will definitely find a way to get you out of here. But without you... I really don't know what to do."

"Teacher, there are no regrets in the pursuit of truth!"

Boglo smiled reassuringly,

"Good boy!"

Coles said solemnly:

"Teacher, we have to prepare well. Annihilation energy is very dangerous, and we can't act rashly."

"Of course. The induction line needs to be updated. Since antimatter is to be printed, an official imaginary part network printer is also required. Step by step, you can't be in a hurry to do research." Boglo said with a smile, "Anyway, no one has followed suit. We scrambled to be the first to find out."

"It's really sad for the teacher to say that. In such a big world with truth circles, there are tens of billions of people living in six circles, but they all believe in divine empowerment... If the gods become bad, what should we do?" Cole S sighed.

"There is no need to worry about external disturbances, the truth is pure. If the established truth is tainted, as the guardians of the truth, we must correct its name." Boglo said firmly, "I believe that the initial mechanical perception gives You must have thought so!"

"The original sage... I don't know how he would feel when he saw the current world~www.readwn.com~."

"Whatever our mood is, He is."

Coles asked curiously:

"Has the teacher seen the original sage?"

Boglo laughed,

"Of course not. I'm a mortal. How can I have that kind of qualifications. Besides, the original sages have probably already slept peacefully in history."

"If only I could see him."

"Don't dream, kid, there are a lot of things waiting for us."

"it is good!"

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