Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 12: "God and Adam and Eve" (8,000 words, end of this chapter)

The second outer ring belt, the first steam power zone of Gilles, the boiler channel.

The high-ranking **** Hundred-hearers and the low-ranking **** Kuroshio looked at boiler room No. 32.

A hundred hearers looked around and said:

"The devil has come here before."

Then, a black tide gushed out from the feet of the Kuroshio Dependents and spread to irrigate all around. After a while, a footprint full of footprints was revealed.

"This should be the path of the demon. It seems that he stopped for a while in front of boiler room No. 32."

The people around were completely unaware that there were two people next to them. Of course, the tides that the Kuroshio kin used to find their footprints, they didn't notice either. This is the domain of God.

Hundreds of people are near boiler room No. 30. A faint light flashed across his eyes, and a picture gradually emerged in his consciousness.

He saw that a pair of boys and girls walked into the boiler room No. 32. Inside, there is a middle-aged man who is doing an experiment.

Seeing this, a hundred hearers said in detail:

"The breath of hope... violates the constraints of truth."

He continued to observe.

Later, he observed the scene of the Occlusion Priest arresting Boglo.

After seeing this, he followed Boglo's footsteps and continued to deduce. Saw Boglow and Coles being tried, saw them being banished to the Abandonment Ring. And on the abandonment ring, he once again felt the breath of the devil.

"Discard ring. Discard ring."

A strange gleam flashed in the eyes of the hundred hearers, "Notify the bonfire, the devil is on the disposal ring."

The kin of the Kuroshio are in high spirits. After investigating this, I finally have a specific direction. He immediately released a torrent, flowing in the direction of the first ring.

"Hundred hearers, you can't make a mistake this time. Last time, I found the devil's breath on the central planet, but after I went there, it didn't exist at all."

Hundred hearers said:

"The aura on the central planet is too messy, and the retention is particularly strong. It has retained the demonic aura from a year ago. The Abandonment Ring doesn't have this ability."

"I have to say that this demon has so many footprints."

"But he didn't hide his breath at all. Very arrogant."

"Maybe it's stupid?"

A hundred hearers look far away,

"You haven't experienced God's history of war, and you don't understand the special nature of demons. Demons can only be cunning and arrogant, not stupid."

"What did that war bring us?"

"Broken, only broken. Therefore, we must never experience it again. We must not let the demons grow."

one year. It has been a year since the bonfire meeting held by the **** of bonfires to slay demons.

During this year, almost all the gods in the ring of truth have been involved in the crusade. Search the world for traces of demons. To the astonishment of the gods, the footprints of demons are almost all over the world of the Ring of Truth. There are traces of it everywhere, from the central planet to the limited borders, it can be found everywhere. The gods could see that he didn't have any traces that he could hide, so he showed it so generously. However, it just happens that I can't find where the deity is.

ta is like a dark cloud with no shape and no fixed point, floating around and cannot be found.

Now, finally found him. This is news enough to cheer the gods.

At the moment of receiving the news from the Custodian of the Kuroshio, the bonfire immediately sounded the crusade horn in the Hall of Truth. The trumpet of the crusade can only be heard by the gods who have their own steps in the Temple of Truth.

Location discard ring, target demon, go.


Abandoned Ring, next to Coles and Boglo's underground shelter.

Qiao Xun stood on the ruins.

He knew that the gods of the Ring of Truth were looking for him all over the world. He has never hidden his tracks, no matter where he goes, he is generous. It's not that he is arrogant, but that there is no need for that. The more the gods tried to find him, the farther they would go from him.

After all, as a demon, the perception of desire is the clearest.

The stronger the desire, the more so.

Qiao Xun only needs to avoid these desires to avoid them.

A moment when standing on the ruins. He felt a stronger desire. Thus, he understood that the gods had found him and were on their way to crusade against him.

He looked at the sanctuary of His Majesty Coles and Boglo. The annihilation energy that was ready to go gave the surrounding air a sweet and fishy smell. This is the smell of the rusty smell of the steel ruins being amplified.

getting closer.

In the current world line, the appearance of "weather" clouds is getting closer.

So, Qiao Xun appeared here. So, the gods found his place. So, even if the gods are about to arrive, he will stay here.

After coming to the Ring of Truth for so long, his first goal has always been to find "weather". As for the charge with An Yang, helping Nigel through the winter of consciousness, understanding the truth about the end of the war in the God calendar, and understanding the "end point" of the world are all a bonus.

In the ring of truth, Qiao Xun has no real enemies. But what prevented him from getting the "weather", one counts as one, both.

If the whole ring of truth is to stop, then the ring of truth is his enemy.

After becoming a god, after regaining his billions of years of cognition, Qiao Xun has become very transparent and has no scruples. He doesn't need to bind himself with the set of moral and ethical concepts of earth humans.

He looked up and saw a meteor shower streak across the sky.

It was not a meteor, but one **** after another.

"Come on."

The "war" between gods and demons.

Dusk has come, and the abandoned ring has cooled down rapidly. The dry and cold wind was blowing, and the ruins under the orange-yellow light looked even more withered.

It is indeed like a battlefield.

However, before that, Qiao Xun wanted to see Nigel. the last time.

He took a step back and fell into the void.

Before leaving, he left his breath in the discard ring to show that he was still here.

The Palace of Truth, the road to mechanical perception.

Lonely Throne, Lonely Sage.

Nigel sat at the end of the road like a thinking statue. The sound of Qiao Xun's footsteps sounded, and his brows trembled slightly.

"You came."

"Yes. Mr. Nigel."

"The **** of the ring of truth will never call me by my name. However, I am very happy to hear it."

"Mr Nigel doesn't really want to be too respected."

"The past can be missed, but it can never be longed for. Only the future is worth longing for."

The two sentences seem to be unrelated. But it's all there to express.

Qiao Xun said:

"I think Mr. Nigel is still too kind. He doesn't want to hurt others. Maybe, in your opinion, they are all your children."

"My soul was engraved by them at the beginning of the world. I love this world deeply."

"So, you don't have the heart to scrape the rotten flesh."

Nigel was silent.

Qiao Xun continued:

"But you yourself said that the age of gods is over. The age that belongs to you should be buried deep after the war."

"I'm thinking, maybe... there is such a possibility that they can be awakened."

"This is self-deception."

"Yes, you are right."

Looking at Nigel's expression, Qiao Xun exhaled and said:

"Mr. Nigel, if you're still not ruthless, let me do it for you. Anyway, for the Ring of Truth, I'm also an enemy. Let the enemy do this shameful thing for you."

"I never thought that the former enemy can understand my thoughts best now."

"Mr. Nigel, I have never been your enemy."

"Yes. You are not a demon, at least not the one I know."

"Although the devil is not a pleasant title, if it can make people avoid it, it can be considered useful."

Nigel said,

"I'm very glad that it was you who woke me up. I'm also glad that you are willing to come to me at the end."

"Mr. Nigel doesn't have to. I have my own purpose."

"That cloud, isn't it?"

Qiao Xun was not surprised that Nigel knew his purpose. After all, he is the original sage, and there is nothing in the ring of truth that he does not know.


"After the war of the mythical calendar ended, the mythical world went through round after round of shattering, and that cloud fell into the ring of truth at that time."

"It's been a long time."

"For a moment."

Qiao Xun said:

"Mr. Nigel, it's time for me to leave."

Nigel looked at Qiao Xun deeply, and after a while, he took out something.

A perfect circle.

This is Nigel's divinity.

"This can help you end everything... No, help me."

After he finished speaking, he handed over his divine nature to Qiao Xun, "It's the final compensation for the world."

After the divinity left the body, Nigel's spirit quickly declined.

He turned into an ordinary old man at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qiao Xun took over "Nigel's Divinity Pattern" and said:

"Mr. Nigel, the world will miss you."

"The world doesn't have to miss me."

Then, Nigel closed his eyes.

Sitting on the lonely throne, toward the final loneliness.

Qiao Xun nodded slightly and turned to leave.


Abandoned ring, in an underground shelter.

Coles and Boglo have been working on it for several days. This is the last step of the study, and a final parameter check of all aspects is carried out to ensure that there are no problems.

Coles debugged the induction line again and again and said:

"Teacher, there is no problem with the induction line."

Borglo is verifying the integrity of the imaginary network.

"I have no problem here either."

The two exhaled at the same time, then laughed.

"Teacher, being able to learn everything from you is my greatest joy!"

"Coles, a better future is waiting for you. This is not your greatest happiness."

"I will always remember it!"

The current underground shelter has been transformed into a fully functional laboratory after this period of renovation. For this experiment, the two made a lot of changes. Of course, this is also related to the fact that they are in a ruin, and a large number of abandoned ready-made experimental equipment are lying in the ruins. Pick it up and use it for a little maintenance. After all, the Abandoned Ring was once the most technologically advanced place in the world.

After a brief rest, the two began their final preparations.

At the same time the ground.

The stars are here. Just in time. When they came, Qiao Xun returned from Nigel. As far as the gods are concerned, he is here all the time and he has not gone anywhere.

Numerous divine patterns covered the sky, and the realm of the gods completely blocked this space.

Joe looked around. He had seen all the divine patterns present on the steps of the gods outside the Temple of Truth. Except for the Goddess of Prayer and Nigel, all the other gods came. The strongest forces of the entire ring of truth converge here.

"It's really going to kill me completely."

The divine pattern of a hundred hearers is a complex eye. This eye stares at Qiao Xun,

"Devil, you have no way to escape."

"Fleeing? Since you are the leader in finding me, why don't you understand whether I am fleeing or waiting for you?"

Hundreds of hearers could not refute. He did know very well that Qiao Xun never hid his breath from beginning to end. Even so, they all took a lot of energy and time to find him. This is the humiliation of the devil, and it is even more unforgivable.

"The moment you invaded this world, it was doomed. You shouldn't come to destroy this world."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"You don't have to say it so nicely. We are nothing more than an enemy relationship, so you don't need to say something. When I appear, you will expel me, kill me, and I will resist. That's all, that's enough."

Qiao Xun made the words clear, and those who heard it naturally had nothing to say.

The bonfire flickered,

"It's been so many years to see a demon again. It's embarrassing. You really don't have the demeanor of those demon kings."

"Demon King."

"Where's your demonic power? Where's your cursed haze? Where's your anger? Where's your arrogance?"

Joe looked at the bonfire,

"It seems that your cognition is still stuck in the past and is unwilling to change. Even if you learn a little more from your teacher, you will not attack me here."

"Devil is worthy of being a demon. Even the teacher is bewitched by you. However, the truth and will of the world cannot be changed by you. When you are resolved, I will find a way to wake up the teacher."

"In that case, come on, come and kill me." Qiao Xun looked at the stars in the sky.

The bonfire stared at him,

"The devil is the embodiment of desire. The more you urge us to kill you, the more you provoke our desire, the stronger you are, right?"

Qiao Xun looked at him and said nothing.

"Sure enough," said the campfire, "a long time has passed since the war. I gave up my body and this part of my desires, and set foot on the road of the campfire in order to find the flame that can burn my desires. I may be lucky, in In the long and boundless dark place, I found that cluster of flames."

"Burn the fire of desire..."

The bonfire began to rise, quickly turning from a small flame to a monstrous flame. He whispered softly:

"Flame, entangle the world. Flame, entangle the gods."

In an instant, the outermost limited boundary of the ring of truth was submerged in a sea of ​​fire. The stars in the sky and the gods are covered in flames.

This flame is no different from ordinary firewood, covering all the desires of the truth ring world.

After almost an instant, Qiao Xun could not feel any desire.

The truth ring world seems to have fallen into the deepest silence.


There is fire everywhere.

The fire of the bonfire's burning desire hangs everywhere. Campfires are everywhere. Where there is desire there is a bonfire.

The sound of the bonfire resounded through the sky,

"Fire is the first step in human civilization and evolution. Fearing flames, but yearning for flames, is the most primitive desire. What would it be like to deal with the most primitive desires with the most primitive fire? You, do not feel It's time for desire, isn't it?"

I really can't feel it.

Qiao Xun said:

"You are right, all the desires of the ring of truth are covered by your flame."

Gu Bei

"A demon who has lost his desires is nothing but a body with empty power. Stars, give your power to the demon and purify him."

Every divine pattern is surrounded by a circle of flames. One after another, the divine realms landed, surrounding Qiao Xun.

The power of mechanical perception poured into Qiao Xun in different ways through the hands of different gods.

The elements of the world fell apart in an instant.

The power of God can change the world at the touch of a hand. Qiao Xun was besieged by the gods and lost his body almost instantly. Every molecule that makes up the body is replaced by a lasing force of mechanical sentience. In an instant, he changed from a living person to an energy group composed entirely of the power of mechanical perception.

"Demon, have you been destroyed by...?" a **** asked.

Bonfire watched Qiao Xun and felt Qiao Xun,

"The way the devil exists is different from ours. It doesn't mean that the power dissipates and then dies. Because of the particularity of the devil's power, he may be parasitic in any form of energy."

"Then do we need to annihilate all the energy in this space?"


"But in that case, the abandoned ring will collapse directly. There are still many people on the abandoned ring."

"Sacrificing is inevitable in crusade against demons. What's more, the people who abandon the ring are, in all likelihood, those who violate the constraints of the truth."

"There's one or two left," said the God of Life.

Bonfire replied:

"They will appear on the monument. It is honorable to die to defeat the devil."

The gods were silent.

This seems to be the only way.


Boglo walked into the closed operating room, connected the virtual network and the virtual network printer,

"Coles, arrange two units of dual-core alloys on the reaction table and connect them to the A induction line."


Coles took out two units of the dual-core alloy from the vacuum chamber according to Boglo's command. The morphology of the binuclear alloy is beyond the normal range and cannot be observed by light vision. Under light vision, its shape has been changing.

At the beginning, in order to accommodate the dual-core alloy, Coles almost lost his hands.

So, now he is a little scared when he sees this. Still, for science, it's all worth it!

He placed two units of the dual-core alloy on the reaction table and connected it to the colorful A induction line.

"Teacher, it's done!"

"Very good, Coles, stand farther away."

Coles hurried back, away from the reaction platform.

In the closed operating room, Boglo began to operate the virtual network. He connected the B induction line to the imaginary part network and controlled the imaginary part network to extend until the dissociation phenomenon occurred.

I used to be scared when I saw the phenomenon of dissociation, but now, I only have excitement and anticipation in my heart.

After the dissociation phenomenon stabilized, Boglo took a deep breath,

"Kors, are you ready to witness a new era!"

"Ready, teacher!"

Borglo uploads the final key to the virtual network. The two sensing lines AB are connected. The A induction line is connected to the dual-core alloy, and the B induction line is connected to the dissociated imaginary part printer.

The printer starts working.

An object identical to the two-unit dual-core alloy slowly appeared in the printer. This is the "antimatter" corresponding to the two-unit binuclear alloy in the antimatter space.

The printing process went very smoothly.

Two copies of anti-binuclear alloys were successfully printed. The other end of the B induction line is connected to it.

"Coles, enter the stability parameters and open the interaction box!"

Coles followed the instructions.

Then, the two held their breaths.

Next is the final moment, the positive and negative dual-core alloy contact.

On the reaction platform, the positive and negative dual-core alloys gradually approached under the conveyance of the conveyor belt. Nothing changed until the last moment before contact.

But at the moment of contact, the positive and negative alloys collapsed towards the center point and annihilated in an instant.

The energy generated by the annihilation entered the interactive box under the conduction of the B induction line and was sealed.

Coles shouted in excitement,

"Successful, teacher, we succeeded!"

Boglo came out of the closed operation room and collapsed on the ground. He had used up almost all his energy, and there was a sickly rosy look on his face.

"Kors, have you seen that power..."

Coles swallowed,

"That's probably the power of God."

"Mortals can actually create the power of gods... Coles, a new era, this is a new era!"

However, the voice just fell. The interactive box suddenly vibrated violently.

Borglo's complexion changed greatly.

"Why is it so unstable!"

Coles said nervously,

"We all operate in a standardized way. Could it be that the calculation of the stability parameters is wrong?"

The interactive box kept shaking, and the B induction line connected to it was shaken off at once.

"No, no! Before the interactive box is opened, everything inside should be static." Boglo scratched his cheeks, "Could it be... Could it be that the interactive box is not completely closed!"

Coles said:

"We've rehearsed it several times. Every time the interactive box is completely closed, how can it be... not closed this time?"

"I can't take care of that much anymore, I must transfer the annihilation energy immediately, otherwise everything will be over!"

Borglo resisted his physical exhaustion, rushed to the interactive box, manually picked up the B induction line, and reconnected the interactive box.

When Coles saw it, he was almost frightened.

"Teacher, danger! Don't touch the interactive box!"

The heat generated by the violent vibration of the interactive box scorched Borglo's hands.

The temperature rose sharply, and the stench of grilled meat came out. Coles exclaimed,

"Teacher, get out of there!"

Borglo exclaimed:

"Coles, you go first, I have to convert energy into matter again! We can't ruin our research results!"

Borglo's hands began to carbonize. The heat left him briefly blind. However, with the proficiency he gained day after day, he reconnected the B induction line and the interactive box by feeling.

His hair quickly curled and charred, and thick smoke rose.


"Bring your research notes with you, hurry up! I'll be out right away."

Coles is very anxious, but there is nothing to do now. He staggered and picked up a large pile of research notes next to him, and hurriedly ran to the ground,

"Teacher, you must come out!"

He ran outside without stopping.

The temperature of the underground shelter was getting higher and higher, and the heat wave was baking Coles from the vent.

Coles' anxiety and tension fermented with the heat wave.

Until he ran out of the underground shelter, stood under the stars, and looked back. The entire underground shelter collapsed toward the center, and in just an instant, it completely disappeared, leaving a huge dark void.

Coles stared blankly at the void.


Then, the center point of the void releases the energy generated by the annihilation.

God-like power, irresistible power.

Everything is in this force, annihilated together.

Coles closed his eyes in despair.

"Young man, don't die with the future."

A trance voice sounded in his mind. He felt a very light force that carried him away.

Vaguely, he saw a back.

Maybe it's not tall, but it's everything in his eyes.

At a certain moment, the master of the back turned his head.

Coles murmured:



The original location of the underground shelter had completely turned into a void, a void with nothing. Two units of a duometallic alloy of matter and antimatter, destroying a quarter of the Disposal Ring.

The energy generated by annihilation even broke the realm of the gods.

Just when the gods were shocked by who this power was, and how powerful it was, a volume cloud appeared in the center of the void.

"what is this?"

Even the most knowledgeable one was confused when he saw this.

A series of uncontrollable things happened, making the bonfire uneasy. He says:

"Destroy the devil completely first!"

Just as he finished speaking, Qiao Xun's voice sounded,

"Don't worry about it."

Seeing that Qiao Xun came out safe and sound, the gods were both startled and suspicious.

Why does he seem to be safe and sound... What happened before?

"Why?" Bonfire was very puzzled.

Qiao Xun said,

"Don't let me feel desire, block my retreat, um... good idea. This method is used to deal with the demons you know, and it works well... but it's just the demons you know. God of campfire, Bonfire, I said, you should take it from your teacher and study for a while, and get to know the demons right now. The demons are the embodiment of desire, but never said, just the embodiment of desire. Use the power of mechanical perception to deal with me, put I became a mass of energy...Unfortunately, part of my demonic power comes from the power of mechanical perception."

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"So, remember, the devil is also the embodiment of power."

The power of mechanical perception... On the sea train of the earth, it is called the power hierarchy.

He looked at the cloud,

"I found what I was looking for. It's time for this trip to come to an end."

Beckoning, the cloud returned to the world sand table in consciousness, supplementing the world root of "weather".

Bonfire said angrily:

"Demon, you filthy demon!"

The flames are burning more and more intensely.

"God of the bonfire, don't have too much desire, otherwise, your primitive fire can't be covered up." Qiao Xun said.

The primal fire that entangles the world gradually cools down.

The gods looked at Qiao Xun and couldn't do anything about him.

Qiao Xun hung above the hollow of the abandoned ring and said to the gods:

"Everyone, let the world be born again! Destroying the world seems to be what the devil should do."

Saying that, he threw a perfect ring - Nigel's divinity.

Then, he connected with every desire of the ring of truth, and poured these desires into this perfect circle.

Bonfire was the first to realize what Qiao Xun was going to do, and roared loudly:

"Stop, stop!"

The flame burned through the space, reaching Qiao Xun.

But the moment he touched the corner of Qiao Xun's clothes, he retreated. It wasn't that Bonfire decided to let Joe Xun go.

Instead, the mechanical perception collapsed.

Mechanical perception is the core strength of this world. It supports the stability of the limited boundary, supports the ring belt from falling to the central planet, and supports the realm of the gods.

At this moment, all existences related to mechanical perception fell into Nigel's circle of divinity.

As if being swallowed by a black hole, the outer nuclear ring gradually disappeared around the central planet like a line.

At the last moment before disappearing, Nigel sat on the throne and looked up at the sky,

The divinity of the gods was shattered and turned into dim stars, streaking across the sky.

Seeing all this, Nigel showed a childlike smile.

He knows that the breaking of the truth ring world again does not mean destruction, but rebirth.


Before Qiao Xun left, he looked at the deadly deep space.

At the very center of deep space, the central planet is still slowly expanding~www.readwn.com~ The core expansion has not stopped.

"Restarting the world can't stop the core expansion...Is the end point really unsolvable?"

he does not know.

Then, he felt a force. He immediately looked for this power and went away.

In a void in deep space, there is a small fragmented world. In the fragmented world, a girl seems to have passed some test. After passing the trial, she left the Fragment World with excitement.

But when she came out, she saw that everything outside had changed.

The central planet is still there, but the outer nuclear ring has disappeared.

"There is still someone..."

The girl looked at Qiao Xun in confusion,

"What happened?"

Qiao Xun said to her,

"I don't believe in God's will, I only believe in myself. Since you have escaped this world restart, then you... come to be the original sage of the new world."


Qiao Xun smiled,

"Oh, by the way, you still have a partner. With you two, the new world should be back to normal soon. As for whether it can get better... it's up to you."

He beckoned, and Coles, who was wrapped in the energy group, fell asleep because of exhaustion, and appeared in front of the girl Elsa.

"Kors!" Elsa's eyes widened.

"The world depends on you."

Qiao Xun waved his hand and left immediately.

Elsa stared blankly at deep space. She didn't know what was going on, only vaguely aware that everything had changed.

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