Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 13: Our goal is the full moon and the mountains!

After getting the weather "cloud", the missing root of the world is only:

The "cosmos" stars, the "place of life" the earth, the "still" mountain, the "ruler" throne and the "god" are all gone.

Qiao Xun walked in the gaps in the void, and after summing up, he spent about a year and a half in the world of the ring of truth, which is 2.7 years compared to the time on earth.

"Almost three years have passed..."

I have to admit that after becoming a god, my perception of time scales has become more detailed. Every minute and every second of the passage of time exists in conscious awareness in a unique way.

He looked at the cloud in the sand table of the world in his consciousness. It is not so much a representative of "weather" as it is a representative of environmental evolution. Any form of environmental evolution, alternation, and change can be represented by this cloud, whether it is an environment suitable for life growth or an environment suitable for special energy generation.

Just a cloud can achieve this kind of power.

This made Qiao Xun more and more interested in the origin of the world sand table. Who created the world sand table? Could it be the "world" Lord Heige?

As far as the title is concerned, it is somewhat similar.

However, we will have to wait until we meet face to face to know exactly how.

Recalling what Yi Hong said, Yu Xiaoshu is just a reflection of the "world" on the earth. It's just a special mapping. It was projected by the real body through the flesh embryo. In other words, the real "world" is actually what Yu Xiaoshu looks like, and Yu Xiaoshu is also the real "world". It's not the relationship between the main body and the avatar that he thought at first, the relationship is closer to "yesterday" Yu Xiaoshu and "today" Xiaoshu.

It's just that the relative positions in space and time are different.

But based on this alone, it is really difficult for Qiao Xun to connect the Yu Xiaoshu he once knew with the "world" adults all over the world.

After all, the difference is too great.

Forget it, this is not something to worry about right now. Qiao Xun didn't put much effort into this.

Digest all kinds of information, elements and the like that you have learned in the truth ring. After all, the desire of the whole world is still very huge. Although it is basically used to restart the ring of truth, a part of it is still eaten up by him.

The complement of these desires to the power of the devil is considerable.

However, Qiao Xun didn't have much joy. Because, for him, "combat ability" cannot be simply measured by the indicator of "how much demon power".

He is not a demon in the conventional sense, and naturally cannot be measured by conventional indicators.

Continue to look for traces of the roots of other worlds in the void.

In the gaps in the void without time scale, there are breaths from various finite worlds floating.

Qiao Xun, who was immersed in it, after repeated screening and feeling, finally determined the next goal——

"Still" Mountain.

Following the breath of the "mountain", he began to search for the limited world in which it was located.

It is not difficult to find a finite world from the gaps in the void, not to mention the guidance of the world sand table.

Among the many limited worlds, Qiao Xun determined the specific location of the world where the "mountain" was located, and went immediately without staying much.

Immediately after reaching the limited boundaries of the world, one can feel that it is completely different from the truth ring world. The finite boundaries of the Ring of Truth world are very stable, almost completely stationary relative to the central planet. And the finite boundary of this world is very violent, in a state of half boundary and half void. This shows to a certain extent that this world is not a powerful mythical world.

But Qiao Xun still felt the breath of God.

There are gods in it, but it is far from the core mythological world with a clear mythological system.

In fact, this should be the norm in a finite world. After all, not all finite worlds can be like those core mythical worlds, where the mythological system is clear, the gods are numerous, and the supreme **** maintains everything.

Therefore, this kind of limited boundary of half-empty and half-boundary is a kind of protection zone that is very good for the world.

After all, even for gods, it is very dangerous to forcibly break into the void boundary, and if you are not careful, you may fall into the endless turbulent void.

Qiao Xun touches the limited boundaries and feels everything in this world.

The name of this world is "mountain and sea".

It is not that there are mountains and seas, but there are only mountains, and the mountains are as vast as the ocean. In fact, the whole land of life is a huge mountain.

Qiao Xun crossed the limited boundary, traversed the turbulent flow of the void, and stood in the deep space and looked towards the land of life.

It was a huge mountain, about half the size of the Earth.

The creatures living in this mountain have built circles of buildings around the mountain, converging into a city attached to the mountain. What makes Qiao Xun lament is that even in this environment, the technological level of this world is much more developed than that of the Ring of Truth.

The "still" mountain he was looking for could be seen at a glance, far less difficult to find than the "cloud".

"Stillness" is located at the highest point of this mountain of life.

He went to the top of the mountain of life. The closer you get, the more marveled at the development of civilization in this world. Although it is small, it has all the necessary technologies, and there are even many technologies that the earth does not have. Of course, the laws of the world that the two worlds follow are different and cannot be generalized.

It may be easier for a certain technology to develop on Earth, but more difficult to develop here, and vice versa.

Because it is built on a mountain, basically all cities are in the form of stepped settlements, and the buildings are narrowly spaced, like a honeycomb. However, the arrangement is very neat, and there is no redundant place to be seen at all, and the limited space distribution is maximized.

It can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

There are even folding buildings in some places. In a building that is only about three meters high, five meters long, and four meters wide, there is actually a twenty-story building.

These buildings are admirable, both from a design perspective and from an artistic perspective.

The city of Shanhai World perfectly interprets what is called architectural aesthetics.

Even if the living space is very limited, different styles of architectural systems can be developed.

A place with a total volume of only half of the earth's life and only one-tenth of the earth's living space can accommodate nearly 10 billion people, and it is not crowded or messy at all.

It's a miracle,

It is also a perfect work of art.

Qiao Xun stood outside the mountains and sea, admiring this artwork, and felt very satisfied.

Of course, this trip is not for tourism, so I still have to do business. Moreover, the time scale of Shanhai World is a little too slow compared to the earth, reaching the level of 1:72, that is to say, if one year is spent here, seventy-two years have passed for the earth.

For gods, the consideration of time is not offensive, but for mortals it is not.

Putting away his "aesthetic" heart, Qiao Xun moved to the highest point along the ridgeline of the Mountain of Life.

He soon discovered that the closer he got to the top of the mountain, the heavier the pressure from the space. After approaching the top of the mountain, the pressure in the space reached the extreme. It is difficult for Qiao Xun to find the interlayer in the space under such pressure, and he cannot easily complete the space shuttle. He can only stop and feel whether there is any trace of desire on the top of the mountain, and move through desire.

But unfortunately, on the entire mountaintop, there is no trace of desire.

This surprised him very much. It is simply more exaggerated than the primordial fire of a bonfire burning desire.

"It seems that each world has its own unique situation."

Don't be too hasty.

Qiao Xun did not recklessly go straight to the top of the mountain, sink to a certain height, and entered a certain city, intending to gain insight into the world first.

The streetscape of the city is not very different from the cities on earth, but it is relatively more orderly and clean. There is no four-person vehicle similar to a car here, only public transportation—air rails suspended from buildings, and trains with very sci-fi shapes run at a constant speed on the rails.

As for the people on the street, they are no different from the earth, couples shopping, students playing, workers doing homework...

However, Qiao Xun had just entered the city and had not had time to find a place to rest when a sharp and shocking siren suddenly sounded over the city. As soon as the alarm sounded, the sky train stopped immediately, the track folded towards the building, and the evacuation entrances rose up one after another on the street. People entered in an orderly manner under the guidance of the guide, as if they had been rehearsed in advance. Refuge.

Everything, just like a part of their normal life.

Qiao Xun was in a daze for a while when a guide wearing a red hat ran over immediately.

"Sir, are you sick?"


"Then why are you standing still? Hurry up and enter the shelter, the crystal will be here soon."


"Oh, sir, don't be stunned, come with me!"

After speaking, the guide grabbed Qiao Xun's hand and ran towards a shelter.

After the two entered the shelter, the door was closed.

The inside of the refuge is also orderly, and everyone is sitting in their seats. There is a huge screen in front of it, and the screen is the scene outside. Several students were discussing something excitedly, and words such as "red crystal", "amethyst", "golden crystal" and "moon princess" came out of their mouths.

The scene in the refuge is like...a movie theater?

When he found that Qiao Xun was still standing, the guide came over again.

"Sir, please sit down quickly, you may experience tremors later. If you accidentally fall, it will be bad for you to be hurt."

Qiao Xun looked at the guide.

A young girl with a serious expression, with "Guide" and some slogans written on the red hat.

Looking at her appearance, Qiao Xun thought of a part-time milk tea girl in a milk tea shop on Earth, and couldn't help asking:

"Are you a temporary worker?"

When the little guide heard this, he said angrily:

"It's not a temporary worker, it's a probationary worker! After the probationary period, you can become a regular worker!"

"oh oh."

"Anyway, please cooperate with my work and sit down. If you are injured, I will not be able to return to normal!"

The little guide is quite honest.

Qiao Xun found a spot at random and sat down.

He became more and more curious about the worldview of this world. There is a feeling of not wanting to see the world too early to avoid spoilers. It's like watching a favorite movie, and you don't want to read the plot synopsis online in advance.

The picture on the screen trembled slightly.

"Come on!" shouted a restless student.

Then, a huge blue creature appeared on the screen. The surface of its body reflects a dazzling blue light, which is between cyan and blue, very dreamy, and vaguely resembles the twinkling of the stars. In texture, it is like a smooth crystal.

"Ah, it's the blue crystal with the strongest recovery ability!" The restless student acted as the narrator.

Under his explanation, Qiao Xun learned that this huge blue crystal was what they wanted to avoid... "monster"?

Immediately afterwards, a crisp and clean shout came from the sky,

"Damn crystal, you are not allowed to destroy the city!"

A ray of light flickered, and a... girl appeared on the huge screen.

Then, someone in the shelter screamed and shouted:

"Ah, it's Miss New Moon Princess Mela!"


So dazzling!

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes and looked at the new moon princess, Miss Mela. Fifteen or sixteen years old, she looks beautiful and dresses beautifully, especially her long moon-white hair, like the Milky Way pouring out on the moon.

The new moon princess, holding a wand, began to fight the blue crystal.

In the shelter, a group of people clenched their fists and cheered for her from the air.

The battle between Mera, the new moon princess, and Sapphire quickly turned from an equal battle at first to a one-sided crush. Holding a wand, she beat the blue crystal to pieces with brilliant magic, and finally shattered the blue crystal with an ultimate nirvana.

The blue crystal shattered into hundreds of thousands of pieces, floated over the city, and some robot-like things flew out from the top of a tall building, and began to recycle the pieces.

And under the watchful eyes of the new moon princess Mela, she took off her beautiful clothes and turned into the dress of an ordinary high school student.

"Sure enough, Miss Meera is beautiful even if she's not transformed!"

"Of course, the princesses of the moon are not beautiful girls!"

"Miss Meera is also working very hard today. She came to fight the crystal right after school, and she will definitely have backache at night. The blue crystal attacked Miss Meera just now, and it really scared me to death. But it's okay. Miss Meera is strong and totally fine."

"If only I could become the princess of the moon."

"Don't think too much about Lilitha, her looks are not enough."

"Damn! You're not much better."

"I wouldn't fantasize about being the princess of the moon."

Feeling the strong desire next to him, Qiao Xun turned his head.

The little guide next to him looked at the screen with hope, and his eyes were full of yearning.

Joe asked:

"Do you want to be the princess of the moon?"

The little guide nodded subconsciously, reacted immediately, and his face turned red with a swipe.

"Sir, please don't talk nonsense! Oh, yes, work!"

She quickly stood up, raised the guiding flag in her hand, and directed people to evacuate from the shelter.

Qiao Xun looked at the screen and murmured:

"It is estimated that this is the world of magical girls. A strong sense of sight..."

Although the finite world has the word "limited", it is only relative to the infinite. The number is still very large, too large to be counted in general.

In so many worlds, a magical girl's world, Qiao Xun thinks it is quite normal.


"This magical girl world is a bit special."

He was thinking about this.

The guide shouted:

"Sir, what's the matter with you! I asked you to enter the shelter, you didn't cooperate, I asked you to sit down, you didn't cooperate, now everyone has left, and it's you who didn't cooperate!"

The leader put his hands on his hips and said angrily:

"Are you here to make trouble for me on purpose! Don't think I'm just a probationary worker so you can bully me!"

Qiao Xun stood up and asked:

"What's your name?"

"Jasmine is chaotic." The guide replied subconsciously. Then she immediately reacted, "Sir, now is not the time to ask my name, please go out quickly, I have to clean the shelter! I have to go to tutoring at night!"


Qiao Xun asked with a smile:

"Miss Ranbu, you want to be the princess of the moon, right?"

Jasmine was stunned for a moment and said with a blushing face,

"Please go out quickly!"

"I'll be your agent. Let you be the princess of the moon."

Qiao Xun handed out a business card.

Jasmine's heart was pounding just by seeing the shape of this business card. Because this is the business card of the Yuegong agent.

She took the business card. It says:

"Dream on the afternoon tour, Moon Palace's agent (senior

"Yuegong's agent! Senior!" Jasmine exclaimed in shock.

She widened her eyes and looked at Qiao Xun in disbelief,

"You, you... are you really the manager of the Moon Palace?"

"Could it still be fake?"

"No, no, how could the Yuegong agent be fake! Oh my god, Mr. Wu Laimeng, did you really...really choose me?"

Qiao Xun thought about it,

"It was a test for you before."

"So, you didn't cooperate with me on purpose?"

"Well, in order to test your work attitude. Well, Miss Luanbu, you passed my test."

Jasmine was so excited that she almost fainted.

Yuegong's agent is still a senior!

My God, the manager of that new moon princess, Miss Mela, is only a senior!

Qiao Xun smiled slightly.

"Relax a little, Miss Huanbu. The future is waiting for you, Princess of the Moon, who will look like the Princess of the Moon."

Jasmine hurriedly stood upright,

"Okay, okay!"

"Miss Luanbu, our goal is to become the Full Moon Princess within a month, are you confident?"

Jasmine hurriedly replied subconsciously:


But then he reacted immediately, his tone trembling,

"Mr. Wulaimeng~www.readwn.com~ Are you kidding me. One month? Princess Full Moon!"

To become the Princess of the Moon in one month is already a very scary thing, and it is the Princess of the Full Moon that no one has ever achieved!

Jasmine hurriedly shook her head and waved her hands.

"No, no, no, no, Mr. Wu Laimeng, this is too scary. One month, Princess Full Moon or something, it's too exaggerated!"

Qiao Xun went out and said as he walked:

"Jasmine, what others can't do doesn't mean we can't do it. Believe in yourself, you are the most qualified person in the history of the Land of Mountains and Seas to become Princess Full Moon, and I am naturally the manager behind Princess Full Moon."

He walked out of the refuge and looked at the highest point of the mountain of life.

murmured softly:

"Only the full moon princess is qualified to touch the 'mountain', right? If I hadn't been reserved and reserved, I would have personally gone to the princess of the month."

Jasmine hurried out of the shelter,

"Mr. Wulaimeng, can I... Really?"

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Jasmine, with me helping you, it's definitely possible. Please stand on the highest point and touch the full moon."

Jasmine's eyes were full of anticipation.


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