Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 14: Moon Princess Jasmine

After Jasmine scrambled to clean up the shelter, she rushed out immediately, clenching her hands and asking with anticipation:

"Mr. Wu Lai Meng, Mr. Wu Lai Meng, what should we do first?"

"First of all, um!" Qiao Xun raised a high-pitched voice.

Jasmine's eyes flashed brightly.

"Find a place to live!"

"Ah~" The highlights in Jasmine's chaotic eyes disappeared visibly.

"Jasmine, don't be like this, it is said that the environment of the place where you live determines a person's achievements to a large extent! So, it's very important!"

"Who said it? How big is it?" Jasmine asked curiously.

Qiao Xun coughed,

"Jasmine, the Princess of the Moon will not ask about such trivial matters."

"But didn't you say it's important?"

"Jasmine! The important thing is to find a place to live, not anything else."

"Oh." Jasmine nodded earnestly, looking like she was being taught.

This child is too sincere.

"So, Jasmine lives alone, right?"

"Eh, how did Mr. Wu Laimeng know?"

"The background check is also part of the Moon Palace's agent's search for the Princess of the Moon."

"Wow, that's amazing."

"Ahem, but, because of the protection of Princess Moon's personal privacy, our agent can't explore too much, and I need you to introduce me."

"I see, it's very professional!" Jasmine introduced herself enthusiastically.

She came from the city at the foot of the mountain, commonly known as... the countryside, and came to the city by herself to study.

A very standard magical girl protagonist template.

Qiao Xun was very satisfied with her condition. Living alone and being a student means that there is not so much trouble, and you can naturally struggle **** the way to touch the full moon and the mountains.

Of course, the reason why Qiao Xun took the initiative to ask her was not that he could not directly understand her life. Instead, I don't want her to leave too many traces of him on her body.

After all, that "mountain" is not as simple as I thought at first.

Unlike other roots of the world, the still "mountain" seems to have its own consciousness. It can even be said that it is the only **** in this world. The so-called princess of the moon and the crystal beast were created by this god. As for the purpose... Qiao Xun has tried to gain insight, but there are still very solid barriers.

Since it is the root of the world with self-consciousness, it cannot be treated as a "thing".

Qiao Xun couldn't guarantee that if he forced himself, the "mountain" would not directly choose to self-destruct. After all, he can't feel the desire of "mountain" now.

It can only be said that in many finite worlds, there are indeed many things that he cannot easily penetrate.

For example, why does the "mountain" with self-consciousness do not generate desire?

"Mr. Wulaimeng, it's time for me to live!"

Qiao Xun saw that it was a wrap-around apartment built around a mountain ridge. The so-called wrap-around apartment is built by imitating the way vines grow.

Very beautiful and full of life.

"It's a beautiful place."

"Eh, isn't it all over the place?"

Qiao Xun said:

"It's better than a cold place like the Moon Palace."

Jasmine hurriedly said politely:

"It must be that Mr. Wu Laimeng has lived in the Moon Palace for too long and is used to it. Moon Palace... Moon Palace is a dream place for billions of people."

The two stepped on the ring ladder, and under the traction of the rails, they slowly went upstairs.

Jasmine's house is on the ninth floor and needs to pass through a green belt. The green belt has been transformed into an air park, and some children play in it, playing shuttlecock, hopscotch and other games.

Qiao Xun was amazed at the phenomenon of children playing very traditional games in this futuristic city. It seems... very humanistic. Nothing has turned the city of the future into a cold thing of steel and information.

902 is Jasmine's room.

Outside there is a number plate with her name written on it, as well as some pink, red and colorful decorations that are very girly.

When he walked to the door, the door of 903 next to him opened, and a mature woman dressed beautifully came out. After seeing the two of them, he asked:

"Jasmine, is this your family?"

Jasmine hurriedly said politely:

"My lady, this is..."

Qiao Xun shook his head slightly. Jasmine understood, and continued:

"My teacher is here for a home visit."

"Really?" Sayujin raised her eyebrows in doubt.

A female student who lives alone brings a strange man home. Anyone would be suspicious of this.

Sayou Ma said bluntly:

"Then please show your teacher qualification certificate and identification."

Jasmine was stunned for a moment, then explained with a smile:

"My lady, don't be so troublesome."

"No, Jasmine. As the corridor security administrator on the ninth floor, I have to be responsible for your safety. If you let a strange man enter the house of a high school girl who lives alone, you must investigate thoroughly!" Zhang's "wave-like" face, but said such stalwart and flashing words.

It's really... very surprising.

However, Qiao Xun has his own way to deal with it. Even an ordinary woman can't handle it, how can she break through the finite world? He pretended to take it out in his pocket, took out two documents, and handed them to Sayu Jinga.

"Hmph, don't try to lie to me, I have the experience of firming up false documents!"

Sayujin I brought it over and read it carefully, looking left and right, and flipped through the mezzanine several times, only to take the magnification and look at it. In the end, no flaw was found.

"Damn, it's actually true!"

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"My lady, you seem to have a great opinion about my entering the home of classmates. Are you her guardian?"


"Oh, as the head teacher of Luanbu's classmate, I have the responsibility to take care of what kind of people her neighbors are and whether it will affect her daily life. So, if necessary, please show your proof of identity and residency—”

Sayujin I immediately bowed ninety degrees,

"Excuse me, Mr. Wu Laimeng, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubts about your identity. I'll show off!"

After saying that, he stepped on high heels and slipped away.

"This guy……"

Jasmine's scrambled steps were both apologetic and funny.

"Teacher... oh no, Mr. Wu Laimeng, my miss is actually a very good person. I have taken care of me a lot since I moved here, so please don't worry about it."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"The manager of the Moon Palace will not be so stingy. Also, Jasmine, we will spend a lot of time together in the future, so there is no need to be so polite. The honorary title and the like will be exempted. After all, according to her identity, the Princess of the Moon is above the manager of the Moon Palace. If people see you, the princess of the moon, being so polite to the manager, they will definitely suspect that your skills are not enough."

"Ah, is that so, but, I'm not yet... the Princess of the Moon." Jasmine hurriedly lowered her head, feeling a little embarrassed.

The shy attitude of the girl is also a very good scenery.

Qiao Xun said,

"It's very simple. To become a princess of the moon is nothing more than gaining the power of the moon, being able to summon a wand and transforming into a moon form."

"It's so simple to say, but I can't feel the power of the moon. I heard that it needs to be graced by Lord Mountain God."

Qiao Xun watched Jasmine scrambling seriously,


"Ah, what's the matter!" Jasmine hurriedly walked around looking like she was frightened.

"Besides yourself, don't trust anyone easily, including me, including Lord Mountain God. This is the premise of becoming Princess Full Moon."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. You must learn to judge whether something is good for you or not."

"This sounds... not very friendly."

"The Princess of the Moon is not as beautiful as you think. After gaining the power of the Moon, she will also bear that resentment invisibly."

"Mr. Wulaimeng said something profound."

"Forget it, let's start with the most basic. For example, get the power of the moon first."

"All right."

Jasmine hurriedly poured out the tea and set out refreshments. The two sat on a small tatami.

Qiao Xun said to Jasmine, saying,

"Jasmine, the power of the moon comes from the mountain god. In the popular sense, it will be the grace of the mountain god. But you should know why the power of the moon appears."

"It's to deal with the crystal beasts!"

"Then, how did the crystal beast appear?"

"Eh, this... I don't know."

"There are mountain gods and so many high-tech weapons, but the task of defeating crystal beasts can only be placed on you girls under the age of eighteen. Have you ever thought that human beings are too weak and mountain gods are too weak? I'm not responsible anymore."

Gu Si

"Mr. Wu Laimeng, please don't speak ill of the mountain god." Jasmine said in a low voice, "There is a statue of the mountain **** next to it."

Qiao Xun looked to the side, and sure enough, there were anthropomorphic mountain **** statues in the compartment.

"It's weird if you can hear it."

Jasmine flicked her fingers. She felt that the Moon Palace agent seemed to have little respect for Lord Mountain God.

Qiao Xun continued:

"So, Jasmine, my goal for you is not to defeat many crystal beasts, but to become the full moon princess, the real full moon princess."


"Yes, only your own full moon princess."

"I don't understand."

"It's okay, you will understand."

"All right."

Qiao Xun snapped his fingers, and the room was closed. Then, Jasmine felt a little dizzy as she walked around.

When she came back to her senses, she found that the tatami was gone, and there was only a small coffee table and almost tea. Surrounded by... the stars. They are sitting in the starry sky.

"Wow, Mr. Wu Lai Meng! It's amazing! Is that snap of fingers a switch that turns on something?"

"It's not, I just think it's very handsome."


Qiao Xun waved his hand, and the scene behind Jasmine's chaotic steps changed rapidly. A full moon slowly rose from the deep space. She was sitting under the full moon.

"Jasmine, close your eyes and feel the power of the moon in your heart."

Jasmine's blushing blushed,

"But Mr. Wulaimeng, I'm so excited that I can't calm down."

"Let it go. Excitement is also a reflection of your heart. As long as it comes from your heart, no matter what emotion it is."

"Ah, will it affect the appearance after transformation?"

"Yes. What mood do you get to get the power of the moon? It's what it looks like in the form of the moon. Excited is red, happy is orange, ordinary is green, melancholy is blue, sad is purple, and anger is black."

"Yeah, then I'll stop and talk about it. I hope it's ordinary."

"Jasmine!" Qiao Xun suddenly said loudly.

"What's wrong!"

"Follow me, don't be an ordinary character! Remember, you are the protagonist, how can the protagonist be ordinary!"

Jasmine's chaotic steps were infected by Qiao Xun's impassioned rhetoric, and she also became excited.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Wulaimeng!"

She didn't care about three, seven or twenty-one, and closed her eyes. Feel what you feel in your heart, do whatever you want!

Qiao Xun looked at the serious and excited girl and exhaled slightly.

He said in his heart:

"Jasmine, you will understand later, nothing is taken for granted. Those princesses of the moon were destined from the beginning, and even their mood when they awakened to the power of the moon was destined. And you are the only one. The Moon Princess who made the choice. You will be the only one."

Suddenly, Jasmine hurriedly opened her eyes,

"Mr. Wulaimeng! The moon!"

Two full moons rose in her eyes.

And the full moon behind her crossed the sky and fell into the deep space.

Qiao Xun was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said:

"Jasmine, it's right to choose you. You're an amazing child."

He made his choice easily, without entanglement or hesitation. Better than Qiao Xun expected.

Because Jasmine was very excited, Jasmine didn't hear what Qiao Xun was saying.

"Mr. Wulaimeng, should I transform myself?"

"Well. Remember, don't shout slogans when you transform."

"Ah, why? Don't everyone shout?"

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

"I don't think so, how handsome!"

"...Then you can call."


Jasmine's heart was surging, her consciousness echoed with the power of the moon,

"Moon, please grant me strength! Transform, moon form!"

A beam of light descended, wrapping Jasmine and walking chaotically.

Of course it is. How can people see the transformation of a beautiful girl, of course she needs to be protected, otherwise the door is open and others will attack while she is transforming?

Qiao Xun patted his forehead,

"This shameful transformation moment! No, we have to find a way to shorten the transformation time."

"Mr. Wulaimeng!" A voice came from the light.

"What's the matter, Jasmine?"

"I seem to be different from other moon princesses."

"Come out and have a look."

"Some... embarrassed."

"Be generous, Jasmine!"

Jasmine walked out of the transformation beam in a scramble.

I saw that the clothes on her body were not the usual colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and white. But...all kinds of colors. The dominant color is gold. Including hair, eyebrows, eye pupils, lip glaze, etc. have become golden. The surging power of the moon surrounded her. The little girl has a good figure, and this figure is both sacred and full of youthful charm.

The one in her right hand is not a magic wand, but a golden sword.

Qiao Xun clapped his hands,

"Wow, Jasmine, I'm curious right now, how did you feel when you transformed, it's colorful."

Jasmine said in embarrassment:

"It's just normal joy. I thought it would be red."

"However, this shape is very good-looking, and it's very close to the body. Gold and rainbow colors are so handsome, and they are instantly different from other moon princesses."

"But, won't it be too dazzling?"

"Isn't it dazzling? You are the protagonist!"

"I don't know about the protagonist or something. I just feel... so shy. If everyone sees her like this, you won't be able to live in the human world." Jasmine hurriedly crossed her chest with one hand and covered her abdomen with the other.

Qiao Xun took a light sip of tea,

"Jasmine, be more generous. Look at the other moon princesses, who is so coy like you."


"Jasmine, you've always wanted to be the princess of the moon~www.readwn.com~ Don't let down your dreams. Do it boldly, move forward with confidence, and leave the behind-the-scenes to me."

"I always feel like I'm causing trouble for Mr. Wu Laimeng."

"A manager is for trouble. As a manager, the greatest satisfaction is to see your Moon Princess standing at the top. So, Jasmine, even if it is to achieve my satisfaction, you should work hard."

Jasmine gradually gathered up her courage, holding her head high, and standing generously.

The sacredness of its moon form became more and more obvious.

"Mr. Wu Laimeng has fulfilled my dream, and I... I will also fulfill my dream for Mr. Wu Lai Meng!"

Qiao Xun smiled,



"It's a word."

Qiao Xun pulled the hook with Jasmine very childishly.

"A word is for sure!"

"Princess Jasmine of the Moon, the next step is to become... Princess New Moon."

Jasmine hurriedly raised the golden sword in her hand. A gem was embedded in the hilt. At this moment, the gem was only a very faint edge of the moon. The new moon princess is a crescent moon, the crescent moon princess is a crescent moon, and the full moon princess is naturally a full moon.

"In order to become the Crescent Princess!"

The golden sword surging with the power of the moon, blooming gorgeously in the boundless starry sky where the two of them are.

But the next moment she was gone,

"But, I can't use a sword!"

"Want to learn swords?"


Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"I'll teach you."

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