Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 15: Call out the moves before the battle, but it's very handsome!

Mountain and Sea World, Mountainside Area, North Maple Leaf City.

Maple Leaf City is famous for its red maples all over the city. You can see red maple leaves all over the city when you come here in any season. Under the unique vegetation cover design of Maple Leaf City, these maple trees and buildings form a unique scenery, and many people come here to see maple leaves every year.

Today, Maple Leaf City welcomed a special pair of tourists. Dressed very plainly, no one can tell their identities from their appearance.

After getting off the air train, Jasmine asked:

"Mr. Wulaimeng, are there really crystal beasts here today?"

Qiao Xun wore a low-key blue cap,

"Yes, trust me."

Jasmine walks around and doesn't understand,

"There are two crescent princesses in Maple Leaf City. Even if there are crystal beasts, there is no problem. Why do we still come here?" Her eyes lit up, "Could it be that you are watching the actual combat? Accumulate practical experience. ?"

"No no no, Jasmine. Don't be so conservative, we are here to steal the show!"


To steal the limelight, this kind of thing is too "rebellious" for Jasmine, who has a serious and conservative personality.

Qiao Xun said to her solemnly:

"Jasmine, there can only be one full moon princess. It's impossible not to steal the limelight from the other moon princesses."

"But, shouldn't you take it slowly, get stronger little by little, and work hard?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"You can take it slow, but will others wait for you to become stronger? Will your competitors stop and wait for you to accumulate a little bit?"


"Jasmine, put aside your good-child thinking. Do you think your enemy is a crystal beast? No, it's another moon princess."

"However, the mission of the Moon Princess is to protect everyone. We should protect the city with them."

"Why do you have to be with them?"

"Eh... Isn't that what it should be?"

"Should? Who told you it should. Who told you that the mission of the Princess of the Moon is to protect everyone?"

Jasmine thought for a while, but couldn't find the answer from her own cognition.

She stared and opened her mouth to look at Qiao Xun,

"Mr. Wulaimeng..."

Qiao Xun said,

"Jasmine, the mission of the Princess of the Moon has never been to protect the city. That is the mission of the Mountain God. The mission of the Princess of the Moon is...to become the Princess of the Full Moon. This is a trial to become the Princess of the Full Moon from beginning to end."

Jasmine asked in confusion:

"When you become Princess Full Moon, what will you do?"

"The answer is to wait for you to find it yourself. Jasmine, abandon your good-child thinking."

Jasmine's chaotic world view collapsed.

Isn't the mission of the Princess of the Moon to protect the city and protect human beings?

Qiao Xun knew very well why the Princess of the Moon was an underage girl. Because children of this age have the most sensitive emotions, and the three views have not yet been stabilized...the most suitable for control and "training". The age is too young to be suitable, the combat power is not good, the growth cycle is too long, the age is too old, and the three views are formed and it is not easy to control. If it is a teenager, the probability of rebellion is higher than that of a girl.

Therefore, adolescent girls are the most suitable group to choose.

Jasmine pursed her lips and did not speak.

After a while, Qiao Xun asked:

"Jasmine, Princess Moon is different from what you think, are you still willing to continue?"

Jasmine hurriedly said:

"Of course! Even if it is to accomplish Mr. Wu Lai Meng's goal, I will not give up."

"I hope so."

Qiao Xun walked forward.

Jasmine looked at Qiao Xun's back and thought, maybe Mr. Wu Lai Meng also has some secrets that he can't tell.

But everyone has a secret.

She immediately followed.

Thirty minutes later, a sharp and shocking alarm sounded "on time" over Maple Leaf City. People on the streets took refuge in an orderly manner under the guidance of the guides.

Soon, a blue void appeared over the city, and a huge red crystal beast swept out of it, making a roar that shook the mountains.

The red crystal beast is characterized by high attack power and strong desire to attack. The ordinary princess of the moon can't eat it.

However, the shortcomings are obvious, and it is easy to attract hatred. Therefore, the way to deal with the enemy is often the cooperation of two moon princesses, one taunts to attract hatred, and the other adds attack.

This time is no exception.

The moment the red crystal beast appeared, the command room of the Maple Leaf City Security Building issued an order.

In a private girls' high school east of Maple Leaf City, after Chiba Yuki received an order, a jewel appeared in her chest. The gem shows a new moon. The new moon overflowed with the power of the moon to wrap it, and soon, she completed the transformation and entered the purple moon form. Then he went straight to the direction of the red crystal beast.

At the same time, in a high school to the north, Rika Ichinose also received an order. A gem emerged from her eyes, which was also a crescent moon, representing that she was also a crescent moon princess. Enter the orange moon form with the power of the crescent moon and rush to the battlefield quickly.

in shelters everywhere.

When the people who took refuge saw the red crystal beast, they were both surprised and looking forward to it. Surprisingly, red crystals are generally rare, and I am looking forward to seeing two moon princesses at the same time.

"It should be Miss Chiba and Miss Ri Ichinose."

"It must be them. I'm really looking forward to it! I haven't seen the two of them cooperate for a long time."

"The attacks of the two moon princesses are very gorgeous and gorgeous. Last time, Miss Qianyu's purple melancholy record made the whole city of Maple Leaf City stained with a layer of purple... She was standing in the air at that time, and there was purple beside her. The petals are falling, it's beautiful, that scene."

"And Miss Ritsu Ichinose too! Her execution skills are also very cool, a bunch of yellow roses blooming inside the crystal beast!"

"If the next two are executed together... that scene, it's exciting to think about it! I'm looking forward to it!"

"Hey, wait! Look at the screen! That... is that the new moon princess?"

On the screen of the Refuge.

The red crystal beasts are wreaking havoc on buildings and streets. And behind it, a girl with blond hair and golden eyes hangs with a golden long sword surging with light. The fluttering dress drags a long misty gauze of light, like wings of light unfolding. The main piece of sky was stained with a touch of gold, and the sacred feeling that permeated the sky made everyone feel awe.

"Wow... so handsome!"

"I haven't seen her before. She is the new princess of the moon. The moon imprint on the gemstone is very faint, so I'm just getting started."

"But her moon form... looks more powerful than other moon princesses. Gold and rainbow colors are probably the first time I've seen them."

"Besides, the other Moon Princesses all have magic wands. Why is she holding a... sword? This sword is too handsome!"

"Look, she made a move!"

"Why didn't she wait for the other moon princesses? Does she want to fight alone!"

On the screen, the Moon Princess Jasmine is holding a golden sword and attacking the red crystal beast. Every move she used was taught by Qiao Xun. For her, Qiao Xun specially set up a dream performance field. Although it has only been a day since she became the Princess of the Moon, she has actually been practicing swordsmanship in her dreams for a long time.

"Oh my God, it's really a fight alone! How did the security building command it?"

"It's not like she didn't tell her that the red crystal beast is difficult to deal with alone!"

"A newcomer, who is just starting out, will fight against the red crystal all of a sudden, how difficult it is to hell! I hope the other two princesses of the moon will arrive soon, otherwise they will be injured!"

"It's okay to be injured. If the gem is broken, it's over. The red crystal has a very strong desire to attack!"

"The Princess of the Moon is the treasure of the whole world, don't let anything happen!"

Everyone began to pray, hoping that the other two princesses of the moon would come to help this stunned young man soon.

In the command room of the City Security Building in Maple Leaf City.

Supreme Commander Pyeongtaek Ansan looked at the battle screen and asked angrily:

"Who made this newcomer fight!"

"Commander, we only sent battle orders to Chiba and Ichinose Ri! This newcomer should have just happened to be at the scene and decided to fight on his own."

"A newcomer, singled out a red crystal?! What is this called? Who is her manager? Didn't she tell her this basic common sense! Find her manager quickly, and turn on the city radio to notify her to retreat quickly. In addition, Inform Chiba and Ichinose Ri and ask them to support them quickly! Be sure to keep this newcomer!"


Commander Pyeongtaek Ansan was anxious and angry.

With a population of 10 billion in the world, including those who retired and sacrificed, there have been only 50 Moon Princesses so far, and only 27 of them have fighting power. So every princess of the month is very precious. What's more, the newly-appeared Moon Princess is a brand-new form, and it may have great potential.

But don't let anything happen.

He stared at the screen.

"You must be calm!"

Over the city of Maple Leaf City.

The city radio rang,

"Princess of the Moon, please retreat immediately, please retreat immediately!"

After all, Jasmine didn't have enough fighting experience, so after hearing the broadcast, she was stunned for a moment. The red crystal beast seized the gap and released a dense rain of redstone swords from its body to stab at her.

"Oh my God!"

When the crowd in front of the screen saw Jasmine walking in a daze and the sword rain attack of the red crystal beast, their hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

Some even closed their eyes reluctantly. They didn't want to see the sight of the Moon Princess being pierced by the Sword Rain.

"Jasmine, don't be distracted!"

Qiao Xun's voice sounded in Jasmine's heart.

Valley Season

Jasmine walked back to her senses, and Jian Yu was already in front of her. Her eyes narrowed and she shouted:

"Sword of Wrath, first move!"

She pulled the golden sword in her hand, and cut out a lot of sword energy at a very fast speed, blocking the rain of red stone swords.

Just when everyone was shocked that she actually blocked this move.

Her second move has already come out,

"Sword of Wrath, the second style!"

Jasmine hurriedly pulled her body in the air, slashing out a huge golden sword energy in four directions around the red crystal beast. All this happened in an instant. In the eyes of everyone, four sword qi appeared out of nowhere, slashing towards the red crystal beast from four directions.

Four sword qi fell on the red crystal beast, instantly knocking it into a state of rigidity.

Jasmine Huanbu was unexpectedly calm. She held a golden sword, the tip of the sword pointed at the red crystal beast,

"Next is execution time! I, Princess Jasmine of the Moon, sentence you to death!"

She closed her eyes and drew her sword, opened her eyes and shouted a move:

"Sword of Wrath, execution style!"

In the surrounding space, ten thousand golden vortices instantly appeared, surrounding the red crystal beasts. A slightly smaller golden sword gushed from each vortex.

Thousands of swords are fired at once, truly thousands of swords are fired at once.


Ten thousand swords penetrated the red crystal beast.

The golden light bloomed, and everyone couldn't help but close their eyes.

After the golden light disappeared, everyone only saw that Jasmine was hanging in the air with random steps, with red crystal fragments floating around her body.

Quickly kill the red crystal beast without damage...and a fledgling moon princess.

However, at this moment, everyone had no time to be shocked, and there was only one thought:

"So handsome..."

Jasmine's chaotic moon form, attack method, and execution tactics... Even her post-war posture seems to be specially designed to serve "handsome and gorgeous". The gorgeous fighting style, handsome shape and posture have left an indelible influence in the hearts of everyone.

The two crescent princesses are long overdue.

When they arrived, all they saw was Jasmine, who was holding her sword, and the shards of red crystal floating in the air.

Chiba Yuki asked blankly:

"You killed the red crystal beast?"

Only then did Jasmine recover from the battle. She was suddenly approached by the senior she had longed for, and she suddenly became nervous and said with a blushing face:

"Ah... yes, that's what I was like... and then killed."

"This way?"

Jasmine walked like a fan of idols, she was so excited and nervous that she couldn't speak incoherently:

"Ms. Chiba, and Miss Ichise Ri! What about the red crystal beast... It's enough to make it stiff, and then execute it... Well, the manager told me, although one person is a bit reckless, he was scared in the middle. ...But, um, I didn't disappoint the two seniors and the manager."

Jasmine didn't realize at this moment that her conversation with the two new moon princesses was being broadcast live.

I would never have thought that the contrast between her handsome fighting style and her current shy and nervous appearance... quickly caused a huge response. Everyone can't wait to find out where this new Moon Princess comes from? What is your name?

Yuki Chiba and Rika Ichinose felt that there were a lot of grooves, and for a while they didn't know what to complain about first.

However, Rika Ichinose saw that this "junior" was a little nervous, so she didn't ask any further questions, but smiled and encouraged:

"That's great, you can defeat the red crystal beast alone. What's your name?"

"Jasmine, Jasmine Huanbu!" Jasmine Ruanbu's eyes flashed with golden light, full of hope and future, and she said her name.

Since then, the name Jasmine Luanbu has resounded in every city in the world of mountains and seas.

The logistics team of the security building came to clean up the mess.

Jasmine was about to talk to her two seniors, when she suddenly heard Qiao Xun's voice in her heart.

"Jasmine, come back."

She could only bow to the two seniors regretfully and leave quickly.

In the eyes of Chiba Yuki and Ichinose Ri Rika. Jasmine just flickered and disappeared instantly.

"So fast!" Chiba Yuki said subconsciously.

Rika Ichinose smiled slightly,

"What a lovely child. The whole body reveals a new personality."

"But, can a newcomer have such a strong fighting ability? Besides, this moon form, let's see it for the first time."

Rika Ichinose shook her head,

"I do not know."

Chiba Yuki thought for a while,

"It always feels...she's different from us. Her eyes are full of hope. Pure and clean."

"She doesn't have a sense of mission."

"To be precise, there is no sense of mission imposed by others." Chiba Yuki whispered.

Rika Ichinose stretched her back,

"Okay Chiba. Just listen without fighting, don't worry too much."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Chiyu Yuki looked at the direction where Jasmine disappeared, sighing slightly,

"I hope you have always been pure and clean..."


On the air train going home.

Qiao Xun briefly told Jasmine about the battle he had summarized. Simply put, it's a reset.

Jasmine hurriedly listened attentively.

"One more thing, Jasmine!"


"The next time you fight, can you stop shouting your moves and then make your moves? Besides, when you're executing, you're directly executing, why do you shout such a long slogan?"

Jasmine's chaotic steps are full of stars,

"But everyone does this. Besides, don't you think Mr. Wu Lai Meng is very handsome!"

"The other moon princesses shouted moves because they needed to use them to activate their wands. But you don't."

"But it's handsome! The Sword of Anger, the first style! The Sword of Anger, the second style! How handsome, Mr. Wu Laimeng."

Qiao Xun felt his teeth were sore.

"Don't shout, don't shout, I'm allergic to the second disease."

Jasmine immediately shut up~www.readwn.com~ But after a while, she shouted again unexpectedly:

"Sword of Wrath, execution style!"

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Very handsome!"

"...You are a high school freshman, not a middle school sophomore..."

"But it's handsome!"


Jasmine laughed happily.

"Jasmine, are you kidding me on purpose!"

Jasmine pouted and pursed her lips, looking at the scenery outside the train,

"Mr. Wulaimeng doesn't seem to relax at all. He seems to be thinking all the time, thinking about something... I just want you to relax. It's clear that you won the first battle, so you should relax. Always. Wouldn't it be tiring if you were thinking about a problem?"

Qiao Xun couldn't refute the girl's simple idea.

"You're right, it's time to relax."

Jasmine's eyes lit up,

"So, to celebrate the victory, let's go eat barbecue! Roast, roast, roast!"

"Jasmine is very excited."

"Well...of course!"

"But there is still a lot of work, and we don't have much time."

Qiao Xun still wanted to complete the goal as soon as possible.

"If Mr. Wu Laimeng promises to go to the barbecue with me, I will not call out moves in the future!"

"it is good!"

Jasmine couldn't help but complain.

"Do you really dislike me calling moves that much!"

"As long as you don't shout moves, you can say anything."

"He's obviously very handsome!"

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