Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 17: "Chang'e Flying to the Moon"

Every household has a screen that directly connects the battle scene between the Moon Princess and the Crystal Beast.

Jasmine's wandering home is no exception. This is not purchased at any cost and is distributed directly from door to door by the city security building. And the most advanced imaging technology is used, probably to allow people to see the appearance of the princesses of the moon most clearly and intuitively.

Paired with some good augmented reality viewing equipment, it is very immersive.

Qiao Xun sat on the tatami and watched the scene on the screen where Jasmine, the princess of the moon, was fighting with two crystal beasts, one blue and one white.

Generally speaking, crystal beasts rarely appear in pairs, but often appear in pairs, and the destructive power shown is one plus one greater than two. Multiple crescent princesses, or even crescent moon princesses, are needed to suppress.

But Jasmine is only one person.

The whole process was pressing two crystal beasts to fight, and between each move, there was a feeling of walking in the courtyard, as if performing a gorgeous sword dance.

The sword moves that Qiao Xun designed for her are basically very gorgeous, although some movements have only pure performance effects and are of little practical significance. But... with Jasmine's strength in the moon form, it doesn't take much effort to fight the crystal beast.

Therefore, the performance effect is greater than the actual combat significance.

In this way, it is more able to... "suck up powder". For ordinary people, fighting with crystal beasts is very far away. What they intuitively feel is whether the battle of the moon princesses is smooth, dazzling, gorgeous, and easy.

Qiao Xun could completely devise a one-hit-kill, destructive sword move for Jasmine’s scramble. But that's not flashy enough, in a video game, it's not cool enough, not enough light pollution, not enough special effects.

As he had designed, the battle scene where Jasmine stalked would be regarded as a meticulously prepared and gorgeous dance by anyone who saw it.

She herself is also very perceptive, perfectly interpreting the sacred and noble image of "Princess of the Moon".

One fight, two fights, three fights...

With the help of that bracelet, she can always appear at the place where the crystal beasts are haunted, and execute them in the most exciting battle before everyone else.

Her figure appeared again and again in the eyes of everyone in the world, and then immersed in the depths of their consciousness. More and more attention is focused on her.

For Jasmine Ranbu, being able to protect the city, protect everyone, and fight crystal beasts is the greatest satisfaction. For ordinary people, being able to often see the divine and gorgeous figure of Jasmine, the princess of the moon, and seeing her dreamy battle scenes are also delicious spices in life.

The crystal beast is being eliminated, Jasmine is fulfilling her dream, people are being protected, and the pressure on the security building is reduced.

Everything looks so harmonious and beautiful.

But...for Yuegong, every time Jasmine's splendid performances, they were unscrupulously fiddling with their painful nerves.

The Moon Princess Jasmine is always the first to appear in the places where the crystal beasts are haunted. The more and more she appears, the less the other Moon Princesses appear. There is no doubt that squeezing the growth space of other moon princesses is very difficult for their managers to accept. After all, every agent's goal is to train his own Moon Princess into a Full Moon Princess.

In the southern city of Black Rock, Miku Shibai, the princess of the Crescent Moon, watched the latest battle of Jasmine Ranpo, and said to the agent next to Ms. Kuriko:

"This Princess Jasmine is amazing, it would be great if I had a chance to get to know her."

Jiuliguang looked anxious,

"Zhii, why do you still have this attitude? Can't you see that because of her, you and other moon princesses are fighting less and less often?"

Shibai Miku ruffled her hair that fell from her temples.

"Is this bad? I have more time to read and write."

"Shibai, you are a princess of the moon, and you are not a light novel writer."

"Ms. Hikaru, I know my story is bad, but I like it." Shibai Miku stood up and opened the window, the wind blew in and slapped his face, "It seems that I was destined to be the princess of the moon from birth. Father My mother, my elder brother are all proud of me, and my younger sister also regards me as an idol. They never ask me what I like and what I want to do. Probably the only thing I do is to be a princess for a month. Like Ms. Guang, who has been with me for three years, do you know what tea I like to drink? Who is my favorite writer?"

Jiuliguang pushed his glasses. She was not interested in Shibai Miku's sensual remarks,

"Zhii, how many people dream of becoming the princess of the moon, but they have no chance."

"If that's the case...why don't you let the right people take the place? Why use the word 'destined by heaven' to cut my way and theirs?"

"You know, Lord Shanshen chose you. Our agents just discovered you and helped you grow."

"Lord Mountain God... is it heaven?"

"Shibai, you can't say such rude words."

Shibai Miku didn't want to continue talking. It makes no sense.

She looked at Jasmine on the screen,

"Look at Jasmine's eyes and expression... full of hope, purity, and nobility. I don't think anyone is forcing her to do things she doesn't like. Madam Guang, if all the moon princesses could be like her, wouldn't they? There will be no such thing as Senior Fenghua and Senior Shenling."

"Shibai! They are not allowed to mention their names!" Jiuriguang said angrily.

Shibai Miku looked at Jiuriguang,

"why not?"

"They disobeyed the Moon Palace and blasphemed the real moon! They are the shame of the Moon Princess! Shibai, you are the Moon Princess closest to the Full Moon Princess, definitely, there must be no problems, definitely!" Jiuliguang said straightly Looking at Shibai Miku.

Shibai Miku said:

"Senior Fenghua was once the Princess of the Moon who was closest to Princess Full Moon. But I can't forget her last battle. She was obviously capable of defeating that crystal beast, but she chose to give up. Does Ms. Guang know the reason?"

Jiuliguang snorted coldly:

"Fenghua Shanchuan is just arrogant and arrogant, disregarding her manager's advice, and underestimating the enemy and being killed. Yuegong educated the princesses of the moon to be modest and cautious, and she disobeyed Yuegong."

Shibai Miku continued:

"What about Senior Shenling? She didn't die in the battle. She defeated the last enemy on the road to the full moon, but why did she choose to give up her moon power?"

"Shenling Mai chose worldly love because she was ignorant and naive. In the end, she just parted ways with her so-called lover. This is purely her own stupidity."

"So, I'd rather fall into the world than touch the full moon. Madam Guang, is that so?"

Jiuliguang said in a deep voice:

"Shibai, you are confused. The brilliance of the full moon tests not only a person's strength, but also the brilliance of her personality. Unwilling to touch the full moon... In fact, the full moon is unwilling to accept them because of the stain of their personality. Don't think it is They don't want to be the full moon princess, but they don't have the qualifications."

"But you once told me that every princess of the month is eligible to become a princess of the full moon. Madam Guang, your words are gradually becoming less convincing."

Jiuliguang gradually changed his tone and said solemnly:

"Zhii, your doubts, your worries, the unease and fear you show are the full moon's final test for you. You must persevere, not give up on yourself, only through this low period can you touch the real Full moon."

Shibai Miku looked at Jiuriguang in confusion,

"Is it really?"

"Yes. The full moon is to test whether you can keep your heart at the last moment. Don't follow in the footsteps of Fenghua Mountains and Shenling Mai."

Shibai Miku lowered his head and said after being silent for a while:

"I will work hard."

Jiuliguang breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said:

"I believe you."

Shibai Miku looked at Jasmine walking around on the screen and murmured in his heart:

"Are you also 'destined by heaven'?"


"Mr. Wu Lai Meng, I'm so tired today! I went to three cities in a row and fought five crystal beasts! My shoulders hurt!"

As soon as Jasmine entered the door, she immediately lay down on the hallway of the entrance with big characters. With both feet stretched out, the left foot pushes the right foot, and the right foot pushes the left foot to push off the shoes.

"My feet hurt too!"

Qiao Xun didn't speak.

She propped up her upper body and turned to look at the living room.

Qiao Xun is sleeping.

Her eyes suddenly widened. This is the first time I see Mr. Wulaimeng sleeping. In her impression, he never sleeps, either contemplating in the living room, or going out for a walk alone, or teaching her sword moves, or in a daze.

Actually fell asleep!

"Isn't it because I'm sick..."

Jasmine took off her socks, walked quietly to Qiao Xun, got closer... and got closer...

Qiao Xun suddenly opened his eyes. Jasmine was taken aback by her random steps, she sat down on the coffee table, panicked a little, and then pretended to be concerned and asked:

"Mr. Wulaimeng, are you sick?"

"You're back."

"Yeah. Today, I went to three cities and beat five crystal beasts! I feel much stronger!" Jasmine said in a hurry, and she immediately lost her mind, "But I'm so tired, my shoulders, waist, Feet hurt."

"Take a good rest."

"that's all?"


Jasmine hurriedly said in a low voice:

"Mr. Wulaimeng is so relaxed. He doesn't do anything at home, just sleeps. But I am alone outside... fighting. When I come back, I just say one sentence," she imitated Qiao Xun's tone, casually Said, "'Take a good rest'. Oh...how relaxing. It's like when a husband has been working hard all day, he has no wife to comfort him, no delicious food to eat, and he has to be thrown a broom to sweep the floor and sweep the floor. I have to cook when I’m done, and I have to wash the dishes after cooking.”

After complaining, Jasmine hurriedly realized that this metaphor was too... strange! He changed his mind immediately and said with a smile:

"However, I believe that Mr. Wu Laimeng is actually working hard to do his own thing! He won't be a wife who doesn't keep a house!"

Qiao Xun watched Jasmine stalking strangely.

"Jasmine, are you not injured?"


"Then why do you suddenly say something witty?"

Jasmine walked around falteringly for a long time, unable to come up with a complete sentence, and finally said with her eyes wide open:

"If you want to blame it, blame Mr. Wulaimeng! I didn't sleep before, but I suddenly fell asleep today, disrupting my rhythm!"

"Blame me?"

"Do you blame me?"

I can't make it up to Qiao to go back and forth.

"Jasmine, what about your politeness and courtesy when we first met?"

"That's for strangers!"

"Do you think acquaintances are easy to bully?"

"No, it's Mr. Wu Lai Meng's problem!"

"what is the problem?"

"I don't know, it's not my problem anyway." Jasmine walked like a child who was deeply troubled by adolescence, self-willed and unwilling to admit defeat.

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Do you want me to rub your shoulders?"

"don't want!"

Jasmine hurriedly dropped her shoulder bag and went to cook.

After entering the kitchen, she began to regret it,

"Damn, you should agree!"


After eating.

Qiao Xun began to review today's battle.

Just after saying a few words, a full moon suddenly appeared in Jasmine's chaotic eyes. Then the power of the moon brushed over her. She fell into a slight confusion.

After waking up, Jasmine's mood sank a little while walking around.

"Mr. Wu Lai Meng... I seem to have become the Crescent Moon Princess..."

As expected. But Qiao Xun still praised with surprise,


"Also, I seem to have seen something different."

"What is it?"

"The mountain. I saw the mountain."

Qiao Xun's eyes narrowed slightly.

"This is normal, every crescent moon princess will see it."

"Is that the Mountain God-sama?"

"Almost so. The mountain god's first call to Princess Crescent Moon. Tsukigong often said that this is to inspire you to move forward to Princess Full Moon."

"That's it."

"But how do you feel, Jasmine?"

"Well...it feels like growing up."

"grow up?"

"When you grow up, you will have troubles and all kinds of constraints, and you will not be so happy. I feel as if some responsibility has fallen on me, and it must be done." Jasmine asked in a rush, "Others Does Princess Crescent Moon also feel this way?"

Qiao Xun said:

"Actually, for other moon princesses, this feeling will come earlier."


"As you said, a kind of... responsibility. Of course, it is also a mission."

"Isn't the mission to protect the city and protect everyone? This shouldn't make people feel restrained and troubled."

"Jasmine... I told you a long time ago that the mission of the Princess of the Moon has never been to protect."

Jasmine hurriedly lowered her head,

"I remember. But...it always feels weird. I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

"Mr. Wulaimeng, will you always accompany me? Accompany me to become the full moon princess."

"Yes. I am your agent. I will accompany you to the end."

Jasmine took a long sigh of relief,

"Then I'm relieved." She forced a smile, "I always feel like a child who doesn't understand, and dare to go forward only if an adult is with me."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly and said nothing.

The feeling of Jasmine's chaotic steps was also a feeling shared by other moon princesses.

The difference is that ~www.readwn.com~ other princesses of the moon do not have "dream at noon".

Tonight is not a happy night.

Jasmine ushered in insomnia after a long absence. The last time I had insomnia, I was about to travel from the small city at the foot of the mountain to the big city on the mountainside. It was insomnia of excitement.

This time it's... confused insomnia.

She felt that it was too fast. Too soon to be Princess Crescent Moon, too soon to be Princess Crescent Moon.

Too soon...it will be a month.

It was time for Mr. Wulaimeng to leave.

She sat up from the bed and stared at the sky outside the window.

"The mission of the Princess of the Moon..."

The towering ridges loomed under the starlight. The moon of truth shines brightly on the top of the mountain.

She pushed open the bedroom door, stuck her head out to look at Qiao Xun in the living room, and whispered:

"Mr. Wulaimeng, I can't sleep."

Joe asked:

"Want me to tell you a story?"

"I'm not a child." She muttered as she sat on the sofa with a pillow, "What story?"

""Chang'e Flying to the Moon"."


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