Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 18: to use fire

Today is also a day that people look forward to, but they are not happy.

This was the case for Jasmine Ranbu. Facing her friend Misaki Mika, who was obviously very close, but gradually became separated and separated, she found that she didn't even have the courage to invite her home with her. In other words, this will only bring unnecessary trouble to both of them.

It seems that for everyone, as the princess of the moon, she only needs to stand in the spotlight from a distance and be praised and blessed.

Jasmine hurried out of the school gate, and with the greetings and blessings from her classmates and teachers, she headed home. The security building sent a special person to **** her. Although she is independent from the Moon Palace, for the security building, she is still the hottest Moon Princess.

A rare black hover car parked on the side of the street. The optical window vanished after a wave of swaying ripples. Inside the car, there was a familiar but unclear face that made Jasmine stop for a while.

She looked over curiously.

The other party was waving at her and smiling.

She suddenly remembered who it was.

Shibai Miku! The most, the most powerful, the crescent moon princess! It's been a long time since I saw her appear on the big screen. However, Jasmine Ranbu will never forget that it was because she watched Shibai Miku's battle with the Crystal Beast before that the idea of ​​"becoming the princess of the moon" came to mind.

Are you calling me?

Of course, after all, you are the only one here!

After the psychological activity of self-questioning and self-answering, Jasmine walked to the side of the hover car with excitement and anxiety. The car door on one side opened for her.

It is indeed calling me!

"Senior from the future!" As soon as she got into the car, Jasmine couldn't hide her childlike excitement.

Although the Moon Princess is forever young, Shibai Miku is only sixteen years old. But compared to Jasmine, she is like a "super sister". Although it is strange to say that, in Jasmine's eyes, the most powerful Princess Crescent Moon is the super sister! Is the sister of all the moon princesses!

"Jasmine, I'm sorry to meet you in this way. But I hope you understand, this is one of the few private time I have, and I don't want to be disturbed by others."

Jasmine couldn't understand what "the few private time" meant, she just thought it was the busyness that a super sister should have. She said excitedly:

"Sister... No, you don't need to be sorry for the future senior!"

"Sister?" Shibai Miku smiled slightly, "That's great, I also hope to have a younger sister."

Jasmine said ashamedly:

"It's really embarrassing, to say what's in your heart..."

"It's from my heart, I'm happier."

Miku Shibai has a magical charm. Reassure Jasmine. After her breathing had stabilized, she asked:

"What does the future senior have to do with me?"

Shibai Miku looked into her eyes,

"You are already a crescent moon."

"Well... just finished it two days ago."

"Fast. Faster than us. However, this is what you deserve, fighting so many crystal beasts alone and receiving so much attention."

Jasmine was a little nervous as she hurriedly walked.


Shibai Miku saw what she was nervous about, and comforted her:

"Don't blame yourself for grabbing the stage of other Moon Princesses. Jasmine, it doesn't matter. If you are really the Moon Princess."

"What does it mean?"

"In other words, if you are our moon princess."

"Isn't it different?"

Shibai Miku tapped the armrest with his fingers.

"Princess of the Moon is like an entertainment star in the past, who is placed in the spotlight and enjoys everyone's pursuit and love. The difference is that Princess of the Moon has almost no negative content, and only the truth, goodness and beauty are left for them. This is simply perfect. But like those entertainment stars, the ideas of the princesses of the moon are not worthy of everyone's pursuit and love."


"Jasmine, have you felt the call of Lord Mountain God?"



"When I became the Crescent Moon Princess."

"In fact, except for you, all the princesses of the moon were called the moment they set foot on this road. That is to say, the sense of mission given by this call has weighed on them from the very beginning, including On me. It's what makes you different from everyone else. Jasmine, maybe you're the real princess of the moon, who loves the duty of protecting the city and protecting everyone. But for me and everyone else, it's just 'have to be done' One thing'. Because the sense of mission will keep urging us in our hearts, and even force us to complete it."

Shibai Miku's face showed a kind of pity,

"You're not like everyone else. You're really happy, you're really pure and beautiful, you're full of hope. I've seen you on the screen many times. That moved me. You have something we can't do. Beautiful to have."

Jasmine hurriedly lowered her head,

"Feel sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I'm not blaming you. On the contrary, I, and the other moon princesses, are looking forward to you. Wondering where you will go, wondering, will you end up like us, or... Let everyone see the real Princess of the Moon. I even thought selfishly, if only you could complete all the missions for us. I should say sorry to you for having such dark thoughts about you."

"But... the future senior still came."

"Well, I have struggled whether to tear up the beauty of the Princess of the Moon and show you. This will probably pollute your love for the Princess of the Moon. But... I want you to know in the end that you and all of us It's all different. I'd be happy if I could clear up a little bit of your doubts."

Jasmine took a deep breath and tried her best to calm herself down.

"Senior in the future, actually... what you said to me, my agent told me a long time ago."

"Your... manager?" Shibai Miku suspected that he had heard it wrong, "Don't the manager never tell the Princess of the Moon these words? They will only rely on that sense of mission to keep pushing us forward, just like... puppet."

Jasmine said here, with a happy smile and a hint of pride on her face,

"My agent treats me very well. He told me the truth from the very beginning, including the mission of the Princess of the Moon is never to protect, but to touch the full moon, including the Princess of the Moon is actually 'destined by heaven' and 'the choice of destiny' , including that the crystal beast was actually created by the mountain god...the Lord, and the real moon was also created by the mountain god."

Shibai Miku widened his eyes and said in shock:

"The crystal beast was created by the Mountain God?"

"Don't the future seniors know?"

"The Moon Palace kept telling us that it was an invader from another world!"

"But Mr. Wu Laimeng said that it was created by the mountain god, and the purpose was to test the princess of the moon."

Shibai Miku felt dizzy and dizzy, she held her eyebrows, a feeling of vomiting poured out of her stomach. She tried her best not to scare the younger generation.

"Senior in the future, how are you?"

"It's alright, just some minor problems."

The so-called minor problems are actually the sequelae left by her in a one-on-three battle.

At this moment, after the veil of hypocrisy was torn apart, she once again remembered the battle in which she almost died. She thought sadly and angrily, was the princess of so many moons born and died just to satisfy the "game" of Lord Mountain God?

Created monsters by yourself, and created monster hunters, and then said that the world is at stake, and you must risk your life to protect you young girls in your teens!

what is this?

It's disgusting!

Shibai Miku didn't doubt why he suddenly believed what Jasmine said. Because she has long discovered that Yuegong is hypocritical and the mountain **** is strange, but she has always regarded it as the last "test of the heart" of the mountain god, and her agent has said this time and time again. What is the difference between this and "brainwashing"!

Now, Jasmine hurriedly used the simplest words to tell the truth.

Like a child's clean hands wanton stirring in the mud!

Shibai Miku turned pale.

Jasmine asked nervously:

"Senior in the future, are you really okay?"

Only Jasmine's concern made Shibai Miku feel a moment of warmth. She held Jasmine's hand:

"Jasmine, the world is deceiving us. There is no way for me and the other moon princesses to go. You must... must take a different path!"


"I have something that I have been hesitant to do before, but now I have to do it!"

"What is it?"

"Find myself. Even for a moment, I don't want to be a puppet anymore."


"Jasmine, goodbye."

Shibai Miku pressed the button beside him and invited Jasmine down.

Then, she drove the hover car and disappeared on the street in the blink of an eye.

Jasmine staggered and looked in the direction of disappearance, dazed. After a while, she reacted suddenly and ran in the direction of home.

When she got home, she panted and said:

"Mr. Wu Lai Meng, Mr. Wu Lai Meng!"

But no matter how much she shouted, there was no response in the room.

She hurriedly opened the door of each room.


Standing alone on the tatami, she felt the chill strike.


With a unique sound, the battle screen slowly rose.

There is no city in the picture, no people taking refuge, no city.

There is only a Crescent Moon Princess, and a quaint and majestic huge palace. Behind the huge palace is a full moon, which is the true moon.

How could Jasmine forget the moon shape, the melancholy purple, like a purple thorn flower. A sickle-shaped wand, pouring out the power of the moon.

The one she had longed for since she was a child... Shibai Miku.

Just now, I was chatting with her in the hover car. But now, she has stood alone outside the Moon Palace.

Jasmine was dizzy and dizzy, her heart was heavy and flustered.

What will the seniors do in the future?

Find yourself... the meaning of finding yourself, is it to challenge the Moon Palace? But, can the princess of the moon do such a thing?

Shibai's future manager, Jiuri Hikaru, hurried over and asked anxiously and angrily:

"Zhii, what are you doing! Come back with me."

Shibai Miku didn't say a word.

She also doesn't want to talk to these hypocritical people any more.

She swung the scythe-shaped wand and activated the power of the moon. The Moon of Truth shines brightly behind the Moon Palace.

A huge phantom of the sickle appeared in the air. The anger and accusations of the crowd were in the ears.

But in her eyes, there are only the Moon Palace and the full moon.

The phantom of the huge sickle fell, cutting the Moon Palace in half. The collapsed rubble, blue bricks and beams fell from the air and smashed towards the ridge. The people of the Moon Palace were wailing and weeping amidst the great power.

Shibai Miku brewed up a second huge sickle phantom.

This time, her goal is the True Moon.

The icy light of the True Moon looked at her like countless eyes.

The call of the mountain **** suddenly sounded in her heart.

For a moment, she fell into confusion. But he woke up after a while. She was resolute and recklessly swung a second attack.

"No!" The agent Jiuriguang shouted desperately.

The phantom of the sickle falls on the real moon.

But it didn't make any waves.

The moon of truth is still cold.

Tsukigiya, who reacted, quickly surrounded Shibai Miku. A golden-clothed congregation walked out of the crowd, looked at her, and said coldly:

"Mirai Shibai, your strength comes from the Moon of Reality. With this, you will never be able to hurt the Moon of Reality."

Shibai Miku continued to use unique tricks, which consumed a lot of energy. She had long hair scattered, and her scythe-like wand supported her in the air.

She didn't say a word.

As if waiting for the final judgment.

In fact, it was enough for her. She never thought she could really destroy the True Moon. Make this choice, take this step, and that's enough. She also knew that she would be labeled as "blaspheming the true moon" and become a negative case that the agent told to the princesses of the moon.

Became the third shame after Fenghua Shanchuan and Shenling Mai.

But that doesn't matter. The moment she swung the scythe, she felt unprecedented happiness and satisfaction. Because she found her true self.

She raised her head with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

This was a laugh at Jasmine.

Jasmine, who was in front of the screen in the distance, stared blankly at all this. The moment she saw this smile, she suddenly felt that the future senior was by her side.

The next moment, the screen went black.

Everything became silent.

Jasmine slumped on the sofa, unable to recover for a long time.


"Mirai Shibai, you have desecrated the Moon of Reality. I declare that I will deprive you of the power of the Moon and mark the mark of a sinner!"

Shibai Miku closed his eyes and waited for the final judgment.

But an inappropriate voice sounded in her ear,

"If you just die like this, my princess will be very sad. Reckless is a little reckless, but I like it."

She opened her eyes and saw a person standing in front of her.

A simple urban man's dress. Fragile but not messy hair, swaying slightly.

"You are?"

"Come to dream at noon."

Qiao Xun glanced back at her slightly.

Shibai Miku was slightly taken aback. I thought to myself, is this the manager of Jasmine Huanbu?

When he saw Qiao Xun~www.readwn.com~ in the crowd, Sakai Ji subconsciously took a step back, but then he thought that he was standing under the moon of truth, so he gathered up his courage again.

"Dream at noon! I definitely didn't expect you to do this! Shibai Miku is also inspired by you to do such a thing!"

He asked angrily:

"What's your purpose!"

Qiao Xun looked at the true moon,

"Cold and unreal. Is this your moon?"

"Dare to blaspheme the true moon! Take him down!"

The people in white and black drove the power of the moon and attacked Qiao Xun from all directions.

"Low-level and ignorant power."

Qiao Xun stretched out his hand and threw a wisp of flame.

"It's going to be burned with fire."

The fire of jealousy is like a mountain of oil, burning quickly.

A raging fire, burning wildly under the true moon. The huge moon palace made a cracking sound of destruction in the firelight.

The members of the Moon Palace cried out in fear in the fire.

Qiao Xun, holding the weak Shibai Miku, walked through the sea of ​​fire and set foot on the road home.


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