Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 21: rotten world

In the gaps in the void, concepts, information, and escaping matter from various finite worlds are intertwined, forming a turbulent flow that cannot be counted by quantity.

But even if the number cannot be counted, it is impossible to say that it is "infinite".

It's just that, at the level of a life, it's impossible to use quantitative statistics. However, life itself is also a finite part.

Just like no matter how many elements make up life, it is not infinite.

In the gaps in the void, one can only feel the huge "quantity limit", but cannot feel the infinity.

However, for Qiao Xun, the moment he saw the "end point" in the world of truth circles, his view of infinity gradually got rid of the idea of ​​"the opposite of finite". Infinite is not the opposite of finite. The opposite of finite is not infinite, but the "end" is closer.

He didn't count how long he thought about this question.

There is no time in the void, even if it is a scale of hundreds of millions of years, it cannot be defined here. His time will only stop at the moment he left the finite world last time.

Think about infinity, find the root of the world, feel the void.

These are the three things he did in the void.

He is now in a very mysterious, or rather strange state. It was as if he had thought of something, but there was nothing.

He has absolutely no way of knowing whether he has gained anything in the void.

However, this feeling is not painful, on the contrary, it attracts him to continue...even, to merge with the void.

Very wrong.

He suddenly came to his senses. Get out of that state immediately.

In the void, he looked at his conceptualized body and gradually realized one thing. Void has a "home"-like attraction to matter and consciousness. Just like people die in heaven and earth. If the finite world is allowed to evolve, all matter and concepts will eventually escape into the void and fall into absolute chaos.

On Earth, there is a similar law of entropy increase that describes this situation.

But why does this have to happen?

And whether this is the fundamental mystery of the pursuit of infinity. Perhaps, there is no "entropy increase" in the infinite world.

Although it was impossible to get an obvious answer to this question, this experience also made Qiao Xun realize that it is not a good choice to stay in the void all the time.

It is true that there is no time in the gaps in the void, but the void naturally has a general compatibility of "devouring" matter and concepts.

Qiao Xun could not simply determine whether if he stayed in the void, he would eventually merge with the void and lose his sense of self.

Whether or not this happens, there is no need to take risks.

He led him out of the void.


"Earth, do you know that place?"

The rotten meat wings are slowly fanning. There was something like moss growing on it that looked like a fungal infection. There was dark green smoke coming out of the dense holes in the fleshy wings, and scabies-like rot gushing out. When the range of motion is high, not only blood, but also sepsis flows out of the eroded sore.

Two fallen angels brought news from afar and landed on the fortress facing the sea.

There are many fallen angels like them standing on the towers and city walls of the fortress. Just like them, he was covered in decay.

"Isn't that the place guarded by the Nopes fortress?"

The fallen angel who answered stood still, faced the sea, pointed to the other side of the sea and said:

"It's there, right?"

The other fallen angel nodded. There is a flower in his eye, very beautiful. But here, as all fallen angels know, it's a sign that his brain is starting to rot.

Beauty is decay.

"I heard that there is no decay on the earth."

"No decay? How does the material circulate?"

"There is no rotting on us."

"Really?" the younger fallen angel asked expectantly.

"I also heard about it. Well... Maybe, I hope I have the opportunity to take a look in the future. Now let's bring the king's will to the city lord first."

The two fallen angels accelerated and entered the fortress city.

Soon, they arrived at the city lord's mansion.

The city lord Alpi Mengren was huge, almost twice the size of the two fallen angels combined. He sat on the city chair, resting his chin with one hand, looking contemplative.

The fallen angel with beautiful flowers in his eyes knelt down on one knee,

"City Lord Menglun, this is the king's will."

He took out a transparent wafer. It looked like broken glass.

Alpi twitched his blackened fingers, and the chip swept into his hand. Compared to his thick fingers, the wafer was like a grain of rice.

He squeezed hard with two fingers, and a paragraph of text appeared in his eyes——

"Alpi Munren, please open the sea on December 16th."

The message was not long, but the meaning conveyed made Alpi excited. A heavy gray mist-like breath gushed out of his nostrils, and the coiled meat wings slowly opened.

The huge fleshy wings almost covered the vision of the two messengers.

A strong rotten breath jumped between the flesh wings, flowers bloomed slowly one after another, and colorful fungi grew rapidly on the flesh wings, greedily sucking Alpi Mengren's breath of life.

Rot almost took over his body.

The two messengers did not dare to breathe, for fear of inhaling this level of rotten breath.

"Go back."

With Alpi's order, they quickly turned around and left, not wanting to stay any longer.

Even if they are both rotten bodies, they can't stand the extreme decay from this powerful fortress master.

Alpi left the mansion and stood on the watchtower at the forefront of the fortress.

On his huge fleshy wings, colorful fungi have gone from thriving to death. New shoots sprout from under the dead rhizomes and continue to **** the breath of decay and life.

His dark green eyes looked at the other side of the sea.

"Earth... a clean world, a world without decay..."

Today is the tenth day of the December month, and there are six days left until the sixteenth day of the December month set by the king.

"Six days, the last six days are really hard to wait."

He closed his eyes, held the triangular pendant hanging on his chest with both hands, and muttered in prayer:

"King, lead us to cleanliness and vitality. King, Queen Phoenix..."

After closing his eyes, he remained motionless, like a statue.

After a while, birds landed on his fleshy wings, pecking at the sweetness in those flowers. But even these flying birds are covered with signs of decay.


Two days later, in a living city on the plain behind the Nopes fortress.

Tauren, werewolves, goblins, dwarves... all kinds of strange races live here to avoid the decay outside the city.

The Mist of Rot can appear at any time. Once covered by the fog of decay, it will inevitably lead to final decay, mushrooms, flowers, moss will grow from every blood vessel, every bone in the body, and then quickly turn into a foul-smelling sludge and sink into the earth .

The Living City is the only place where there will be no rotting fog. Because the Queen's brilliance shines on every living city.


"Praise Queen Phoenix."

A Grey family began to feast on their meal after doing this pre-meal prayer.

The meat dishes on the table are basically rotten. But under the current conditions, there is meat to eat, even if it is rotten, it is enough to show that this family has a certain status in the city. After all, most people can only eat worms called "angels" that are fished out of the sludge.

Few people understand why this bland bug is given the name "angel". But basically everyone knows that angel worms are the most cost-effective food, rich in nutrients, large in yield, short in growth cycle, and easy to obtain.

It's just not delicious.

However, gustatory enjoyment is only for those with status.

"Tosas!" The male grey man in the lead slammed the table, "Did you learn this eating pattern from the goblins in the rotten alley?!"

The little gray man named Tosas shrank his head. His dry skin trembled,

"I'm sorry, Dad."

Then, Tosas carefully nibbled at a thick bone.

The bones are already crisp, probably rotten for a long time.

However, he still ate with relish.

Compared with the fog of decay outside, this physical decay cannot be said to be negative.

After the meal time, the mother at home began to clean up the remnants. Father fetched the newspaper that had just been delivered this morning from the mailbox outside. Spreading out the newspaper, the first headline that catches your eye is:

"Her Majesty Queen Phoenix is ​​on a personal expedition?"

The following are the details,

"The army of fallen angels of Her Majesty's relatives set out from the royal city and is heading towards the north of Nopez Fortress. It is expected to arrive around December 17th..."

Tosas, who took a peek behind him, asked curiously:

"Dad, is Her Majesty the Queen coming here?"

"How could it be, such a small remote place... poor, backward, and full of rotten mists, what is the Queen doing here?"

"Then it's written here as a royal expedition."

"The newspaper's behavior is just for the sake of sales without a lower limit. Tosas, you must not learn this behavior."

"Oh... Dad."

"What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Her Majesty the Queen?"

Hearing this question, a proud smile appeared on my father's face,

"When I was working hard in Yarrow County, I was fortunate enough to meet Her Majesty the Queen who had just ascended the throne. I heard that Her Majesty the Queen only returned to this world eleven years ago, and she will become the king who leads the world as soon as she returns. Naturally, there are many The nobles were dissatisfied and often stumbled upon her, and even launched rebellious times such as forcing the palace. But they were all overcome by Her Majesty's thunderous means. In the end, no one could stop Her Majesty's ascension to the throne, and no one could stop Her Majesty's light. Landed in every living city..."

The father spoke eloquently. The words were full of praise to Her Majesty the Queen.

He adores Her Majesty the Queen.

But Tosas was tired of hearing it. Dad has said these words many times. But he just... just wanted to know what Her Majesty looked like,

"Dad... Have you really met Her Majesty the Queen?"

"Of course I have."

"But you never said what Her Majesty looked like."

"Tosas! How can Her Majesty's appearance be blunt?"

"But Dad," Tosas summoned his courage, "Didn't Her Majesty say that she is one of us, just like us."

"Every king who just ascended the throne would say that!"

"Dad actually never met Her Majesty the Queen."

Gray's father's eyes widened, his dry face trembled,

"Her Majesty has not a single sign of decay on her body. She has eight perfect pairs of wings, golden eyes and long hair, and a face so beautiful that no flaw can be picked up. Her smile is contagious, and her voice sings like the sky, She is pure and beautiful all over!"

Grey father was very excited.

His description was unimaginable for young Tosas.

Because, Tossas has never seen a creature with "no trace of decay" at all. He didn't know how to imagine "no sign of decay". Isn't that false, that it doesn't exist?

Grey's father continued:

"Queen Phoenix is ​​the most beautiful and purest...fallen angel I've ever seen. Maybe a fallen angel, maybe...a real angel. No, no no no, angels are the original sin that brought down rot. Can't use angels to come Describe Queen Phoenix. She is... the sun, the mountains, the rivers, the clouds."

"Dad...there really are such fallen angels...but the fallen angels I've seen are covered with moss, mushrooms, and flowers everywhere."

"Queen Phoenix!"

The Grey's father spoke up. Then he took a long breath, the sunken eye sockets began to shrink, and the eyeballs hidden inside trembled violently,

"But... Her Majesty's mount, her mount... is the most disgusting, most rotten thing I've ever seen. I can't describe how rotten... Simply! It's rot itself! Anyone who sees that mount will Speechless with fear, because if you don't feel fear, perhaps the rot of that beast will sprout into your heart and turn you into mud!"

Tosas was startled and sat down on the ground.

The grey father smiled,

"Don't worry, Tosas, you won't see that evil beast, just like you won't see Her Majesty the Queen."

Tosas scratched his dry scalp,

"But Dad! I...I want to see Her Majesty. I want to know...what is 'no sign of decay'."

He clasped a mushroom that had grown from decay on his arm. The mushroom was underground, and the sore was oozing with a hint of gray-green viscous liquid~www.readwn.com~ The gray man's father raised his eyebrows,

"Do you really want to see Her Majesty the Queen?"

"I think!"

"Then study hard, Tosas! As long as you are good enough, you will be selected by the fallen angels to become their apprentice, and then grant you the power of the Fallen. As long as the power of the Fallen is strong enough, you can be summoned by Her Majesty the Queen. , to become an official in the royal city... maybe a priest, or a queen's bodyguard."

"Really! Become the queen's priest or bodyguard!"

Grey's father nodded.

But he said in his heart. Child, only fallen angels can become priests and guards.

However, to motivate Tosas to study hard, to tell a little lie is also irrelevant.

"I will go to class!"

Full of anticipation, Tosas slung a cloth bag from the side that was contaminated with rotten things, and happily rushed out of the house and headed for the school.

Gray's father glanced at the newspaper,

"Her Majesty the Queen is on a personal expedition?" The headline was naked.

he muttered,

"How could Her Majesty come to such a place... She is so holy and clean..."


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