A gust of air came down from the sky, kicking up dust in the life-sustaining city of Cliff.

On the avenue in the city, people of different shapes looked up and looked up at the sky. More than a dozen fallen angels lined up neatly, flapping their rotten flesh wings across the city.

The little gray man Tosas held his eyelids with his fingers, trying to widen his eyes as much as possible, so that he could see the stalwart figures of the fallen angels more clearly.

In the eyes of the gray people, whose average height is only about one meter four, the fallen angels who are two or three meters, and four or five meters are not uncommon, can be said to be giants.

Of course, the gray people never feel inferior because of their height and size. There are goblins about one meter and dwarves about eighty centimeters shorter than them.

Tossas longed for the mighty power of the fallen angels. He had heard and read about the power and loftiness of the fallen angels in the people around him, in storybooks, and in school textbooks since he was a child. According to legend, the hometown of fallen angels is not this world, but a more amazing place. There is milk and honey flowing everywhere in that place, the four seasons are like spring, there is no sadness and sadness, only happiness and happiness.

Why did the fallen angels come to this world of decay, Tosas did not know.

Watching the figures of the fallen angels disappear in the sky, Tosas didn't notice the front, and suddenly bumped into someone else's back. He was startled, and before he could see clearly what was going on, he apologized repeatedly.

"sorry Sorry sorry!"

"Well, you're welcome."

You're welcome? Tosas wondered, shouldn't it be "it's okay"?

He raised his head cautiously, but saw in front of him... a dwarf who also fell down was being supported by someone. The dwarf said "thank you" to the man.

So this is ah!

Tosas felt embarrassed, and his face suddenly turned blue. Greys have blue blood.

Then, the man turned around and said with a smile:

"It's ok."

Tosas saw his face clearly.

Black, smooth hair, angular face, light-colored skin, straight facial features... There is no trace of decay on the surface. There is still a faint... good smell on the body.

In Tosas' knowledge, only... the hairy people living in the north are of this size. But... except for the hair on the top of his head, he couldn't see any hair anywhere else.

What race is this?

But... so clean.

Perhaps Tosas was insane, and asked blankly:

"Are you an angel?"

The man smiled slightly,

"Little guy, I'm not food."

Tosas turned bluer. He waved his dry hands and said:

"No sir, I'm not saying you were the angel bug you ate. Well... just, legend, legend... angels are clean, nice looking, smelling good and kind. Sir is also nice looking and very clean ……I thought."

The man said playfully:

"Angels are not necessarily kind."

"Have you seen an angel, sir?"

"Isn't that the one who just flew past."

"That's a fallen angel."

"Fallen angels are also angels. It's just that they are rotten before they are called 'fallen'."

"Well, it's not the same as what Teacher Aisha said. Teacher Aisha said that fallen angels are strong because of rot, and they are born to be rotten."

The man patted Tosas' little head,

"Hehe, then you can trust your teacher."

"Is that so? Oh, no! I'm going to be late!"

Tosas just remembered this, clutching his schoolbag and running towards the school.

Qiao Xun watched his staggering figure disappear around the corner, then looked around.

"This is the world of fallen angels..."

The Fallen Angel World, also known as the Rotten World... There are all kinds of people, but there is no real 'human'. The era has been too long, so long that no one can tell clearly whether it was called the "Rotten World" or the "Fallen Angel World" at the beginning.

In other words, did the fallen angel bring the rot, or the rot caused the angel to fall.

No one can tell the difference.

The stench of rotting fills this living city. The smell outside the city is even worse. It seems that hundreds of millions of corpses have rotted, and the fermented smells are all twisted together.

A newspaper fell to the ground. He bent over to pick it up, and regardless of the curiosity of the various people who came and went, he stood on the steps by the road and watched.

"Her Majesty Queen Phoenix is ​​on a personal expedition?"

The eye-catching headline is in front of you.

There is no such thing as a camera in this world, and there are no pictures of Her Majesty the Queen in the newspapers.

However, that familiar face has become more and more clear in Qiao Xun's mind.


The doll-like group member who used to be in his teens is now the queen of a world.

In his mind, the scene of Phoenix jumping into the fissure in the deep sea still deeply stimulates Qiao Xun's nerves to this day. He couldn't forget the huge sensory gap when he first saw Fei and Fei's sister's real bodies, instantly falling from heaven to hell.

"Rotten...more cursed than the devil's curse."

Qiao Xun has not yet made a complete insight, but just by simply observing, he understands that the decay of this world is not a simple "natural decay" after the death of life. Natural decay is the law of the cycle of matter. And the decay here is essentially a plunder of life.

No matter how healthy a life is, it cannot avoid being plundered.

This rot is implanted in the bottom layer of the world. The equivalent of one of the roots of the world that constitutes the world is "rot" itself.

Since the birth of life, it has carried the essence of decay.

Qiao Xun threw the newspaper into the trash can and began to gain a complete insight into the world and its deep secrets.

Surface elements such as geography, climate, population structure, etc., are easily understood. It's like he knows a lot about the world.

However, when he wanted to understand the bottom layer of the world, he encountered a kind of resistance.

This resistance is not resisted by the world itself, but imposed by other beings. Some people don't want others to easily discover the fundamental secrets of the world.

Qiao Xun did not try to brute force the solution.

If he insisted on brute force cracking, he believed that it would be successful, but it would definitely cause some unnecessary chain reactions.

After all, he is not a world destroyer, he did not come here to disrupt and destroy the world. It's just that the world sand table resonates with this world, and maybe there is a root of the world hidden here. It was for this reason that he came here.

Moreover, he is not sure what the specific plan of the existence that prevents others from spying on the secret is.

If it's not necessary, don't break the order easily.

Anyway, the flow of time in this world is one to one with the earth. There is no need to be in a hurry like before in Shanhai World.

There is enough time here to explore this question.

He dodged out of Criver Life, and when he reappeared, was on the sea west of Nopeth Fortress.

The turbulent sea is filled with rotten mist, and under the sea are all kinds of fish, shrimp and sea beasts deep in the rotten essence. The ocean is one of the most dangerous places in the world of fallen angels.

Qiao Xun came to a certain place in the West Sea and stood in the air and looked down.

A huge whirlpool of silver-blue light is swallowing the sea water. It is almost exactly the same as the huge vortex formed by the deep sea crack in the south pole of the earth.

And, just standing outside the whirlpool, you can already feel the breath of the earth.

Various forces are intertwined on the earth.

Compared with when he left the earth, the breath poured out from the earth today is more complex, larger and... advanced.

It seems that the earth has become a mythical world, with its own native gods, and there is more than one.

After analyzing the breath pouring out of the whirlpool, Qiao Xun couldn't help but sigh, it's just that eleven or twelve years have passed, and the earth now is completely different from before. The only thing that remains in common is perhaps the familiar atmosphere of civilization.

He felt a lot of divinity, and felt the eighteen layers of **** he saw in Magic Chang'an.

From these breaths, he tried to paint the earth.

Immediately, it was discovered that the earth was no longer a "planet", but expanded into a chessboard-style continent connected by borders. Its surface area is also nearly a hundred times larger than before.

You can imagine how many fragmented worlds, nested worlds, and some small unowned worlds have merged on the earth during the eleven years he left.

Looking at the whirlpool and feeling the earth on the other side, Qiao Xun has a strong desire. He wanted to go back and have a look.

But reason told him he couldn't do it.

Earth is now the focus of many mythical worlds. If he returns to the earth, he will definitely be found, and what will happen at that time can be predicted.

In the ring of truth world, his war with the gods led to the restart of the entire ring of truth. And the earth, although it has become a lot bigger, its endurance is far less than that of the truth ring world.

If the same thing happens, the earth will not even have the chance to restart, it will only become one of many finite worlds that will be destroyed.

After all, the Ring of Truth has the original sage Nigel, but Earth does not.

When the earth is destroyed, those gods can still be separated from each other, but the life that depends on the earth can only be destroyed along with it.

This is not what Qiao Xun wants to see. He is not powerful enough to manipulate everything in the finite world at will.

Exhaling, he left this vortex leading to the earth.


"Tosas! You're in a daze again!"

Tauren teacher Aisha took a photo of the lecture.

Looking out the window, Tosas suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly flipped through the textbook.

"Tosas, tell me, what are you thinking?"

Elsa walked down from the lecture and tried to be patient with this little Grey. She knew about the family of Tosas, the little gray man. Although she could not be described as a powerful person, she had a certain reputation in this living city.

Tosas rubbed his fingers awkwardly and answered honestly:


"Are you hungry?" Elsa thought he was talking about angel bugs.

"No, it's... an angel. Be honest, Elsa, was the fallen angel an angel before?"

Elsa frowned,

"Who told you all this mess. Fallen angels are fallen angels. As for angels... they're just legendary characters spread among the people."


"But what?"

Tosas wanted to tell about the angel-like gentleman he saw before he came to school this morning. But the words came to my lips, and because of the lack of language, I didn't know how to describe the gentleman.

Is it clean and beautiful?

Too narrow. Tosas frowned, racked his brains and couldn't think of any good words, and whispered:


"Then concentrate on listening to the class."

Tauren Aisha shook her head. She felt that those powerful and powerful people in the city should really take care of popular books. What kind of angels are not angels? Isn't this misleading these indiscernible children?

She didn't let Tosas delay the class for too long, and returned to the podium to continue the lecture.

Despite being educated, Tosas was still absent-minded.

Two things from this morning have been circling in his little head. Her Majesty Queen Phoenix and her terrifying mount, and that angelic gentleman...

He suddenly thought that the gentleman also has no signs of decay. Could it be... the same... as Her Majesty the Queen... Exist?

But that gentleman has no wings.

Curiosity and doubts plagued this little grey man, making him not thinking about eating and drinking all day.

On the way home from school, he also kept thinking about those two things.

When he was about to get home, a voice suddenly stopped him,


Tosas remembered the voice. He turned around in surprise and found the "Mr. Angel" he had seen this morning standing at a doorway on the side of the street and smiling at him.

There is a sign above the door behind Mr. Angel, with the words—

"A certain tea room".

A certain tea room?

The name is so strange. Thoughts flashed in Tosas' mind.

Then he clenched his schoolbag and walked over:

"Mr. Angel!"

Qiao Xun shook his head and said:

"Little guy, I'm not an angel."

"Really not? But you are like an angel!"

Qiao Xun turned around,

"Look, I don't have wings behind me."

Tosas asked suspiciously:

"Then what are you?"



"It's just people."


It was difficult for Tosas to understand this sentence. What do you mean..."just people"!

Isn't the word "person" just a general description? There should be specific qualifiers such as "bull's head", "gray", "night", "dwarf" and "giant" in front of it.

This is what he learned in the textbook. Specific qualifiers are where a race really matters.

Is it! Tosas had a flash of inspiration. In fact, in the words "just people" that this gentleman said, "just" was actually a specific qualifier.

But then he got into trouble again, because he had never heard of the race "just human". The race is also not taught in textbooks.

The Grey is obviously a child who is prone to overthinking. Qiao Xun saw through his thoughts~www.readwn.com~ but he just smiled without any specific explanation.

He felt that, according to the curious baby's personality, the grey man would be more confused the more he explained it.

"Forget it... eh, sir, what are you calling me for?"

Qiao Xun said:

"I see that you look gloomy and absent-minded. Is there any confusion?"

"Confusion is confusion... But, sir... does it matter?"

"My tea room is just to share people's worries and solve their doubts."

Tosas stared at the stars,

"That's right! Is it the kind of Mr. Jack of all trades?"

Mr. Jack of all trades... Qiao Xun knows that this is what parents in this world use to coax their children. It is almost equivalent to the status of "Santa Claus".

"Well, you can think so." Qiao Xun pretended to lie to a child and whispered mysteriously: "No matter what problem, I can help you solve it."

Tosas swallowed,

"Want to... do you want to collect money?"

"No money."

"Then what do you want?"

"What I want is your naive curiosity."


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