Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 23: I really want to see him

"I do not understand."

Getting a child to understand what "innocent curiosity" means is really difficult for him. It's like having a little boy trying to understand the "caring" of a priest.

"It doesn't matter, you just need to know that I can help you realize some wishes."

"Any wish?"

"Yes, anything is possible."

Tosas was skeptical,

"Did I say I'm going to destroy the world, can you?" Then he immediately explained, "Of course, I'm not a saboteur. I'm just...well, just wondering what you're saying. It sounds like It's something a villain in a fairy tale would say."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"What if I said yes?"

Tosas held his breath slightly. Looking at Qiao Xun's light-hearted smile, for a moment, he believed that this gentleman could really do it.

no no no...

He shook his head quickly, it must be some kind of sales pitch.

He thought for a while, then tentatively asked:

"Can I meet... Her Majesty Queen Phoenix?"

"And then, when you see her, what are you going to do or say to her."

"No no no, I just want to see from a distance."

"Are you sure? Little guy, this is a rare opportunity."

Tosas scratched his head and smiled.

"I can't really see it, haha... Dad said that Her Majesty the Queen could not come to such a backward place."

"So, is this your wish?"

Tosas nodded uncertainly.

"That's it."

"Okay, little guy."

Qiao Xun walked into the room. This certain tea room was pinched out by him, and everything in it changed according to his thoughts.

When he wanted a basin of clear water, the basin filled with clear water was placed on the table.

Tosas followed Joe Tour nervously and expectantly.

"Little guy, give me your innocent curiosity."

"How?" Tosas was at a loss.

Qiao Xun held his fingers in the air. A puff of grey smoke ran from Tosas' eyes. Then, he threw the smoke into the clear water.

Smoke billows the water. After a slight ripple, it tends to calm down.

Then, the picture of Her Majesty the Queen living on the couch slowly emerged.

For a moment, Tosas was fascinated.

Her Majesty Queen Phoenix reclined tightly on the couch, pillowing her slender arms. The long blond hair slid outside like a waterfall, swaying in the breeze. The flawless white wings tucked together and swayed with the rise and fall of the chest. The slender legs were wrapped in veil and thin mansions, revealing a misty shimmer like the morning sun, which only made people think that this was a scene in a dream.

At one point, Queen Phoenix opened her eyes.

Golden eyes stared straight ahead. Those eyes that were as hard and cold as gold pierced sharply into Tosas' heart.


Tosas screamed and fell to the ground in fright. Kneeling down instinctively.

Qiao Xun stopped him,

"Tosas, Her Majesty is not here."

"But, she just saw me!"

Qiao Xun stretched out his hand to stir the water, and the picture disappeared.

"No, she's still far away. She can't see you."

"Her Majesty's gaze...Her gaze!" Tosas shivered while hugging his shoulders, "It's scary...it's not like what Dad said at all."

Joe asked:

"Want to see it again?"

"No, not anymore!" Tosas screamed as if struck.

"Then do you think the queen is good-looking?" Qiao Xun asked with a smile.

"Beautiful and clean. But... it's also scary."

"A queen like this can bless you. Maybe the princes and ministers would like to see a weak king come to the throne, but ordinary people don't."

Of course Tosas didn't understand that. He just saw Phoenix's kingly aura from the perspective of a child.

Although he was not happy, he politely said:

"Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome, just call me Mr. Cha."

"Mr. Tea...strange name."

"Want a cup of tea?" Qiao Xun snapped his fingers, and a cup of tea appeared in front of Tosas, with a tea stem suspended in the tea.

"That's amazing! How did you do it!" Tosas snapped his fingers, following his example. "Like a wizard's prayer!"

"No, it's just a normal action."


"It's handsome."

"Yeah!" Tosas looked at Qiao Xun excitedly. He continued, "How long will Mr. Cha be here?"

"I don't know, maybe it will leave tomorrow, maybe ... in a few decades."

"Can I come to see you often?"

"Of course. But I hope you come with that innocent curiosity every time you come."


Although Tosas still wanted to continue chatting with Mr. Cha, it was too late, and he would be scolded if he didn't go home.

"Mr. Cha, I'll be back tomorrow!"

"welcome any time."

he's gone.

Qiao Xun sat in the warm yellow room, spreading his palms. A cloud of grey smoke swayed.

This smoke is "Tosas' yearning for Queen Phoenix".

Sounds wonderful. But this yearning will only bring unavoidable tragedy to Tosas. Every ordinary person can have the yearning for the king, but this young child's yearning is not only inspired by his personal spirit.

Qiao Xun looked at the gray smoke, which merged into a ray of demonic power.

The power of the devil is like a delicate operation, splitting the smoke one by one from the conceptual level, and then getting the result.

After seeing this result, Qiao Xun gently spit out a syllable that people in this world can't understand:


Obstacles, simply understood as obstacles. It is used to describe the spirit and thoughts, usually with "magic obstacle", "heart obstacle" and so on.

Mental and intellectual barriers can prevent a person from exploring problems, such as enchantment fields that affect cognition. Similarly, a person's desire to explore problems, such as paranoia and split personality, can be amplified without limit.

Tosas's curiosity about Her Majesty was infinitely magnified, forming an "obstacle" in his spirit and consciousness.

The usual situation should be to make him worship and admire Her Majesty the Queen even more. This method is generally used to deceive civilians and consolidate the position of power.

But...Tosas' "obstacle" is just the opposite.

On the surface, it is a yearning for the queen. But his yearning overemphasized that Queen Phoenix's appearance was different from that of ordinary fallen angels. If this "barrier" is allowed to grow, Tosas will eventually become a staunch opponent of Phoenix.

Is it someone who is dissatisfied with Phoenix becoming the queen of the world and sows the seeds of this "obstacle"?

Qiao Xun continued to trace the source. He wanted to know who planted this "barrier" for Tosas.

Soon, he got the answer.

This "obstacle" does not come from someone, but the influence exerted by the world itself. That is to say, just as the world controls the laws of celestial motion, it has planted a "barrier" for Tosas.

It made him feel strange.

Normally, the world itself is objective, without human-like will, it is impossible and impossible to do such a thing.

After becoming a god, the most important thing to learn to understand a world is to avoid seeing the world from a human perspective.

The world is objective and does not need to be understood from any standpoint. The default stance will only get the results under that stance.


Tosas was planted with a "barrier" by the world. It's like wearing small shoes.

The normal world would not do such a thing. Unless...the world is rigged.

"A person who has the ability to manipulate the world and has not yet been discovered..."

Qiao Xun felt that while the opponent was strong, he was either very familiar with the world of fallen angels, or he had unique insights into the composition of the world.

With a more obvious direction, he began to think of ways to find each other.


Phoenix sat up on the couch with bare feet. She frowned slightly.

"Someone is... looking at me."

She looked forward and held the pendant hanging on her chest in her palm. The wings on the back slowly opened, and the holy brilliance spread over the palace.

The priest serving outside knelt down and asked:

"Your Majesty, do you have any orders?"

"It's nothing, go back."

The priest stepped back.

Phoenix stepped forward, pacing barefoot on the rug in front of the couch.

She did feel that someone was looking at her, and she was looking at it generously, without concealing it at all.

There are many people in this world peeping at her secretly, but no one has ever been as open and upright as this time. And she couldn't find any trace of him at all.

Alcott might know something.

Her golden eyes gradually solidified. Then she flapped her wings and disappeared into the palace. When it reappeared, in front of a tall tower of God.

There is a terrifying and hideous beast statue at the top of the tower.

The statue shuddered at the presence of Phoenix, and then rotted traces began to climb on the surface. Ordinary decay traces are just growths of things like fungi, mushrooms, flowers, moss, etc. But the rotting traces of this evil beast grew out of twisted mummified skeletons. Mummy skeletons screamed and grew out of the body of the beast, breathing thick black smoke. And at the ankle of the mummified skeleton, there is a blood-red long snake that swallows letters.

On the whole, this evil beast is the shape of a warhorse with well-developed limbs, but every detail revealed by its body has staged a scene like Shura's hell.

Looting, adultery, slaughter, theft...

Every conceivable evil that constitutes society is acted out in its body.

In just a moment, a war led by mummified skeletons broke out on its body.

The evil beast jumped down from the top of the tall tower and landed in front of Phoenix.

Compared to its huge size, Phoenix resembles an ant.

"Alcott, are you okay?" Phoenix stroked the tip of the beast's nose.

Beast said:

"Fei, you're still used to speaking English."

"I've spoken English for thirteen years, and Scholar for eleven years."

"So, you still miss life on Earth."

"Oh, but I must lead the fallen angels out of here, to Earth. The decay is about to kill us."

"I am with you."

Phoenix won't pose as king in front of Alcott. It's one of the few times she has to herself. Only at this time can she be free to miss the past and speak her mind.

"Oh, someone was looking at me just now."

"A vile voyeur?"

"No, it's an honest look. But I don't know who the other party is or where."

"Are you uneasy?"

"No. It feels very natural. However, no matter what the other party's purpose is, at this time, he can't let him see what I'm doing too easily. It's only four days away from going to Earth. There can be no mistakes."

"I see. Don't worry, I will find him and eat his eyeballs."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work."

"No, Fei, we are relatives."

"But I...I can't do anything for you."

A trace of warmth flashed in the scarlet and cold huge pupils of the evil beast,

"As long as you love me, that's enough. Fei, we're family."

"We shed the same blood."

The beast uses its cleanest front paws as a cushion for Phoenix.

Phoenix lay lightly between his soft fur, enjoying the sunset with his eyes closed.

Only at this time did she feel at ease.

Gradually, she fell asleep.

In her sleep, she saw Miss Mary, Miss Jiang You, Takata Morita, Harry, Begmon and Shi Qi, and... he, Qiao Xun, the team leader.

In their sleep, everyone was smiling happily. Only the leader of Qiao Xun showed a disgusted and frightened expression.

When Phoenix saw this expression, he instantly fell into the icy cold pool.

She woke up suddenly, gasping for breath.

The beast asked:

"Have you had a nightmare?"

Phoenix's lips were a little white,


"Fei...you know, we're on the same page. I know you've had nightmares."

Phoenix sat up with her legs in her arms, she looked forward blankly,

"Oh, I can't forget that day."

"Do you mean Qiao Xun's expression? Fei, you have to understand that he didn't show that expression to you, but to me. I think he may have blamed himself for not being able to help you."

Phoenix buried his head in his knees,

"Oh. I'm so sad, I really want to see him, and tell him that you're actually very, very good...Please don't be afraid of you, please don't hate you...I really want to say this to him. But Oh, No chance. No chance like that... Seeing Mary again, seeing them, seeing him, I'm the enemy. I'm... sorry, O, sorry..."

"Fei, don't blame yourself. Remember what I told you, Qiao Xun is an amazing person, he won't change because of others, he will always be himself."

Phoenix knew that his older sister, Alcott, had the ability to peek into the essence.

"But, O... His expression at that time..."

"Fei~www.readwn.com~ You have to understand him. That's exactly what I look like. No one can see me without changing his face."

Phoenix pursed his lips,

"That's why I wanted to tell him that you are a very good person! You are the best sister in the world!"

"Fei, I'm very happy."

Phoenix feels warm. Once again she lay relaxed on her side in the soft hair. Drowsiness hit, she murmured softly, as if she was talking in a dream:

"O... I will definitely, I will bring you back to heaven... Let you... become an angel again. O... You must be the most beautiful angel..."

The holy and noble queen on the hideous and terrifying beast,

Sleep well.

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