Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 24: Nightbringer


Qiao Xun thought about the word. Also thinking about countermeasures.

He wanted to find out who had planted the "barrier" in Tosas' consciousness and spirit.

He was very clear about the purpose. It is nothing more than to make Tosas have an extreme yearning for Phoenix, in order to break her pure golden body and make her eroded by the rotten breath. The reason why a child's yearning can achieve such an effect is that the decay of the fallen angel world can be contagious through will.

This decay is not a mere response of life, but a notion of identity originating from the roots of the world.

As long as it is limited by the individual will of this world, it can be infected.

That is to say, if Tosas' yearning continues to be strengthened by "obstacles", he will eventually break through the boundary between individual consciousness and the will of the world, and pass the rot in his own consciousness to Phoenix.


Tour Joe knew that Phoenix had her sister, Alcott, there. All rot will be transferred to Alcott.

He was thinking, doesn't the person who planted the "obstacle" not clear? He felt that since the other party has the ability to avoid his world insight, he must have the ability to know this.

Or, are there any details that you haven't discovered?

After thinking for a while, he came up with a solution. Immediately stood up, beckoned to bring some matter and energy, and began to shape life.

He shaped an embryo according to Tosas' life characteristics, and then accelerated the embryo's growth.

In less than a minute, a life with the exact same characteristics as Tosas' life was born.

But he did not give this life self-awareness. He is very clear that once a life is given self-awareness, it means that he is tightly bound to this life. In any case, he couldn't possibly do such a thing.

After some thought, he chose the method of consciousness manipulation.

"Tosas" opened his eyes and looked at Qiao Xun with dry eyes. The soulless "Tosas" looked blank.

Qiao Xun tapped his finger. The light of consciousness gradually appeared in the eyes of "Tosas".

Then, he put the "obstacle" that he had taken out of the consciousness of the genuine Tosas into this replica Tosas.

The copied version of "Tosas" has inherited all memories and characters under his manipulation... that is to say, it is no different from the original.

"Tosas" is full of yearning for Queen Phoenix... "Obstruction" will continue to strengthen this yearning until it breaks through the boundaries between the individual will and the world's will.

After several verifications, Qiao Xun ensured that everything was developing as he had planned.

Then, he put away "Tosas" and began to cultivate that "barrier".


Charles Newspapers.

The lights flickered at night, and the candles were dimly lit.

Several editors are reviewing today's news, while a copywriter is writing tomorrow's paper as directed by the editors.


The wind outside suddenly became louder. The drowsy editor-in-chief Raymond woke up suddenly, immediately stood up and explained a few words at random, put on his trench coat and went out. As a crystal man, he made a crisp and pleasant collision sound when he walked.

Of course, even crystals are not immune to the erosion of decay. His entire arm was so rotten that only a few crystals remained.

He came to the street outside the back door of the newspaper office.

Immediately, the wind settled. Huge, rotting fleshy wings flickered in the night sky for a moment. The tall figure immediately fell in front of Raymond. A fallen angel.

A tiny bush grows from the fallen angel's chest. Every leaf of the bush is covered with worms.

"Lord Cavalry."

"Shotgun, how's it going?"

"The Queen's Newspaper was delivered in the city early this morning, and by the end of the evening, a total of 2,520 copies had been delivered."

"Is the 'obstruction' ... formed?"

Raymond shrank his arms and whispered:


"who is it?"

"115 Platinum Street, Tosas Schick, son of the Grey Schicks. He is the only one who has formed a 'block' after reading that Queen's paper."

"Very good. Very good. In this way, our world will welcome the 'Visitors'."

"Yes, sir cavalry."

"If you count the time, tomorrow evening should be the time for the 'Visitors' to come. Get ready to meet them."

"what should I do?"

"After the 'Visitor' comes, you will be inspired as a member of the night messenger. Just follow the inspiration and go immediately. Then, the Duke will come to receive it in person."

"Is the Duke coming over!" Raymond was a little excited.

"Well, come with Her Majesty the Queen."

"Her Majesty will really come here?" Raymond was a little surprised.


"I thought she wouldn't come to such a poor and backward place."

"Shotgun. Never underestimate this queen. Know that because of her appearance, the 'Visitor' arrives five years later than expected. She is the Nightbringer...the biggest hindrance."

"Thanks to the cavalry adults for teaching!"

"Remember, follow the call."

After speaking, the "cavalry" flapped his wings and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Shotgun" Raymond rubbed his fingers against each other, making a sharp sound of stones rubbing against each other,

"The 'Visitors'...according to the call..."

He took a deep breath, turned and entered the newspaper office.


Late at night, the entertainment-deprived subsistence city is silent.

Qiao Xun was lying on the reclining chair, in a state of visualization. The flickering candlelight swayed his shadow.

At a certain moment, his shadow began to twist and deform. This distortion is completely unaffected by the light of the candle.


A black evil beast stood up from his shadow.

From flat to solid.

The evil beast opened its mouth wide, and the stench of saliva dripped down from the corner of its mouth. It wants to bite off Qiao Xun's eyes fiercely to set an example.

"Stop, Alcott." Qiao Xun exited the visualization state and slowly opened his eyes.

Desire...too strong.

Strong enough to be like the noon sun, burning his eyes.

The evil beast Alcott suddenly stopped. It can be said that in the entire Fallen Angel world, apart from Fei herself, no one knows the name of the evil beast beside the Queen. It's like, its name has also disappeared because of rot.

Why does this person know my name?

A moment of hesitation was enough for Qiao Xun to stand up and face it.

The moment Alcott saw Qiao Xun's face, he froze... The emotions in his heart surged rapidly.

Perhaps, it did not have direct communication with Qiao Xun before, but... Phoenix, who has a good heart with it, has a deep relationship with Qiao Xun. And the emotional senses attached to this relationship can be felt within it.

Therefore, the shock, surprise, nostalgia, nervousness, fear...complex emotions belonging to Phoenix were manifested in its eyes.

"Alcott, we are not enemies."


This Qiao Xun is different from the Qiao Xun who was instinctively disgusting when he saw himself.

In his deep eyes, there were emotions that could not be deciphered. The mystery and remoteness like the deep space seems to cut off the present and the past.

There was even a moment when Alcott felt that what he saw was not the real Qiao Xun.

"You are... Qiao Xun?"

Alcott's voice was very unpleasant, almost like the cry of a tormented demon in hell.

Anyone who listens to it will feel desperate and will want to commit suicide.

Rotten sound.

Qiao Xun nodded,

"You still remember me."

Alcott said quietly:

"Fei will never forget you."

"I can't forget the look on my face at that time, right?"

"you know?"

"Yes, I don't just know that. I also know that, as her sister, you have endured all the rot. She is holy and clean, and you are rot and filthy."

"Are you really Qiao Xun?"

Alcott couldn't see through Joe Tour at all. I feel that the person standing in front of me is not a person, but an abstract and incomprehensible conceptual body.

"Yes. No surprise, Alcott. Everything changes, and I am no exception."

"So, you were watching Fei before."

"Well, there is a child who wants to see her."

Alcott asked:

"Don't you want to see her yourself?"

Joe Tour said:

"I can see her all the time, there's no need to go that way."

"What's the meaning?"

"It needs no explanation."

Alcott was silent for a while,

"Then, do you want to go see her? She misses you very much, and others."

"Missing..." Qiao Xun felt a little remorse in his heart, "I hurt her. If I could hold back my instincts, I wouldn't have ended up with such a sad separation."

"You said it too, it's instinct. For me, that's understandable. But she...she always wants to tell you that I'm not as ugly as I seem."

"Mary once told me that Fei is a person who is emotionally persistent, even paranoid. Sometimes she cares too much about her close people, and her ordinary actions will be firmly remembered by her. This kind of character The person who lives will be very hard. She should be suffering in these eleven years."

Alcott Head,

"Well. She doesn't tell me that, but I can feel it. She misses the past and hates the present."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"It's really hard to understand each other."

Even if he is so powerful, he can't make everyone understand him, and he can't understand everyone.

"Sorry, team leader...Mr. Xun Qiao." Alcott subconsciously called Xun Qiao "team leader", a title inherited from Phoenix, "My appearance caused pollution to your spirit. "

"You didn't do anything wrong, you don't have to apologize."

"Maybe..." Alcott lowered his head, "my existence was a mistake."

"Even if it's a mistake, it's not your fault."

"Thank you for your consolation." Alcott looked at Qiao Xun expectantly, "Can you go see Fei? If she can see you, she will be... very happy."

Joe Tour said:

"Not now. Phil has something important to do, right?"

Alcott suddenly reacted, stiffened, and nodded. it tries to justify something,

"Mr. Qiao Xun must know... This is Fei's mission, please... Please don't..."

"Alcott, you really love her."

"She is my only relative."

Qiao Xun inhaled slightly,

"But you also know that she will bring decay to Earth."

"The rot is about to kill the fallen angels. They shouldn't take the blame."

"Should life on earth be right?" Qiao Xundan looked at Alcott.

Alcott held his breath. It couldn't see any emotion in Qiao Xunping's eyes, and couldn't interpret what he thought about his words at the moment. She could only whisper:

"Fei's mission...the king's mission..."

"But Alcott, who gave her the mission? She told me before that it was her destiny to leave the earth and enter the rift in the deep sea. Now, her mission is to save the fallen angels who will be killed by decay. Retreat. 10,000 steps, how long can you hold on to the earth successfully?"

"I have no idea."

"Alcott, the root of the problem is not where you live. It's rot. Rot has already penetrated into your life information, your consciousness and spirit." Qiao Xun took a deep breath, "You should have long ago Clearly, this is a curse."

Alcott's twisted figure trembled,

"Curse... yes, the curse of fate! But if we can get rid of this ugly and ugly fate, no one wants to risk their lives to invade another world! Mr. Qiao Xun, what can we do? For us, fight for The right to live is simply to want to live... We have never been a destroyer... And, the earth... the earth is not the same now. There are gods, there is a vast universe, and there is an ever-expanding finite boundary... …Maybe, maybe, in deep space, there is a planet suitable for fallen angels. We can do so without interfering with life on Earth.”

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Alcott, calm down."

"Mr. Qiao Xun..."

He knew very well that Alcott was defending so passionately, not for it, not for the world, but for Phoenix. It doesn't want him to think that Phoenix is ​​a saboteur invading other worlds.

"I'm not going to deny Fei's approach. In her position, in her position, that's really the only way."

"Will you stop her?"

Joe Tour said:

"If she's doing something bad, of course I'll stop her. But right now, I'm here to help her."

Alcott was a little dazed,

"But, Fei is going to lead the Fallen Angels to invade the Earth... You want to help her? Do you have anything to do with the Earth?"

"Not really."

"Then why?"

"In the distant past, there was a war between the mythical world and the demons. In that war, the angels of heaven fought bravely and tried their best to drive the demons out of heaven. There will inevitably be sacrifices in the war, and some angels will be contaminated After the original sin of the devil, he became a fallen angel and was exiled to this world."

"This is the origin of the fallen angel... how do you know?"

Qiao Xun continued without explaining,

"Alcott~www.readwn.com~ Do you think rot is one of the characteristics of fallen angels? Or is rot due to the curse of the devil?"

"Isn't it...isn't it?" Alcott became nervous.

Qiao Xun nodded,

"You're right. Rot does not come from demons."

Alcott held his breath. heart throbbing,

"How...how could..."

Joe Tour said:

"No one knows the devil better than me. Rot has never been the curse of the devil. This curse is someone else, and because of the arrival of the Fallen Angel, rot was implanted into the bottom layer of the structure of this world, in order to allow birth in this world. All life in the world is deeply planted with rotten seeds."

Probably Phoenix has always trusted Joe Tour very much.

Therefore, her twin sister Alcott naturally has a sense of trust in Qiao Xun. It hardly questioned this statement, and looked at Qiao Xun blankly.

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