Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 25: "old friend"

"If it's true, then...why do you do this?"

Alcott looked at Qiao Xun blankly.

Under the shadow, its twisted, evil figure is like a corner of hell. It made the candles in the room seem icy cold.

Qiao Xun said:

"Alcott, we are not case investigators, and speculating on motives is not the first thing we do. Besides, this problem is unsolved in the current world. The existence of implanted decay must be beyond this world, otherwise he will do It is not until decay is implanted at the bottom of the world. Since he is beyond this world, we cannot explore his existence and motives through the world itself."

"You know the world very well."

"The more you think you understand, the more you realize that what you understand is just a drop in the ocean. Alcott, I will not stop you from invading the earth, but I hope that the purpose of your invasion of the earth is not simply to survive, but to find The way to get rid of rot."

Alcott asked:

"Do you have any idea?"

"Fallen angels and decay are deeply bound together. I want to explore the essence of this world, and I can't get around the fallen angels. And I also need to go back to the earth to do something, so I will even help you invade the earth. "

"Can't you go back directly?"

"No, I need you to cover up my whereabouts."

Alcott lowered his head and was silent for a while,

"Mr. Qiao Xun, although I don't know who you are now. But... just this moment of conversation, I can also feel that if you want to use the fallen angel to cover up your whereabouts, you can do it directly. Choose to tell me. ... and Fei, why?"

Qiao Xun smiled:

"You are my old friends. Besides, Fei is a good boy, and so are you. I need your help instead of using your abilities."

Alcott was a little stunned.

"No... Fei is twenty-four years old, and so am I."

"Um... Alcott, when someone says you're a good boy, maybe they want to emphasize 'good', not 'child'."

"Is that so?"


"But... I am the embodiment of evil and filth."

"Alcott, I can see your real appearance," Qiao Xun looked at her with a smile, "Do you believe it?"

Alcott looked into Qiao Xun's eyes.

Mysterious, distant, revealing the charm of destiny. It seems to give people a feeling that he knows everything and can do everything...


"Do you want to know what you really look like?"

Hearing this question, Alcott was nervous and looking forward to it. But when it really wanted to speak, it became frightened.

Unreasonable, tasteless fear invaded it. It has become terribly afraid of knowing what it really is...if, if not beautiful...

"No! Mr. Qiao Xun! Please don't tell me!" it shouted.

"Well, I respect your idea."

Alcott panted:


"Alcott, go back first."

"Fei...Are you really not going to meet her?"

"Now is not the time. You know her, she is easy to fall into the past, and you can't let her be shaken."

"Well, Mr. Qiao Xun is right."

"Then, bye."


Alcott thought firmly... It won't be long, we will see you soon... Fei, you will be very happy... Mr. Qiao Xun has already understood us...

The twisted shadow gradually calmed down.

The evil beast left, and everything returned to peace. The dim candle flickered slowly. The night wind hangs outside, and the wind brings a salty smell.


Early in the morning, there was a knock on the door of a certain tea room.

Qiao Xun opened the door and saw the smiling face of the little gray man Tosas,

"Mr. Tea, good morning!"

"Good morning, Xiaotuo."

"I'm going to school!"

"Well, study hard."

"When I'm done with school, can I still come to play with you?"

"Of course you can, you are welcome at any time."

"Thank you, Mr. Cha!"

After saying hello, Tosas hopped off to school.

Qiao Xun thought to himself, it is really energetic and full of vitality. But even such a child had visible signs of decay on his body.

Shortly after Tosas left, a light flashed in front of Qiao Xun.

He looked intently and saw a crystal man walking down the front street, and then stopped at the door of Tosas' house not far away. After standing for a while, the crystal man knocked on the door. After the door opened, Tosas' father was stunned for a moment, and then very enthusiastically invited the Crystal Man into the door.


Qiao Xun only had one feeling. He was sure he had never seen the crystal man, but he felt a very familiar feeling in him.

He couldn't ignore the feeling, and immediately began to match it with the memory.

After looking through a lot of "memory", he determined one thing. This familiarity comes from the Adventist force on Earth, the Black Revolution.

Before he left the earth, the Black Revolution was his biggest opponent for a time.

Moreover, it was also understood by Yihong that the black revolution is not just a force of the earth. In many mythical worlds, there are its figures.

The source of all this is the mysterious Ace of Spades of the Black Revolution - "The World".

After seeing the crystal man, he determined that in the world of decay... there is also a "Black Revolution" organization.

He immediately gained insight into the crystal man.

But Qiao Xun soon discovered that he could only gain insight into the individual crystal man's information, but could not gain insight into his organization through him. This seems to show that he and the "black revolution" here are independent of each other. However, this is obviously impossible.

It can only be said that they have the means of "anti-insight". There is no way to explore through the connections between things.

This is the same as Earth's Black Revolution. You can learn about the Black Revolution from many sources, but you just can't explore it with the "insights" that are specific to the gods.

Even if the other party is standing in front of him, he cannot "see".

It is clear at a glance what this method is for prevention. It is to prevent the existence of those who can easily realize the shuttle world. There is only God who can easily travel through the world.

After Qiao Xun understood this, he resolutely gave up his insight and did not do meaningless things.

Rather than spending time to gain insight here, it's better to just grab the crystal man and search for his memory.


The editor-in-chief of the Charles newspaper, Raymond Rexton, left the Grey Shiker house half an hour later.

The grey man Shi Ke greeted Raymond very warmly, with undisguised joy and excitement in his eyes.

Obviously, they just had a very pleasant conversation and reached a result that satisfied both parties.

"Then, Mr. Shike, it's up to your son's wishes." Raymond smiled and pushed his glasses.

Shi Ke laughed,

"Don't worry, Mr. Renekton, it is his blessing to have your support. The child is not sensible now, and I will explain it to him."

"You are a visionary father."

"Mr. Renekton has won the prize. I'll give it to you."

"no need."

After Raymond finished speaking, he turned his hat and left with his purse in between.

After walking less than 100 meters, he stopped at the mouth of the roadside, and looked at the side street, and at a glance, he saw a place called "a certain tea room".

"A certain tea room? What kind of shop is this?"

As usual, the busy Raymond wouldn't stay in a place like this any longer. The newspaper office still has a lot of work to do.

But today I don't know why, I suddenly feel free and want to go shopping more.

Ever since, the name was a bit unusual, and the relatively simple storefront attracted his attention. He adjusted his collar a little and walked towards a certain tea room.

"Welcome, welcome." Qiao Xun stood at the door and said with a smile.

Raymond moistened his throat. His radiant, translucent skin tightened slightly,

"Is this a place to drink tea?"

"A place for people to rest and relax. I think you might need it, sir."

"Oh, why?" Raymond was a little curious.

"You must be under a lot of pressure recently. I'm... nervous."

"Joke, do I look nervous?"

Qiao Xun's voice was low, as if immersed in water, with a certain comforting feeling,

"Sir, people sometimes deliberately resist things that are unfavorable to them. For example, people see through their thoughts. This is normal, and it is a human self-protection mechanism."

Raymond narrowed his eyes,

"You're a very interesting person to talk about."

"I'm good at resolving people's worries."

Raymond hesitated, and was speechless.

Qiao Xun continued:

"Looking at the appearance of Mr., there is probably some kind of burden on him."

Raymond didn't admit it, but the vigilance in his eyes already explained everything.

"You think too much."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Perhaps. However, it is necessary to relax properly before the challenge. It is also in order to meet it with the best attitude."

"You might as well tell me what kind of tea you have here, I don't want to listen to these mindless words."

"Okay sir. There are local black teas, bamboo teas, dry teas, all kinds of scented teas, all kinds of fragrant teas, bitter teas and sweet teas from exotic regions."

"There are quite a few. Try it."

Raymond said, and entered a certain tea room.

"What would you like to drink, sir?"

"What do you recommend?"

"In my case, I recommend a tea I developed by myself. It has a mixed flavor."

"Mixed flavors... Wouldn't it be too strange?"

"Sir should be someone who understands tea. However, I am quite confident about my tea."

"Then let's have a drink."

"Sir, wait a moment."

Qiao Xun then walked into the back kitchen.

The tea room was quiet. Raymond looked around. As a newspaper editor, keen observation came into play, and he thought:

"The decoration style here is very different, like some places in the East, and some tastes of the royal city... As for the boss, he doesn't look like a person from this race, but his face is very clean and beautiful, and there is no obvious decay on the body surface. Traces, that may be rotting in the internal organs, those who match this characteristic... only the foresters near the king city..."

The sound of Qiao Xun's footsteps interrupted his thoughts.

He looked up and saw Qiao Xun carrying a tray with a cup of tea in it.

Qiao Xun put the tea in front of Raymond,

"Sir, please have a taste."

Raymond looked at the teacup. The tea water is clear, light green, and there is no scum, and there are tea stalks floating on it.

The fragrance is fragrant and invigorating.

There was some surprise in Raymond's eyes, and he immediately took a sip from the teacup. Different from the fragrance you smell, the tea smell is very mellow, lingering between the teeth and tongues for a long time. It is indeed a mixture of tastes, a little sweet, a little bitter, astringent, a little salty...

"Not bad, not bad." He said three times in a row.

"Are you still satisfied?"

"It's good tea!" Raymond looked at Qiao Xun in surprise, "Few people know about tea in this life-sustaining city. Usually everyone drinks some rough tea brewed at will. Your tea room really surprised me."

Immediately, with the intention of making new friends, he introduced:

"Introduction, my name is Raymond Rexton, and I am the editor-in-chief of the Charles Newspaper in Brick Street. The news of the entire Living City is produced by the Charles Newspaper... I think it is necessary to let the people in the city know, There is such a good tea room."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Mr. Renekton can just call me Mr. Tea. In addition, Mr. Renekton should understand that once a place like this is known to many people, it cannot exist."

Raymond patted his thigh,

"Understood, got it! This is a high-end enjoyment, and a part of it should be known."

Qiao Xun nodded slightly.

Raymond was very happy,

"How did you make this tea? The taste is really amazing."

"My tea is called 'life'. There are all kinds of things in life, all in one thought. Different people have different tastes. As for how to do it..."

"Commercial secrets? I understand, I understand!" Raymond expressed his understanding. After all, such a good tea can be famous in any place.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It's not like that. It's not a secret. It's just that this tea is like medicine, and it needs to be treated according to the situation. For example, the cup of tea in front of you is made for you, it belongs to you only, and I feel you after seeing you. It was specially made for the current state.”

"It's really a magical technique, it seems... others can't learn it."

"Just be careful."

Qiao Xun's words were very useful to Raymond.

He sipped this cup of tea very relaxedly, and talked with Qiao Xun for a while before he left reluctantly. When he left, he said that he would come often in the future.

After sending Raymond away~www.readwn.com~ Qiao Xun looked at the clean teacup and murmured:

"I really didn't lie to you. It's because of you that I have this cup of tea. What you taste is your life, and of course...it will be like home."

After Raymond drank this cup of tea, Qiao Xun also knew everything about him, including the part that could not be understood.

"The messenger of the night... Duke, cavalry, shotgun... It's really just a 'black revolution' with a different name."

Raymond can only be regarded as the median among the night messengers, and his knowledge is very limited. However, it doesn't matter if the content is small, what matters is whether there is any crucial content.

It just so happened that "Shotgun" Raymond had such a crucial thing in his memory.

He looked out the window quietly, his brows gradually furrowed.

Raymond's memory shows.

Tonight, the distinguished person named "Visitor" will arrive in this rotten world.

"The pilgrims... Yu Xiaoshu... 'World'..."

Qiao Xun knew that these three different names represented the same person.

For this "old friend" whom he hadn't seen for a long time, he was full of "misses".

It is necessary to treat this "old friend" well.


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