Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 26: 900 billion me

The night moon crossed the mountain ridge, revealing the uniqueness of the decaying world at the junction of fog and ash.

It seems that there is a yellow-white giant beast hanging in the sky, looking at everything on the ground coldly, and the open mouth keeps dripping saliva.

Everything is quiet.

It's always been that way at night in River Life.

Qiao Xun witnessed the picture of Raymond Rexton, the editor-in-chief of the Charles newspaper, taking the little Grey Tosas away. The little gray man Tosas looked a little nervous and scared, but under the "encouragement" of his father Shike, he still didn't say anything. Just passing by a certain tea room, I stopped for a moment in a daze.

In the tea room, Qiao Xun heard Raymond and Tosas chatting about a certain tea room.

On this topic, the two quickly reached a consensus, and they were quite happy. Tosas's nervousness was relieved a lot.

Their backs gradually disappeared under the night haze of Cliff City, until they disappeared at the end of the road.

In the tea room, Qiao Xun walked into a room in the back room. In this Chinese-style study, the replica "Tosas" is sitting at the desk, looking like he is serious

"Tosas" has no self-awareness and can only follow the basic instincts given to it by Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun sat on the other side, looked at it, and waited quietly.

In the distance of Raymond's house, Raymond was also waiting quietly.

However, Qiao Xun knew that Raymond could never wait.

When the Darkmoon rises to a certain position, when the swamp outside Cliff City spews a large amount of angel bug feces.

At a certain moment, time seemed to come to an abrupt end.

A "thing", unknown as a force or an abstract concept, crosses the finite boundaries of the decaying world without warning, and then quickly merges with the world.

"Tosas" in front of Fu's desk suddenly froze, and the book in his hand fell on the table.

Its original gray-black eye boy quickly turned pitch black, with almost no color mixed in, only the blackness of nothingness. The black mass began to spin, like a vortex of cold pools.

Qiao Xun looked at it.

It is also watching Joe Tour.

After a while, the vortex in its eyes gradually calmed down. Its eyes have "eyes" for the first time.

Qiao Xun saw that the Tong Kong of "it" shrank slightly.

"Should I run away?" "It" asked.

Qiao Xun crossed his fingers,

"You can try."

"It" didn't go on, there was a smile on his face, the dry skin gradually became moist,

"Long time no see, Joe... Doctor."

This name is so old that it makes Qiao Xun a little confused. It seems that at this moment, he has returned to the past.

The appearance and posture of "it" gradually began to change.

It soon changed from the appearance of Tosas to the appearance of Yu Xiaoshu.

Looking at this person who was exactly the same as Yu Xiaoshu, his former assistant, Qiao Xun asked:

"Should I call you 'World' or 'Wanderer'—"

"What you called me before, you can call me now. And..." Her eyes became mysterious and distant, "What you call me may decide who I really am."

Qiao Xun looked at her silently. In the end, I didn't give her a name,

"What's the difference between you now and you on Earth?"

"There is no difference, we are the same person."

Qiao Xun frowned slightly.

She chuckled lightly,

"Doctor Qiao, I have never lied to you. I can also tell you that I have projections in a total of 900 billion worlds. However, the difference is... I was born in the flesh, other worlds. I'm just a projection of will."

"Yi Hong told me that your appearance on Earth is your true appearance."


"Why are you special on Earth?"

"Because the earth is special."

"What's your real name?"

She thought about it, smiled and said:

"Probably, let's call it Yu Xiaoshu. After all, that's the only me with a physical body."

"So, Earth's Yu Xiaoshu is your real body?"

She nodded, narrowed her eyes and asked with a smile:

"Didn't you expect it?"

This was really unexpected. Qiao Xun thought that the true body of the "world" was hidden in a more advanced world, even beyond the scope of the world, like he did before, in the void.

"Why did you tell me this?"

"Because you asked."

very straightforward reason.

Qiao Xun looked at her,

"what is your purpose?"

"There is no purpose. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do."

"What's up?"

"I have a title called 'World'. So, what do you think?"

"You are the collection of the world?"

"That's fine."

"I still don't understand what you're doing."

She stood up. Probably because of the change in form, or because of her different thoughts, she doesn't have any clothes to wrap her body around now. The cold moonlight outside the window fell on her flawless body, dazzling and beautiful.

"If you can't understand it, don't understand it. There are some things that can't be described in poor words. Doctor Qiao, probably when you have your own world, everything will be understood."


"Does Dr. Joe still mind this?" She looked like a fox.

"You are different from Yu Xiaoshu."

"I am her, she is me. What I show in front of you is what she wants to show." She sat on the desk, her legs crossed, "I in nine hundred billion worlds have the same consciousness. Body, feel the same memory. Earth I liked you back in my ignorant time. Do you know what that means?"


"It means that 900 billion me like you because of the me of the earth. We are not independent, we are one, a huge life beyond the world."

Qiao Xun was slightly taken aback.

When he was still working in the clinic, he felt the favor of his assistant Yu Xiaoshu.

However, I did not expect such a profound impact.

She laughed and teased,

"In other words, Dr. Qiao, if you fall in love with me, then you will have 900 billion girlfriends at the same time." She leaned down and approached Qiao Xun with her moonlight body, "Are you excited?"

Qiao Xun snorted softly,

"If temptation had worked for me, I would have sunk into finite worlds long ago."

she laughed,

"There is indeed such a person. There is a high-level **** in the world of centaurs, and he aims to taste the female creatures in the finite world, in order to consume his long and endless lifespan. However, he has suffered a lot because of this goal. ."

"Don't tell me this. You put on some clothes first."

She spread her hands helplessly,

"I'm sorry, I just came here, and I don't have much power. All the power has just been used up for the transformation."

Qiao Xun frowned,

"Why is Earth's Yu Xiaoshu so strong?"

"Uh... When I was on Earth, I had hundreds of thousands of polluted species to eat as soon as I woke up, what do you think? Here, angel worms are the most convenient source of energy, but an angel worm probably only has one low-level pollution. One percent of the species, or else, go find me tens of billions of angel bugs?"


Qiao Xun looked at her coldly.

She hugged her chest and said shyly:

"Don't stare like that, you're not wearing any clothes."

"Go! Didn't you have a good time talking just now without covering it up? Just don't wear it."

As Qiao Xun said that, he walked out and made himself a cup of tea to suppress his shock.

After a while, Yu Xiaoshu came out.

Qiao Xun looked at her and saw a dazzling holy light glowing from her privacy. He narrowed his eyes and asked:

"what happened?"

Yu Xiaoshu crossed his hips and said:

"I just used the last bit of my strength to create a special holy light for beautiful girls! No matter from which angle I look at me, my private parts are covered by holy light! So, don't avoid suspicion!"

"You have that little power, so you won't make clothes for yourself?!"

Yu Xiaoshu spreads his hands,

"I have calculated that if I have the remaining strength to squeeze a piece of clothing, I can only squeeze that kind of sackcloth linen, it is better to add some holy light."

"How can there be such a weirdo like you!"

"Wonderful is a compliment! So you're complimenting me."

Qiao Xun couldn't stand the "beautiful girl holy light" flashing all over the house, so he pinched a few clothes for her.

Yu Xiaoshu was holding a piece of underwear,

"Oh, you still know a lot about women's underwear, and the details are in place. Hmm... It's not your ex-girlfriend's, right?"

"I can understand the world, what else can't I understand! Are you seriously ill?"

"Don't be angry, I just wear it."

Only then did Qiao Xun realize that he hadn't had such an unbalanced mentality for a long time. He suppressed his irritability a little.

After getting dressed, Yu Xiaoshu said:

"I'll show you something interesting!"

As she spoke, she pulled down the collar of her upper body to reveal her chest, and then the dazzling holy light almost blinded Qiao Xun's eyes.

"Isn't it very powerful, don't be afraid of disappearing! As long as the privacy is exposed, there will be holy light immediately!"

Qiao Xun was stunned.

It's not that Shengguang is dumbfounded. He didn't expect that tonight's visitation would be such a result. What kind of fake and inferior version is this Yu Xiaoshu!

Yu Xiaoshu said to himself over there:

"When I control all the limited worlds, I will extend this function to all the worlds, and equip every girl with an anti-glare light."

Qiao Xun took a sip of tea silently,

"In that case, you will be hated."

Yu Xiaoshu sat down upright,

"Doing good is always hated."

She was not polite at all, picked up the tea that Qiao Xun had drunk, and tasted it. After smashing her mouth, she smiled and said:

"It's boring and boring, it seems that your life is full of boring."

"You think too much."

"Doctor Qiao, don't run away. I know this cup of tea is brewed according to the life of the tea drinker."

Qiao Xun stared at her,

"What else do you know!"

"A lot." She held her chin and looked at him with a smile.

Qiao Xun twitched his lips and smiled,

"I thought you were going to say 'knowing everything'."

"I'm not that arrogant."

Qiao Xun sipped the tea silently without speaking.

Yu Xiaoshu pointed at the coffee table,

"Doctor Qiao, why are you pursuing infinity?"

"Because 'infinity' exists."

"No. You are Qiao Xun, not a demon."

"I am Qiao Xun, and I am also a devil."

"It seems that our understanding is wrong. I don't know who is talking hard." Yu Xiaoshu looked at the ceiling.

"I don't know, it's not me anyway."

The two fell silent.

After a while, Yu Xiaoshu looked out the window,

"So, what are you going to do with me? If you catch me, I will admit it."


"Well, like killing me or something."

"Why did I kill you? Do we have any grudges?"

"There cannot be two people who can see the world in one world."

Qiao Xun looked at Yu Xiaoshu quietly,

"Do you think you are still a threat to me now? Your body is fabricated by me. If you are careful enough, you will find that your consciousness has been imprisoned by this body as soon as you come here."

Yu Xiaoshu was stunned for a moment, then his eyes were dull for a moment, then he came back to his senses and said:

"Doctor Qiao, it's really yours. It's so despicable!"

"Despicable?" Qiao Xun rolled his eyes, "How dare you say this word."

Immediately afterwards, Yu Xiaoshu said with a smile:

"Doctor Qiao, imprison! Now I'm your **, you can use me as you want. So, do you want to feel the feeling of being entangled with 900 billion souls at the same time?"

"Does the body on Earth know what you said?" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Dr. Qiao, I said, we are not independent, we are one! It is only manifested in different worlds. If these 900 billion worlds merge into one, then we will become one person."

"Yu Xiaoshu, I remember that you are not such an unruly person."

Yu Xiaoshu said:

"The character design... I can change it in various ways. So, do you want to be innocent and cute, or intellectual and generous, or mature and tempting, or be well-behaved and sensible, or be evil and domineering..."

She said a lot of characters in a row,

"Well, theoretically, I have 900 billion characters. After all, there are 900 billion me."

"I found that I really don't know you anymore." Qiao Xun said.

Yu Xiaoshu moistened his throat and smiled,

"It seems that you still like the Earth version of Yu Xiaoshu. Then I'll change the character and wait a moment."

Saying that, she made a gesture of prayer.

After a while, she opened her eyes. The whole person's temperament and appearance changed all of a sudden... For Qiao Xun, it was... back to the feeling of the past.

"It can be replaced!"

Yu Xiaoshu nodded. Her expression became a little complicated, and she said softly:


"When you were praying just now, I didn't feel any power fluctuations."

"Uh... that's just an ordinary action. If you change the character design, it's just a matter of thought."


Yu Xiaoshu's whole body suddenly became much quieter. She said softly:

"When I was on Earth, I saw you a few times. But every time I couldn't say anything."

"Actually, there is nothing to say. I am not a person on the road."

"Yes. But, after all, it is not a stranger. Everything in the finite world, no matter what you do, will eventually reach the same destination. Even if I don't meet you on Earth, I will meet you at the end of the finite."


Yu Xiaoshu inhaled slightly,

"Okay, Doctor Qiao, I lost to you this time. So, what do you think?"

Qiao Xun stood up,

"First, wash this teacup."

He went to the back room.

"and then?"

"Then, stay in the tea room and be a little tea pourer."

Yu Xiaoshu was stunned,

"Good Doctor Joe! Oh no, Boss Joe!"

Lying on the reclining chair in the back room, Qiao Xun closed his eyes.

He also never thought that tonight's reunion would end up like this.

"It seems that old friends are still old friends... but it has become more complicated."

What kind of existence Yu Xiaoshu is, he can't see through it for the time being.

Whether it is a giant being that transcends the world, or an abstract will... I will probably have to wait until later to judge.

From the first assistant, to the current tea pouring girl...

And he has also changed from a psychologist to the current Mr. Cha.

It seems that everything has changed, and it seems that nothing has changed.

Qiao Xun closed his eyes~www.readwn.com~ consciousness gradually subsided, and he was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, a dazzling holy light flashed and woke him up. he asks:

"What's wrong?"

A voice of explanation came from outside,

"I just loosened the straps of my underwear. You made my underwear a size smaller!"

"Can you turn off your holy light!"

"don't want!"


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