Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 27: Yu Xiaoshu's "Limited Possibilities"

Xiguang cleared the fog and shone into the window.

Crystal Man Raymond Renekton's eyes were a little red. He hadn't slept all night, and he almost didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing some crucial scene.

For him, last night was a night of nervous anticipation, trepidation, doubt, fear, and numbness.

Looking forward to the coming of the pilgrims,

I wonder if this time has come,

There's nothing wrong with fear...

Numbness... just numbness.

He stared blankly at Tosas, the little grey man who had fallen asleep because he couldn't stay up all night. After taking Tosas over last night, he also told Tosas about the work of the newspaper office and expressed some preliminary philosophical thoughts as agreed with the gray man Shi Ke.

However, I couldn't wait for the pilgrims to arrive. His patience was worn out.

"What's wrong... The cavalry-sama didn't say it was last night... Why..."

Raymond muttered to himself. He was a little out of balance.

Tosas sat up on the sofa and rubbed his sleepy eyes. He squinted his eyes and asked with an air of getting up:

"Did Mr. Renekton get up so early?"

Raymond wanted to say that he didn't sleep at all!

But he couldn't speak.

"Tosas, are you... sleeping well?"

"Well...Although it's not as comfortable as the bed, it's okay."

"Did you have a dream?"


"What did you dream about?" Raymondi pinched his last hope.

Tosas smiled awkwardly,

"I remember it just now, but I forget it now."

Raymond's heart sank to the bottom.

As soon as I woke up, I forgot the dream, which only shows that this dream is really ordinary.

Raymond took a breath, feeling extremely annoyed, especially when he saw Tosas' expression of nothing on his face. But he couldn't let go of his anger at a child who didn't know anything,

"Tosas, wash up and go to school."

Tosas asked nervously:

"So, does Mr. Renekton recognize me? Can I continue to study with you?"

This is his father's hope, and Tosas doesn't want to disappoint his father.

Raymond nodded,


"thank you very much!"

Raymond's crystal skin was dull, as if covered with dust.

He didn't know whether the pilgrims had come or not. This is not something he has the ability to know. Only wait for the cavalry adults to come.

Unlike Raymond's depression, Tosas was very happy. Recognized by Mr. Renekton, who is respected by his father, his father should be very happy now. Thinking like this, Tosas went to school happily.

Raymond was uninterested in his work at the newspaper office, dragging his tired and tired body out the door.

He wanted to relax. Maybe you are too nervous.

The best place to relax is, of course, a certain tea room.

Like a ghost, walking through the streets and alleys. He appeared at the door of a tea room.

took a deep breath.

Don't let Mr. Cha see his decadent appearance.

He tidied up and knocked on the door.

With a creaking sound, the door was slowly opened.

It wasn't Mr. Cha who opened the door. It's a woman I haven't seen before, with the same features as Mr. Cha. Raymond thought, it was probably a forester near the royal city.

The moment he saw Raymond, Yu Xiaoshu knew who he was and why he was troubled. She smiled,


"You are?"

Yu Xiaoshu said:

"I'm the waiter in the tea room."

"I didn't see you yesterday." Raymond felt that the waiter had a very cordial feeling, as if he had seen some long-lost relatives.

"I didn't work yesterday."


"Come in, sir."

Yu Xiaoshu opened the door of the tea room. The sun shines in, bringing some warmth.

Raymond thought it was very magical. The bright and cold light of the sun shone into this room, but it was full of warmth.

Qiao Xun sat behind the preparation table in the tea room. After seeing Raymond, he smiled and said:

"Mr. Renekton, here you are."

"Mr. Tea, good morning."

Raymond is willing to pay some respects to this Mr. Tea.

"What tea are you drinking today?"

"It's still the same as yesterday."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Wait a minute." He turned to Yu Xiaoshu and said interestingly, "Take good care of this guest."

Yu Xiaoshu doesn't smile,


Raymond said curiously:

"You don't look like bosses and employees. At least not here."

Qiao Xun said:

"Probably this employee doesn't quite know his identity."

Raymond looked at Yu Xiaoshu and said:

"I think the relationship between the boss and the employee should be more measured. Just like just now, you should say 'yes' instead of 'of course'. The former is to obey the arrangement, while the latter gives people a 'no need' You said that I also know the rudeness of '."

The corner of Qiao Xun's mouth rose as he entered the back kitchen.

Yu Xiaoshu looked at Raymond,

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

Raymond was stunned. He did not expect that this employee not only had a bad attitude towards his own boss, but also had an even worse attitude towards his guests.

This kind of attitude, for the upper-class dignitaries in a living city, is simply reckless countryman behavior. Raymond was so depressed last night, how could he bear such an attitude,

"What do you mean? Is this what a waiter should say! Do you know that just based on your words, if I'm your boss, I'll let you out immediately."

Yu Xiaoshu hugged his chest, leaned against the preparation table without standing, and said indifferently:

"None of my business. You're not my boss."

Raymond slapped the coffee table angrily,

"Rough, rude! I'm here to receive service, not to be bossed around by you."

"I don't like to be pulled down."

Raymond was so angry that he stood up and left immediately. But after thinking about it, I just left, doesn't it seem very incompetent, and besides, I haven't had the tea yet!

"I must let Mr. Cha fire you!"

Yu Xiaoshu abruptly stepped in front of Raymond and grabbed his collar. The eyes are grim and cruel,

"You'd better do what you say."

Raymond was like falling into an ice cave, and every nerve in his body was tensed by the huge pressure. A violent sense of crisis swept through his consciousness, and suddenly, he felt that he was being judged and was about to be pushed to the gallows.

Unable to say a word, she trembled instinctively.

Qiao Xun's call came from the back kitchen.

This was like Raymond's savior, pulling him out of purgatory in an instant.

After Yu Xiaoshu released him, he still had lingering fears. She hardly dared to look her in the eyes.

Raymond was terrified.

He couldn't imagine why this seemingly harmless guy could actually oppress him so much.

The oppression of the prey on the hunter... For a moment, he felt that he had to obey her.

"No, it's all an illusion..."

Raymond wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead and took a deep breath.

After a while, Yu Xiaoshu came out with a saucer, and politely and kindly handed Raymond a cup of tea,

"Sir, please take it slow."

Qiao Xun asked with a smile:

"Mr. Renekton, did my waiter treat you well?"

Yu Xiaoshu fiddled with his fingers as if nothing had happened,

"Boss, people are very polite. Mr. Renekton, you say so."

Raymond swallowed. The words that he said to complain about her earlier were completely forgotten. He said a little embarrassedly:

"very good."

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Really? I don't think she is very polite. Mr. Renekton shouldn't be shy about her face, please tell me, there is something wrong with her."

"No... no."

"Mr. Renekton is really a gentleman and takes good care of the lady's mood."

Raymond wiped his sweat. I shouted in my heart, why am I taking care of the lady's mood? Fuck it for my own little life! Moreover, where does this "lady" need someone to take care of her mood.

He quickly took a sip of tea to suppress his shock.

The fragrant beauty of the tea quickly calmed him down. Put the unpleasant things aside, fall into the mellow, and enjoy the fireworks-like taste of life.

"Mr. Renekton, how do you feel?"

Raymond's crystal skin gradually glowed,

"It's like being reborn. This cup of tea tastes better than yesterday."

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"That's why Mr. Renekton has a better understanding of his life. I think you must like your life very much."

Raymond shook his head, sighed and said:

"That's not necessarily true. Most people are dissatisfied with their lives."

"That's because they are always immersed in the past, always thinking that some things in the past can be done better, and they will naturally feel unhappy when they worry about gains and losses."

"Mr. Tea is very insightful. That's right, being able to make this kind of tea is probably someone who has a lot of insight into life."

Yu Xiaoshu interrupted,

"Oh, someone's life is very bland. It's only one step away from being a piece of shit."

Probably because Qiao Xun was here, Raymond gained some confidence and said dissatisfiedly:

"What are you talking about as a waiter?"

Yu Xiaoshu just glanced at him lightly, he immediately changed his words,

"Of course, I respect everyone's basic right to speak."

Qiao Xun always had a smile on his face,

"My waiter is really not very polite, right. Mr. Renekton, I just need a word from you, and I will fire her immediately." His eyelids sank slightly, "Do you want to fire her?"

Of course Raymond wanted to, but he didn't dare to say it. Not only did he dare not say it, he had to help Yu Xiaoshu by saying good things, and asked Qiao Xun to take back his thoughts.

"Hehe, Mr. Cha doesn't have to do this. This lady didn't do anything wrong."

Qiao toured and glanced at Yu Xiaoshu.

The latter gave him a defiant look.

Raymond found himself in the tea. Sweep away fatigue and decadence, regain confidence and happiness.

After the tea, Raymond reluctantly left.

Then, Qiao Xun said with a normal expression:

"Ma'am, have you always liked bullying?"

Yu Xiaoshu sat behind the preparation table,

"Bullying the weak? That's better than yin and yang. You know he doesn't dare to ask you to fire me, so you still say it. Doesn't it make him more embarrassed? Why, Boss Qiao, who is proficient in human nature, likes to play so much. Hearts."

"Then, what is the source of his depression?"

Yu Xiaoshu grinned,

"It's his mother. If his mother didn't give birth to him, there would be no depression today."

"Hehe, I'm thinking, if you come to him smoothly. What's your attitude towards him?"

Yu Xiaoshu thought for a while,

"It's probably the attitude of using animals."

"You are a scourge."

Yu Xiaoshu was lying on the preparation table, looking at Qiao Xun vaguely,

"Then Boss Qiao is really gentle. Keep me by your side to prevent me from harming others. Such a gentle Boss Qiao, I love you."

"If your heart is half as strong as your mouth, you probably won't be imprisoned by me."

Yu Xiaoshu tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, his tone blurred,

"Then, how does Boss Qiao know that I didn't let you catch it on purpose?"

"Don't try to disturb me with this means."

"That's right, since it's a demon, it must be able to control his desires well." Yu Xiaoshu looked at the sky.

Qiao Xun didn't speak.

In fact, complete control of one's desires is impossible for any conscious being.

Neither can he.

The tea room became quiet.

Yu Xiaoshu put his face on the table and played with his hair boredly.

After a while, she sat up,

"It's so boring, I want to go out for a walk."

"Then you'd better move within 20 meters of me. If you exceed 20 meters, your consciousness will collapse instantly."

Yu Xiaoshu was stunned for a while, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Are you really so cruel to me?"

Qiao Xun took a sip of tea as if nothing had happened.

"It's so annoying, obviously we were so good before."

"Better? It's something you only dream of. It's just an ordinary relationship between superiors and subordinates."

Yu Xiaoshu pretended not to hear, and muttered to himself sadly:

"What happened to make us drift further apart..."

"I can't get close in the first place. Don't say anything about getting further and further away."

Yu Xiaoshu climbed out of the preparation table, sat opposite Qiao Xun, and asked seriously:

"Qiao Xun, if you're not a demon, and I'm not... I, what will our relationship be like? Let's come together..."

"I'm here to tell you. You'll get a bad job because of unrequited love, and then I'll apply to the hospital to transfer you because you can't do a good job. Then, we'll drift apart and become strangers. You might Years later, thinking about a time that worked for me, and me, quickly becomes part of my 'useless memory'."

Yu Xiaoshu's eyes widened,

"Damn it! How could I not be able to do a good job because of unrequited love! You look down on people too much."

"Then you might as well talk about your opinion."

Yu Xiaoshu clenched his fingers tightly,

"That's it, cough. After I started working for you, you gradually found that in addition to completing your work well, I also cared about you very much... You can't leave me. One day, I took a week off because of something at home, and then you found that you couldn't do anything without me in a week... You miss me a lot, and gradually realize... You can't leave me anymore After I returned to my post, I found that the eyes you looked at me changed. Although there are still many hardships, such as family inspection, such as the adaptation of the three views... But after a lot of hardships, we finally successfully entered the marriage. The palace, gave birth to a few children. Decades later, in the night, we embraced and died..."

Yu Xiaoshu narrowed his eyes,

"How about it, isn't it perfect?"

"A ridiculous fantasy."

Yu Xiaoshu smiled slyly,

"Fantasy? Boss Joe, you know, this is one possibility I found out of many limited possibilities when I had insight into the earth."

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows.

She seemed to dominate, her voice full of magnetic melancholy,

"Don't be surprised, don't question. If you don't believe it, you can gain insight into the world again after returning to Earth~www.readwn.com~ One of the limited possibilities is not convincing."

Yu Xiaoshu shook his head,

"I didn't say this possibility to convince anything, I just wanted to let you know that this kind of result exists. We have never been incompatible." She looked at Qiao Xun, "But, I can calm down. My feelings for me, my life, my actions, everything I do. What about you, Boss Joe, can you?"

Qiao Xun looked at the teacup and did not speak.

After a while, Yu Xiaoshu said:

"The tea is all finished. Some people 'leave the tea empty', while some people 'continue to add warmth'. Boss Qiao, what's your choice?"

Qiao Xun looked at Yu Xiaoshu seriously.

Yu Xiaoshu smiled vaguely. Mysterious...but kind.

After a while he whispered:

"Have another drink."

Yu Xiaoshu burst into a smile,

"Good boss."

Holding the saucer, she hummed a little song and entered the back kitchen.

Joe looked out the window. Whisper to himself:

"I hope this is a good choice."


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