Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 59: O warrior, sleep forever in the endless battle!

After saying the word "can", Yu Xiaoshu said nothing, smiled at Raphael, turned his head and left.

Watching her figure disappear into the twisting space, Raphael's chest couldn't calm down for a long time.

Raphael has always known that his "good friend" hides a huge unknown. But she never asked, not because she didn't care about it, but just by looking at Yu Xiaoshu, she felt that even if the sister told her the huge "unknown" to herself, she couldn't know.

This feeling is not generated out of thin air, but comes from every expression and every action of Yu Xiaoshu. Sometimes, Raphael will feel that the real "Candice" is actually very far away from him, and what is in front of him may be just a certain manifestation of "Candice". Conceptualized concrete image of angel heart.

The departure of "Joy" and "Candice" made the library of the years suddenly very quiet.

However, the silence did not last long. It was quickly broken by the sound of undisguised footsteps.

"Walking with the Lord", the hundred-year-old Michael walked through the long corridor, like a great man who came out of the depths of history. How far Michael's conceptualization has been accomplished as the de facto Coordinator of Heaven today is unknown. The only thing that can be clear is his appearance, which is the most magical concept:

"Hundred Phases".

The translation is: Michael is anyone, anyone is Michael.

Michael walked towards Raphael. He looked straight at Raphael with nothing special in his eyes,

"Raphael, dear healer."

Raphael asked,

"Michael of Baixiang, do you need healing?"

Michael stopped and looked at a clearing. After thinking about it, he asked:

"Have you just finished entertaining guests?"

"Well, there are two people who need my healing."

"Two angels?"


Michael looked at Raphael's eyes and said after a moment of silence:

"Maybe, I do need your healing."

Raphael opened his arms and showed lofty love on his face,

"Please come into my arms."

Michael shook his head slightly,

"An answer to a question can heal me."

"what is the problem?"

"Why did you open up those dusty years?" Michael folded his hands like a statue, motionless.

Raphael said,

"It's my duty to review the history, and I'm just going to review that piece of history according to my established duty."

"But you've never reviewed that history before, this time...why?"

"Because these days, there have been problems in the corridor of years, and a lot of history has disappeared for no reason. I naturally have to do a comprehensive review."

"That's it."

"Michael of Baixiang, do you know the reason for the disappearance of those histories?"

Michael smiled and said,

"No matter what, it's the world's choice."

Raphael looked sad. She never hides her emotions. After hearing this, she felt sad and sad,

"Michael of Baixiang, is the choice of the world correct?"

"The choice of the world, there is no right or wrong."

This sentence, "Candice" also said before. But Raphael did not understand, and could not understand,

"Michael, I feel more and more powerless. I can't heal a lot of sorrow and pain, corruption and depravity. Those griefs like scabies make my heart tremble and my brain is confused."

"There is no need to grieve. The Lord glorifies the world, but leaves behind a light that illuminates the world. The light will guide us forward."

Raphael asked in confusion,

"Michael of Baixiang, will you be that light?"

Michael looked hazy,

"We are all light."

Raphael clenched his hands and fingers into fists, closed his eyes and began to pray.

Seeing this, Michael also knew, and couldn't ask anything. Maybe Rafael wasn't telling the truth, but right now, she can only be real.

He turned his head and looked again at the place where Qiao Xun stood just now, frowning slightly, thinking: Is it really an angel? Why do I have a long-lost disgust.

Without letting Raphael, who was in a slump, go to the next day to perform the task, Michael left quietly.


Gabriel, the eminent and noble seraph, the captain of the guard of heaven, and the trumpeter of the doomsday.

No matter where he appeared, he was always the only dazzling light in that place.

When he "falls" like a shooting star on the second day, there is no doubt that he is the savior. The former Gabriel, once the most noble angel in heaven, was more praised than Michael. But after God's calendar was shattered and Heaven entered a state of peace and "downspin", Gabriel gradually lowered his profile and handed over the Doomsday Judgment Horn to Michael, entering a state of semi-invisibility. There are almost no more tasks that he needs to come forward to complete. This time, the second day to judge the Devourer of Worlds is the second time after the mythological calendar was broken.

The first time was to take the fallen angel out of heaven.

No one really knows the real reason for Gabriel's semi-invisibility. Perhaps the name, most of the time in silence. But every time he mentioned his name, the once majestic Seraph seemed to be right in front of him.

He always wears heavy armor, rides a headless warhorse, holds a huge city-breaking spear, has no wings on his back, but has a sundial.

This is the image of Gabriel.

He stood at the border of the second day, staring at the sea of ​​stars in the distance.

In that sea of ​​stars, a giant beast is swimming. Those stars, like fish and shrimp, were recklessly swallowed by the giant beast.

Gabriel looked at the giant beast and felt her breath, the city-breaking spear in his hand began to tremble, the headless horse under him couldn't stop stepping on its hooves, and the sundial behind him slowly rotated. However, his expression was very calm, and even some confusion appeared in his eyes from time to time.

The breath of the giant beast made him feel familiar. Especially after clearly realizing that the rot on the giant beast was exactly the same as that of the fallen angel, he became more and more certain that this giant beast had something to do with those dusty years.

However, what is the specific relationship, Gabriel does not want to explore.

As a warrior of heaven, completing the task is always the first consideration.

He raised his right hand, lifted the city-breaking gun, aimed it at the giant beast Alcott, and threw it violently. This shot, with the glory of the Lord, bloomed in the darkness of the border, and the dazzling and scorching light covered every corner of the next day.

"The Gun of Faith That Gives Death".

Heaven never speaks of killing, only "give death". Because the angels in heaven believe that it is an honor to be killed by the glory of the Lord, and it is one of the ways to return to the arms of the Lord.

Regardless of whether the "Gun of Faith that bestows death" is truly honorable, there is no doubt that its power is enough to destroy an ordinary low-level world.

This shot, which is so huge that it breaks through the limited boundaries of the ordinary world, will send Alcott an "honorable death".

Gabriel lowered his hands and shoulders, showing some loneliness in his eyes.

For him, it was another boring fight.

After the mythical calendar was shattered, there was no more decent battle. So much so that he can't even tell whether he has entered the semi-invisible state because he is no longer invincible or because of other reasons.

His legs clenched slightly, and the headless horse under him kicked its hooves, ready to turn around and leave.

He knows very well that this World Eater is still very weak. After being hit by his gun, he will lose his ability to move. The next thing is the matter of other angels who clean the battlefield.

But the expected situation has not been discovered.

He didn't see the light of flesh and blood released as the "Gun of Faith that bestowed death" penetrated the Eater of Worlds.

Gabriel turned on horseback and stared into the distance.

The giant beast is still the same giant beast, still devouring the planet in dissatisfaction.

And the "spear of faith that bestowed death" that was supposed to penetrate her body was suspended in the deep space, and was pinched by the phantom of a finger that came from nowhere.

That's the phantom of the thumb and index finger.

The phantom of the **** looked effortless at all, lightly holding the "Spear of Faith that bestows death".

The glory surrounding the "Gun of Faith that bestows death" is being dispelled little by little... No! Gabriel looked more carefully, it was not dissolved at all, but absorbed by the phantom of two fingers.


Gabriel is amazing. He could not imagine anything else that could absorb the glory of the Lord.

Then, in his eyes, the "Spear of Faith that bestowed death" was crushed into pieces by the phantom of his fingers. The scattered fragments fell into the deep space, and in the high-speed flight, the light gradually bloomed, the last light.

The gun that had fought with him for the entire history of God was crushed into pieces.

After a brief stupor, Gabriel came back to his senses. No matter who the master of that pair of finger phantoms is, it must be a very powerful being.

In vigilance, I instinctively feel excited.

The heavy armor on Gabriel creaking, as if returning to the battlefield. He quickly swept away the phantom of the finger, and at the same time, took off the sundial behind him. Little by little the sundial turned into a huge grey knight's sword in his hand.

The blade was gradually covered with golden glory.

After approaching, I saw that the phantom of the finger suddenly disappeared. Gabriel's eyes were instantly empty, his eyes penetrated everything, and he quickly locked the path of the phantom of his fingers. Then, following the path, he chased after him.

His warhorse, his knight's sword, his body, his glory... keep going on this path.

It seems to have passed through countless spaces, and it seems to have broken the walls of countless time hourglasses.

Gabriel felt like he had come to a completely different place.

He rode a war horse and stood in the void. In the distance is a battlefield where light and darkness are intertwined. Countless angels rushed down from the sky like rain, rushing towards the... demons who neighed in the cursed haze.

Cursed haze, demons... Gabriel recognized almost instantly what the enemies of those angels on the battlefield were.

It was the devil that devastated the world of mythology back then, and that gods, gods and everyone got it and killed it!

Demon, sinner of desire!

On the battlefield where light and darkness are intertwined, the haze of the devil's curse is a poison that corrodes everything, destroying the power of angels. At that time, the power of the angels did not come entirely from the Lord, and it could not be called the glory of the Lord, but only the glory of the angels. Therefore, under the destruction of the devil, there is almost no resistance.

The armies of angels are retreating.

The main battle angels of energy and power broke off their wings one by one and fell from the sky. Their flesh and blood were quickly swallowed by the cursed haze and turned into a part of the haze, strengthening the power of the devil.

The angels at this time have not yet been conceptualized, but they have more wings and angelic brilliance than the people of this world.

Seeing all this, Gabriel felt unbearably sour for some reason.

At this time, he couldn't tell whether he was seeing the tragic experience of his fellow angels being slaughtered by demons, or whether he missed these angels who had never been conceptualized.

He found himself becoming sentimental, so he shook his head sharply and patted the warhorse under him,

"Dear friend, fight with me again."

After that, the warhorse turned its hooves and charged Gabriel to the battlefield where light and darkness were intertwined.

He holds a huge knight's sword, the sword called "Faith and Judgment", which sends faith to the angels on the battlefield and "honorary judgment" to the demons on the battlefield.

Gabriel, who was once the warrior of heaven, the guardian of heaven, and the trumpeter of the Doomsday Judgment, once again returned to the time he missed the most:

Time to fight side by side with warriors and resist the invasion of demons;

time without conceptualization;

while the Lord is still alive.

fighting! guard! Belief! Judgment!

At some point, the horn of the doomsday judgment returned to Gabriel's hands again. He has no other words, no more thoughts, to sound the trumpet of this "doomsday judgment".

The horn sounded from every corner of the battlefield.

He had no intention of paying attention to the phantom of the fingers that crushed his "spear of faith that bestowed death", guarding his compatriots and judging the enemy on the battlefield.

At the extreme boundary of this nameless space, the master of the finger phantom revealed his figure.

Qiao Xun stared at the battlefield from a distance.

This battlefield was restored by him one by one, without any discrepancy, exactly the same as the battlefield of "angels and demons" that Raphael brought him to see in those dusty years.

"The warrior of heaven...Gabriel."

He thought that perhaps Gabriel was not a "warmonger" who missed the war. Probably just miss the heaven once.

Looking at the blazing angel who was arrogant in the battlefield~www.readwn.com~ Inspector Qiao breathed a sigh of relief,

"Warrior, in this endless battle, sleep forever."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

Qiao Xun believes that Gabriel will not die, but will continue to fight.

He also believes that

There will be times like that, when Gabriel suddenly realizes that he is just repeating the past in a false world, but at that time, perhaps for him, "repeating in a falsehood is better than a boring reality."

Qiao Xun left this false world carefully woven for Gabriel.

He briefly stayed in deep space on the second day, staring at Alcott, who was constantly devouring the world and feeling the "basic return", and at Nianwei and Wumao Saori who were looking for "life and death" in the "place of return" for a while.

Then, he embarked on his own journey,

It's called "The Journey to the Light".

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