Looking up at the sky, Alcott's huge body occupies half of the sky. The remaining half is filled with a gorgeous view of the galaxy, and the dense stars revolve around the central "place of destination". When I look at it, I feel like a group of spinning meteors.

"Xiao Ao is really amazing." Saiori Wumo said.

"Xiao Ao?" Nian Wei looked at her strangely, "Do you have to give everyone a strange name? Or is this the only way you Japanese show kindness?"

Wu Mao Saori was used to Nianwei's sharp complaints, she walked forward,

"That's it, what's wrong?"

"...The wayward brat."

Gomo Sayori pretended not to hear, and looked around curiously.

The second day's "home" had a special atmosphere. Gomo Saori thought about it seriously, and felt that when she felt this breath, she had a feeling of being half-understood while listening to a philosophy class.

She glanced at Nianwei,

"Do you understand what a world is made of?"

Nianwei thought about it,

"When I became a god, it was encouraged by the seedlings, so the pilgrim-sama crammed me into a lot of content related to the world."

"Is there anything about this kind of place?"


"Well. It gives me a very special feeling here. It's specious, like a dream, life and death are stuck, and the soul is entangled."

"The words here..." Nian Wei poked her chin and began to recall.

Gomo Sayori raised the corner of her mouth slightly, then stopped again. She thinks Nianwei's unconscious little actions are quite cute. If she secretly takes a picture and shows it to her, it will definitely make her blush.

Nianwei's eyes lit up,

"I remembered. This 'home place' in heaven is made up of a circulatory system of will, or part of that system. As we've seen before, dead beings, souls, that is, consciousness, come here , After baptism, you will be reborn. It's equivalent to... the underworld, you know?"

Sayuri Gomo,

"I know this."

"It just means the same thing, but different mythological systems have different specific forms."

Gomo Saori continued to walk forward, muttering to herself

"Soul, consciousness..." She raised her head slightly, "Does Earth also have such a circulatory system of will?"

"I don't know about this, Lord Tourer didn't tell me."

"If there is...you say, what will our last life be like?"

Nianwei thought about it,

"I was probably a bad guy who did many evils in my last life, otherwise I wouldn't be an orphan in this life."

"Uh...you look quite open."

"Otherwise? I won't let myself fall into a mental state of internal friction."

"Missing words." Wu Mao Sai Xuli said, "If you don't have a mental breakdown, Mr. Qiao won't bring you here."

"So, do you think Qiao Xun brought me here for my own good?"


"He didn't even get my consent! It's forcible, why do you say it's for my good." Nianwei retorted forcefully.

Sayuri Gomo said,

"Parents reprimand their children for their mistakes, aren't they for the sake of the children? But they don't have the children's consent either."

"Ah?" Nian Wei looked at Wu Mao Sashili in confusion.

Sayuri Wumo realized that her example was a bit problematic. After all, Nianwei... had no parents. She was a little embarrassed, turned her head, and walked forward in silence.

Nian Wei chased after him,

"Wait, what about you, what do you think your last life was like?"

Sayuri Gomo said,

"In my last life, I must have been a well-known and kind person! After all, I have a happy family and a happy childhood in this life. Although I have experienced some ups and downs after becoming an evolutionary person, I was all right in the end. Mr. Qiao taught me, and Zhou Coach, Miss Xin also cares about me from time to time, and I have many friends and juniors who look forward to me...I..." She was a little stunned, "It seems that I have everything, everything... It's going well."

Nianwei smash your mouth,

"How nice, not like me... I've been a killing machine since I was a kid."

Sayuri Gomo frowned,

"I'm lucky and happy, right?"

"Compared to me, it should be. Although I think that I have Xiaohong and the pilgrims, I am very happy."

Sayuri Gomo looked miserable,

"I have so much, but I don't seem to be mature at all. After so many years, it still worries Mr. Qiao and the friends around me. From this point of view, I'm actually a very bad person."

Nianwei didn't quite understand why Saxuri suddenly started to feel sorry for herself again, and she didn't know how to comfort herself, so she said seriously:

"I don't think people can be compared. After all, everyone grows up in a different environment. If you use your current bad situation to negate your previous efforts and get a negative self-evaluation, That's probably not the case, but it's time to rest."

"What are you talking about?" Wu Mao Sauri looked at Nianwei in confusion.

Nianwei said angrily,

"I'm comforting you! You still don't appreciate it."

She was embarrassed and annoyed, she finally took it seriously, but she was actually treated as a fool, **** it!

After she finished speaking, she strode forward, quickly distanced herself from Sasori, and broke into a high and invisible gate in the "place of return".

Gomo Sayori hurriedly ran after him, shouting:

"Wait a minute, I'm sorry! I'm just a little distracted! Wait a minute for me!"

She quickened her speed and then broke through the gate as well.

On the right side of the gate hangs a stone tablet that reads: "Heaven".

Wu Mao Sa Xuli suddenly broke in, and slammed into Nian Wei's back. She quickly bent down and apologized.

"sorry Sorry!"

Nianwei didn't say anything, just stared at the front.

Gomo Saori stuck her head out from behind her and looked forward, also surprised.

Where is this place where the souls go, it is clearly a **** where evil spirits are rampant. One soul after another, neighing and floating in the air at will, they could hardly see the image of any person or angel, all of which were distorted shadows like short snakes. Unlike the light and spaciousness of the rest of heaven, it is dark, stench, and rotten everywhere.

Gomo Saori can't believe it, the "place of destination" in heaven actually looks like this?

The backlog of souls here is so large that any place seems very narrow and cramped.

She had seen the decay marks on Alcott's body with her own eyes. But even so, she could feel the strong breath of life in the rotten part of Alcott's body, and felt a constant burst of tenacity and will to constantly fight against the rot. However, the rot here...is a real, hopeless rot.

The twisted souls let out a shrill hiss. This terrifying sound destroyed the spiritual world of the two of them.

Their spirits were once polluted. Fortunately, Gomo Saori responded in a timely manner and restored their clarity by seeing the divine. Otherwise the consequences are unimaginable. If it is not good, it will also become one of these twisted souls.

Nianwei held her head to ease her mental pollution. She closed her eyes to avoid seeing the distorted scene.

"Is this the place of destination? Is this the destination of the soul of heaven?"

It took a while to slow down. She looked at Gomo Sayori with difficulty and asked:

"Will it be so painful after death?"

Gomo Sayori's outlook on life and death is also very weak. She frowned,

"I don't know either. But, from the outside, it is clearly a very peaceful scene. Those souls are honored, completed their baptism, and started their new life. But why is it like this when they come in?"

"It must be an illusion outside!" Nianwei felt deceived and said angrily, "I can't believe that in a world full of truth, goodness and beauty, the destination after death will be so painful and terrifying!"

Sayuri Gomo said,

"Could we be wrong?"

"But what is this in front of you?"

"Maybe it's a prison. Isn't there a kind of unforgivable crime in the fairy tales, and their souls are imprisoned, there is no afterlife, and they will be tortured forever?"

Nian Wei opened her mouth,

"If you're right, there are too many sinners in heaven! This is the 'home' for the next day, it's full! What we've seen is just the tip of the iceberg! "

Indeed, as she said, the twisted souls they have seen are only a small part of it. Even if it is only a small part, the number has accumulated to such an extent that just staring at it can contaminate the spirit of a supernatural god.

Nian Wei couldn't help but say,

"Exaggerated. If there are so many sinners, is heaven still heaven?"

"It makes sense." Gomo Sauri also felt that the term "sinner's soul" was unreliable, "Could it be true that it is the soul of a dead creature? Then why are they all piled up here, without being baptized, realizing What about the freshman?"

Nianwei thought about it carefully, but couldn't think of a reason, so she shook her head.

Suddenly, a voice from nowhere picked up their words,

"Because heaven can no longer baptize dead souls."

They followed the sound and saw a figure floating there.

As he got closer, he could clearly see his image. He is very like the **** of death in the Western model story, wearing a black loose robe, holding a long-handled sickle in his right hand, and a heavy and simple book with a simple cover in his left. As for the face...it looks like a skeleton.

After seeing him, both of them thought that they had come to hell, otherwise how could there be a **** of death?

The visitor didn't mind the wanton scrutiny and tangled expressions of the two. He passed the two of them, looked at the restless souls, and waved the sickle in his hand. Every time he waved, the book in his left hand opened a page, and some words that the two could not understand appeared on it.

"Rest in peace, sleep forever, heaven still awaits you."

Between the words, the twisted soul that screamed frantically gradually settled down. However, it is still very distorted, filled with a rotten smell.

He glanced at the two behind him and said:

"If you want to hear the story, just follow."

After speaking, he walked forward, soothing the restless soul as he walked.

Nianwei and Sasuri looked at each other, reached a consensus, and followed cautiously.

The previous "death" general existence said:

"My name is Ares, the lamenting angel of heaven."

"But you don't look like an angel at all." Nianwei said.

Ales was silent for a while, then said:

"I used to be an angel like an angel, but everything has changed. We have gone through a long period of choice, and under the choice, we have gradually become what we are now. Perhaps, there are no angels like angels in heaven now. ."

"What choice?"

"The choice of the world." Ares was reluctant to continue on this topic, and continued: "Although you look like beings from other worlds, you haven't done anything bad, so I won't expel you."

didn't do anything bad...

The two of them didn't smile. He didn't do anything bad, he just acted as an accomplice.

Sayuri Gomo asked:

"Are you appeasing these souls?"

"Yes. It was supposed to be Raphael's job, but she didn't come. So, here I am."

"Is that the goddess of healing?"


"I've seen this name in fairy tales," said Sayori.

Alice paused slightly,

"A fairy tale?"

"Uh, it's probably a story from heaven. After all, heaven is an amazing world." Sayori hurriedly explained.

Ares said,

"Heaven...an amazing world. Maybe."

Nian Wei asked,

"But why are these souls restless?"

"Because of the giant beast outside. The rotten breath of the giant beast attracts them."

The beast... It should be Alcott. Nian Wei then asked again,

"I've heard that this is the place where the heaven ends, and the place that leads to the afterlife. But why do I see so many souls piling up here, but I don't see them going to the afterlife?"

Ares said,

"Heaven cannot baptize them, it can only wait here."

"Why can't you be baptized?"

"Because, the glory of the Lord cannot shine here."

"Why?" Nianwei was determined to break the casserole and ask to the end.

Ares said,

"I can't answer you."

"Why? Is it because you don't know or can't tell?"

Sayuri Gomo couldn't listen anymore, everyone said they couldn't answer, and they asked. She tugged at Nianwei's sleeve, motioning her to stop.

Ales was silent for a while, but still answered the question,

"I have no idea."

Nian Wei said,

"When we were outside, we looked here and found it was still a peaceful and peaceful scene. Why is that?"

"Heaven is like this, so it's heaven outside, not inside," said Ares. "I can't tell you why all this happened. But if you're willing to listen, I can tell you what heaven was like before. ."

"Thank you for your generosity." Sayuri Gomo thanked politely.

Ares went on walking, saying as he walked:

"In the past, we always looked forward to the future, because we all knew that under the light of the Lord's glory, the future would get better and better. But at some point, we gradually became fond of remembering the past. We can't say that it is because we feel the future. It will get worse and worse, but the heaven that used to be so pure. We accompany the Lord and listen to the Lord's teachings..."

Alice's voice is full of charm, and the slightly hoarseness in the low voice shows attractive magnetism. In the narration, Wu Mao Sa Xuli and Nian Wei are brought back to the past years.

It seems that they entered the perspective of Ares and felt it.

That nostalgia was deeply felt by them.

I don't know how long has passed...

I don't know how long the twisted souls in this place of destination have been sleeping again under the comfort of Ares. Ares finished talking about what he saw as "once heaven".

Finally, he said:

"In the past years, I was just an angel apprentice in the 'land of destination' who was responsible for singing for every soul who came here. My status was humble and I didn't have the opportunity to experience the greatness of the Lord in person, and I was not qualified to listen to the Lord in the land of glory. The teachings. But, I feel the past of every soul, the life they have lived with all their strength...I would, and would love to hear their stories."

He stopped, stretched out his left hand, the book on his left hand was thick and simple,

"I wrote their stories in this book. This is the most proud work of my life. Every dead soul expresses their love for heaven and their faith in the Lord in their unique way. "

Ales' skeleton-like face seemed to reveal some sadness,

"But... I don't know when, everything has changed." He looked at the sleeping souls, "They are always waiting for baptism, even though their consciousness has been chaotic in the years, they still believe in the glory of the Lord. I have thought countless times, What's the point of a place like this?"

Sayuri Gomo said with a slight smile,

"Mr. Ares said that their consciousness has long been chaotic, and they have long forgotten who they are and what their life is like, but even so, their faith and love have not been reduced. It does not mean that for them, the best destination is Is it 'faith and love'?"

Alis stared blankly at Sayuri Gomo before saying tremblingly after a long time,

"You're right. Our destination is 'faith and love'. It's just that I don't have a destination anymore."

He stretched out his hand and handed the heavy book that recorded the life of the dead soul to Sayori Gomo,

"This book is for you."

Only said this sentence~www.readwn.com~Ales didn't say anything else, turned around, not knowing whether his back was lonely or relieved, until she disappeared into the distance, Sasori came back to her senses.

She looked at the book without a name in her hand, then looked at Nianwei,

"Do you understand what 'home' is?"

Nian Wei smiled and said,

"'The love of a lifetime'! This is the best place to go."

Gomo Saori pursed her lips slightly,

"Perhaps, for Mr. Alles, it was a great pain. Watching the 'love of a lifetime' go away and disappear."

"That's why he said that he has no home." Nian Wei smiled and flicked the dazed Sasuri's forehead, "Let's go, dear girl, we still have the best home, don't lose it!"

After she finished speaking, she turned to leave.

Sasori paused for a while, then took one last look here and left.

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