Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 62: The past fell like a mountain, and came whistling

On November 4, 2049, in a week's time, the Fallen Angels completely took over all the affairs of the Great Federation Human Front.

The reason why it was able to complete the complete coverage of a large country in such a short period of time is mainly due to Phoenix's two "return" methods and the strong learning ability of the fallen angels.

On the basis of strong learning ability, the former provides the fastest learning channel.

During the week, the powerful propaganda machine worked day and night, blowing like a gust of wind, blowing through every corner of the human presence. It is not a bad thing to make the people of the Great Federation Human Front feel as if they are governed and managed by this foreign race. Even better than the previous government.

At the very least, in the distribution of evolutionary resources, the Fallen Angel regime has done a better job than the original human beings.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The fallen angels are a race with a highly advanced belief, and the concepts of "class" and "capital" cannot break this belief. Therefore, they can achieve a good unified distribution management. Deception, greed for personal interests, checks and balances of power...the kind of criticisms that human civilization has always been criticized by human civilization, rarely happen in the race of fallen angels.

From this point of view, there seems to be nothing bad.

For most ordinary people, this is the feeling. Therefore, they are not disgusted or rejected by the rule of fallen angels, and may be very welcome to some people who have had enough of the previous government.


As the capital of the Great Federation Human Front, the capital city of Walls was once one of the most prosperous in the world, perhaps only the city of Yan, which is also the capital of the Great Federation, can compare with it. It has the most advanced pan-source metal system new city infrastructure, and has the most advanced evolutionary resource management distribution center. Similarly, there are the most powerful evolutionaries in the Great Federation, and many of them are beyond evolution.

But even so, under the attack of the fallen angel army, it did not last for an hour.

In fact, the capital city of Walls didn't even think about supporting the resistance in the past. When the army of the fallen angels approached the city almost unscathed, everything was already doomed.

Everyone has to admit that this is a war without suspense, and even some pessimistic people think that this is the ruthless replacement of higher life for lower life.

But pessimism is a minority, and more people still optimistically look forward to the fallen angel, what kind of changes this "higher life" in their eyes will bring to the world.

After the Fallen Angel completed the occupation of the capital city of Walls, a series of transformations were carried out, mainly focusing on the distribution system of evolutionary resources and the management mode of main power.

Phoenix is ​​very aware of the current earth, and his feelings and cognition of the feudal king's rule in the world of fallen angels are very vague. Therefore, in terms of self-proclaimed, she no longer called herself the queen as before, but chose to introduce a religion called "Annieism" and called herself the great sage of the religion. Give Alpi the supreme power on the surface, and let Alpi become the leader of the newly established political party "Liberal Party", who will act as the nominal leader of the new government.

However, what is actually going on, the core members of this "Liberal Party" know what's going on. However, they all believed in Phoenix, the former queen and the current great sage. Of course, they agreed. They also understood Phoenix's decision after studying during this period of time.

Under a series of operations, including publicity, construction of systems, organization of manpower...

The Fallen Angel seems to have a very orthodox identity.

Of course, there is no way to say that they are unorthodox. After all, with such crushing strength, it is hard to say anything.

Under the instruction of Phoenix, led by Alpi, the central city of the fallen angels, from the original City of Hope, was relocated to the occupied capital city of Walls, and named it "Elman" after Phoenix's surname. Central City", naming this emerging country led by the fallen angels the "Federal Republic of Vitesse".

"Witters" means "light" in the language of the fallen angels.

In addition, the founding ceremony of an emerging country is essential.

After capturing the Human Front of the Great Federation, the fallen angels stopped, and instead of reaching out to another big country on the other side of the ocean, as well as other vast and fertile lands, they stopped, and there is a great tendency to run the country well.

November 8, 2049,

On the eve of the founding ceremony.

The leader Alpi came to Phoenix's palace for the final discussion.

"Your Majesty..." Seeing Phoenix, Alpi saluted reverently. As soon as he called out his name, he was interrupted by Phoenix.

Phoenix took off his crown, scepter, and royal robe, and was dressed in ordinary civilian clothes.

"Alpi, I am no longer king, you must always remember that. You are the leader."

"But... I can't understand. Why did you make such a choice? Even if a feudal monarch is not suitable for the civilization of the earth, you can still choose to be your own leader. Besides, taking 10,000 steps back, we have no choice at all. It must follow the mainstream civilization of the earth."

Phoenix shook his head,

"Alpi. After all, the number of fallen angels is a minority. In the future, this country must be dominated by the non-fallen angel race. Feudal monarchy is suitable for the fallen angel world because the civilization there is generally relatively backward, while on Earth, it is not acceptable. . As for your question of leadership..."

She crossed Alpi and walked towards the gate. When she got outside, she looked at the bustling central city of Elman and said:

"No one is an eternal leader, but there will be eternal faith. Leaders and beliefs cannot have both."

Alpi understood Phoenix's words.

As a leader, one day you will choose to retire because of the injection of new blood into the core power layer. But if it becomes everyone's belief, it will never end.

No matter where you are or how advanced a civilization is, faith is always the best tool for ruling.

Alpi said,

"You are still far-sighted."

Phoenix lowered his head,


"Then, Your Majesty... Great Sage, shall we continue to expand?"

Phoenix shook his head,

"I don't need it for the time being. The purpose of expansion has been achieved, so there is no need to turn myself into an enemy of the whole world."

"But now, there are probably many who regard us as enemies."

"Time and interest will change everything. Even for the country across the sea. Rest and recuperate, let this emerging country fully stand on its feet, and have legitimacy, that is what we should do now. Also... "

Phoenix paused,

"It's time to discuss the organization transfer plan."

"Transfer other citizens from the fallen angel world?"

"Well. You can discuss the details immediately, but remember, there must not be a situation where a certain race is given privileges."

Alpi nodded,

"I will keep your words in mind."

"You don't have to call yourself that."


Alpi said goodbye to Phoenix after chatting about some other questions.

In the huge palace, only Phoenix was left.

She looked up at the door in confusion, not knowing which direction to look in. She didn't know where Alcott was or what he was doing at the moment.

"O... If you're still here, can you see what I've done? I... I'm not the warmonger you think."

She squatted down, buried her head between her knees,



The founding ceremony of the Federal Republic of Vitesse was held as scheduled.

Everything went smoothly.

Speeches, military parades, lectures... [Harmony]

On the final stage, that is, the speech that completely established the existence of this country.

It was not announced by the leader Alpi, but Phoenix Elman, the great sage of the Anni religion.

Under the propaganda during this period, the names of Ani and the great sage Phoenix have become almost household names.

The official propaganda of the fallen angels is that they were able to accomplish this great feat only under the heroic leadership of the previous king and now the great sage Phoenix.

The brilliance of Phoenix has long been shining over this country.

When she appeared on the stage, the people gathered in the city streets and squares cheered for her.

This great sage with holy temperament and perfect appearance has quite a lot of followers even among the human groups who have not known her for a long time. Just like those resurrected gods can easily have a large number of believers, Phoenix's own belief system harvests beliefs at a very fast speed.

Among the crowd in the square, Pergmont was more excited than these believers.

He came all the way here, just to confirm with his own eyes that this "queen" and "great sage" who suddenly appeared was the little girl who only reached half his waist back then.

Now, he is very sure.

With his powerful strength, Pergmont kept pushing forward, approaching the front stage step by step.

Phoenix is ​​expressing her blessings to this country, to all citizens of the country, and to the entire world. Her warm and sacred voice is like a spring breeze and drizzle, which warms the hearts of every listener.

This great sage who can not pick out any shortcomings is indeed as inviolable as pure faith.

Pergmont is not part of this belief. Because of his familiarity with Phoenix and her knowledge of her childhood, it was difficult for him to establish a bottom-up belief concept.

He pushed aside the crowd recklessly, and finally squeezed to the front of the podium.

He opened his hands towards Phoenix, cheering and swaying. Seeing the old man after many years made him somewhat forget what kind of place and atmosphere he was in, and shouted:

"Fei, Fei! It's me, it's me! Pergmont, do you remember me? That big guy, we used to be team members! They're good friends!"

His voice was very loud and overwhelmed the applause and cheers around him.

But Phoenix on the podium still conveyed her blessings with an impeccable smile, as if he could not hear his voice at all.

"Fei! Fei!"

Pergmont thought she hadn't heard, so he shouted louder.

Until a fallen angel came from both sides of the podium, controlled him, and took him to other places.

The lively atmosphere quickly suppressed this sudden midfield farce.

As the cabinet guards, the two fallen angels possessed power comparable to that of gods, so Pergmon couldn't do anything to resist. He could only turn his head desperately and shout anxiously:

"Fei, don't you remember me? Fei!"

One of the guards said,

"Don't make trouble! Today is an important day, and we don't want to see bloodshed."

Bergmont said angrily,

"Do you know what my relationship is with Phoenix? She did this to me! She just hasn't recognized me yet!"

The guard glanced at him,

"I don't think our former queen, the current great sage, would have anything to do with someone like you who smells of alcohol and is unconscious. Even if there is, it's probably just a confused relationship passing by on the side of the road."

Pergmont was agitated, even more dissatisfied, and said loudly:

"We used to be members of a team! We went on an adventure together, she was only twelve years old at the time, you know what? Before my belly button was high, I held a doll all day long and talked to the doll at every turn. , like an autistic child. As soon as she pinched her face, she stomped her feet in a hurry, tears welling up. We have a good relationship, very good! Do you understand! I used to run a hundred times with her injured on my back For many kilometers, she's still singing on my back! She just hasn't seen me for a long time, she just didn't recognize me for a while!"

The two guards couldn't stand Begmont's insult to their beliefs. After making eye contact, a guard slapped him on the back of the head.

Pergmont immediately passed out.

The blessing of the great sage of Phoenix continues. Her blessings are by no means verbal words, by no means the trembling of the vocal cords in her throat. With the "return of the throne", she spread this blessing to everyone present, to the whole country, and even the whole world,

In her powerful strength, on this day, the whole world felt her blessing.

There is no doubt that people's belief in her ~www.readwn.com~ will spread all over the world in the future.

However, that doesn't really matter to Phoenix himself. She doesn't care what she believes or not, but this country needs this unshakable faith. So, she has to do it.

After the blessing, under the pious eyes of everyone, Phoenix left the podium and disappeared into the end of the light.

As soon as she left the scene, she took a long breath and lowered her shoulders and head.

Then, she looked in a certain direction, her eyes dazed,


At this moment, she realized very clearly that she had lived on this land for twelve years, and had met friends one after another on this land.

There is Mary, whom she loves the most, and Qiao Xun, who makes her painful, tangled and misses.

The memories of the past, it is not so happy, but it must be a happy and satisfying memory, like a mountain, falling in front of her and roaring towards her.

She stretched out her hand to cover her nose and squeezed her cry.

At this moment, she felt like she was abandoned by everyone. The cheers not far away seemed to have nothing to do with him.

She realized that she had to do her own thing, otherwise, maybe one day, as Alcott said,

"Fei, you've changed."

This sentence still hurts her.


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