Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 63: a place that can never be reached

A ray of light fell and fell on Pergmont's face.

He frowned slightly, then slowly opened his eyes. Light, he saw light.

Consciousness gradually recovered, and when the nose moved slightly, I smelled a fragrance. He sat up with his arms up and found himself lying on a bed with a box of slowly burning aromatherapy on the bedside.

He looked in the direction of the light.

At the end, stood a man. Light shone in from the edge of her body, like a dream.

Suddenly, she turned around and said with a smile:

"you're awake."

This voice... Pergmont remembered what happened before, and asked cautiously:

"Are you Fei... Phoenix?"

Phoenix went inside and closed the door. His face suddenly became clear.

Her golden pupils and eyebrows were unfamiliar, but Pergmont always remembered the charm between her eyebrows.

"I still recognize me, thank you very much." She nodded slightly, her delicate neck was slightly stretched, and the meridians on both sides were stretched out.

"It's really you!" Pergmont stood up abruptly, walked in front of Phoenix in a few steps, and stretched out his arms.

Just as he was thinking of giving her a hug, he paused again. Looking at Phoenix at such a close distance made him realize it soberly. Phoenix is ​​no longer the "Phee" it used to be.

He was embarrassed and wanted to withdraw.

Phoenix hugged him gently,

"Long time no see, Pergmont."

Pergmont had nowhere to put his hands. At the moment of being held, he really felt that his body, mind and soul were healed, and at the same time, he also felt that he was like the filth in the sewer, and should not be contaminated with the sacred like her.

After the hug, Phoenix asked:

"How are you all these years?"

Pergmont gradually became cramped. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said with a smile:

"It's okay. Well... After the Antarctic world passed, I stayed on the sea train for a few more years, but one day, the sea train stopped on the shore, drove everyone out, and then ran to the sea under everyone's attention. After that, I didn't hear about the sea train again. I...we also set foot on our own way."

"where are they?"

"Shi Qi's words, I heard that a mercenary army was formed in the former part of Europe. Harry, after returning to his hometown, he lost the news. Jiang You, back to the Republic, of course, it is now called the Human Front of the Great Republic. I heard that you work in a scientific research center over there. Takata, Morita Takata went with Jiang You. Mary's words..."

Phoenix's fingers twitched slightly.

Pergmont thought hard for a while,

"It seems that after leaving the sea train, there is no news of her at all. She was not there when we parted."

Phoenix took a breath and asked in a low voice:

"Qiao Xun, what about Qiao Xun?"

Pergmont said excitedly,

"I remember very clearly about the team leader. After the Antarctic incident, he said goodbye to several of our team members. However, I heard that the chief VIP of the VIP seat planned a big conspiracy with the same resurrection god, but was The team leader and the No. 3 train leader were torn apart together. It seems that the team leader became a demigod at that time."


"After that? Then I don't know." Begmon smiled, "Well, the leader of the team, although I don't get along much, I feel like he should be a very powerful person. In any case, he must be better than I'm doing fine now."

"Are you doing well?"

Pergmont's eyes flashed,

"No, I just found that the world is changing too fast, and I can't keep up with the rhythm."

Phoenix looked at him,

"There seems to be something wrong with your body."

Pergmont put on a muscular posture and said with a smile:

"Very good, what's the problem, I'm healthy."

Phoenix shook his head, stretched out his right hand, and twitched his fingers at will. Pergmont felt his body's center of gravity was out of balance, and under tension, he fell backwards.

But Phoenix had him under control. She looked at Pergmont and said:

"Have you been seriously injured? The connection between consciousness and body has been torn apart."

Pergmont tried to stand up,

"Don't say that, it's embarrassing to say it."

Phoenix said softly,

"tell me."

Begmon paused for a while, exhaled,

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Three years ago, many giants appeared on the earth. The country I live in, the predecessor of this land, was also involved in the strife of giants. Then, I joined the army, the special army. , all of them are evolutionaries, and were injured in a retreat battle."

"Isn't there any treatment at that time? Your injury obviously has been delayed and worsened."

"There are too many injured people, and there are not enough medical resources. If I take up resources, some people will die because they are not treated."

Phoenix paused,

"Pergmont, you are really... such a big man, you can't tell that you are still a selfless person."

Biegmun's haggard face showed some wry smiles,

"The giant war, everyone is very sad."

Phoenix folded his hands, wishing Biegmun his blessing.

Her holy breath permeated the room, making Begmon feel like a spring breeze.

The power of divine blessing, along every inch of Pergmont's flesh and blood, and every ray of consciousness, surrounds everything in his life, and heals him from the wounds and fantasy scars of being addicted to alcohol.

After a while, Pergmont seemed to usher in a new life.

Under this suitable opportunity, his temperament is constantly changing, and his strength is rising. For a while, he felt like a bird, soaring in the sky.

After the mysterious sense of sublimation, he came back to his senses.

He looked at his hands and muttered to himself:

"A demigod..."

After a while, he raised his head,

"Fei, did you help me become a demigod?"

Phoenix shook his head,

"It doesn't count. You were a fifth-order evolutionary twelve years ago, and logically speaking, you should have been a demigod, but injuries and some psychological problems have prevented you from taking that crucial step. I It's just to help you heal the wound and ease some psychological problems."

Pergmont couldn't understand how Phoenix healed his stubborn ailment. He couldn't understand how the psychological shadow he left in the giant war was removed. He didn't really want to know what Phoenix went through to become what he is today.

There was a feeling in his heart that if he knew about Phoenix's past, he might not be able to regard her as the little girl from before.

So he just laughed,

"very impressive!"

Phoenix asked,

"After that, what are you going to do? Do you want to stay in Waiters?"

"Is it here?"

"Well, you can try to join the team running this country."

Pergmont pinched his nose,

"That's okay. Let me do my best, let me do my brain, that's really not good. In my case, I still like to be free. Well... I'm going to visit Harry's hometown, maybe I can find him. Maybe, he Already dead in the Giants' War."

Phoenix opened his mouth slightly, but made no sound.

She also knew that Pergmont could no longer get used to getting along with her current self.

The relationship between them is gradually drifting apart.

Then she smiled and said:

"Well, if you find him, don't forget to come and see me anytime. I'm pretty boring by myself."

Pergmont hesitated for a while and then asked:

"Then are you going to find Mary? After you left, she seemed to be a different person, and it didn't mean that she became bad. It just felt like she would definitely be better with you around."

"I will find her."

"Also, so does Team Leader Joe. He has always blamed himself for not protecting you as a team member. Although we don't know what happened at the time, maybe..." Bergmont didn't know what to say, embarrassed He smiled, "I think he must be trying to protect you."

"um. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. I also want to thank you." Pergmont waved his hands again and again and said politely.

This cautious politeness made Phoenix feel a pain in his heart.

She realized that she had no ability to restore the beauty of the past.

"Are you going to have dinner together?"

Pergmont wanted to refuse, but looking at Phoenix's eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse. In fact, he is not used to getting along with the current Phoenix, but he is still willing to show his good side in front of this old man.

At the dinner table, Pergmont and Phoenix talked about the past together.

Adventure, conflict, quarrel, entertainment...

Besides "the past", they have nothing to talk about together.

After dinner, Biegmun left.

Looking at his farther and farther back, Phoenix also realized that the beauty of the past was getting further and further away from him.

The next morning, she summoned Alpi in her palace, and after discussing with him the direction of the Federal Republic of Waiters for the last time, she bid farewell to Elman, the capital of the new country.

When Elman City, the city with her strong label, completely disappeared from sight, she felt an unprecedented relaxation, as if she could drop all the burdens on her shoulders, and do it willfully and freely only about own thing.

But she knew in her heart that this relaxation was only temporary.

After setting off alone, she completely concealed her image of "queen" and "great sage" and turned into a woman with a Nordic face.

She thought, if those things hadn't happened in the middle, and she wasn't an angel, this is probably how she grew up normally.

This time, she's going to find Mary. Mary Glenn. Except for Alcott, her favorite.

Following the traces of the past, relying on the memory that has never diminished in half. She no longer has any restraints, she does her best to feel, to understand the world, to find any place where there are traces of Mary.

Close your eyes and feel it.

The world, in her feelings, is one trace after another, one concept after another.

Concrete traces, abstract concepts.

At the intersection of the two, she found the complete Mary.

Vaguely, she saw that on the cliff of a secluded beach in the north, there was a wooden house lying alone. In the wooden house, a woman is constantly writing something with a pen. The strong wind and waves outside the wooden house did not affect this woman at all.

"found it."

Phoenix opened her eyes and looked north, then she spread her wings and flapped them violently.

She flapped her wings on one end of the earth, and after the wings rose and fell, she was on the other end of the earth.

The wet and cold sea breeze in November blew across the land like a knife.

Phoenix fell slowly, her wings tucked into her back and disappeared.

Standing on the soft sand, at this moment, she is a lonely traveler.

The sea breeze blew her hair very messy, covering her face, shoulders, and back.

The goal is in front of you, and the person you love is in front of you. Her steps were hesitant, and every step she took became very careful, as if the slightest movement would startle something, and everything would go away from her.

Phoenix is ​​very vulnerable at this moment. Become very afraid of losing.

She couldn't help thinking, what would she do if she couldn't get along with Mary like she used to?

What if Mary left herself like Alcott?

At that time, did I have nothing?

For the first time in years, Phoenix was nervous. It seems that it is not the hut where Mary Gean lives in seclusion, but the torture that will torture herself. Every step taken is sending out the torture of the soul.

"Perhaps, it's time to be capricious!"

She doesn't care so much, she doesn't think about what will happen next, she will meet first!

She took a quick step and trotted to Mary's hut.

Then, she shouted towards the hut:

"Mary! Mary!"

The sound of the waves crashing on the beach swirled with her cries. Excited, she felt as if she had fallen into a whirlpool. She only felt her heart beating fast and her head was a little dizzy.

After the two calls, she held her breath and waited.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Finally, the door of the hut opened and pushed open.

She saw that the woman she had been thinking about came out with a puzzled expression.

Then, Phoenix was stunned,

Because, she and Mary's eyes were clearly intertwined, but Mary looked very puzzled as if she didn't see her at all.

Mary stood at the door and looked around,

"anyone there?"

Phoenix exclaimed,

"Mary, here I am! It's me, Faye! Phoenix!"

No matter how she shouted, Mary seemed to be facing a no-man's land,

"Strange, did I hear it wrong?"

After speaking to herself, Mary turned around and walked towards the wooden house.

"Mary!" Phoenix hurriedly chased after him.

But she soon discovered that ~www.readwn.com~ no matter how she moved forward, she could never get close to the wooden house.

It seemed like a place she could never reach.


The voice of the world stopped abruptly. Time freezes at this moment.

She looked at the beach in the distance. The high waves hovered in the air, motionless.

At this moment, she woke up and realized that someone had attacked her.

She immediately unfolded her angelic form.

Golden pupils stare at this frozen world.

At the edge of the world, a cold full moon slowly rose.

The full moon is so huge that it almost covers half of the sky. The dull pressure made Phoenix a little breathless.

It's not only the oppressive feeling brought about by the hugeness, but also the indescribable feeling of "death and darkness".

It's like pulling out an inch of a person's soul, and then suppressing it in the darkness.

The world is very quiet. But the sound of footsteps broke the silence.

Phoenix turned sharply and looked in the direction where the footsteps came from.

A middle-aged man who looked like an English gentleman walked slowly. His blue-green eyes were full of charm.

"Hello, my name is Sariel, I come from heaven, and I have a title called 'Angel of the Moon'."

Moon Angel Sariel.


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