Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 66: "Demon, I will grant you an honorable death."

Chaos is a beauty.

In some specific cases, this is fine.

Qiao Xun stood between the seventh day and the sixth day. It is very hidden here, a loophole in the underlying structure of his heaven. Likewise, the fantasy world he used to trap Gabriel was also placed here. If you don't conduct an absolutely comprehensive investigation of heaven, you will definitely not find it here.

He pays attention to the actions of the three-person team, and also pays attention to the changes of the earth.

Just now, the great will of the starry sky, whose head was not seen, told him to help him solve Phoenix's predicament. As he expected, Phoenix would go to heaven after that and do what she wanted to do, not what she was supposed to do.

"This time, it's completely messed up."

Chaos is a beauty. Qiao Xun wanted to affirm this sentence again.

Because of the chaotic system of the three-person team, an unbreakable "unknown" has been created for Heaven. This "unknown" makes Michael, who is as strong as the four angels of creation and as strong as the "Hundred Signs", can only watch Alcott continue to devour the structure of heaven.

They cannot change the status quo despite this "unknown".

This is exactly what Qiao Xun wanted to see. The more chaotic the heaven, the better.

Of course, it would be better if there was a second "unknown". But he is not sure who and is willing to act as the leader of this second "unknown".

"World" Yu Xiaoshu can. But in Qiao Xun's conjecture, she should be the kind of thorough bystander, a playwright.

Qiao Xun waited for an opportunity.

Waiting for Alcott to completely devour the third day, which means that heaven will be completely out of balance. Structural imbalance, belief imbalance, order imbalance... After all the roots of the world related to the integrity of the world are all out of balance, it is the best time.

His gaze crossed the vast dimension of space and landed on Alcott's huge body.

Her size is already big enough to be comparable to a small finite world. Such a huge body has completely surpassed the limit of ordinary life.

To a certain extent, she is breaking free from the shackles of life.

However, it was precisely because of her huge body that she couldn't make flexible movements, so her instinctive eating became the only movement she still maintained. The rest of the body gradually solidifies.

It had a certain effect on her.

However, this influence will cease to exist because she completely devours the third day. After the third day of devouring, her body will be completely transformed into a complete world.

Next, is the return of heaven and the fusion of the new world.

Therefore, devouring the third day is the key!

Qiao Xun was sure of this, and kept an eye on it, just in case.

However, things cannot always be smooth sailing. What's more, this kind of thing that affects the whole body, any small change in the link may overturn the ending.

He saw that from the seventh, sixth, fifth, and fourth days of heaven, bright rays of light emerged.

The strength of the light showed that four angels of creation set off.

And following the four creation angels, there are countless beams. These beams are strong and weak, and they are densely packed, almost lighting up the entire heaven, making all the darkness nowhere to hide.

"This battle... is really regarded as the final battle of judgment."

In heaven, almost the entire army of angels leading the battle was dispatched.

And the other angels were not idle, performing their respective duties, and all places on the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh days in heaven were lit up.

There are different lights everywhere.

Qiao Xun counted it, the lights represent:

Five justices:

Order, Faith, Blessing, Prayer and Repentance;

Seven virtues:

Chastity, industry, generosity, humility, gentleness, temperance and tolerance;

The radiance of December:

One, two... Eleven and December the brilliance;

Twelve Colleges:

Michael's Wisdom Angel Academy, Gabriel's Guardian Angel Academy, Raphael's Radiant Angel Academy, Charlie's Magic Angel Academy...


Very complete.

After Qiao Xun took a look, his understanding of heaven has reached a new level. Without that, he didn't quite know how much glory Heaven had.

Interestingly, after he followed Raphael to read the past years in heaven in the library of years, he realized that now, the seven virtues of the Lord are actually the key to the seven rates created by the seven demons in the war of mythology. Glory is used to bless the angels and deal with demons of different attributes in a targeted manner.

He couldn't help but wonder, is there such a ray of glory that can deal with the attributes of the seven demons at the same time?

The four angels of creation led the angels of death, punishment, destruction, etc., to go through the barriers between the heavens and go to the third day.

Such a large-scale team is just to deal with Alcott.

This seems like a big deal. But Qiao Xun believes that from the perspective of heaven, this is right, because the third day is their last bottom line. If the third day disappears, even if Alcott is expelled, it will be difficult to restore heaven to its previous appearance.

Therefore, this action must be regarded as the final battle of judgment.

"Decisive battle..."

Heaven has a reason why it cannot fail, and Qiao Xun also has it.

His eyes became more and more distant, like a vortex that devoured people.

Alcott must be given enough time to complete the devouring of the third day.

After the four creation angels assembled at the border on the third day, he decisively left the hiding place, targeting the four of them, spawning the fire of desire and letting "jealousy" ignite in them.

But the accident happened.

His attack failed to reach the four angels of creation on the third day.

A ray of light that emerged from nowhere stopped him.

From the light, a figure is reflected, and a voice comes,

"You are the 'unknown' that controls Gabriel."

Qiao Xun looked at Michael's increasingly clear figure. His eyes gradually narrowed. was discovered.

The Hundred Phases Michael came out of the light.

His appearance does not have any characteristics, it is completely the appearance of all beings. His body is not as bizarre as other angels, it is the standard image of the people of the world. Or the most inconspicuous, the most ordinary kind of earthly people.

Michael looked at Joe and asked:

"Where is Gabriel?"

Qiao Xun stepped on a gravel floating from a distance,

"Can you find me, can't you find Gabriel?"

Michael said,

"The 'unknown' you created is too successful. Maybe, if you don't try to help the third day's Eater of Worlds, I can't even find you. Of course, if you don't help the Eater of Worlds, then There is no point in creating this great 'unknown'."

Qiao Xun couldn't help but smile,

"You've finished speaking, what else should I say?"

"You can tell where Gabriel is."

"I always think that if you lose something, you should find it yourself."

"But what about the things that were robbed, the angels who were robbed?"

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes,

"Then grab it yourself."

Michael looked at Qiao Xun,

"You are a devil."

"Will Michael of Baixiang also slap his mouth?"

Michael shook his head,

"I always thought that after the mythical calendar was broken, the demons would not appear again until the mythical calendar was rebuilt. Now it seems..." He paused, and said very seriously: "You may be an exception."

"That's not good."

"The attack you just launched on the four creation angels was 'jealous', right. So, your attribute is 'jealous'. As far as I know, you have the attribute of 'jealous', and can create such a degree of jealousy. The 'unknown' is only the King of Jealousy Levimonstein, and his two bloodline heirs." Michael said, "The Levimonstein I killed with my own hands, I am sure, it cannot return so early. Look at it this way. , you are its blood recipient."

Qiao Xun said,

"Are you good at explaining yourself?"

"No. I just want you to understand that I used to be able to kill the King of Jealousy with my own hands, and now, I can still."

"Then you have a try."

Michael's face changed suddenly, showing a "forgiving" attitude on his face.

At the same time, a halo lingered around him,

"You are jealous of the world, the world, and everything. I will tolerate the world, the world, and everything."

The halo around Michael's body that symbolized "tolerance" suddenly erupted.

The light of tolerance shines on Qiao Xun.

He immediately felt that his "jealous" characteristic was completely locked. The most crucial "fire of jealousy" cannot be used, and it is even more impossible to obtain power and concepts.

In this remote space, the light of tolerance is everywhere.

The light reflects the divine pattern of one angel after another. These patterns are different, but they all have a common feature, that is, they all have the mark of "tolerance". It was a pair of open arms, as if to embrace all sins and use tolerance to influence.

Michael looked at Qiao Xun,

"I will grant you an honorable death."

"Glory and Judgment" descended on his right hand, turning into a long sword. He raised his long sword, swung it down, and granted Qiao Xun a tolerant death.

Qiao Xun saw the arrival of Tolerance's death and readily refused,

"I reject."

After spitting out three words lightly, the haze of curse unique to demons suddenly erupted around him. These hazes consist entirely of his characteristic "gluttony".

"Curse · Gluttony" is like a hungry tiger and wolf, madly devouring all the light in this space.

Those devouring gods that symbolize tolerance were torn to shreds one after another, and then nothing left after eating.

In an instant, the haze erupted to cover the entire space, engulfing all the light in it.

Qiao Xun stood in the haze of "Curse · Gluttony", his eyes stained with the scarlet red of evil beasts. At this moment, he is undoubtedly the purest evil, with only endless gluttony and nothing else.

He looked at Michael,

"Baixiang, I reject your honorable death!"

Qiao Xun's figure began to distort, gradually turning into a complete shadowy beast. Tall, evil, and overpowering everything.

He had never fought anyone in this way. Even in the ring of truth world, which is also the core mythical world, facing the supreme gods like "Bonfire", and the gods under almost the entire mythological system, he has never fought in such a posture.

Because it was only a brief confrontation, which made him realize that he was not fighting against "Michael of Baixiang", but against "Glory".

Michael, he is the glory of heaven!

The "gluttonous beast" incarnated by Qiao Xun crushed the surrounding space and let the breath of the void pour in. He rushed towards Michael and opened his mouth to tear it apart.

Michael's expression was no longer as calm as when he first appeared.

He realized that he was completely wrong, the "unknown" maker in front of him was not the bloodline inheritor of the King of Jealousy Levimonstein at all, but a completely different demon!

You can't look at this existence with your previous thinking!

Michael fell into the light, and the light disappeared immediately, avoiding Qiao Xun's bite.

Immediately afterwards, light appeared in another place, and Michael came out of it. In addition to the aura of tolerance, there was another aura on his body, "Glory · Temperance", which was the glory created by the Lord specially to deal with the gluttony of the devil. He was saying:

"I will give you the honorable death of 'Temperance'!"

"Glory and Temperance" bloomed in the space with his voice. Innumerable images of the angelic deity of temperance emerged.

The light fell on Qiao Xun's gluttonous body.

Just as sunlight melts snow and ice, "Glory and Temperance" melts Qiao Xun's gluttonous body quickly.

He became normal in an instant.

At the same time, the honorable death of "Glory and Judgment" came again.

Qiao Xun's eyes immediately turned into whirlpools, venting out the power that devours people's hearts and souls, evoking all desires and making them burst. He still said,

"I reject."

The haze of curse broke out again, the haze of "Curse·Lust".

The haze was like a sandstorm, covering Michael with noise.

Michael immediately felt all kinds of noises ringing in his head.

He habitually listened to every sound, but saw that these sounds were all the evil desires of all life. The desire for evil took root in his will and quickly grew into a towering tree, to completely occupy his will.

Michael struggled to maintain his sanity~www.readwn.com~ Looking at Qiao Xun,

"Lust! You still have lust!"

The whirlpool in Qiao Xun's eyes became more and more crazy.

"Baixiang. You are Baixiang, listening to the voices of the people of this world all the time. However, it seems that you only listen to those hymns and sings, and never touch the stench and erosion that are struggling in pain. How? How does it feel to invade the will with erosion?"

Michael's expression was very painful, but his resolutely maintained reason told him that there was a significant gap in information between himself and the demon in front of him. He didn't know what kind of demon he was, but he knew what kind of angel he was!

Here, there must be no way to defeat him.

But if it's that place, it must be!

After Michael was certain of this, he didn't stay for a moment, and directly disappeared into the light.

Then, the light disappeared.

Qiao Xun withdrew from the body of lust. He first felt the situation on the third day. The main battle angels led by the four angels of creation had already launched an attack on Alcott. He quickly analyzed it and came to the conclusion,

"It can last a while."

At the same time, he knew that if he didn't resolve the situation on Michael's side first, he would not be able to help Alcott.

After clearing his mind, he immediately followed Michael's disappearance and chased after him.


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