Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 67: Arrogant Qiao Xun, no one is allowed to be above him

The traces of Michael spread from the junction of the sixth day and the seventh day to the "Land of Glory" on the seventh day.

During the pursuit, Qiao Xun discovered a phenomenon. The traces left by Michael are very neat, not like fleeing in a panic at all. There are two reasons to explain this. First, Michael was not greatly affected by Qiao Xun's "curse and lust", and second, he deliberately left traces that were neat and easy to find.

In Qiao Xun's judgment, the second reason is more likely.

According to Michael's previous acting style, what he represents is "the justice of the Lord", which is a collection of order, faith, blessing, prayer and repentance. If it is really not affected by "curse and lust", it is absolutely impossible to leave. Once escaped from the battlefield, "the justice of the Lord" will undoubtedly be affected.

For a highly conceptual angel like Michael, the more abstract and nihilistic the concept, the easier it is to have an impact. "The justice of the Lord" is a very abstract and nihilistic concept.

Why did he deliberately leave neat and easy-to-find traces?

Qiao Xun thought about it, it should be Michael who wanted him to catch up. The deeper reason is probably that it is more beneficial to him to do so.

This is a conspiracy.

But for Qiao Xun, there is no extra choice.

Whether it is to help Alcott out of his predicament or to achieve his own goals, he must follow up.

After making sure of this, he stepped into the "Land of Glory" on the seventh day.

At the end of the Land of Glory is a huge square.

I learned from the Years Library that the square is called the Origin Square. The establishment of heaven originated from a round table of angels in this square.

Right in front of the square is an open door. A soft light shone from the door, making it impossible to see what was inside.

Qiao Xun was very familiar with this kind of light, and after a little thought, he was sure that he had seen it.

I met Yu Xiaoshu in the sky above Raphael Glorious Academy before. At that time, Yu Xiaoshu tried to bring him directly into this light. "Your goal is there," she said.

Yu Xiaoshu is right.

Seeing this door, and the light emitting from the door, Qiao Xun knew that his goal was inside.


But he was very calm in his heart, as if he was doing a very ordinary thing.

He passed through the Land of Glory, crossed the Origin Square, and the choir's songs from all over the world were resounding in the Origin Square, every moment.

During the singing, Qiao Xun walked into the door with "Light" closed.

The light was so bright, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Wait until the dazzling feeling subsides, then look forward.

Almost everywhere he looked, it was distorted and uncertain. There are no specific words to describe this scene. Only the white staircase in the middle can be felt concretely.

Qiao Xun held his breath, startled by the scene in front of him.

"Concept and concrete fusion!"

The endless white ladder is concrete, and everything beyond the white ladder is concept.

Qiao Xun had never seen such a scene.

In his view, the fusion of concept and concrete exists only in theory and is almost impossible to achieve. Because the concept and the concrete essence are completely opposite, they are quite the opposite of each other.

The current situation is that the two run in opposite directions and embrace each other tightly.

This is not a vulgar situation like back-to-back hugs, but it turns "contradiction" into "non-contradiction".

At this moment, a lot of fragments flashed through his mind.

Yu Xiaoshu's words became extremely clear and clear. He suddenly realized that Yu Xiaoshu told himself to think at critical times.

Now is that critical time.

He gradually understood what Yu Xiaoshu said, "I am a pure concept, you are a pure concrete", and the idea she wanted to combine with herself.

The fusion of concepts and specifics seems... to really produce something different.

He took a step.

Ahead, at a certain step of the stairs, Michael stood tall,

"You should be smart enough to know that I want you to come here. Even so, you came."

Qiao Xun looked at Michael,

"I should come, otherwise how can I see such a magnificent scene."

Michael said,

"How do you feel?"

"The Lord pushed the conceptualization to the whole of heaven, created a lot of rotten essence, and spawned fallen angels, is that for this?"

"You are a demon, so you should be very clear."

"I know? I only know why the God Calendar War ended. It's just that your mythical world is searching for infinity, and it turns out that the end of the finite is not infinity, but an 'end point'." Qiao Xun looked at Michael, "What is the end point of heaven? place?"

Michael said,

"You know more than I thought."

"Perhaps Raphael told you in the library of years that many years in heaven have disappeared without a trace. You probably know why."

"Because of the 'end'. The appearance of the 'end' pushes heaven into the abyss. Everything the Lord and we do is to save heaven."

Qiao Xun's voice suddenly became louder.

"Michael of Baixiang, you are lying, your hypocrisy has overflowed to the surface."

Michael looked at Qiao Xun,


"Even if I, as a demon, are opposed to heaven, I can't help but acknowledge the selflessness and nobility of the Lord. Everything the Lord does is indeed to save heaven. You, Michael, are not."

Michael's body burst into light,

"I represent the will of the Lord."

"In the past, you can indeed represent the Lord's will. Now, can you still? Michael, do you really think you can?"

"I can!"

"Then, why do you want to expel the rotten fallen angel?"

"Because of their rotten nature, they will pollute the glory."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No, because they exist in heaven, they will destroy the 'peace and stability' scene you created. Just like the 'place of destination' the next day, it is clear that the circulatory system of the will has already been destroyed by the 'end point', you still have to create Out of the 'home' continues to guide the illusion of dead souls."

Michael looked at Qiao Xun, his expression was hidden in the halo, he couldn't see exactly,

"This is just your side of the word."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Well, I'll ask you again. Why did you send an angel to judge Phoenix Elman?"

Michael said loudly,

"She is a sinner, she brought the fallen angel out of the rotten world."

Qiao Xun shook his head, sternly denying,

"No! You don't want her to return to heaven! Because you know very well that the mission of the Holy Angel Phoenix Elman is to guide the reshaping of heaven affected by the 'End'! And you, Michael of the Aspects, the Angel of Justice, do not want to Heaven Rebuilt!"

Michael replied calmly,

"Phoenix Elman is just a sinner."

"Really?" Qiao Xun said, waving his hand lightly, and a picture appeared.

It was a dusty time. The dusty years that Raphael showed him.

The picture begins with the conceptualization of the Lord's pursuit of infinite promotion, to the outbreak of the God-calendar war, to the appearance of a limited opposite "end point", to the end of the God-calendar war, to the creation of a large number of fallen angels due to excessive conceptualization, to the Lord's attempt to make up for his mistakes, To shape the holy angels above the heavens, to the Lord's fusion of "heavenly essence" with the holy angels, to the Lord... Glory to the world.

A whole period of dusty years unfolded in front of Michael.

Michael asked,

"Where did you know it?"

Just after asking, he suddenly realized again, and uttered three words in a deep voice,

"Raphael." He took a deep breath, "Raphael, you really betrayed heaven."

Qiao Xun said,

"So, you also acknowledge the authenticity of this period of time. From the Lord's pursuit of infinite failures to the Lord's making up for his faults, everything is normal. Perhaps, according to the Lord's expectation, after a long period of time, the holy angels will carry' The essence of heaven', let heaven get rid of the engulfment of the 'end' and reshape it to its original beautiful appearance. But the appearance of heaven now obviously deviates from this prediction. Then, Michael of Baixiang, can you tell me, in the end Where is the problem?"

Michael looked at Qiao Xun,

"I forgot, you are a devil. Your words are full of ghostly sin."

Qiao Xun raised the corners of his mouth,

"Since you don't want to say it, let me explain it for you. It's you, Michael of Hundred Phases, who separated the 'essence of heaven' and the holy angel into two individuals, and separated the memory that should belong to the holy angel. , implanted into the subconscious of the 'Paradise Essence'. Therefore, the holy angel Phoenix Elman didn't know what to do, and the former 'Paradise Essence' had turned into a rotten monster to the extreme, allowing anyone to There's no way to connect her to the wonderful 'essence of heaven'. That way, you Michael can completely control heaven."

Michael's tone gradually changed. He did not deny or defend himself, but repeated:

"Your words are full of ghostly sin."

Qiao Xun's smile became stronger and stronger.

"But you didn't expect that the 'heaven essence' that turned into a monster actually returned to heaven, and became a world eater, and let the world return of heaven explode in her body. Michael, since when? Everything started to deviate from your vision?"

Michael looked at Qiao Xun intently,

"It's time for you to enter heaven. The devil. The devil's curse."

Qiao Xun took a step and set foot on the heavenly steps,

"Michael, don't try to resolve your sins with a 'curse of the devil'. It is true that I am a devil. But what I have done is to restore heaven to its original beauty. And you, are righteous Angel, is Michael of all appearances, is a 'walker with the Lord', but step by step pushes heaven to the 'end'. Michael, are you a devil, or am I a devil?"

Qiao Xun's words, like a sharp needle, pierced into Michael's will.

He climbed the steps of the sky step by step.

One step after another.

The heavens representing angels, archangels, power angels, power angels, power angels, main angels, seated angels, cherubs, and seraphs gradually light up as he walks.

Qiao Xun looked at the bright light, smiled and said to Michael:

"Look, the sky is bright for me. Does this mean that the great will of the Lord and heaven has also approved me?"

As he said that, he was about to cross the heavenly steps representing the Seraphim.

Michael looked down and said in a straight voice,

"You're only here, you can't take another step."

Qiao Xun raised his feet arrogantly and said arrogantly:

"No one can stop my steps."

Michael said,

"Outside, I can't defeat you, but here, my will is the only one."

After he said that, this world, which integrates concrete and concept, suddenly burst into the most splendid glory. A figure so huge that it can't be seen at all, rising up in the concept of nothingness.

The figure is accompanied by countless patterns of angelic divinity, accompanied by all the glory of heaven: the five justices, the seven virtues, the radiance of the December moon, the seven days and seven nights...

All the glory of heaven comes with that stalwart figure.

Qiao Xun took a deep breath and said:


The Lord of Heaven, the Great Lord, the Sublime Lord, walks in the concept of nothingness.

If there is only one God in heaven, it must be the Lord.

Qiao Xun then shook his head again,

"Unfortunately, it is the Lord who has dissociated his own will."

Dissociating from my own will and returning to the world is the last thing the Lord will do for heaven. After the Lord became a great will without self, Heaven ushered in the prosperity that spanned from the fragmentation of God's calendar to the present.

The current Lord is only a force under the control of Michael.

Qiao Xun looked at Michael,

"Michael, have you touched infinity?"

Michael said,

"Is this the last question you want to ask?"

"I know what you want to do. It's nothing more than standing above the heavens, waiting for the 'end point' to completely devour the finite world of heaven, and then reaching the infinite at the moment when the 'end point' and the finite world complete the intersection. Therefore, I think I ask you, have you ever touched infinity for a moment?"

The figure of the Lord walked along with the glory. Michael stood on the sky steps, looked at Qiao Xun and said:

"The Lord will answer this question."

"From your point of view, concrete life cannot reach infinity, and conceptual life cannot reach infinity, only a life that blends the two. And you are such a life. The concrete you is Michael of the Hundred Phases. ', the concept of you is 'light'."

Michael said,

"I'm curious, where did you know this."


"Thinking?" Michael was a little puzzled, "What is thinking?"

Qiao Xun said,

"Of course stupid people don't know what thinking is."

"You are an arrogant person." Michael said, just after he finished speaking, he suddenly realized something, and his body suddenly froze, "Pride? Arrogance! Your arrogance!"

Qiao Xun looked at Michael with contempt,

"Are you just reacting now? It's really stupid."

The haze of "Curse · Pride" suddenly erupted. However, it did not erupt around Qiao Xun, but around Michael.

Arrogance is the characteristic of ignoring everything and placing everything under oneself.

The arrogant Qiao Xun did not allow Michael to look down at himself;

The arrogant Qiao Xun did not allow Michael to refute his views;

The arrogant Qiao Xun does not allow Michael's confident "I am the only";

The arrogant Qiao Xun did not allow Michael to defeat him.

The arrogant Qiao Xun, despising Michael,

"Otherwise, why do you think I have to talk to you so much? Why do you think I have to ask myself? Why do you think I still come in knowing that this is your home court?"

Michael's figure began to distort, and Qiao Xun's figure also distorted.

The twists of the two are completely synchronized.

Michael held his face in his hands, as if something had penetrated into his body, he said eagerly and loudly:

"Supreme Lord, please bring down the judgment on the devil!"

Accompanied by all the glory, the great figure of the Lord pressed down on Qiao Xun.

It is conceivable that once this attack falls, no matter how many demonic characteristics Qiao Xun has, it will be completely purified.

So, the arrogant Qiao Xun said to Michael:

"I reject."

When the words were settled, Qiao Xun and Michael suddenly switched places.

Qiao Xun became Michael, and Michael became Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun stood above the sky steps, looking down at Michael who was below the sky steps,

"Concrete Michael, conceptual 'light', now it's my turn to look down on you."

Michael, who was replaced, stood in Qiao Xun's previous position. He finally became angry, and he finally realized that even here, he couldn't defeat Qiao Xun. he said angrily,

"Devil, the devil who deserves death! You don't deserve to stand on the top of the sky!"

Qiao Xun just answered lightly,

"But I'm right here."

Michael's face changed at a very fast speed, which meant that he had lost his self-confidence.

And the figure and glory of the Lord, because Michael is no longer based on the heavenly rank, has returned to the concept of nothingness.

Michael said angrily,

"I can't succeed, so don't even think about it!"

After speaking, he suddenly released five halos of justice and seven halos of virtue, "order", "faith", "blessing", "prayer" and "repentance"; ", "tolerance", "moderateness" and "humility"...

A total of twelve halos lingered around him.

Then, with the power of the twelve highest glory, he suddenly shattered the heavenly steps.

After Tianjie was shattered, this world of "integration of concept and specificity" immediately became unbalanced and began to collapse.

Michael said:

"Let's face failure together! The four angels of creation will eventually lead a group of angels to expel the World Eater~www.readwn.com~ and your goal cannot be achieved."

Qiao Xun looked at Michael calmly,

"So, what is the specific 'Michael', the conceptual 'light', what is my purpose?"

Only then did Michael suddenly realize that Qiao Xun never said what his purpose was. He said with difficulty:

"It's nothing more than wanting to replace me and reach infinity."

Qiao Xun said,

"However, it's not."

Michael's mentality was instantly out of balance. He found that he was being played with by Qiao Xun from beginning to end,

"you are lying!"

Qiao Xun said,

"You destroyed the world, you just destroyed your hard work for so many years. It has nothing to do with me. Don't try to find a little solace for yourself in the end."

A hint of arrogance appeared on his face again. However, it is not his characteristic "arrogance".

"Stupid Michael, didn't you realize that I repeatedly emphasized your concept of 'light'?"

Michael said in shock,

"Are you doing it for 'light'?"

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"Yes, Michael, the incarnation of 'light', please give me 'light'."

The root of the world, "light".


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