Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 68: The light above the sky, shining all over the heaven

"You...you want 'light'?"

Michael looked at Qiao Xun in disbelief. He doesn't understand.

Qiao Xun nodded,



"Why do you need to know the reason?"

In this world that is about to collapse, Michael has more and more halos,

"Come on, come and take it. From me."

Qiao Xun squinted slightly, he could see that Michael would never let him get "light" easily,

"Give me 'light' and I can let you go. I only want 'light'."

Michael gasped,

"I may be wrong, I may not be able to practice the Lord's will, and I may be destined to fail. I may not be able to do anything, but I am the only one who can make up my mind. You are right, I am no longer I used to be 'walking with the Lord', but I can feel my present, my concreteness, my concept. Come on, let me see if you are entitled to 'light'."

Qiao Xun frowned,

"Without the blessing of the Lord, you can't defeat me. Why bother."

Michael said,

"I am a warrior of heaven. I fight for my beliefs. Even if I am doomed to collapse in the darkness, I will always practice my choice before being completely buried."

"Is this faith?"

Michael looked at Qiao Xun stubbornly,

"This is faith!"

Qiao Xun didn't want to do unnecessary battles with Michael. It's not that he can't beat it, it's because it's a sheer waste of time.

Although his purpose has basically been achieved no matter what, what about Alcott outside?

Alcott still needs support.

He made a quick decision in his mind. Do you have to get the "light" now? Are you looking for your next opportunity?

He couldn't help thinking that he had missed this time, and he still had a lot of time to find the next opportunity. But if Alcott didn't succeed, her body would be quickly consumed by a whole world inside her.

After making a decision, he felt that it was better to help Alcott.

But just as he had this plan, Yu Xiaoshu's voice sounded in his mind,

"Do your own thing."

He paused. He was not surprised that Yu Xiaoshu could easily contact him. How mysterious and powerful she is is still unknown.

"Is it difficult, you want to help me solve the problems outside?"

"Haha, don't think too much, I won't interfere. The main thing is that the little girl is here."



Hearing this sentence, the hanging stone in Qiao Xun's heart suddenly fell to the ground. Now, he can focus on nothing.

He looked at Michael,

"Michael, make the final decision."

Michael said,

"My faith is immortal."

Qiao Xun said,

"Maybe at this moment, you have something worth admiring for me."

After he finished speaking, a cursed haze erupted under his feet.

It is not a curse haze of a certain characteristic, but a curse haze that belongs to him alone.

Behind him, seven huge demon phantoms emerged from the haze.

Gluttony: Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies;

Lust: Patriarch Asmodeus;

Greed: Evil God Mammon;

Laziness: Belial the Sloth King;

Rage: Rage incarnates Samael;

Jealousy: Sea God Levimonstein;

Pride: Lucifer the Betrayer.

The seven demon phantoms squeezed the world, causing the collapse process to intensify rapidly.

The figures of Qiao Xun and Michael were as small as a grain of sand in front of the demon phantom.

Their majesty, their evil overwhelms everything.

Michael looked up at the demon's phantom,

"The Seven Sins... You really are the Terminator of Heaven's Fate."

He said no more, with justice and virtue, turned into light, and rushed into the haze of Qiao Xun's curse.


"O! O! Alcott!"

Nianwei shouted loudly.

Alcott's miniature phantom quickly emerged,

"I saw it all."

Nianwei said eagerly,

"Densely packed, we are surrounded! Angels are shining everywhere! What should I do?"

Alcott said,

"It seems that they regard this as the final battle. I didn't expect it to come so quickly. I thought they would at least enter the fourth day, or even the fifth day."

Sayuri Gomo asked,

"Then what should we do?"

Alcott was also in some trouble.

"Looking at the strength of those rays of light, it should be the angels who are in the third order. I... I'm not sure if I can handle it. Besides, my body has begun to become rigid."


"Well, it's changing from life to non-life."

Sayuri Gomo asked worriedly,

"How is this going?"

"Don't worry, it's normal, it's not harmful to me, it's just... My movements are greatly restricted."

Nianwei gritted her teeth,

"It's a big deal to fight with them."

Alcott shook his head,

"No no, you can deal with ordinary angels and even middle-ranked angels, but if you go to the third rank, you will definitely not be able to deal with it now. There is no need to fight meaningless. You should leave, wait until Mr. Qiao is done. It will definitely come to save you.”

"No!" Nianwei resolutely denied, "I have never escaped from a battle."

"It's not an issue of inescapability," Alcott said. "It is the right choice to reasonably avoid the edge and wait for an opportunity."

"Does it mean that you are left to face and bear alone?"

Alcott said seriously,

"Miss Nianwei, this is my mission!"

"Mission?" Nianwei was a little confused, "Why do you suddenly have another mission?"

Alcott shook his head,

"It's not a sudden, but a mission that has always been there! In the devouring again and again, I gradually heard the real voice and gradually realized that this is what I should do. The reason why Mr. Qiao brought me to heaven must be I also noticed it early in the morning. No matter what, I can't leave. Heaven has begun to return, and this is my only chance!"

"I don't understand what you are saying. But if this is really your mission, I can't leave at this time!"

Alcott was a little anxious.

"Oh, Miss Nianwei, why are you so dead-headed! There's absolutely no need for you and Sasori to get involved in such a meaningless dispute for both of you. We've done a good job of making a mess of what Mr. Qiao said. Heaven's plan, you should go. I do my thing, you do your thing, do whatever you want, how wonderful!"

Nianwei said firmly,

"Well, what I have to do now is to stay and fight by your side." She said, looking at Sayori Gomo, "Sasuri, you still listen to Alcott, leave here, wait. Qiao Xun will find you."

Gomo Sayuri was stunned, then retorted with a loud voice,

"What do you mean, you keep saying that you want to stay and fight side by side, and then drive me away? It makes me look like a deserter who is running away!"

"This is for your own good."

"Bastard talk!"

"You have a bright future, and you will definitely find your best home in the future. I..."

"Aren't you the same?" Saiori Gomo said angrily, "I hate people who complain about themselves the most."

Alcott said angrily,

"You all don't want to leave, right? Then stay and hide!"

After she finished speaking, a pair of black hands suddenly appeared from under Nianwei and Wu Mao Sauri's feet, grabbed their ankles, and pulled them down.

The two felt that their bodies were tightly locked, and the black hands grabbing the ankles were like pliers, unable to break free.

Their bodies were dragged down little by little by the black hands.

Nianwei shouted,

"Alcott, let us go!"

Gomo Sayuri was also very anxious.

"Xiao Ao, don't do this!"

Alcott looked at them,

"I know you're worried about me, and I know you see me as a friend. That's why I have to do my duty as a friend. Miss Nianwei, Sayori, it's really not about fighting side by side, just It must be able to cope with the good parts of the past.”

Her eyes flashed with intense emotion,

"I don't want to see you hurt anyway. You just hide."

After speaking, the two pairs of black hands completely dragged Sasuri Gomo and Nianwei into Alcott's body, tightly guarding them.

Outside, Alcott suppressed his phantom and focused on everything.

The angel's brilliance fell on her like raindrops.

Her huge body stirred up the concept of the third day's dilapidation. Her huge mouth swallowed all matter and energy.

One after another rotten monsters continued to pour out of her body, and these monsters were fighting against the angels.

Under the radiance of angels and the glory of the Lord, decay has nowhere to hide.

A shrill scream resounded on her body, converging into a scene of howling hell.

Alcott can no longer feel pain, and most parts of her body have completely evolved into the world. At this moment, for her, the most important thing is to continue to devour the third day, and the second is to protect the new world that has evolved in her body.

One of the creation angels, the wise angel Uriel, fell on Alcott's huge head. He was burning with golden flames all over his body, which was the result of his conceptualization, as "the flame of God", he was in charge of all the flames of heaven.

He said to Alcott,

"Fire, can purify your soul."

The voice was settled, and the golden flame, centered on him, spread along the surface of Alcott's body.

The golden flame spread very fast. Starting from Alcott's head, within five blinks of an eye, he completely buried his head in the flames. It didn't stop, and continued to burn towards the body.

Alcott raised his head and roared, and beautiful words grew out of her body, covering the flames on her body.

However, no matter what, she can't completely extinguish all the flames, and even if there is only a little spark left, it will quickly rekindle and spread.

Uriel the wise angel said loudly,

"You can never extinguish the anger in your heart."

Alcott turned a deaf ear and didn't want to say a word. In her opinion, there is no need for any communication between her and these angels.

Since these flames cannot be extinguished, then devour the world with flames!

She kept increasing her speed, cannibalizing the rest of the third day.

Star after star fell into a vortex of devouring, was smashed into debris, and gathered towards her.

However, this is not allowed in heaven.

"Silent Saint" Raguel casts divine condemnation on Alcott. she says:

"Endless eating is evil desire. I punish you, stop eating."

A beam of glory fell into Alcott's mouth with her voice. Immediately, eye after eye grew in her throat, blinking angrily at everything that tried to enter her throat.

As soon as the crushed structural fragments fell into her mouth, they were expelled by the angry gaze of these eyes.

Alcott was very awake and must not let them cut off their feeding process, so he urged the decay in his body to fill his throat. This process was painful for her.

But enduring pain has long since become a part of her life.

The rotten essence pollutes the scourge of Raguel. One eye after another in Alcott's throat was contaminated and incapacitated.

But she polluted one, and immediately a new one grew.

At the same time, Lemuel "the resurrected soul" also began his trial of Alcott.

His glory does not touch Alcott's body, but judges Alcott's will on a conceptual level.

A single prayer occupied Alcott's will. She gradually lost control of her body, and even gradually couldn't find herself in the sound of prayer.

In a trance, she thought that she should have been a believer of the Lord, that she should have been sitting in the church praying, or repenting to the angels.

After the will was judged, it fell into a state of silence.

Her body, because she lost the control of her will, floated on the galaxy belt and turned into a confused lamb, ready to be slaughtered.

A large number of energy angels and power angels began to sneak into her body to control the new world formed in her body.

Metatron, the angel, the "Evil Destroyer", descended on his judgment, to expel Alcott from heaven, and let him return to nothingness, unable to take a step into heaven again. To put it simply, she was banished into the void, abandoned by all the worlds.

Metatron's glory covered Alcott's entire body~www.readwn.com~ and pushed her to the limited boundaries of heaven.

After Alcott's body hits the bounds of the finite, that part of the new world begins to crumble.

And her will was awakened, and she realized all this.

However, at this moment, she has lost her resistance.

"It still failed after all."

She thought in despair, yes, how could she, a little fallen angel, be able to handle the power of the entire heaven.

"Oh, I found you."


Who found me?

Alcott tried to find out where the sound came from.


The voice sounded in my heart.

Without waiting for her to think about it, she only felt another thrust, which was pushing herself from the outside of the limited boundary to the inside.

At the same time, a full moon slowly rose.

A group of angels in the distance stared at the full moon.

The full moon belonging to Sariel.

"Sally, what are you doing?" Metatron asked.

There was only one answer to him,

"I'm saving heaven."

Under the full moon, spread out a pair of holy wings.

The light of Phoenix, combined with the light of the full moon, illuminates the entire heaven.


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