Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 69: Reshape the heavens, return to heaven

The four angels, all came to the limited boundary of heaven. Converging on one side of Alcott's huge body.

In the rear, the main battle angels quickly assembled into an array of angels. Countless glory haunts them.

But at this moment, it is far less dazzling than the full moon in Phoenix.

"God's Flame" Uriel, "Silent Saint" Raguel, "Soul Resurrection" Lemuel, "Evil Destroyer" Metatron stood side by side and stood at the forefront.

Their highly conceptual bodies are full of heavy oppression.

The fire of purification, the curse, the support of the soul, and the judgment of sin, the four glory that belonged to them, all shone on Alcott's tired and silent head.

Phoenix Elman, the holy angel of mission, slipped from the full moon of Sariel.

Everything around her gathered at her feet, paving a holy stair for her.

The concept of Sariel on her body is very noisy. Therefore, in the eyes of all the angels, even though she looks like Phoenix, she is Sariel. Angels who have been baptized in conceptualization believe only in the concept of essence, not in false appearances.

Phoenix did not meet the gazes of the four creation angels. She moved her footsteps and landed on the platform of Phoenix's horns.

Her eyes became so fragile,

"Oh, I'm sorry."

The awakened Alcott gradually understood what was happening around her. She formed a shadow and appeared in front of Phoenix. She looked at Phoenix, her favorite sister, with indescribably complicated expressions.

Alcott still didn't know if Phoenix was still the Phoenix she knew, but she had to soberly realize that it was Phoenix who saved her.

"Why are you apologizing?" she asked.

Phoenix looked down,

"Over the years, you have suffered alone. I never understood you at all, and even thought you betrayed me at one point."

Alcott was sober,

"Fei, there is no betrayal. I still don't approve of your actions on Earth. Everything I do is just because I want to do it. Fei, I don't regret letting Mr. Joe cut the blood connection between us. "

Phoenix paused.

Alcott also paused, she said badly in her heart, she missed out!

Phoenix asked,

"So, did you know from the beginning that the team leader was taking care of me?"

Alcott was silent for a while, then nodded embarrassedly. She had always been ashamed that she had kept it from Phoenix.

"Mr. Qiao began to take care of you when the world was rotting."

"It's Mr. Qiao, who is observing me beyond the limits of time and space?"


"Then why don't you tell me?"

"Because Mr. Joe said, this will affect your plan." Alcott laughed self-deprecatingly, "Now that I think about it, I am afraid that at that time, Mr. Joe will know that you will invade the earth and do something on the earth. At the end of the day, I'm the only one left in the dark."


"So, Phoenix, will you really be influenced by Mr. Joe?"

Phoenix lowered his head,

"Will do."

Alcott sank his shoulders suddenly,

"Sure enough, I'm the only loser. You all achieved your goals."

Phoenix shook his head,

"Please don't blame the team leader. He is more thorough and far-reaching than us. If it weren't for him, what would happen today would not have happened. We may still not know how we exist and where we are going. Do something."

"I don't blame him. I blame myself."

"Please don't blame yourself." Phoenix shook his head, "I also don't blame myself for all the mistakes. In this whole thing, many problems are the root of the disaster that was planted a long time ago. If you really want to If anyone is to blame, it is probably the doomed tragedy of the finite world."

"You seem to be different again."

Phoenix's golden eyes reflect the glory of heaven,

"Because, I have completely become myself. Oh, you are right. We are tied to fate, and we will only drag each other down. Because, that's what Michael wants to see."


Phoenix took a few steps forward, stretched out a finger, and lightly touched Alcott's phantom.

In fact, she touched Alcott's soul, will.

Alcott's memory began to change, and he fell into a sluggish moment.

Phoenix whispered,

"Reminisce well. Everything in the past. You and I are the epitome of the tragedy destined for the finite world."

After speaking, she stepped onto the holy steps again.

This time, what she has to face is the whole heaven.

The holy angel of mission, Phoenix Elman, hangs in front of the four angels of creation. The eyes are high and holy, without a trace of personal emotion. she says:

"You, all of you have experienced those dusty years. All of you have known why the Lord returned to the world."

"Silent Saint" Raguel felt the breath of Phoenix. This unique aura brought her back to that era of haunted dreams. She gradually remembered the years when she was buried in the bottom of her memory,

"Are you the seed above the heavenly rank?"

Phoenix said,

"After God's calendar was broken, heaven fell to a limited 'end point'. The Lord created me in order to make up for his own faults, and brought prosperity to heaven for billions of years. However, you who accompany the Lord should know that Yes, this kind of prosperity is just the last carnival."

Raguel was in a trance,

"No, Michael said that this is the choice of the world and the will of the Lord. Moreover, the Lord has never been at fault!"

"God's Flame" Uriel said stoutly,

"I only know that you and the world eater below you are trying to destroy the whole heaven."

"Destruction? Uriel, don't you know that the Lord handed over the 'essence of heaven' to me? That is the only hope for heaven to escape the 'end' and usher in a new life. And the 'world-devouring' in your mouth is exactly what The 'essence of heaven'. Her devouring the world is nothing but guiding the world of heaven to return to nature. Uriel, 'flame of God', saint of seven days and seven nights, have you forgotten it? Yet?"

Uriel's flame flickered,

"'The essence of heaven' should be pure and beautiful, how could it be an evil beast that rots to its soul!"

Phoenix took on a hint of emotion and said scornfully,

"Then you should go and ask Michael what good thing Michael has done."

"Michael? What does this have to do with him?" Uriel asked.

Phoenix said,

"Michael knew from beginning to end the existence and mission of holy angels and 'the essence of heaven'. However, he was unwilling to return heaven to the beginning. So he expelled the fallen angels and separated me as a holy angel, right The memory of the mission, in turn injects the rotten essence into the 'heavenly essence', contaminating it, making it filthy, so that no one thinks that a rotting beast can be the 'heavenly essence'."

Uriel frowned,

"Why should I trust you?"

Phoenix said,

"If you don't believe me, then do you believe Sariel?"

"Sally... is just a fallen angel."

"Do you really think so? Or because Michael said he was a fallen angel, so you all believed it."

Uriel and Raguel looked at each other and frowned.

"Resurrection of the Soul" Lemuel suddenly asked,

"So, what did you do to Sariel?"

Phoenix said,

"As you can see, kill. He's trying to replace me, so he shouldn't exist."

"You make us believe in an intruder who kills our compatriots?" Lemuel said. "Or do you think we are all idiots."

Phoenix lowered his head,

"If I say this to this point, you still don't want to think about it yourself, but blindly believe Michael's words, then you are really stupid."

"The Evil Destroyer" Metatron said in a loud voice,

"Michael is the 'walker with the Lord', the 'every aspect' of the world, and the incarnation of 'light'. How can we not believe him?"

"If a belief has a positive side and a negative side. Then, the Lord is the positive side, because the Lord leads heaven to keep moving forward, so that heaven is united to fight the enemy and praise virtue, and Michael It is the negative side. He uses belief to confine your self-will, eliminate all doubts with 'the justice of the Lord', cover up mistakes with 'the authority of the Lord', and whitewash the peace, just to achieve his personal goals. "

"Your wanton slander has violated the majesty of heaven!" Metatron's constellation trembled violently. It means he is angry.

Phoenix said,

"You're angry. Yes, that's exactly what Michael wanted. He wanted that all references to heaven's badness by men and angels should be refuted by anger. Congratulations, Metatron, You, who are also the angel of creation, have been completely chained by Michael."

Phoenix's words are extremely aggressive.

"Silent Saint" Raguel is more sober in comparison.

"Can you tell me, what is Michael's personal purpose?"

Phoenix looked at her and replied,

"Reach infinity."

"So, what does letting heaven fall into the 'end' have anything to do with reaching infinity?"

"Because, in his opinion, the moment the finite world falls into the 'end point', everything will converge in a point, and this point is the key to infinity."

Raguel said,

"Having said so much, it's your side of the story after all."

Phoenix smiled slightly,

"Of course it's just one-sided words."

"That's not convincing."

"I don't want to convince you either. As a creation angel, being able to be led by Michael's nose already shows that his faith has long been rooted in your hearts. It's useless to speak up, you have to pull out the roots. Row."

Raguel's face became holy,

"So, we are the enemy after all."

"Yes, enemy."

"Then there is nothing else to say. Fight, judge."

Phoenix shook his head,

"You shouldn't use the word 'judgment'."

"Justice versus evil is judgment."

"That's right, I'm very good at deconstructing justice. This is the ability I have since I was born." Phoenix raised his head proudly.

"God's Flame" Uriel unleashed his flame to burn away all sin. The golden flame quickly spread into a sea of ​​fire, burying Phoenix in it.

Phoenix didn't react much, just said a word softly,

"Your flame is no longer among the glory; your flame is just vulgar anger; your flame is no longer recognized by the Lord."

Deconstruct justice, deconstruct glory, and reshape it.

This is the holy angel above the heavens, with a unique ability, the ability that Michael fears the most.

Now, in its most glorious appearance, it is displayed in front of the four creation angels.

They saw Uriel's purifying fire turned into vulgar rage, blown away like smoke;

They saw that Uriel, who was highly conceptualized in the shape of flames, gradually faded from his conceptualized form and returned to his original appearance—an old man who seemed to be kind.

Uriel looked at his old hands tremblingly. He forgot how many years he hadn't seen his real appearance. he murmured,

"Deconstruction... Deconstruction. Maybe this is the real return."

He stared blankly at the distant deep space,

"Are we really deviating from the Lord's will?"

"No! Uriel, this is sorcery, pollution, defilement!" The irritable Metatron shocked Uriel, who was beginning to doubt himself, with a thunderous voice. Immediately, he looked at Phoenix, "You are a real devil!"

The glory of the guilty sentence erupted on him, transforming into a huge chain that bound Phoenix.

Then, Metatron dragged Phoenix like a criminal.

But no matter how hard he tried, Phoenix didn't move.

Phoenix looked at him with pity and said,

"The sin in your eyes is justice, and the justice in your eyes is sin. If you expel me, you will no longer be able to embrace justice. Metatron, reflect on it."

Deconstruction, once again happened to Metatron.

His glory is gone, and his constellation disappears instantly, returning as a twelve-winged angel.

Perhaps the conceptualization made the once-beautiful angel look like a demon. But if they can go back to the way they were before, everything will be kinder again.

Phoenix gradually understood that this is the meaning of "return".

All the original intentions are always romantic and beautiful.

However, if the original intention is no longer, then everything will become a demon again.

That's how Lemuel and Raguel watched as they were deconstructed of justice and glory. And Phoenix just opened his mouth to say a few words.

Even though Lemuel was completely convinced of Michael, he had to wonder whether the present heaven was just. If it is really just, why is it so easily defeated?

He didn't believe it, and he didn't accept it either. He is even more unable to accept that for hundreds of millions of years, he has only been spinning in the wrong circle. So, he wants to challenge Phoenix's authority,

"I saw with my own eyes that your soul was imprisoned in the abyss!"

Phoenix retorted softly,

"I saw it with my own eyes, your soul, standing at the right hand of the Lord, witnessing my birth."

With just this one sentence, all of Lemuel's attacks were neutralized. Deconstruct it to bring it back.

Phoenix looked at Raguel,

"'Silent Saint', what is your choice?"

Raguel closed his eyes,

"I miss the past and the simplicity."

Phoenix said,

"I bless you and return to a beautiful embrace."



This is Phoenix's mission and her redemption.

Four angels of creation, standing beside Phoenix~www.readwn.com~ and she stepped on the highest holy order. After she felt it for a while, she realized that the Heavenly Rank had been destroyed.

So she said:

"I said this, to reshape the heavens."

The white stairs were built up bit by bit with glory.

She stepped on the steps of the sky.

The four angels of creation, each standing in their own rank.

Seraph, Wisdom, Throne.

Phoenix stood on the steps of the sky and said to the whole heaven,

"I bless you, always bathed in glory."



Happens to all angels.

The sky steps continue to grow, becoming longer and wider.

All the angels have been called to return to the rank they should be in.

At this point, the angels were arranged around the heavens, a total of 84,547,972.

Above the sky is a unique holy angel.

Beneath the heavens are the people of the world.

After Phoenix rebuilt the sky, he said to Alcott, who had woken up,

"Oh, let's start, let heaven return."

Alcott gave Phoenix a complicated look and nodded.

Then, she opened her mouth and bit the third day.


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