Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 70: How beautiful your heart is, how beautiful I see you (End of this article)

After being devoured on the third day, the world structure of Heaven completely collapsed.

The remaining heavenly realms were devoured by Alcott one after another. Very easy, very simple, even a feeling that those heavenly worlds are eager to be swallowed.

Until the whole heaven is completely swallowed up.

From the earthly place on the first day, to the destination place on the second day...

Finally, to the Glory Land and Origin Square on the seventh day.

Heaven is no longer in this void, leaving any trace. Until heaven disappears.

A point with a unique radiance and no volume of space is revealed.

The angels who saw this point are hard to describe what it is like.

Black light?

No, this is contradictory. Black doesn't say with light. But, for this point, maybe that's the only way to say it.


Some angels know the name of this point and its origin.

After the mythical calendar is broken, all finite worlds have such a point. No one can say clearly whether this is a kind of "punishment" imposed by the true "creator" of all finite worlds, or whether it is the reflection of the infinite in the finite world.

No one knows.

I am only afraid of the unknown. Because that point is just too mysterious and too attractive.

Uriel asked Phoenix,

"Saint, how to deal with that point?"

Phoenix shook his head,

"No one has the ability, and no one is qualified to deal with it. What we can do, maybe just stay away from it and be in awe of it."

"In fact, all finite worlds have such a point."

"Yes. But there is nothing we can do. Pursuing the infinite is the ultimate goal of any finite world, but perhaps, the 'end' will be the ultimate destination. Just like life, the end of life is death, and the end of the finite, why not Is it the end? The seeds of death are buried deep within the body of every life. Then, in every finite world, the seeds of the end are buried deep.”

"What if there is an end to heaven after returning?"

Phoenix's vision is far-reaching,

"That's like everything the Lord has done, go on."

"The Lord has left us, who still has the ability to continue to do such things?"

"The Lord has left, then everyone is the Lord."

After Phoenix finished speaking, he fluttered away.

After the four angels of creation who had returned to the beginning looked at each other, they all chose to remain silent.

There is nothing to say now, what will happen in the future, just wait for time to dissolve.


After swallowing Heaven completely, Alcott's body completely lost all life characteristics.

Her original ugly and evil skin evolved into the limited boundary of the new world, and everything in her body, matter, energy, and various concepts, gradually converged into everything needed for a limited world. World Core, World Root, World Structure, etc.

Phoenix enters this new world.

It is said to be a new world, but it is actually a paradise after the return. Everything inside is waiting to evolve.

For other finite worlds, evolution and sublimation is a very long process, and many worlds cannot evolve even in their lifetimes.

But for this returned paradise, evolution is just a matter of Phoenix's words.

After all, that's her mission.

She looked at the thriving world, took a deep breath and said,

"World, please follow this ray of glory and move forward."

A ray of light flashed from her fingertips.

Light falls on this swaddling world. So, it all started.

The former heaven, because of the Lord's words "Let there be light", began a journey of great faith.

Now, Phoenix has also given a ray of light.

After the evolution started, she breathed a sigh of relief and said to herself in relief,

"This is fate."

Then, she shifted her attention and focused on feeling Alcott. She felt Alcott's will.

After discovering Alcott, her figure flashed, and the next moment, she appeared on the top of a huge snow-capped mountain.

There is a small platform on the top of the snow mountain, and two people are lying quietly on the platform.

Beside the two, an invisible mass of energy, wrapped in a will, was silently waiting.

Phoenix fell,

"Who are they?"

The will wrapped in energy replied:

"Is my friend."

"Did they come to heaven with you and devour the heaven together?"

Alcott replied,

"Well. They stayed with me until the end and wanted to fight alongside me, but I refused."

"Why refuse?"

"Because they are friends."

Phoenix's eyes seemed a little blurry, like a dense fog,

"very nice."

"When they wake up, I'll send them back."

"how about you?"

Alcott said,

"Heaven has returned, and the 'essence of heaven' should also return. This mass of energy won't last long. After it dissipates, I will bid you farewell."

Phoenix took a few steps forward.

"No, I can maintain this energy all the time!"

"Faye, that doesn't make sense." Alcott floated to Gomo Sayori, stretched out an invisible hand, and stroked her face, "She's called Gomo Sayori. I told me, the best home , is to dedicate myself to everything I love. I am loyal to my love, and I will lead to the best destination.”

"Oh, what about me?" Phoenix frowned and couldn't bear to look at the invisible Alcott, "Have you never thought about me? I... I hate you."

"I am the essence of heaven, and I must return. You are the saint of the new world, and you should understand this truth. We can love each other, but not each other. I am not part of you, and you are not part of me. If you don't If you are willing to be me, then pick a suitable day and think of me on that day.”

Phoenix was silent for a while,

"But Mary is still waiting for us. She asked me to take you back."

"Mary..." Alcott's will trembled a little, and in reality, the energy surrounding her continued to flourish, "It seems that this is a pity."

"Oh, is this really the only way?" Phoenix's brows trembled.

"Isn't this the mission? I exist because of the mission, and I end because of the mission. This is the tragedy of the finite world, Fei, you know better than me."

Phoenix lowered his head.

She does know. Alcott was never a real life, nor a complete concept, but the product of a mission. If she continues to exist, she cannot complete her mission, and if she completes her mission, she cannot continue to exist. This was predestined from the start.

Therefore, it is called a tragedy.

She didn't want to say a word. She didn't want to accept this tragedy just like that.

Alcott urged her,

"Fei, you still have a lot to do."

Phoenix sullen his head, like a tempered child.

"Faye!" Alcott said again.

Phoenix turned his head away, bit his lower lip tightly, and didn't say or do anything.

Alcott was a little discouraged,

"Then you can do it yourself."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to leave here with Wu Mao Sauri and Nian Wei.

But a flash of light interrupted her movement.

After the flash, an angel appeared.

Phoenix looked at her, feeling very unfamiliar. It stands to reason that after she reshapes the heaven order, all life in heaven is in her will, and she should know every life.

However, she didn't know the angel in front of her. Even, completely unable to feel what kind of existence it is.

"You are?"

"I originally didn't have a name. I didn't need a name to refer to my existence. But then, I had a name. It's called Yu Xiaoshu."

"Yu Xiaoshu?" Phoenix didn't know.

But Alcott felt familiar and quickly remembered who it was. she asked:

"Is that Miss Yu from a certain tea room?"

Yu Xiaoshu said with a smile,

"Yes, Alcott, you still remember me."

"Of course I remember. After all, Miss Yu is so... um..."


"So special."

"What's so special?"

Alcott said embarrassedly,

"It should be something special that Mr. Qiao can't handle."

"Pfft~" Yu Xiaoshu couldn't help laughing, "You are so cute."

"This..." Alcott continued, "But why does Miss Yu look different from before?"

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"Because, I am the me of heaven. What you see is the me of earth."


"This is a very complicated issue, and I can talk to you slowly in the future."

Alcott said in a low voice,

"I'm afraid there is no future. I'm sorry, Miss Yu, I'm leaving soon."

"Leave? Which world are you going to, maybe there is me there too."

"No, after I complete my mission, I will disappear."

Yu Xiaoshu looked surprised,


"Because I exist because of a mission. After the mission is completed, I must disappear."

"Who said that when the mission is completed, it must disappear? Who stipulated that?!" Yu Xiaoshu raised his eyebrows.

"But, that's how it should be."

"There is no 'should'."

"But that's how I feel, and I really can't continue to maintain my will."

Phoenix said sadly,

"I can only maintain it with energy."

Yu Xiaoshu shook his head and said,

"No, no, not at all! Alcott, your will is complete and not entrusted by a mission."

"But, I do have the feeling that I'm about to disappear."

"That's just because your body is completely detached from you. As a separate will, you lose your support, and your sense of self gradually weakens. In fact, you will always exist, but you will not feel yourself."

Phoenix's heart hung up and he said nervously,

"But when I feel her will, it's the same as how she feels about herself."

Yu Xiaoshu sighed,

"Well, it's just because you care too much about her. Your feelings are just her feelings. If you look at it rationally from the perspective of an object, you will find a different situation."

"Object..." Phoenix tried hard and said discouraged, "I can't make myself into an object to feel her."

"It doesn't matter. Emotions are the most precious wealth of life. If you can really be absolutely geographical, then you are not life."

Alcott asked,

"Then what should I do?"

"So, you yourself want to stay, right?"

Alcott said,

"Yes, I want to stay. I want to see the smiling faces of Miss Nianwei and Sayuri, I want to hear Miss Mary's voice, I want to hear Miss Yu's story, I want to thank Mr. Qiao, I have There are so many things I want to do.”

She didn't mention Phoenix by name.

Phoenix's hands were tightly clasped, and his heart was both sour and astringent. Can't O still forgive me, she thought?

Yu Xiaoshu was probably a close sister at this time. She said to Phoenix,

"Little girl, don't be so sad. From Alcott's point of view, you are ordinary sisters, and you don't need to mention it, because that's what you are anyway."

Phoenix asked,


Alcott said after a moment of silence,

"Most of the time, we are connected. The best thing for us is to stop mentioning each other deliberately and think of each other. I don't need to tell you, I want to see your smiling face, and I want to hear you. Because no matter what I say Whether you say it or not, you will smile at me and say a lot to me. Our relationship is a matter of course."

Phoenix's nose is sore. She held back her tears and said in a muffled voice:

"Okay, okay."

At this moment, she finally felt redemption.

Yu Xiaoshu watched with relish. She likes watching this kind of drama. Then she said to Alcott:

"Okay. I'm a good guy to the end, so let's help you solve the problem."

Alcott asked,

"Why is Miss Yu helping me?"

"Because you're cute. Besides, if I let Qiao Xun know that I have the ability to help you, but I don't, he will definitely alienate me." Yu Xiaoshu raised his eyebrows and said, "I finally gained a little trust from him, but It can't be lost."

Alcott reacted,

"Oh, so that's why Miss Yu came here in the first place!"

"so smart!"

"Then you pretended to be surprised before?"

"Because, it's very interesting! Besides, you can also see the scene where the sisters shake hands and make peace! It's worth it."

Alcott was stunned for a while before saying,

"Miss Yu, you are really a special person."

"I hope your 'special' is a compliment." Yu Xiaoshu waved his hand. Immediately, dense figures of characters appeared around, and she said generously, "Alcott, choose an image of you. You can do whatever you want. These images are my original creation, and they can't be found in all finite worlds. identical."

A large number of character images instantly put Alcott in a difficult position to choose. She felt a little dizzy in her head,

"Miss Yu, I just want to be myself."


"Well, Mary said, Fei and I are twins. Then I was a normal baby at first. What does that baby look like when it grows up?"

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"It's just like you were before."

"Ah? Do you mean the appearance of that evil beast?"

"Well, that's the way you are."

Alcott's tone was a little anxious.

"However, Mr. Qiao told me in a tea room that he could see my real appearance and asked me if I wanted to see it. Although I refused, judging from his performance, it should be the image of my evil beast. It's different."

"Is that so?" Yu Xiaoshu said after thinking for a while, "I understand."

"What?" Alcott asked nervously.

"Qiao Xun is a devil. For him, the real appearance of any life is embodied in desire. Even if the appearance is bright and beautiful, if the desire is distorted, then in his eyes, the real appearance is ugly. Ercott, your desire is very pure, so in his opinion, it is naturally completely different from your evil beast image."

"So that's how it is." After hearing this, Alcott was a little stunned.

Yu Xiaoshu felt Alcott's emotions.

Is at a loss.

She realized that even though Alcott was a pure-hearted child, he still had a yearning for beauty and would care about whether he was good-looking or not.

She raised her head slightly, smiled and said:

"Then, Alcott, let's take the 'what you really look like' in Qiao Xun's eyes as what you really look like."

"But, what does the 'real me' look like in Mr. Qiao's eyes?"

"Only he himself knows."

"Where is he?" Phoenix asked.

"He's behind you."

Alcott and Phoenix looked back suddenly.

Qiao Xun, who was tired and ragged, was standing behind them.

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, the tiredness in the corners of his eyes no doubt revealed. He looked a lot more vicissitudes.

"You are all here."

Yu Xiaoshu walked up to him, straightened his clothes for him, and asked:

"are you tired?"

"Well. Michael is more tenacious than I thought. He dragged me for so long that when I got 'Light', I almost collapsed with that world."

"Aren't you going to take a break first?" Yu Xiaoshu asked softly.

"I just want to finish everything first."

"Don't work so hard. They're stronger than you think."

Joe looked at Phoenix and the invisible Alcott,

"You'll be fine."

Alcott was very moved, and the energy wrapped around him was wrapped around Qiao Xun.

"Mr. Joe, thank you."

"You're welcome, Alcott."

Phoenix's eyes are complicated. For a moment, she felt a little ashamed of Qiao Xun. Still, she tried to keep her composure,

"I heard from that Will of the Stars, you've been following me. Also, Alcott said the same."

Qiao Xun said,

"I often think of the moment when you were in the fissure of the deep sea. I also often fantasize about whether you would feel better if I could take good care of you at that time and treat you normally, instead of showing an expression of consternation and rejection."

Phoenix bit his lip,

"I just, just wanted to tell you that Alcott is a very good person. Don't dislike her because of her looks. I hate myself, and I didn't make it clear to me at that time."

Qiao Xun said softly,

"I already knew that Alcott was a very good boy, so you don't have to blame yourself."

"I...do you really feel satisfied?"

"Fei~www.readwn.com~ Don't care about my opinion. It doesn't matter whether I am satisfied or not, what matters is whether you are satisfied or not."

"Team leader, I like you."

Qiao Xun was stunned,

"It's an ordinary liking, right?"


Qiao Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then it'll be fine."

Yu Xiaoshu was amused,

"Cup Bow Snake Shadow, Cup Bow Snake Shadow!"

Qiao Xun glanced at her,

"Someone doesn't have any self-knowledge, don't think about who it is because of whom, 'like' has become so cheap with me."

Yu Xiaoshu spread out his hands,

"It's my fault."

"Mr. Joe, Mr. Joe! Can I ask you a question?" Alcott's tone was a little nervous and excited.

"You ask."

"You said in a certain tea room that you could see my real appearance, what is that like?" She looked like a child begging her parents for candy.

Qiao Xun looked at Yu Xiaoshu.

Yu Xiaoshu smiled slightly.

As a result, Qiao Xun knew what happened here before.

He said to Alcott,

"How beautiful your heart is, how beautiful you are from what I see."


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