Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 72: Beauty like fireworks at night

The old paradise completely disappeared into the finite world. Its "end" also disappears with it.

It seems that "End Point" really has the same mission as it must destroy the finite world.

Qiao Xun was standing in the place where the old paradise used to be. Now this place has become part of the Void Crack. There is nothing left, only the residual matter, energy, and the concept of shattering and ineffectiveness that overflowed into the air.

He thought that there might be a long way to go to solve the mystery of the "end point".

He didn't stay long, and he walked away.

When it reappears, it is in the new heaven.

The new paradise after the return has inherited the essence and order of the original paradise. It is the core of the world and the root of the world, so it evolves very quickly.

There is a sense of sight in a fairy tale.

On the first day, there was light;

On the second day, there are heaven, earth and stars;

On the third day, there was a weather of wind, cloud, rain and snow;

On the fourth day, there is life;

On the fifth day, there is civilization;

On the sixth day, there is a home country;

Now is the seventh day. According to the process, it should be time to reshape the faith.

When Qiao Xun appeared in New Heaven, Phoenix, who was above the sky, picked him up.

The two stood on the top of the sky. Here you can get an overview of everything in heaven, including concepts.

Joe asked:

"Heaven has been rebuilt, what are you going to do in the future? Do you want to become a new master?"

Phoenix shook his head,

"I didn't intend to."

"But heaven is a mythical world with a complete system, and it needs an existence similar to the Lord."

"I think the age of myths is over."

"Are you going to let heaven evolve freely?"


"Aren't you afraid that those angels will destroy heaven?"

Phoenix frowned.

"If that is the case, it is the fate of heaven. If we let heaven enter the age of mythology again, it is equivalent to walking the old way, and sooner or later, it will become a tragedy of the finite world. Could it be that we will separate the essence of heaven once again, To create holy angels once and to regenerate heaven again? It doesn't make sense."

"I respect your idea."

Phoenix lowered his head,

"Wouldn't this seem very irresponsible?"

"If heaven ends up being destroyed because of you, it would be irresponsible indeed. But, I can't say that right now."

"I gradually understood why at the end of the mythical calendar, why many mythical worlds launched wars against demons at the same time. Thinking about it, it is also because the finite world cannot be prevented from going to tragedy."


Phoenix looked into the distance, his mood gradually calmed down,

"What is the leader going to do in the future?"

"Let's go and look elsewhere. It's hard to say. I don't always have specific goals."

"Is the team leader also confused?"

"Yes. Like this time."

Phoenix looked at Qiao Xun seriously. Her golden eyes had ripples like water. She tried to guess why Qiao Xun was confused.

Qiao Xun then asked:

"The Federal Republic of Waiters on Earth, what are you going to do with it? And the rotten world."

Phoenix said,

"I plan to fuse the decaying world with the earth. Of course, I will purify the essence of decay."

"What about the fallen angels? Their existence is too powerful compared to life on earth. If they get out of control..."

"In the long evolution of life, their life forms are already very different from those of angels. Even if the rot is removed, they cannot become angels again. Therefore, I still intend to keep them on Earth. As for the problem of loss of control, the team leader does not need to Worry. I will set up special monitors to prevent problems like that."

Qiao Xun said,

"You are very thoughtful."

"It's not like that either. It's just that these issues are within my sphere of responsibility."

"After everything is done? What else are you going to do?"

"I will find a solution to the tragedy of the finite world."

Qiao Xun said deeply,

"This is not an easy question."

"But, we have to solve it."

"Are you alone?"

Phoenix looked up,

"O and Mary may join them if they want."

"pretty good."

Phoenix smiled,

"I'm looking forward to meeting the team leader on the next trip."

Joe smiled. Then, he took out something similar to amber, wrapped Michael in it, and said:

"Michael, let's return it to heaven."

Phoenix waved, and Michael landed in front of her.

She looked at Michael, who was in a deep sleep, and exhaled and said:

"He is a hundred ministers, a collection of the people of this world. Although there are big problems in the management and governance of heaven, he has made great contributions after all. Re-becoming a citizen of this world can be regarded as a reasonable punishment."

After speaking, she gave a light.

Light took Michael to the second day of the new paradise, "the place of return". He will be baptized, shed the splendor and glory of this life, and once again follow the footsteps of the Lord in the world.

Qiao Xun said,

"I have to go now."

"See you."

Qiao Xun dodged and disappeared.

Phoenix stood on the top of the sky, looking at everything in heaven from afar, unable to return to his senses for a long time.


Earth, under the deep sea.

Black Leather Base, in a study in the Central Tower.

Qiao Xun appeared in a ray of light. The circulating wind of this amniotic city gently blows the curtains by the window. The time that the curtain swayed made a beautiful print on his face.

Yu Xiaoshu, who was sitting on the side of the sofa reading a book, raised his head and said with a smile:

"You came."

Qiao Xun walked over, relaxed his shoulders, and lay down naturally.

Yu Xiaoshu turned the pages,

"Have you rested yet?"

"I don't know where I can rest."

"Why do you say that?"

"In other places, there is always something to do." Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes, "Beside you, you can be lazy for a while."

Yu Xiaoshu said with great interest,

"Oh? Could it be that there is something lazy about me?"

"No, because I see you being lazy all day long, I can be lazy too with peace of mind."

Yu Xiaoshu chuckled,

"Those who are close to the ink are black, right?"

Qiao Xun looked at Yu Xiaoshu through his narrowed eyes,

"Actually, I still like you more like this. Better than you in heaven. Simple, natural, and quiet."

"Tsk tsk. You are really pretending to be a jerk."

"No, just tell the truth."

"Really, then I'm very happy." Yu Xiaoshu said softly.

"But you don't look happy at all."

"Because I am simple, natural and quiet."

After being stunned for a while, Qiao Xun laughed.

Yu Xiaoshu closed the book,

"Don't be lazy all the time. Come on, is there anything else?"

Qiao Xun said,

"'God'-'Light' and 'Domination'-'Throne' are all I got. Only the last root of the world remains."

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"It's the 'Land of Life' - 'Earth'."

"Well. Hearing the name, I thought it should be on Earth. But I searched several times and couldn't find it. It looks like it's not on Earth."

"Don't be fooled by this name. You have found so many roots of the world, and you should have discovered very early that many of the roots of the world have completely changed their existence attributes."

"Well, 'universe', 'still', 'god', and 'rule' all have their own will."

"It's not surprising that the 'Land of Life' has its own will. Besides, the 'Land of Life' is special."

"Where is the special?"

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"The land of life is very likely to be a life itself."


"Because in a world, the land of life is the earth that nurtures life, the origin of life, the first life. Therefore, even as the root of a separate world, it may be a complete life."

"Do you know where it is?"

Yu Xiaoshu shook his head,

"I don't know. You can only find it yourself."

"Really don't know?" Qiao Xun said suspiciously.

"Don't think of me as a jack-of-all-trades. I spent a lot of time collecting the original sixteen world roots, how could I know the whereabouts of all the world roots." Yu Xiaoshu gritted his teeth, "Also, you What's with this expression that I should know for granted. You don't think of me as a tool man."


"A perfunctory answer."

Silence fell in the study.

Qiao Xun closed his eyes and looked like he was asleep.

Yu Xiaoshu glanced at him, picked up the book and continued to open it.

After a while, Qiao Xun suddenly opened his eyes and said:

"I suddenly have doubts."

"If you have something to say, say it directly."

"What if you from two different worlds appeared in the same place?"

"First of all, I will not let the two worlds meet. Second, even if they meet, they will merge into one person."

"Then after the fusion, which world should you be regarded as?"

"Which world I'm in, it's me in which world."

Qiao Xun's tone was a little disappointed.

"That's it, every meaning."

"I'm curious, what strange things are you thinking about."

"I want to see the two of you bickering with each other. It should be interesting."


"Aren't you lacking in arguing with me?" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No. I wasn't arguing, just to make you more aware of what virtue you are, so as not to lose yourself."

"I was scolded by you, I have to thank you?"


"...You have such a big face."

Yu Xiaoshu said casually,

"My face shape is a standard melon seed face."

"……I'm leaving."

Yu Xiaoshu waved his hand,


Qiao Xun took a few steps and showed a thoughtful look again.

"If I leave, you should be lonely by yourself."

"What's wrong with you today?"

"No, no, I'm just making a reasonable guess."

"If you want to stay a little longer, just stay. I won't drive you away, so why go around in circles. Or, you're a faceless master."

"Actually... um... I'm leaving."

Yu Xiaoshu thought he was teasing him, but when he looked up, he really left. She frowned and muttered softly,

"Strange guy, what are you doing?"

The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't figure it out. She only felt that Qiao Xun was inexplicable today, as if he had changed his mind.

The doubts in my heart were quickly magnified.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down.

"Forget it, it's pointless to think about it."

After a few hours,

She angrily threw away the unfinished page and thought angrily,

"What does he mean!"

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. I was so angry that I couldn't read the book. Sitting on the sofa, I only felt my buttocks.

"No, I have to figure it out!"

After some psychological struggle, she stood up, shook her body, changed her outfit, took a step, and disappeared into the study.

The wind blowing in from the window closed the open book.


In the central city of Yandu, a certain folding space.

Xin Yu is an activist. When he said that he would prepare a birthday party for Nianwei, he would never hesitate.

Soon, he took Saori Gomo to go shopping and came back.

Wu Mao Sauli and Nian Wei are in charge of setting the scene, and Xin Yu is in charge of preparing dinner.

Nianwei still didn't understand why she had to celebrate her birthday, so she had several hours of discussions with Sayori Gomo about this issue.

From the meaning of life, the two quarreled about the origin of the universe, and from the origin of the universe, they quarreled about the emotional bond. By the way, it analyzes the classical view of life and death and the postmodern view of life and death.

Xin Yu was in the kitchen, listening to their unrestrained exchange, chopping vegetables and melons, tossing oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea...

It can be said that there is considerable disharmony between Gomo Sauri and Nianwei. After all, they have different views on most issues. But it can also be said that they are very harmonious, because even if there is a serious disagreement in the three views, they can keep saying one sentence and one sentence, and there is no smell of gunpowder.

Xin Yu thought about it, but felt that they should have a close relationship in their previous life.

So this life will become a big happy enemy.

Especially when she knew that the two had known each other for less than a month, she felt even more that the two must have planted some kind of bad relationship in their previous lives.

At night, the artificial sun in the folded space turns into a glowing red sunset on the skyline.

After a busy day, Master Xin brought the hot meals to the table. After taking off his apron, he looked at the harvest of the day and showed a satisfied smile.

Looking at the sumptuous dinner, the noisy Nianwei suddenly became quiet and sat next to her, staring intently at the steaming food, her eyes becoming more and more distant.

She was gradually able to understand the meaning of birthdays.

Probably something like fireworks in the dark night.

In the long night, the fireworks are fleeting, but they can always capture the short-term beauty in people's hearts.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Xin Yu opened the door.

Qiao Xun stood at the door.

Xin Yu said with a smile,

"You're back."

"How about them?"

"Wait for you."

When Qiao Xun walked in, Gomo Sayuri landed in front of him like a cannonball fired.

She was blushing,

"Mr. Joe, welcome back!"

"Well, do you feel better?"

"Well, except for not being able to use strength, it's all good!"

"That's temporary. The two of you have experienced the birth of a world in Alcott's body. The amount of information is too huge. In order to prevent your will from being damaged, I have temporarily silenced your abilities. It will take a while. Recovery. Just in time, take advantage of this time to have a good rest."

"Hmm, okay, okay." Sayori Gomo nodded obediently.

Xin Yu laughed and teased,

"I heard from the people in Dangerous City in the south that you usually ask you to rest, but you don't agree. If Qiao Xun said a word, you nodded obediently."

Sayuri Gomo, don't look too far,

"Mainly because I can't do anything."

"I'm afraid I don't want to make myself look strong."

"Not at all!"

Qiao Xun looked at Nianwei,

"Are you still used to it?"

Nianwei said,

"There's nothing to get used to."

"That's good."

"Thank... Thank you."



Qiao Xun smiled. He looked at the sumptuous dining table and the arrangement of the living room,

"Who's birthday is today for?"

"Give it to me." Nianwei said.

Qiao Xun was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect it."

"Then don't think about it." Nianwei's face was a little red in a rare way.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door,

"Cough cough!"

The tone of voice is tense and anxious, as if to say don't forget me!

Only then did the three people in the house notice that there seemed to be someone outside.

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"Alcott, come in."

Then, a clean hand grabbed on the edge of the door. The fingers are slender and rounded.

Then, half a head cautiously popped out. Eyes and eyebrows trembling, the naked eye can see the tension and anticipation.

After twitching for a while, she stood up. Hesitantly said,

"You... Hello, I... I, my name is Alcott Elman."

He is not tall, with light chestnut hair that is slightly curly, with green eyes, a curved contour and a well-defined face with a small nose and mouth, striking a perfect balance between beauty and cuteness. Her slender neck was tense, not very relaxed. But this nervousness added to her a pitiful feeling, which instantly pierced the hearts of Goma Sasori and Nianwei.

Stars and flowers emerge from Gomo Saori's eyes,

"Xiao Ao, are you so cute!"

Alcott shrank his neck,

"No, no. It's Mr. Joe!"

Qiao Xun coughed,

"Alcott, this is what you really look like."

Nianwei pinched Alcott's face in shock,

"There are really people who grow up like this! It's unreasonable. She's cute and beautiful, and her **** are the size of someone's back in their entire life!"

"Yeah!" Gomo Saori's eyes were filled with peach blossoms. It took a while for her to react, "Who do you say has small breasts!"

Nianwei tilted her head,

"I'm not quite sure."

"You!" Wu Mao Sauri was about to have a seizure when she felt Qiao Xun's gaze, and immediately calmed down, "I'll let you go today."

Later, she threw herself into the "bullying" of Alcott.

Beside, Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun strangely,

"You are really amazing. Every time you come back, you can bring a girl I don't know. I can't count on my hands."

Qiao Xun said,

"Don't look at me like that. If you want a man, next time I'll bring you a bunch of men you don't know."

"Fuck off."

Wu Mao Sauri and Nian Wei were deeply immersed in Alcott's "beauty" and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

Seeing that the sumptuous dinner was about to get cold, Xin Yu, the "parent"-like character, clapped his hands.

"I said everyone, we should wait for you to squeeze in a blanket at night before talking slowly. The food is getting cold."

Gomo Sayuri suddenly realized,

"Yes, yes, today is a big meal. Let Xiao Ao feel what delicious food is."

Alcott wondered why she mentioned her name.

She didn't know, until now, Wu Mao Sauri and Nianwei also thought that she was picking up garbage to eat before.

Qiao Xun said,

"Wait for one more person."

"Who is it?" Xin Yu asked.

Qiao Xun looked up,

"a friend."

After a while, I saw no one, I heard the sound first, and a word from a long way came,

"Qiao Xun, you must explain to me today, what exactly do you mean!"

Yu Xiaoshu suddenly broke into the happy atmosphere. Then she paused,

"So many people."

Nian Wei immediately stepped forward and said respectfully,

"Lord Patrol, you are here."

Yu Xiaoshu winked at Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun said,

"Today is Nianwei's birthday. What gift are you going to give her?"

Yu Xiaoshu suddenly realized, stared at Qiao Xun and said in his heart:

"Okay, Qiao Xun, count me!"

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows and asked:

"How did I plot against you?"

"You just deliberately aroused my doubts, then tricked me into being here, and then let me set Nianwei free, right?"

Qiao Xun said,

"It's your own brain, don't throw the blame."

"Damn! Heaven has helped you so much, and you haven't even said a word of thanks. Now you're still trying to trick me. You don't play like this!"

"I've said it all, don't throw me the things you think of yourself."


"Today is a good day for others, and you don't want to be regarded as a reckless and powerless fool by them."

Yu Xiaoshu doesn't smile,

"you are vicious."

Then, she took a deep breath, looked at Nianwei, and said gently:

"I think about it carefully, you have experienced many things in heaven, this is a kind of transformation. I am looking forward to your further growth in the future, so, Nianwei. From now on, you will no longer be burdened with the 'butcher of the black revolution'. Name ~www.readwn.com~ You will choose your own life in the name of 'Yinianwei'."

"'Yi Nianwei'?" Nianwei looked at Yu Xiaoshu blankly.

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"Yihong told me before she left that at first, she planned to let you have the same surname as her. However, she anticipated that you might live in her shadow, so she only called you 'Nianwei', which means you are Incomplete you. Wait until you become a complete you, and then use your full name. I think today is the day Yihong thought."

Yi Nianwei lowered her head,

"Today is my happiest day. If she was there, I would be happier."

She took a breath and said to everyone with a smile,

"Thank you very much, please sit down quickly, the food is going to be cold."

The birthday party started with laughter and laughter.

There is nothing better than coming together to enjoy life after a difficult and dangerous adventure.

At least, for Olivia's three-person team, that's the case.

Only Xin Yu felt a little uneasy.

There has never been anyone around Qiao Xun who can bring her a real sense of crisis like Yu Xiaoshu.

Of course, it was about Lu Xianyi.

She couldn't help but think,

"Xianyi, your biggest opponent has appeared."


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