Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 73: What is Margaret's flower language?

After obtaining "God"-"Light" and "Domination"-"Throne", Qiao Xun's life has rarely been leisurely.

For a while, I couldn't find anything to be particularly busy with. The problems related to the two problem children of Goma Sasori and Yi Nianwei have also been basically solved.

Looking around and thinking about it, I don't know what to do.

These days, Qiao Xun basically occupied the balcony of Xin Yu's house. Sometimes I pour a cup of tea and sit for a whole day, reading a book, playing with the handheld, or blowing the philosophy of life with the three-person team that Lai has not left here.

It is quite leisurely.

It was so leisurely that he was a little uncomfortable.

It's not that I'm being lazy, but for now, there really isn't a very direct goal. Unlike at the beginning, in order to collect the roots of the world, he ran around in the finite world. Now, the root of the world is only a "land of life" - "Earth", but no trace of it can be found for the time being.

I just had to sit idle first.

Think of it as giving yourself a vacation after being busy for so long.

Life can't be busy all the time, and you have to lie down for a while.

The owner of this house, Miss Xin Yuxin, doesn't have time to play with the four of them all day long. She always leaves early and returns late, and sometimes she doesn't come back for several days. After all, she holds an important position in the Great Republic, and all kinds of things are waiting for her to deal with.

And Wu Mao Sauri and Yi Nianwei are still ordinary people now, so the food for the day has to be solved normally. Without Xin Yu to cook for them, they spent all day studying in the kitchen, and every once in a while they made a big move.

Anyway, with Alcott, who wiped his butt, Qiao Xun regarded it as a little pepper in this leisurely life.

In addition to taking care of the "kitchen safety" of the two, Alcott is most concerned about the situation in the Federal Republic of Waiters.

As Phoenix said, she removed the rotten nature of the fallen angels and the rotten world, and then renamed the rotten world "Earth Observatory", which means the second satellite of the earth. In this way, the rotten world is gradually integrated with the earth. . It achieved her original purpose of invading Earth without causing destructive changes to the planet.

After the fallen angels were no longer disturbed by decay, they changed to a new race name:

"Angri", of course, they are all citizens of the Federal Republic of Vitesse, and to the outside world, they are all Vitessians.

After the domestic order was gradually improved and stabilized, the Vitesse State began the normal management procedures of a country, developing industry, integrating resources, diplomacy, establishment, missionary...

Qiao Xun doesn't care about what kind of ecology the Vitesse Kingdom will be in on earth in the future, and what their development strategy will be.

Whether they want to plant the flag of Waiters all over the world, or to coexist peacefully, it is a shining time in the long evolution of the world on Earth.


Alcott pushed open the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony and sat beside Qiao Xun.

She is not tall and looks a little petite. After all, she is an existence that once devoured the core mythical world. Her life level is also world-class, and the temperament that overflows inadvertently is very vast and deep like an abyss.

Her beautiful and lovely appearance can only be said to be an external manifestation of personal desire.

This is the body that Yu Xiaoshu created for her by borrowing Qiao Xun's demonic power. Simply put, it is to concretize the concept of desire. Just as Yu Xiaoshu herself is a completely conceptual world, each of her avatars in the finite world is a concrete manifestation of this concept.

So, Alcott is essentially a conceptual life. Her image in reality is only a concrete manifestation.

Qiao Xun glanced at her briefly,

"A normal person's life, are you still used to it?"

"Well, very good. You don't have to worry about the harm your image will cause to others, you can interact with people generously and freely."

"But looking at you, there are some things on your mind."

Alcottson's green eyes flashed a little disappointment. After a slight pause, she said:

"Fei came to find me."

"When did you go out in the morning?"


"Why didn't she come directly?"

"She said she didn't want to disturb our peaceful life."

Qiao Xun shook his head and said nothing. Next, he:

"What did she tell you?"

"She said she was going to find a solution to the tragedy of the finite world. Asked if I wanted to come with her."

"What's your answer?"

"I...rejected." Alcott lowered his head, and an expression of self-blame and sadness appeared on her face, "I don't know if my choice was the right one. I always felt that rejecting her might have made her sad and disappointed."

"Why refuse?"

"She and I have always been at odds with each other. Even on the same thing, there are many differences. We can be sisters who care about each other, but we may not be partners on adventures. I don't know if I went on adventures with her. , when encountering some difficulties in the future, whether I will accommodate her, and whether she will accommodate me. I always feel that her dependence on me and my connivance to her will cause great difficulties for each other. Even if our The bloodlines have been separated, and I still feel that we have a great influence on each other."

"Your thoughts are very clear, why do you say you don't know whether your choice is correct?"

"Because, as her sister, I should help her. But my choice is hard to give her the slightest support."

"How could it be. Don't quantify the relationship between relatives. It doesn't say that you must do something for your relatives. Family affection is an emotion, not a contract in black and white. If you deliberately regard family affection as a A business to run, a course to learn, then it deviates from its emotional foundation. You love her, she loves you, and because of this love, it is enough that you support each other and help each other. You have to remember, You help her because you love her, not because you help her to love her."

Alcott looked at Qiao Xun with crystal clear eyes,

"Mr. Qiao, you are so kind."

"Oh, where am I?"

"I know everything. As long as you have doubts, you will definitely be able to solve them."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Many problems are not problems at all. They are people who are in the vortex of problems, and it is difficult to see the whole picture. I am just standing in a slightly objective point of view and expressing my own opinions. Whether it can be helpful or not depends on See what the presupposition of the person asking the question is. You feel that I have solved your problem, and it has something to do with your own instinctive acceptance of my point of view."

"Oh, it's really complicated." Alcott frowned, "However, I seem to understand a little bit."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Then what are you going to do in the future?"

"Well. I haven't made up my mind yet. Actually, I don't have anything big to do." Alcott chuckled stupidly, "If Mr. Joe is willing to take me in, I will follow Mr. Joe."

Qiao Xunwen said,

"I don't know what to do myself."

"Does Mr. Qiao feel lost too?"


"It's okay, I believe that Mr. Qiao will be fine in the end."

"Don't put so much pressure on me."

"No, no, no." Alcott clenched his fists and said solemnly, "Come on, Mr. Joe, I have always supported you!"


After Alcott finished chatting with Qiao Xun, he was in a much better mood. For her, it was indeed a sense of guilt to reject the sisters who had been with her day and night. She always thought that she rejected Phoenix for her own selfish desires. After Qiao Xun said this, she saw it a lot and stopped digging into bullshit.

These days, Qiao Xun went to Yu Xiaoshu for a walk when he had something to do.

After she went, she often just lay in her study. Either learn from her, understand the knowledge between "world and concept", or simply go for a while. So Yu Xiaoshu didn't know what he was thinking.

Of course she didn't know. Because Qiao Xun himself didn't know what he was doing.

After the trip to heaven was over, it was like that.

He thought about it several times and thought that he was probably influenced by Michael more or less. Michael's idea of ​​"concept and concrete fusion", he can't say whether it is right or wrong. It is impossible to predict whether if Michael is really allowed to stick to the end, he will reach infinity.

What made him more concerned was Michael's last sentence before being sealed:

"Demon, who created you."

Qiao Xun didn't know if this sentence was the thunder that Michael buried for himself. He didn't think this sentence had any meaning, but he always remembered it unconsciously.

Knowing that it doesn't make any sense, he just keeps thinking about it.

And the word "rule":

"You are the poison of the finite world."

He didn't know what kind of understanding and mentality "rule" came from.

When he was deeply in this doubt at first, he was not at ease, so he talked to Yu Xiaoshu, but she just said "don't think too much".

Qiao Xun thought that too, he might be too sensitive sometimes.

Perhaps it was the professional inertia left over from being a psychologist in the past.

On the 20th day of Lai's stay at Xin Yu's house, Yi Nianwei and Wumao Sayuri ushered in the moment when their abilities were lifted.

After the high pressure in their wills was removed, their abilities gradually recovered in their bodies.

However, the two of them were not too excited. Instead, there was a feeling of "the holiday is over and I started to go to work". It's no wonder they feel this way, it's just that these 20 days have been so carried away, relaxed and at ease, tossing about these things every day, tossing about those things, elegant to orchestral music and philosophical thinking, popular to video games, chess and mahjong, they are all tossing . Just don't need to perform tasks, work or something.

At this time, ability seems to really be some kind of responsibility.

With the ability back to them, certain responsibilities will follow.

"I feel, I've become stronger!" Nianwei said slowly, feeling the power in her body.

Gomo Sayori nodded,

"Me too."

Qiao Xun said unhurriedly,

"Of course it will become stronger, and not a little bit. You know, when Alcott devoured the heavens and digested material energy, he didn't forget to give you points. After all, the energy of heaven is one of the five highest order. It is more critical. What is true is that you experienced the origin and basic evolution of the new heaven within Alcott. This is an experience that many gods have not had access to in their lifetime. It is very precious and not replicable."

"So, Xiao Ao is really our lucky star." Yi Nianwei pondered, "Then I have to lock her firmly by my side."

"What, don't treat me as a tool man." Alcott complained.

Gomo Sayori nodded,

"That's right, I won't be so snobbish. I'm sincere to you."

Yi Nianwei shrugged,

"Isn't it even a joke?"

"Your jokes are not at all level. You can't make people laugh, and you can't tell whether it's a joke or not."

"Then you say, what kind of joke is a joke, put forward your point of view, by the way, give an example to demonstrate, it is best to list detailed data."

The two disagreed, and they started to go online again.

Qiao Xun only treated the wind blowing by his ears, and had nothing to do with him.

He carried the **** to the balcony and looked outside, it was snowing in the sky.

The folded space is closed, and it is reasonable to say that it will not be affected by the external climate. But in order to make the environment inside look more natural, climate elements are often added, especially the folding space in the living area. Therefore, this snow is also artificial.

Xin Yu said that every December 4th is the first snow in this folded space.

The first snow day is a festival worth celebrating. Therefore, the street downstairs is decorated with some red hats, red scarves, Christmas trees, snow bells and other things, all kinds of elements, oriental, western, classical, modern, artistic, popular... ... Come to think of it, this festival does not have very special festival elements such as zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival and moon cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Festive elements.

Qiao Xun watched a couple walking downstairs arm in arm.

The happy smiles of the two of them looked romantic and dreamy under the reflection of the street lights.

His thoughts drifted away.

It wasn't until Alcott's surprise "It's snowing!" that he came back to his senses.

The three girls liked this kind of festival and clamored to go downstairs for a walk.

Alcott and Yi Nianwei put on thick clothes and rushed out of the house first.

After a moment of silence, Wu Mao Sakura gathered up the courage to invite Qiao Xun,

"Mr. Qiao, please come with me... Let's go out for a walk!"

Her fingers, which had nowhere to put, showed a little bit of fingertips and kept fiddling with them.

"You guys go play, I won't go." Qiao Xun said casually.

Gomo Saori's tone seemed to be soaked in water, becoming soft and fragile,

"You've been staying on the balcony, and it's almost taking root there. So please... let's go for a walk together."

Qiao Xun looked at her, nodded, and said nothing.

After adding some clothes, the two went out.

They never caught up with Alcott and Yi Nianwei in front of them. The two of them always had to go some way out of their way.

The snow was not big or small, and because there was no strong wind, it was a good time for a walk.

The agency that manages the folding space also intends to make the snow more romantic, so that people who live here can come out to play and walk. This is one of the few tender moments in these pessimistic and turbulent times. People who are threatened by security need such a relaxing day.

Florists are indispensable to such days.

Qiao Xun and Wu Mao Saori walked for a while when they came across one.

Gomo Sayuri hurried over first and said:

"Please give me a margarita."

After getting the tender pink Margarita, Xun Qiao just came over. She smiled and said:

"Give it to you."

Qiao Xun looked at this delicate flower,

"Wood chrysanthemum?"

"Well, it's also called Margaret." After speaking, she looked expectantly at the bright bouquets in the florist's basket, tilted her head and asked Xun Qiao:

"Can you buy me a flower?"

Qiao Xun picked out a yellow lily for her.

Sayuri Gomo holding a lily~www.readwn.com~ asked:

"what is this flower?"

"Lily." Qiao Xun replied.

"Lily... Does it mean a hundred years of harmony?"

"Well. If you give it to a friend who is about to get married, it is to wish each other a good luck for a hundred years."

"What about for single women?"

"May the friendship last forever."

It snowed a little harder.

Gomo Saori tightly squeezed the lily's rhizome with her right hand, turned around, and said with some breaths:

"Thank you for the lily."

Without waiting for Qiao Xun's reply, she added:

"I want to send flowers to both of them!"

Saying that, he bought two more lilies and left in a hurry.

She quickly caught up with Alcott and Yi Nianwei in front of her, and she could hear their laughter and laughter from a distance. Snow fell on their shoulders, in their hats, on their hair... In the first snow, they radiated a warm light.

Qiao inspected the florist:

"What is Margaret's flower language?"

The florist replied:

"Margaret, also called 'Girl's Flower', the language of flowers is love without words. So, sir, it's not right for you to give her lilies."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly.

"That's right."


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