Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 74: The call of the furnace, the return of destiny

Sayuri Gomo was sitting on the bay window in the bedroom, with a small table in front of her, and on the small table was a very old book without a cover.

This is what she got from Ares on the second day of her "home" in heaven.

It records the life of the souls who died in heaven in the past and go to the afterlife.

At that time, she and Alice discussed the question of what is the best destination. The answer is that leading to what you love is the best destination.

She opened the book and read it carefully.

Since I got this book, this is the first time I have read it wholeheartedly.

Being able to devote herself wholeheartedly is also because of a wish in her heart. Although, this wish could not be realized in the end, but in the end, there is also a statement, which is a full stop. Therefore, she is not sad, but has a sense of relief that "everything hasn't turned out bad".

She raised her head slightly, looked towards the balcony outside the living room, then lowered her head and read with a heart.

In heaven, the lives of those dead souls, like a slideshow, flashed in her mind.

Every silhouette of life gave her a little insight.

These insights are like faint starlight, constantly gathering in the deep space of her mind.

One o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock...

Gradually, it converges into a galaxy belt...

Gradually, they converged into a sea of ​​stars that filled the sky.

The vast starry sky gradually condensed in her mind.


Early morning three days later.

After Qiao Xun walked out of the bedroom, he saw Saori Gomo sitting on the sofa at a glance.

he asks,

"Why don't you turn on the lights?"

Saying that, he turned on the lights in the living room.

The bright light made Gomo Sayori narrow her eyes slightly. She raised her head and looked at Qiao Xun,

"Mr. Qiao, I... had a dream last night."

Qiao Xun paused slightly. If it's just a dream, it shouldn't be said specifically. He sat down and asked:

"What is it?"

"I dreamed of a huge furnace. Everything was born in that furnace. I was also born in it. I opened my eyes and saw only a very tall back, the back was holding my hand, right I said, 'From today, you are called 'Seeing'. However, everything disappeared. I drifted alone in the deep space, falling into cosmic vortex after cosmic vortex. Until I fell on Earth."

"Is it the memory of meeting the witch?"

"I'm not sure. But, I feel a call. The call from that furnace. It seems that I need to witness something, I need to... do something."

"Why did you suddenly have this dream?"

Sayuri Gomo said,

"These three days, I have been feeling the life of the dead soul in heaven."

She handed Alice's notebook to Xun Qiao.

Qiao Xun took it over and looked over it, then frowned,


Gomo Sayori nodded,

"I think so."

Qiao Xun returned the book to her,

"Do you think the call in your dream is a kind of 'home'?"

"I don't know if it's a call to me, or a call to see divinity. But the feeling that I have to do something is very real."

"What are your thoughts?"

"I... Since I have inherited the divine nature of seeing, I will face it eventually. Whether it's good or bad, I will always face it."

"Sauri, don't put pressure on yourself."

"But, I'm fed up with my aimless life. I can't imagine if I continue to live my previous life, I'll gradually become a walking dead."

"So, you've made a decision."

Sayuri Gomo's eyes showed a hint of pleading,

"Yes, but..."

Qiao Xun saw through her thoughts. She wanted him to keep her.

Of course he couldn't make her weak and withdrawn. After a little sigh, he said,

"Sasori, 'home' is not the reason for your departure. You must remember this. You are not seeking your own home, but actively creating your own home. Do you understand what I mean?"

Gomo Sayori's shoulders shook,


"I hope to meet you in a certain corner of the limited world in the future."

"If we meet again, will you surprise me?"

Qiao Xun said,

"If the reunion after a long absence is a surprise, then there probably will be."

Sayuri Gomo stood up, frowned, and tilted her head,

"Mr. Qiao, isn't your heart protected by a copper wall!"


"I just want to know who stole it! I have to know, I have to figure it out. I will always know!"

Sayuri said "I know" several times in a row, and then carried the book into the bedroom.

Qiao Xunwang started to think,

The iron wall was probably crumbling.


Sayuri Gomo made her last lunch for Xun.

After lunch, she said goodbye.

In the face of the sudden farewell, the most embarrassed must be Yi Nianwei and Alcott. Not sure what exactly happened.

After Gomo Sayori explained, the two were silent for a while, and finally chose to leave with her. It's like a sequel to the adventure of the three-person team.

For Yi Nianwei to leave suddenly, there is no pressure or burden, because after she was freed from the Black Revolution, she has no memory of herself on earth, not to mention, Yi Hong, who can't be avoided no matter what, is still alive. far away.

But Alcott was different.

She just rejected her sister not long ago, and now she is about to leave with a friend she has known for a while.

For her, there is a sense of "betrayal of Phoenix".

Therefore, in order to relieve this sense of immorality, she explained to Qiao Xun for a long time, and repeatedly emphasized that she refused Phoenix because she wanted to be with Sauli and Nianwei.

After Qiao Xun repeatedly expressed her understanding, she reluctantly felt relieved.

After finishing the collection, the three of them left without staying for a while.

Looking at the empty living room, Qiao Xun whispered to himself:

"You have to do your own thing."

He sat alone on the balcony, staring into the distance of the folded space.

Time flies by.

In the evening, Xin Yu came home from get off work.

After entering the door, she found that the house was surprisingly quiet today. Did you all go out to play?

But then, she caught a glimpse of Qiao Xun's back on the balcony, turned on the light and asked:

"Why did you turn off the lights if you didn't go out?"

Qiao Xun replied,

"Too lazy to open."

Xin Yu complained,

"You're too lazy to do it." She asked again, "Where are the three of them?"


"Leave?" Xin Yu frowned and turned Qiao Xun's reclining chair to face him, "What's going on?"

Qiao Xun said,

"Sasori is going to do something. Nianwei and Alcott are with her."

"Where are you going?"

"Beyond Earth."

Xin Yu jumped all of a sudden.

"Well, you Qiao Xun, it's fine to do nothing at home for a day, and you can't even watch the three girls!"

Qiao Xun pinched his nose,

"People really want to leave, how can I see it."

"Don't be **** me. If you really want to stay, will Sasori leave? You think I don't know her little thought, can't you just keep it with a single word?"

Qiao Xun looked straight at Xin Yu,

"But, will I really let her stay because I want her to stay?"

Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun for a while and sighed. indeed. She knew Sasori, knew Qiao Xun better, and knew that he would never control other people's lives because of his own selfish desires. She lowered her head, raised her forehead, and said:

"No matter what, I have to wait for me to come back for dinner. I was busy outside for more than 70 hours, and I was so tired. When I got home, the comforting pistachios at home were gone, and there was only a lamp left. Lazy pigs who are too lazy to drive."

Qiao Xun was annoyed,

"I can comfort you too."

"How do you comfort me?"

Qiao Xun said solemnly,

"Welcome home, you've worked hard."

"Fuck off!"

Qiao Xun smiled, then he looked at Xin Yu seriously,

"Have you been promoted?"

"Well, what happened two days ago."

"How did you get promoted? What is the promotion ceremony?"

Xin Yu pulled her hair on the temples,

"It was my turn to speak during the meeting, and I was promoted as soon as I spoke. It's normal and natural. At first I thought it was an illusion. If the promotion ceremony is concerned... I don't know if a meeting counts..."

"Of course not! The promotion ceremony is a certain kind of stimulus specially performed to complete the promotion."

"Then no." Xin Yu asked carefully, "Will there be a problem?"

Qiao Xun smiled and shook his head,

"There is no problem. Not only is there no problem, but it is very good! The more natural the promotion, the safer, and the less likely you will encounter the cold winter of consciousness. A promotion like yours will probably not encounter consciousness for a long, long time. It's winter."

"This shows what?"

"It means that you are sober now, know yourself well enough, and have no psychological burden."

Xin Yu held his chin and thought about it,

"It seems that it is. After you are all safe and sound, I will not worry about anything all day, and I will be very relaxed."

"You've become so easily satisfied? You're relieved just because we are safe and sound?"

Xin Yu spread out his hands,

"Maybe, time can really change a person."

"I don't believe that you don't yearn for the boundless and boundless world."

"Don't yearn...that's fake. But I know that I shouldn't be in a hurry now. I won't set off until I'm ready."

"Alright, follow your own thoughts."

"However! I think that if I didn't get promoted two days ago and delayed until today, I might have a conscious winter after the promotion."


"Because you lost my pistachios!"


Qiao Xun took a deep breath and said with a smile:

"Actually, if you think about it, it's not a bad thing for the three of them to leave. At least it means that they are all living and working hard for themselves. Watching them leave, it feels like an adult watching a child grow up. . Isn't it a good thing that the child has grown up safely and has his own goals?"

Xin Yu's palm supported his chin,

"What about the fathers of the past, who raised their children to be adults, and when the children are married, they often do what they like. What about you? Is it possible that the things you like are accomplished by being a waste in my family?"

"No. I'm... just not sure what to do."

Xin Yu said,

"If you're not sure, go and find Xianyi for me. Also, that child named Nan Shizuku Hitomi."

"There is a reason for you to care about Xianyi. But why are you so concerned about Hitomi Nanshi?"

"You can say I don't care about her, but you can't say I don't care about you." Xin Yu said, "Is it a thorn in your heart or a mole, I can't tell. But I know, you don't know for a day. Where is she at the moment, what is going on, how is she doing, your heart will be sad for a day."

"how come."

"Don't pretend to be heartless." Xin Yu sighed, "I used to say that you are a low-tempered, selfish and indifferent person. But this is the kind of person who cares about someone when they have someone in their hearts. If that person doesn't know his safety, he will be worried to death. Nan Shizuku Hitomi, I'm afraid it has already been installed in your heart."

"Are you so sure?"

"I'm not sure it's important. It doesn't make any sense to have to argue with me about right or wrong. Anyway, it's not in your heart, you know. I don't need to say more if I'm worried about her."

Qiao Xun lowered his head,

"I...not sure if I am..."

"Qiao Xun, do you like that child?"

"She's just a high school student. I wouldn't like a high school student anyway."

"So, if she's not a high school student, would you be moved for her?"

Qiao Xun paused slightly,

"do not know."

Xin Yu said,

"You can't like it because of your status as a high school student. Then I can only say that you are a person with a sense of morality. Once the status of a high school student is gone, you immediately like it again. Then I will say that you are a moral person. Corrupt people."


"Because you label this emotion. The 'identity label' controls your emotion." Xin Yu said, "I won't characterize your emotion for her as love. Because you are too confused at the moment. I misunderstood her worries as love, and I can't figure it out. However, I support you to figure it out."

Qiao Xun looked at Xin Yu,

"As Lu Xianyi's good sister, shouldn't you favor her more?"

Xin Yu said,

"Xianyi is my good sister, of course I hope you can still get her back together, that would be a happy ending for me. But well, you are also my good friend, I hope you are not troubled by love. In my opinion, for Being in love is the stupidest thing a man can do."

"...Scolding me in a different way, right?"

"Only those who feel that they have been scolded are really scolded. If you scold me, I don't care, then you are scolding me?"

"I don't know if it counts for you. Anyway, if someone scolds me, I'll tear his mouth off."

Xin Yu put her face up,

"Come on, come and tear my mouth apart."

Qiao Xun looked up,

"It's often said that beating is kissing and scolding is love. I'll just take you as the one who loves me."


Qiao Xun glanced at her,

"You've given me so much chicken soup, why don't you tell me your own real advice."

"You really want my advice?"


"I won't give advice. You've been very confused during this time anyway. I'll be your captain again, and I'll directly arrange a task for you to do."

"What mission?"

"Find a way to bring Nan Shizuku Hitomi safely back to me as soon as possible!"

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows~www.readwn.com~ You asked me to bring Lu Xianyi back, so I changed my tune? "

"Didn't you say, Xianyi left voluntarily, and you know where she is, so you can go to her at any time. But Nan Shizuku Hitomi, you don't know what you've been through, where you've gone, and compared to Xian Yi, since Nan Shizuku Hitomi makes you more confused and anxious, then go and bring Nan Shizuku Hitomi back first!"

"It makes me feel ashamed to say that."

"In front of me, what kind of face do you want?" Xin Yu said, "You've been strong for so long, it's time to suffer."

"Where am I stronger?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just say whether to go or not." Xin Yu said domineeringly, "If you don't go, get out of my house immediately."

Qiao Xun compromised,

"Yes, I'll go, can't I go?"

"Don't act like I'm forcing you. You know in your own heart that sooner or later you will have to solve Nan Shizuku Hitomi's matter. It's just hard-mouthed."

Qiao Xun had to admit that Xin Yu was really like a roundworm in his stomach, so he could guess his mind.

Similarly, Yu Xiaoshu actually knew him very well.

But for him, facing Yu Xiaoshu is completely different from facing Xin Yu.

If the former is like a confidant, then the latter... to put it in a bad way, it's like growing up wearing a pair of pants.


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