Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 75: Tenmu! Tenmu!

The next day, Qiao said goodbye to Xin Yu on tour.

Knowing what purpose Qiao Xun had for parting, Xin Yu didn't feel much sadness, but couldn't help but think, this time, when we parted again, when will we meet again next time. Sometimes, she also envied Qiao Xun and them, she could go wherever she wanted to go.

After leaving Xin Yu's house, Qiao Xunxian set off to the base of the Black Revolution to find Yu Xiaoshu.

Yu Xiaoshu always looks like that, which makes people wonder if she is the leader of the black revolution, or just an idler raised by the black revolution.

"I'm leaving the earth." Qiao Xun told her her plan directly.

Yu Xiaoshu was not surprised. In her opinion, Qiao Xun should have left long ago. After solving the problem of heaven, it is long overdue to embark on a journey to find the last root of the world, "the land of life".

But Qiao Xun's next sentence surprised her,

"I'm going to find someone."

"Looking for someone? Isn't it looking for 'the place of life'?"

Qiao Xun thought,

"Whether I can find the 'Land of Life' or not, I want to slow down."


"Because I gradually found that my pace was too fast, there may be many things that I didn't notice and overlooked. I rushed to complete the shaping of my own world, and I couldn't predict whether the follow-up things would go according to my own ideas. "

"Do you think you are not mature enough?"

"Perhaps so." Qiao Xun looked at Yu Xiaoshu, "I am not like you, I have experienced the origin of the finite world and the changes that lasted hundreds of billions of years. Even Saxuri said that I will see my destiny. Total insight. I still have to learn. This may be the last learning experience, so I want to be more careful and slower."

Yu Xiaoshu's eyes were downcast,

"Sometimes, living longer and seeing more is not necessarily a good thing."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because some youth's vigor, youth's courage, and youth's sincerity will always be lost."

"Is it possible, are you also afraid of something?"

Yu Xiaoshu did not explain this. She chose to remain silent. After a while, she took a breath and changed the subject,

"What Sasuri said about seeing the destination, it should be related to the melting pot of origin. It should be regarded as the ancient era of the entire finite world."

"The Origin Furnace..."

"Well, of course, it's not really a furnace, but a specific statement. Just like when we talk about the origin of life, there is a statement that life was forged in a huge furnace a long time ago. The origin. The furnace is the origin of the finite world. But after I was born, there are only some incomplete concepts left in the furnace of origin. Perhaps, only the first finite world knows its complete appearance."

Qiao Xun was lost in thought.

Yu Xiaoshu interrupted his thinking,

"Don't try to think about a vast starry sky with this incomplete understanding. Let's talk about the person you're looking for. Did you come to me and ask me to help you?"

Qiao Xun looked at Yu Xiaoshu,

"Her name is Nan Shizuku Hitomi, a person I knew before."

"This statement is too vague. You might as well say who she is to you."

"No special relationship. Just, maybe there are some special emotions."

Yu Xiaoshu looked at Qiao Xun seriously, and after a while he said:

"Forget it, I won't ask any further. Go ahead and talk."

Qiao Xun nodded and said,

"After I came back from the rotten world, I looked for her first. But I couldn't feel her breath at all. I couldn't be sure if she was alive or had suffered misfortune. She seemed to have evaporated from the world. Or, as if not at all. Existed. I can only feel her through the memory of her."

"That is to say, in the infinite world of the earth, her concrete existence has disappeared, and only conceptual existences such as memory and emotion are left?"


Yu Xiaoshu looked up,

"There are two possibilities. One is that she is completely conceptualized, like me, and the second is that she deliberately erased her concrete existence, or someone helped her erase it. With what you know about her, it is more likely that Which is it?"

"The first one should be impossible. After all, she was just an ordinary evolutionary person before, so she wouldn't have crossed so many levels in such a short period of time and was completely conceptualized."

"That can only be the second kind. According to what you mean, someone probably took her away, and by the way, helped her to erase her concrete existence."

"This possibility is relatively high."

Yu Xiaoshu thought for a while,

"Since there is no way to find her through her concrete existence, there is only a way of conceptual existence."

"So, what can you do?"

"Let go of your memory of her, let me feel it." Yu Xiaoshu said.

Qiao Xun paused,

"Do you have to do this?"

"Otherwise. Her remaining concepts are only emotions and memories." Yu Xiaoshu narrowed his eyes, "Or, what secret memories do you have with her?"

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows,

"How could it be. I am upright and open to her, and there is nothing to hide."

Saying that, he let go of all his emotions and memories of Nan Shizuku Hitomi.

Yu Xiaoshu pointed his finger, and everything around him changed instantly. All concrete things vanished, leaving only clumps of twisted and ever-changing conceptual clusters and interconnected conceptual threads.

She is like a pianist, fiddling with her fingers, affecting conceptual lines.

After touching the memories and emotions of Qiao Xun. Her face and figure gradually changed. It soon became the appearance of Nan Shizuku Hitomi in Qiao Xun's heart.

A high school girl with a slightly immature face, still wearing a school uniform.

Yu Xiaoshu's wholeheartedness overlapped with Nan Shizuku Hitomi in Qiao Xun's heart.

At this moment, she is Minami Shizuku Hitomi.

The memories and emotions between the two were blended. Yu Xiaoshu immediately felt that she liked Qiao Xun so much, she wanted to go on adventures with him, she wanted him to watch her grow up, be generous and beautiful, she wanted to dye her silver-white hair and wear a beautiful beauty. Hitomi, because in her cognition, young men like this.

But Yu Xiaoshu was sober.

She was extremely convinced that her burning feelings for Qiao Xun at the moment were entirely derived from Nan Shizuku Hitomi.

She was a little curious, what exactly did Qiao Xun do to make an ignorant high school student so emotionally charged.

Then, she followed the concept line and continued to diverge to other concept clusters.

Like a virus, one cluster infects another.

Her consciousness soars in a very vast conceptual universe. Just to find a concept cluster related to Minami Shizuku Hitomi's concept.

This is a seemingly long process, but in fact it is not a long process.

The conceptual universe is not limited by time and space, there are only "cognitive limitations". The higher the level of cognition, the more freedom in the conceptual universe.

There is no doubt that Yu Xiaoshu is an existence with a very high degree of cognition.

Even Qiao Xun couldn't know what level of cognition she was at.

As long as the level of cognition is sufficient, the desired concept can be found in the conceptual universe in an instant. On the contrary, if it is not enough, no matter how much time it takes to find it. Concepts are not like specific things. They are just there, waiting for you to find them. You can think of them as a kind of knowledge. Once you have learned it, you will know it when someone mentions it.

As a completely conceptualized finite world, Yu Xiaoshu is no more suitable for this kind of thing than her.

She dropped her fingers and tapped a certain "syllable", and the world of concepts changed suddenly. Everything went back to the way it was.

She opened her eyes and happened to see Qiao Xun's complicated and hazy eyes. She knew that this look appeared because of Hitomi Minami Shizuku, who she had incarnated into.

"Have you seen enough?"

Joe looked around,


"Why are you apologizing to me, have you done something wrong?" Yu Xiaoshu rubbed his wrist.


Yu Xiaoshu sat down on the sofa,

"Do you think you like Nan Shizuku Hitomi?"

"Xin Yu also asked this question."

"Then what about your answer?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's just out of worry about her. I can't evaluate this worry as a kind of love."

"Why do you have to live so disciplined. What about love?"

Qiao Xun sat down,

"There's one thing I've never told anyone else. I thought you might be able to hear it."

"All ears."

"When I was on the sea train, Lu Xianyi confessed to me. I felt her love and her beating heart. I didn't know what kind of psychology I accepted her. Later, I gradually understood that kind of psychology. It's called 'guilt'. I misunderstood the guilt she felt when she left the sea train alone, and mistaken it for love for her. So I accepted her, and that's why we gradually moved towards separation. In the end, I just found out that I didn't love her enough. We didn't have an equal relationship, so she felt more and more powerless to me until she broke down."

"now what?"

"do not know."

"Did you miss her?"

"I miss her."

Yu Xiaoshu tilted his head, his long hair fell to one side,

"I said to you, why do you have to separate love so clearly? Have you set a value for love in your heart? You must exceed this value to be considered love?"

"Misunderstood emotion is terrible. It can cause broken relationships. I don't want this to happen."

"Only robots, and people who have rejected humanity, think so. People who have rejected humanity, who think they are otherworldly, are actually falling into another, more conventional circle. It is nothing more than by making themselves incomplete, So as to achieve a sense of superiority in comparison. You used to be a psychologist, you should be very aware of this." Yu Xiaoshu said, "If you treat your feelings like most people, this kind of thing will never happen."

Qiao Xun said,

"most people……"

"You stand out from the crowd, so you make such a low-level mistake. You mistake guilt for love. Compromise because of guilt is normal, but why do you mistake it for love? Is it possible that at first you feel that you are with Lu Xianyi fell in love, did they go both ways?"

"I didn't think clearly."

Yu Xiaoshu shook his head,

"It's not that you didn't think clearly. It's that you thought too much. You feel that you have thought enough. You don't want to accept Lu Xianyi's farewell as a compromise for her, so your subconscious makes you think that It's love. Essentially, it's arrogance. You don't respect Lu Xianyi, and you don't respect yourself."

Yu Xiaoshu's words were sharper than Xin Yu's. In a calm tone, she recounted Qiao Xun's guilt.

"Then, for you, what does love look like?" Qiao Xun asked.

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"Beautiful and colorful. Basic love is the choice of genes and the intoxication of hormones. Popular love is an act of concluding an emotional contract with oneself as the starting point and facing each other."

"Basic love, popular love... Is there any otherworldly love?"

"This is a false proposition. Because you can't define the otherworldly." Yu Xiaoshu said, "We can define the foundation. Existence is the foundation. We can define the ordinary, and if it has recognizable properties, it is the ordinary. But the extraordinary cannot be defined. . Like talking about what the infinite looks like in a finite world, there's no way to talk about it."

Qiao Xun was lost in thought.

Yu Xiaoshu took a sip of water, then stretched his back,

"It's a bit too far. Let's go back to Nan Shizuku Hitomi. I don't know if your feelings for her are love, but I know very well that her love for you is very burning. However, you are with her. I have not experienced many things, and the time we have spent together is also very short. To be able to have such a burning love under such circumstances, I think this has gone beyond the basics and popular. Whether it is otherworldly, I can't explain it. ."

She smiled at Qiao Xun,

"So Qiao Xun, before meeting her, you'd better think clearly about how you should face her. Don't make the same mistake as Lu Xianyi did."

"where is she?"

"Fairy World."

"Immortal world? Why are you in the fairy world?"

"Why do you ask why?" Yu Xiaoshu was curious.

"Because Lu Xianyi also went to the Immortal Realm. I was wondering if there would be some connection."

"Then you are probably thinking too much. The two are in the Immortal Realm, but there is no connection. I know who took Lu Xianyi away. As for how Nan Shizuku Hitomi got there, I don't know."

"Who took Lu Xianyi away?"

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"An immortal in the fairy world. His name is An Xian, and his honorary title is 'Tianwu'." She smiled slightly, "I don't need to say more about the gold content of this honorary title."

Qiao Xun still knew about this.

In the immortal world, there are real immortals and heavenly immortals. The difference is whether it is in the immortal class of Heavenly Court. Those who rank in the immortal class are true immortals, and all other immortals are heavenly immortals.

As for the gold content of the title "Tianwu", you can refer to "Zhenwu".

One is the "Tianwu" of the gods, and the other is the "true martial arts" of the real immortals.

But Qiao Xun was more curious about the name,

"An Xian?"

"You're not mistaken. An Xian is the ancestor of Lu Xianyi. Lu Xianyi's mother, An Yang, is the youngest goddess in the Tianwu lineage in the immortal world."

"Increased knowledge."

"Then I'll give you more knowledge. The Tianwu lineage has always been self-inherited. Do you know what self-inheritance is?"


"That is, to have children by yourself, without relying on a man."

"Can this work?" Qiao Xun's eyes widened.

"Of course it can. An Xian is one of the best women in the immortal world. What's wrong with having a child by herself. Of course, I always thought that she might hate men very much and has a strong gender superiority, so all the women in the Tianwu lineage are women."

"Sounds like a ruthless character. It's hard to deal with."

Yu Xiaoshu had a lively look on his face,

"After An Xian's recovery, she immediately discovered her bloodline on Earth. But after finding it, she found out that it was her unfilial descendant who gave birth to a man. Although I didn't see her expression at the time, I was sure her face was It's all green."

"Then she must not clean up Lu Xianyi's father."

"You think people are too low-level. She would never take action against a mortal who has no threat. Besides, she is still an ignorant mortal who doesn't know the truth at all."

"Then Lu Xianyi will not be brought back by the ancestors to be punished."

"Punish an innocent descendant who doesn't even know her own identity? What kind of pedantic person do you think An Xian who can become Tianwu is. If you take Lu Xianyi away, there is a high probability that she will just return to the clan. After all, the blood of Tianwu flows in her body. ."

"...It's really complicated."

Yu Xiaoshu took a deep breath,

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. Anyway, the two girls you are thinking of are in the fairyland. Whether you go or not, when you go, is your own business."

"I will go~www.readwn.com~ Qiao Xun looked at Yu Xiaoshu, "You know so much about the Immortal Realm, shouldn't you have a clone in the Immortal Realm? "

"Isn't this nonsense." Yu Xiaoshu rolled his eyes at him.

Qiao Xun paused for a while, then said slightly awkwardly,

"Aren't you going to be jealous? Uh... I shouldn't have asked that. Forget it, just pretend you didn't hear it."

"What kind of strange person? After asking it out, people pretended not to hear it. Are you entertaining me? Or are you shy?" Yu Xiaoshu leaned closer and asked.

Qiao Xun had a stern face,

"Don't think too much. I'm just asking casually. Don't get me wrong."

"The more you talk, the less convincing you are."

"..." Qiao Xun snorted in his heart, and he should have left, instead of being rude and letting her catch the little tail.

Yu Xiaoshu smiled warmly and said calmly,

"Two little girls, multiplied by their age, and then multiplied by 100 million, they are not half my age. Am I jealous of them? Don't think about it. Besides, I am presented in front of you in a human form, just because you like it. That's it. I'm not a person, don't really treat me as a person. Remember, Qiao Xun, don't fall in love with me as a person. Because, that's a false bubble. "

"People talk about people, ghosts talk about ghosts."

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he got up and left.

Yu Xiaoshu smiled lightly and looked down at the book.


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