Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 78: Humans have ghosts, demons have spirits

Xu Changming led the old and the young through the back door of the guard house.

The people who received the reception were already waiting, and when they saw them coming, they kept saying:

"Everyone, come with me first. Master Lan is in the front hall on official business, and he will come later."

The three went with him

Waiting in a welcoming room in the backyard.

As soon as the old Taoist entered the guard house, his brows narrowed slightly. But he was not in a hurry to explain anything and waited patiently.

About the time for a cup of tea, thick footsteps sounded outside the guest house.

The old Taoist looked up and saw a young man in an official robe stepping over. Speaking of youth, it doesn't look like the green onion, with a finely chopped beard, about thirty or so. The eyebrows are firm, the eyes are like stars, and the temperament is quite good.

Look at the face and know the heart.

When the old Taoist first saw the new guard of Yushan Town, he felt that he must not be an ordinary official.

As soon as Lan Zhiwei entered the door, he said loudly:

"Everyone, Lan is late."

"Lan..." The old Taoist muttered to himself about this claim. I want to come here, Master Lan is not meeting as an official.

Xu Changming got up and gave the usual salute,

"Master Lan."

Lan Zhi waved his hand slightly,

"Don't be too polite. I'm waiting in a private house, not a public house." After speaking, he looked at the old Taoist priest, bent down and smiled: "Presumably, you are the famous Daoist Bai Hao."

The old Taoist said,

"I have no name, only a wild tree."

"The Taoist priest really comes from Dongshan, and people who are not like me can hope for it."

"Lord Lan, there's no need to say anything else. Since I've responded to your family's business, I'm only here for this."

"No more gossip over there." Lan Zhiwei was not particular, and brought a chair at random, and after sitting down, he went straight to the subject, "Two years ago, I started from Taiyangguan and planned to visit Yushan Town all the way. Term of office. There is no conflict in time. But it is also the sun pass that makes me fall in love."

"What is it?"


"Say more."

Lan Zhiwei nodded and continued,

"In Taiyangguan, one of my disciples and I rested in a ruined temple on an unknown lonely mountain. In the middle of the night, the wind was howling in the dark. I wanted to wake up at night, so I got up and looked for a convenient place. There was a scent. At that time, I only ate dry food for a few days, and my cravings were unbearable, so I couldn’t help but go. I should think clearly, no one will cook in the middle of the night, but ghosts and gods go there."

When the old Taoist saw Lan Zhi paused for a while, he said:

"Most demons have the power of bewitching."

"It should be said by the Taoist priest that I was bewitched. Speaking of that day, when I approached the house, I knocked on the door first, and a moving female voice came from inside. Lan Zhiwei's expression changed, and his lips trembled slightly, "But where is the woman cooking, it's a red fox standing under the moonlight, looking at me coldly. It was even more blood-filled, like a ghost. I was so frightened that I ran away!" He swallowed and continued:

"Since then, I have often seen the fox in my dreams. I usually walk on the road and turn around occasionally, and I can see the red shadow. I thought it would no longer be the case when I arrived at Yushan Town. But the fox got worse. Often when I'm sleeping, he sneaks in and stands by my bedside. Every time I open my eyes, I see his mouth wide open, trying to fill my stomach!"

Lan Zhiwei took out a silk scarf and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"I really can't stand this kind of shock. I'm afraid that I'm lethargic and unable to perform normal duties. Xu Yuanwai heard about Curcuma's thoughts, so he talked about Daoist Master Baihao. Please, Daoist Master, give me some advice."

The old Taoist was well-informed, and after listening to it, his expression did not change. The little Taoist was fascinated and dazed, as if he was listening to this story.

"Fox demons...the common ones are white foxes, black foxes, and red foxes. Most of them live by sucking human spirits. This story is different from the usual ones. Fox demons **** human spirits, and there is no distinction between males and females. But fox demons usually charm people, and There are so many stories of love between people and foxes because people see it as they see it in their hearts. As for the red fox that Master Lan said, I have never seen it with my own eyes." The old Taoist said.

Lan Zhiwei said,

"Daoist Baihao, everything I said is true, and there is no falsehood."

"The world is huge, and there are all kinds of wonders. I don't know how many monsters I've seen before. Master Lan, don't think I think you're lying."

"Since that's the case, does Daoist Master Bai Hao have any features on this demon? If I can get rid of that demon, I will give thanks."

The old Taoist waved his hand,

"No need to say thanks in advance. You said earlier that you often dream of that fox demon in your dreams?"

"Yes, I often dream."

"This is the result of your mind being bewitched by it. Let me ask you again, what kind of scene does it usually look like when you dream of a fox demon? Is it a nightmare or a beautiful dream?"

"I can't tell if it's a nightmare or a sweet dream. I've never woken up because the fox demon appeared in a dream, but every time I wake up, I'm very scared, and I often break out in a cold sweat. As for the scene... I can't remember exactly. . Regarding the dream of the fox demon, the details of the dream are always forgotten very quickly, I only know that it entered my dream."

"From the time you met that fox demon, until now, has it really hurt you?"

Lan Zhiwei thought about it carefully,

"If it's physical pain, it's not. But it makes me emaciated."

The old Taoist looked at him carefully and said,

"But I see that your Yintang is like a torch, and your spirit is very stable, and you don't look like you are haggard."

"But I do often feel tired. Moreover, I always feel very unbearable when I wake up every day. I don't know what that feeling is, which makes me sad and uneasy."

"Your exhaustion is probably caused by your overwork on official duties. As for your anxiety... I don't have an answer for now."

Lan Zhi asked,

"What is the solution for the Taoist priest?"

"Solution...Different demons have different solutions. The little demons who are unreasonable are the only ones. But the demons that entangle you should be special, and maybe have a more definite purpose. The first thing is to get rid of its entanglement. What is your specific purpose?"

"How do you know?"

"The most direct way is to ask it in person. It should be humane and can be asked. But just in case, another way is needed."

"any solution?"

"You often dream of it in your dreams, and you start from your dream." The old Taoist waved his right hand, making a gesture of grabbing in the air. Then he spread out his hand and saw a gray insect lying still in the palm of his hand. Shaped like a worm.

"This is?"

"Dream-eating silkworm. It grows once every three years, grows once every three years, and grows for one day. Six years of growth, in exchange for its power to eat dreams for one day. Plant it in the heart, and it will be able to eat people's dreams. After eating the dream, he died. Take out his corpse, grind it into powder, bake it with incense, and the scene in the dream can be engulfed in blue smoke."

"It's so miraculous, Master!" The little Taoist was stunned when he heard it.

The old Taoist said,

"Worlds, full of wonders."

He turned the palm of his hand, and the dream-eating silkworm passed through the palm and came to the back of his hand. Then he shook his palm, and the dream-eating silkworm gradually curled up and turned into a pill. He handed the pill to Lan Zhiwei,

"Lord Lan, please."

Lan Zhiwei was not in a hurry to take over.

"What's the difference between this silkworm technique and the same kind of Gu technique?"

"Lord Lan is also a knowledgeable person. The technique of breeding silkworms is a unique skill in the Taoist sect, and it does not hurt the body like a kind of gu. A kind of gu also has a nourishing gu, and nourishing a gu is mostly a gu master's flesh and blood, so there are often Before the Gu master could raise the Gu, he took the lead in the collapse. In the technique of growing silkworms, it is not the silkworm master who raises the silkworm, but the person who breeds silkworms. I am here. Therefore, it will not hurt Master Lan. cents."

Lan Zhiwei just took it over.

"I also ask the Taoist priest to forgive my ignorance."

"It doesn't matter."

"Do you eat it directly?"


Without hesitation, Lan Zhiwei swallowed the dream-eating silkworm formed into a pill.

Seeing this, the old Taoist reached out and tapped his chest five times. After the faint white light flashed, the old Taoist nodded and said:

"In this way, it's your heart, not your stomach, that eats the dream silkworm."

"The Taoist master is a good way!"

The old Taoist didn't say much else, he stood up and said:

"This is just one method. Next, we have to manage another method. In the final analysis, we need to find the fox demon and ask in person."

"How to do?"

"You just need to send me three or four people, and listen to my orders immediately."

"Okay, come here!"

Lan Zhiwei cooperated very well with the old Taoist priest. People and things are given together.

The old Taoist began to arrange up and down in the backyard of the guard house. While making arrangements, he explained to the little Taoist priests, imparting knowledge and methods.

Busy until sunset, even if the layout is complete.

On the surface, nothing has changed in the backyard of the Guard House. The old Taoist also told Lan Zhiwei in advance, just do as usual, no need to do anything else.

After all preparations were completed, he and the little Taoist moved into a wing close to the resting place of Lan Zhiwei.

Even at this time, the old Taoist did not forget to teach the young Taoist.

It is still the most basic "Qi" to preach the scriptures.

This can make the little Taoist who has experienced the magical powers of the old Taoist during the day taste the same as chewing wax. He wanted the old Taoist priest to teach him the real secret. But the old Taoist would always hit him with a stick at this time, and then say things like "the foundation is before the supernatural power", "no foundation, no supernatural power".

In the first half of the night, there was nothing to do and nothing to talk about.

In the second half of the night, as soon as the moon passed overhead, everything changed abruptly.

The temperature in the backyard of the guardian mansion dropped a lot all of a sudden, accompanied by a gentle wind, blowing the trees in the courtyard and the doors and windows that were not closed.

In the wing room, the little Taoist priest was very sleepy when suddenly the old Taoist lifted him up.

The little Taoist was in a daze, unable to open his eyes.

The old Taoist whispered the word "wake up", and the young Taoist suddenly sobered up and was very calm.

"Master, is the demon here?"

"Xiaoyan, this is your first class. I didn't intend to let you get in touch so early. But Master's time is running out, and I'm afraid Muqian won't be able to teach you the mantle and mantle. So, you have to start suffering early. ."

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

The old Taoist shook his head and said nothing.

"follow me."

After speaking, he waved his hand, and immediately, the Taoist robe was attached, the peach wood sword was in his hand, and the yellow talisman was placed around his waist. The figure flashed out like the wind.

The little Taoist hurriedly followed behind.

They walked through the corridors, looking at Lan Zhiwei's resting place from a moon gate.

I saw a woman in red standing in the courtyard. Her back is a beautiful woman, her pavilion is like a lotus, her long hair is scattered, but it has the meaning of burning. Occasionally, she turned around and looked at the old and young.

When the little Taoist first saw him, he instantly fell into a ghostly scene, only to feel that the surrounding scene was changing rapidly and it was difficult to take shape. he said dumbly,

"It's so beautiful..."

"Qing!" A thunderous sound exploded in his ear, and he suddenly woke up again.

But the old Taoist was nowhere to be seen.

He hurried through the Moon Gate and entered the courtyard.

In the courtyard, only a string of black footprints and a branch of peach blossom remained. At this moment, a sword light flashed across the courtyard wall. As the sword light passed by, he vaguely saw the figure of his master and the figure of the woman in red. The master holds a sword like a knight, and the woman holds a red silk like a dancer.

After a while, they disappeared together on the courtyard wall.

The little Taoist didn't care about anything else, picked up the peach blossom branch on the ground, and staggered over the courtyard wall using the basic levitation technique taught to him by the master.

I can't see the shadow of the master and the woman in red at all. He was a little anxious, but he didn't dare to call out loudly, fearing to startle the dreamer.

I had no choice but to follow the breath-seeing technique taught by Master, search for Master's breath bit by bit, and move forward slowly.

He was anxious. My speed is too slow, and when I find the master, I am afraid I don't know what the situation is.

But it's no use worrying! It's just that fast.

The more this time, the more anxious he was in his heart, but for some reason, his head was sober, he searched for breath bit by bit, and then followed the breath. Don't deviate an inch.

With the "perfect" cooperation of "different hearts and brains", he did not miss a single step, chasing out from Yushan Town to the back mountain.


In the back mountain, in a wild peach forest.

The dazzling sword dance broke the peach blossom branches.

Between the peach blossoms, the woman in red fell from the sky. The peach blossom covered her face.

In this rain of peach blossoms, the old Taoist priest looked at her,

"There shouldn't be peach blossoms in July. But you let the peach blossoms bloom, contrary to the way of heaven!"

The woman in red asked:

"What is the Dao of Heaven? A true immortal in the heavenly court, or an immortal outside the heavenly court?"

Really immortal?

When the woman in red said these two words, the old Taoist frowned even more. He is now basically sure that the demon on the opposite side must have an extraordinary origin, otherwise he will not know the name of "True Immortal and Heavenly Immortal".

"You don't have to confuse the public!"

"What did I say again? The Taoist priest said that I was a demon. As soon as I appeared, I was attacked by your talisman. You couldn't help but say that you were going to kill me. Between us, who is the demon? "

The old Taoist said,

"Humans and monsters have different paths. If you focus on your cultivation in the wild mountains and forests, and don't come out to cause trouble, of course I won't insist on killing you. But you deceive people and sneak into people's dreams. Even if you don't say anything, you're still a ghost!"

"What does the Taoist know? You only heard that I was harming mortals, but you never heard me say a few words."

"If it's a demon talk, I won't make it half-hearted."

"I am a human body, so I only speak human words."

"you say!"

The rain of peach blossoms has stopped~www.readwn.com~ The woman in red raised her head, her face as jade-like as an exiled immortal. Her eyes were clear and her voice soft,

"Lan Zhiwei, he and I got married twelve years ago. I gave birth to a daughter for him. But the little girl was less than a month old, so he left my mother and daughter. How could I not find him? Besides, I Since I found him, I haven't hurt him, and I often help him in my dreams to relieve his usual fatigue. I don't eat half of his energy, but give him my own cultivation. What did I do wrong? I can't bear to let it go My daughter has no father since she was a child, is it wrong again?"

"If he is really your husband, how can he not recognize you?"

"Because his soul was planted with restrictions. It just so happened that my past with him was sealed. Taoist priest, is this also my fault?"

The woman in red walked to the old Taoist step by step,

"Since the birth of my spirit, I have never harmed even a single person, eating the morning dew or eating the wild wind. If the Taoist priest doesn't believe it, then take a look at my demon spirit. It has everything in it. After that, you are determined to kill it. Me, that means I was born with a bad life."

Having said that, she snapped her fingers and sent out a fiery red little fox.

The little fox ran to the old Taoist priest and quietly crawls on the ground.

The old Taoist furrowed his brows and gently touched it with his fingers. But he did not let his guard down, always paying attention to the woman in red to prevent fraud.

The demon spirit of the woman in red told him about her life.


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