Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 79: Immortal class is full, find another way

A demon's life is very long, reaching hundreds or thousands of years.

A demon's life is very short, and it ends after three narrations.

After listening to the woman in red's demon spirit's petition, the old Taoist looked up at her,

"Are you a fairy fox?"

The woman in red nodded,

"My real name is 'Lianxin', but I fell into the mortal world and became a demon queen, so I gave myself the surname 'Zhuang'."

"Why do you want to fall in love with Lan Zhiwei?"

Zhuang Lianxin said,

"Love is unintentional, even more incomprehensible."

"Even if you come from heaven, but in the mortal world, you are still a demon. You should always know that human beings and demons have different paths. Falling in love with mortals is a fall in love, and giving birth to children is even more contrary to the way of heaven. When you married him, you never Have you ever thought about what it means to your children after giving birth?"

Zhuang Lianxin frowned, her eyes reproached,

"Neither human nor demon, the six realms are not tolerated, and divine punishment will accompany you for life."

"Since you know, you still choose to give birth?"

"I can't bear to strangle her. Even if she is not tolerated by this world, she is still a living being."

"Does Lan Zhiwei know that you are a demon?"


"Then this is the fault of the two of you, but you want a child who doesn't know anything to suffer. Nie Yuan, Nie Yuan." The old Taoist frowned and looked at Zhuang Lianxin.

Zhuang Lianxin said,

"I don't know how to live."

"I don't understand how to be infected with this evil fate."

"I know that Dao Chang can't tolerate any demon. But I have to figure out who planted a ban in Lan Zhiwei's soul, and how to target me and him."

The old Taoist looked at her seriously,

"Enough. You are already confused to this point, and you must not continue to make mistakes. Take your child out of here, retreat to the mountains, and raise her well. Her future scourge needs to be borne by you. Half a step into Yushan Town, let alone think about Lan Zhiwei for half a minute."

Zhuang Lianxin said,

"I have never harmed anyone, I just want to find out who wants to separate me and Lan Zhiwei. Even so, can the Taoist master not tolerate it?"

"Humans and monsters have different paths."

"A different way... Who said a different way? Is it a rule set by the heavenly court, or a notice written in black and white by a secular dynasty?"

"The way of heaven is like this."

"Why doesn't the way of heaven let me wait for the demon for half a minute? Why do you add the word 'evil' after the word 'demon'?"

The old Taoist could not answer this question. He just said after being silent for a while:

"The world is the world of people after all."

Zhuang Lianxin laughed at herself,

"Oh... I shouldn't have said so much to you. In the end, it's just standing on a high place and showing mercy to me."

"I can't say I'm right. But I have always practiced my beliefs in my life." The old Taoist stretched out **** and slowly wiped it over the Taomu Jianjian. There was blood from the depths of the belly of the finger, and the crimson blood fell behind the sword and made a golden light, "If you insist on doing this, I have no choice but to act for the heavens."

"Doing the way for the sky...Why do you say it so splendidly?"

"I sympathize with your experience. If you are not willing to fight against the Tao of Heaven. Then I will... practice my own beliefs and fight against you."

Zhuang Lianxin said,

"Although I fell into the mortal world, lost my magic, and became a demon, I was once an immortal in the end. Taoist priest, I won't let go."

"It's useless to talk too much!"

The sword light flickered, and the red ribbons flew.

In the wild peach forest, the peach blossoms rained again.

Zhuang Lianxin lost all his life's magic powers, but the supernatural powers he learned were the supernatural powers of heaven. Even if you use the power of the demon spirit to urge it, it is not something that ordinary people can easily deal with.

The red fire burned in the peach forest and became more and more vigorous.

The firelight tore through the darkness and dyed half of the sky red.

The little Taoist priest in the distance finally no longer has to slowly search for traces. After seeing the red flames soaring into the sky from a distance, he accelerated his pace again and again, until he could control the limit of Taoism.

When he finally reached the place of battle, he stopped and hid behind a bush.

He knew that he hadn't learned the real demon slaying technique yet, so he couldn't go and cause trouble for the master.

Pushing aside the thick branches, he looked forward.

The wild peach forest in front of it has been destroyed so much that there is not much left. Withered peach petals all over the ground. This is not a naturally open peach blossom. Once it leaves Zhuang Lianxin's demon power, it will quickly wither.

Sword energy swept past, and a burst of fire suddenly exploded.

The old Taoist fell from the sky. Zhuang Lianxin's red silk touched his throat.

But Zhuang Lianxin didn't do anything, but lowered her brows.

"Master, I have never killed anyone, nor do I intend to kill anyone to prove anything. Whether you understand me or not, and whether you continue to stop me, I have to find out about it. I don't want my life. I don’t understand it, and I don’t want my child to be born without a father.”

The old Taoist coughed desperately for a while, and his face became very ruddy.

"Isn't a mortal less than a fairy after all? You were just once a fairy, and I can't hurt you. I thought that I could reach the top of the mortal world and be half as good as a fairy. Now it seems that after all, it is the distance between heaven and earth."

Zhuang Lianxin opened her mouth slightly, but stopped talking. After some struggle, she said in a deep voice,

"Daoist... The gate of immortality will no longer be opened for mortals. The heavenly court is full. If you want to ask for immortals, you can only take the path of immortals. But the way you cultivate is the path of true immortals."

The old Taoist was suddenly refreshed,

"I really want to do my best to ask for advice. But... I still have an apprentice, and I want to raise him."

"That priest should understand my feelings very well."

After all, she was about to stop.

But when he pulled back, a light arrow suddenly appeared in the sky, and then at a speed that ordinary people could not react at all, it crossed the sky, rubbed Zhuang Lianxin's shoulder, and stabbed the old Taoist's throat suddenly.

Afterwards, the light arrow exploded, and the old Taoist was decapitated, leaving no corpse behind.

When Zhuang Lianxin saw this, she was stunned.

Then she reacted and turned sharply to look at the sky behind her. In the dark sky, a huge phantom with a bow and arrow looked at her. After a while, the phantom stretched out his palm.

Zhuang Lianxin was terrified and wanted to escape.

But she tried her best, but couldn't move forward half a point. There was huge traction from the phantom behind her, and a deafening voice exploded in her ears.

"Abandoning immortals with pity, you leaked the secret, and quickly follow me back to be punished!"

"What kind of a mystery is 'the class of immortals is full', what kind of mystery is it!"

"You made an immortal path privately, and it is already a mistake. The immortals are conscientious in your care of the immortal grass garden, only depriving you of your immortal body, but not taking back your godhead, just hope that you will return to heaven one day after your mortal experience. Unexpectedly, you Unrepentant, revealing the secret!"

"I'm right! It's you who enjoy the fairy class!"

The phantom shouted angrily,

"Dare to resist!"

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of thunder fell from the sky, penetrating Zhuang Lianxin's body. She lost her strength in an instant, her mental energy was more than half damaged at once, she was powerless to struggle, and went away with the phantom. She could only look at the old Taoist priest who died because of her innocence in the wild peach forest.

After all, she never thought that Heavenly Court would actually do this in order to ensure that "the immortal class is full" is known to mortals.

She closed her eyes,

"I'm sorry, Taoist priest. I'm sorry, Junjun..."

The phantom took her and disappeared into the distance.

The flames in the wild peach forest quickly extinguished. Everything returned to silence, with only a slight evening breeze.

The little Taoist priest who had been hiding in the bushes and watched everything came out absentmindedly. He stumbled towards the old Taoist priest who had lost his appearance.

Looking at the messy corpse on the ground, he knelt on the ground in a loss, and wept sobbing,

"Master... Master, Master... I had to hide, I had to hide... If, if I had learned Taoism earlier, I would... be able to help you... Master..."

A few days ago, this place has been sunny and hot enough. At this time tonight, it started to rain, gradually, from small to heavy.

The rain washed the mottles on the ground.

After all, the little Taoist priest who cried so badly remembered the clearing of personnel matters. In a trance, he picked up the messy body of the old Taoist priest, thinking of taking it back to Zhan Yao Mountain to take care of the funeral. But I remembered what my master said before his death,

"When a person dies, he returns to the heaven and the earth. We, such as those who become monks, are uncertain. Wherever he dies, he is buried there."

He endured his grief and found a sunny spot in the wild peach forest, dug a pit and dug a tomb, and buried the body of the old Taoist priest.

The rain was so heavy that the little Taoist priest didn't have time to erect the monument, so he had to find a place to shelter from the rain first, and then go after the rain stopped.

"Master, your apprentice is not filial, so I can only watch you get killed. In the future, I will definitely practice Taoism well, find the fox demon, and avenge the killing of the master!"

Abandoning these words, he turned his head and left.

He didn't see the phantom in the sky on his body, only saw Zhuang Lianxin hanging the red silk by the master's throat, and then the master died tragically.

The picture just now kept circling in his head, and his tears could not be stopped, confused with the rain. The grief and anger and the night rain made him more and more tired and exhausted, and his body gradually weakened. When he couldn't hold it any longer, he entered deeper into the wild peach forest, and after pulling aside a curtain made of vines, the surrounding scene suddenly became brighter.

There is no rain or wind, and there is a warm atmosphere. There is a simple cabin in front. It appears to be made of peach wood. Inside the house there are lanterns.

He thought to himself, is there anyone else here?

He knocked on the door,

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

After a while, a childish female voice came from the door,

"who are you?"

"I got lost in the woods, and I encountered a heavy rain, and I couldn't move an inch. Can you let me take shelter from the rain here?" The little Taoist also cried.

"Are you crying?"

"No, no."

"But, my mother told me not to open the door until she comes back."

"I am not a bad guy."

"My mother said that everyone says they are not bad people. But there are always bad people."

"Then I'll take shelter from the rain under the eaves, okay?"

"As long as you don't open the door, it should be fine."

The little Taoist sat under the eaves. The image of the master being beaten to death lingered in his mind, and as soon as he sat down, the tears could not stop flowing.

He buried his head.

The more I think about it, the more sad. Gradually, the crying could not be controlled.

The miserable and sad cry grew louder and louder, and could not stop for a long time. Although the old Taoist said that he was Zaohui, no matter how early, he was only a ten-year-old child, so he couldn't hold back his sadness.

After some time, the door of the wooden house opened a crack, and a pair of eyes appeared at the little Taoist priest, with some apology and confusion in his eyes.

After a while, the door opened completely, and a little girl with a hood came out and said:

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you would cry so hard if you were locked out."

The little Taoist stopped crying and asked:

"Why did you open the door again?"

The little girl thought about it and said,

"I've been looking at you. I don't think you're a bad person. Well... you don't smell like a bad person." She moved her nose, and then quickly covered her own.

The little Taoist was not sure.

the little girl said,

"Come in. If you get wet, you will get sick. I get sick a lot, and I know it's hard to get sick. So, you'd better not get sick."

The little Taoist stood up,

"Thank you, thank you."


The two entered the wooden house.

The house is warmer. This warmth made the little Taoist feel like he was curled up in the quilt.

Although the little Taoist priest was let into the house, the little girl still kept a clear distance from him.

She sat in the corner, clutching the hood with both hands, and looked at him cautiously.

The little Taoist's eyes were red and swollen. He held back his tears and said:

"I'll leave when the rain stops outside. You don't have to be afraid."


The house was quiet.

In addition to staring at the little Taoist priest, the little girl also looked at the window from time to time.

After a while, the little Taoist asked:

"Are you still wearing a hood at home?"

Hearing this question, the little girl pulled her hood even tighter. she says:

"It's warmer this way."

"Are you afraid of the cold?"


Quiet again.

There was nothing to say between the two children. The little Taoist was immersed in sadness. The little girl was worried and nervous.

It's been raining for a long time outside.

The little girl's mother has not returned for a long time.

Gradually, the little girl got a little sleepy. Children's drowsiness often comes as soon as they say it, and can't be stopped. She leaned against the corner, closed her eyes, her head a little bit.

The little Taoist priest looked at her and thought she was really cute, even though he was still at the age when others said he was cute.

After the little girl fell asleep, she neglected to defend. Her hood slowly fell off.

At this time, the little Taoist priest could fully see her appearance.

On her head, there are clearly a pair of fiery red... fox ears.

That color, that appearance... instantly reminded him of the fox demon who fought with his master.

With this association, he felt more and more that this little girl really looked like that fox demon.

"It's really similar...it's exactly the same..."

The little Taoist swallowed his saliva, thinking to himself, this little girl's mother shouldn't be, could it be that fox demon!

His body trembled uncontrollably, maybe because of the rain, maybe because of nervousness.

"Demon... demon..."

He thought about it over and over again.

Master is a Taoist priest who slays demons and slays demons, and I am also a Taoist priest who slays demons and slayers...

Master was beaten to death by a demon, I... I want to avenge Master.

His body trembled even more.

He stood up, took out the peach wood dagger he usually used to practice from his waist, and walked carefully towards the little girl step by step.

The thin shadow gradually covered the little girl's peaceful sleeping face.

"Mother..." The little girl suddenly said something childish in her sleep.

The little Taoist priest looked at her face and raised the hand of the mahogany dagger, but he couldn't use any force.

He finally couldn't bear it anymore, he lost the peach wood dagger, fell to the ground and started crying, beating himself with his fists while crying.

"I'm sorry, Master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm not a good Taoist priest, I'm obviously a demon, but I can't do it. I'm sorry, Master... I can't help you, I can't avenge you... Master, I'm useless The Taoist priest... Master, woo woo woo..."

The little fox demon was startled by the sudden movement. No sleepiness at all, when I opened my eyes, I saw the little Taoist priest hugging and crying on the ground, so he hurriedly said:

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick? I'm sorry, I should get you some dry clothes to wear. I'm sorry, I'll get you some dry clothes right away!"

Hearing her words, the little Taoist cried even more.

He knew that if things went on like this, he wouldn't be able to deal with her even more.

He is obviously a demon, why should he be so kind, why should he be so kind to people...

The little fox demon suddenly found that his fox ears were sticking out, so he quickly put on his hood, hurriedly found some of his old clothes, and said shyly:

"I...I only have girls' clothes~www.readwn.com~you...you put them on first, and when my mother comes back, I'll let her change for you...no, I'll make you some boys' clothes. "

The little Taoist held the clothes handed over by the little fox demon and cried so much that he couldn't say a word.

The more he cried, the more flustered the little fox demon, not knowing what to do, so he had to wait beside him. While waiting, I thought anxiously, why didn't my mother come back, I can't handle this human...

Until the little Taoist finally held back his crying, the little fox demon's mother still hadn't come back.

She sat at the door, looking in the direction of the wild peach forest, in a daze.

After an unknown amount of time, some morning light came from the wild peach forest. She looked up and said softly:

"It's dawn, my mother hasn't come back yet."

At this moment, a rustling sound came from the front.

The little fox demon hurried into the house and closed the door.

Through the crack of the door, she saw a strangely dressed man walking over.

The man didn't speak, he just pushed the door slightly, and the door opened at once.

The little fox demon was shocked. Her mother told her that as long as the door is closed, no one else can open it from the outside no matter what.

She stared blankly at the man and asked:

"You... what are you going to do?"

the man said,

"My name is Qiao Xun, and I will be your temporary guardian from now on."


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