Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 80: Everything given by fate has already been implicitly marked with a price

The little fox demon was overwhelmed with fright, sitting back to the corner of the wall,

"You...how did you get in?"

Qiao Xun looked at her and said:

"You pushed the door in, and the door was unlocked."

"But...but!" The little fox's face turned red, "Mother said, as long as I don't open the door, people outside will not be able to come in!"

Qiao Xun did not hide her,

"Your mother won't be back for the time being."


"A few years, decades, hundreds of years are possible."

"You are talking nonsense!" The little fox demon was so anxious that he forgot his nervousness and fear, stood up, crossed his hips, and accused: "Mother clearly said that she will be back before dawn!"

"It's already dawn." Qiao Xun said softly.

The little fox demon's breathing froze. After a moment of sluggishness, she said aloud:

"I'm going to find my mother!"

"Where to find it? Do you know where she is?"

"She must be out there."

"Where is outside?"

"Anyway...she will definitely come back anyway!"

Joe patrols,

"Do you know who your mother is?"

"My mother is my mother!"

"Your mother, Zhuang Lianxin, originally called 'Lianxin Venerable', has a godhead 'fire on the throne of Nantian Zun', and is a true immortal in heaven. Because of violating the laws of heaven, she was banished to the mortal world to practice. And because of leaking Heavenly secret, was captured and returned to the heavenly court for trial."

"How do you know your mother's name!" Little Fox Demon didn't know what Qiao Xun was talking about, so she could only ask the first half of the sentence.

Joe Tour said,

"I know not only your mother's name, but also your name. Your mother usually calls you Junjun. But your real name is Lanjun. She told you that when she finds your father, she will call you back by your real name. ."

The little fox demon Junjun looked at Qiao Xun blankly. Every sentence Qiao Xun said is true. But she doesn't understand... This is obviously a secret agreement between herself and her mother, why would he know?

She asked weakly:

"how do you know?"

"Before your mother leaves, entrust me to take care of you."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Qiao Xun, I'm a... Taoist priest." Qiao Xun paused for a while before arranging this identity for himself.

"So, is my mother really captured?"


The little fox demon lost his soul all of a sudden, not knowing why he was sad, he just stood there blankly.

Qiao Xun turned his gaze to the little Taoist priest beside him.

The little Taoist swallowed his saliva,

"Are you also a Taoist priest?"

"It is."

"Do you know my master? Master is also a Taoist."

Joe Tour said,

"I am his former junior brother. Before he went down the mountain, he expected that he might have an accident this time. So he told me in advance that if he had an accident, I would take care of you. So, you can call me... Uncle Shi."

"Uncle Master... I have never heard Master say that."

"There's a lot he hasn't told you yet."

"Are you really my uncle?" the little Taoist asked again.

Of course it's fake.

But comforting a child is always better.

Qiao Xun nodded solemnly,

"Yes. Your name is Changyan. This is what your master told me."

When the little Taoist heard this, he couldn't hold back any longer, and suddenly began to cry, rushing over and hugging Qiao Xun's thigh,

"Uncle, you want to avenge my master, you must avenge my master! He... he was killed by the fox demon, he was killed, he died so pitifully... I can only watch from a distance, not at all. There is no way."

The little fox demon Junjun suddenly came back to his senses and asked in a daze:

"What fox demon?"

Joe Tour said,

"You heard wrong."

The little Taoist priest was about to emphasize that it was a fox demon, but after seeing Qiao Xun shaking his head, he held back.

Joe Tour said,

"It was the gods in the sky who killed your master. Xiaoyan, you remember."

"A fairy in the sky?"

"Well, it's to capture the goddess of Junjun's mother."

"But I clearly..."

"Xiaoyan, eyes can deceive people."

"Is that so..." The little Taoist Chang Yan glanced at the fox demon Junjun carefully, with some guilt in his eyes.

The little fox demon's response seemed to be a little slow. After a while, she pursed her lips and wept silently. She raised her arm to wipe her tears, and the hood on her head couldn't help falling down. So, she wanted to hold the hood while she wanted to wipe away her tears. But neither was done well, tears were streaming down, and the hood couldn't cover the crimson fox ears. This was probably the last straw that broke her.

Her tensed little face collapsed and she began to cry.

Crying, for small children, is contagious.

When she cried, it came very violently, and it infected the sayings of the little Taoist priest who had been relieved.

Then, in the small wooden house, the cries came one after another.

Qiao Xun looked up,

"So I don't like children..."

Unlike other people, other people usually go to comfort the child when they see a child crying, but he will wait for the child to cry enough, and then talk about it when he is tired. In his view, when children cry, any words have no conventional meaning to them.

He silently exited the cabin, sat outside for a while, and waited until the crying stopped before entering and asking:

"feel better now?"

"Well." The fox demon Junjun nodded pitifully.

The little Taoist often said that he was more mature and couldn't wait to say:

"Uncle, uncle, there is still something to do! Master has planted something for a donor... Shimengchan, for Shimengchan, we have to take it out for others."

"You're still thinking about this."

"Of course, Master is gone, and I want to protect his reputation even more."

Qiao Xun laughed,

"Let's go then."

Chang Yan took a breath and walked out of the wooden house,

"Oh, and I'm going to erect a monument for Master!"

"Well, let's stand."

The fox demon Junjun asked cowardly:

"I... how about me?"

"with me."

"But I'm a demon, um... You've all seen it. I have fox ears, which is different from yours. Besides, you are Taoist priests. Can I be with you too? My mother said that Taoist priests are specialized in slaying monsters."

Qiao Xun walked up to her and brushed her ears with her fingers.

"If you don't have fox ears, you won't be a monster."

The fox demon Junjun only felt itchy ears. She subconsciously raised her hand to touch her head.

However, nothing was touched!

she asked in surprise,

"Where are my ears?"

Qiao Xun brushed her hair on the temples and poked the small ears on the side of her face,

"Here it is."

She touched again,

"Hey, it's human ears!"

"Well, now you're a human, not a demon."

"You... how did you do it!" The fox demon Junjun felt that Qiao Xun's figure had suddenly become so tall, "Mother clearly said that I have to practice for a few more years before I can turn the fox ears into a human being. ear."

"This is Taoism."

"Daoshu!" The fox demon Junjun and the little Taoist priest said in unison.

The fox demon Junjun then asked,

"Taoism can make me very powerful, can I save my mother?"


"No..." She was visibly lost.

Qiao Xun went on to say,

"But magic can do."

"Is immortal art more powerful than Taoism?"


"Then, can you teach me?"

"I'm here to teach you, and your immortal arts." Qiao Xun looked at the two children with longing eyes.

The fox demon Junjun immediately became excited,

"Then can I call you Master!"


"Ah..." Her disappointment was written all over her face.

Qiao Xun said again,

"But you can call me Shishu like Xiaoyan."

"But Master seems to be more cordial." The fox demon Junjun opened his eyes, as if there were two Wang Qingquan inside.

"……"So cute.

Qiao Xun coughed and said solemnly:

"Uncle is more kind."

"Ah, why?"

Both children were stunned.

Qiao Xun didn't intend to explain, and said honestly,

"In short, the uncle is more cordial."

It's so unconvincing... but Shishu is Shishu, the fox demon Junjun thinks.

Actually there is nothing to explain. This is just Qiao Xun's personal habit. He can give advice to anyone in various aspects such as cultivation, evolution, becoming a god, etc., but no matter what, he doesn't want to be anyone's master or teacher.

Qiao Xun led them to the wild peach forest. He looked at the longing for the future on the faces of the two children, and thought as he walked: You will know in the future that there is no free kindness in the world, everything you have gained , the price has been marked in advance before I give it to you.

The heavy rain last night made the peach forest stained with heavy dampness.

After setting up the tombstone for the old Taoist priest, he saw the little Taoist priest Changyan kneeling in front of the tomb. After some words on the tomb, Qiao Xun took them to Yushan Town.


In the early morning of the guard house, the people were already busy.

But because of the Taoist magic power of the old Taoist, Master Lan Zhiwei Lan, who was used to getting up early, was still asleep at this time. The place where he was resting was undisturbed, so quiet that he could smell dripping water.

In a room not far away.

Xu Changming sat opposite Gongshan Ziyou.

They have been waiting here since yesterday, almost all night. Last night, I saw the old Taoist fight with the fox demon in the mansion for a moment and then disappeared. Now that it is dawn, the old Taoist has not returned, and I don't know what kind of fame it is.

Gongshan Ziyou stayed up all night, his temperament was a little uncertain, he looked at Xu Changming a little irritably,

"Can that old Taoist really do it?"

Xu Changming smiled bitterly,

"If he can't do it, I'm afraid no one can do it in our county. Mr. Gongshan, you must know that Daoist Baihao can be said to have reached the pinnacle of a Taoist priest who slays demons and slayers demons."

Gongshan Ziyou exhaled deeply,

"The peak of a Taoist priest, can't even a fox demon be dealt with?"

"Mr. Gongshan, could it be that the fox demon is really unusual?"

"It's not good to say." Gongshan Ziyou's brows showed some anxiety, "Wait."

"Mr. Gongshan, if there is still no way in the end...what are you going to do?"

Gongshan Ziyou glanced at him,

"If you shouldn't ask, just put it away."

"Yes yes yes." Xu Chang Ming Nuonuo nodded.

The two continued to wait anxiously.

About a quarter of an hour later, a servant came hurriedly,

"Mr. Gongshan, the little Taoist priest came back yesterday."

"What about the old Taoist priest?"

"Nowhere to be seen. However, in addition to the little Taoist priest, there is also an adult man and a little girl."

Hearing this, Gongshan Ziyou and Xu Changming both sank in their hearts. Only the little ones came back, not the old ones, I'm afraid they'll be in trouble.

The two looked at each other and said nothing.

Gongshan Ziyou hurriedly walked towards the backyard.

As soon as he entered the backyard, he saw the adult man and the little girl the servant said.

The man was dressed oddly and didn't look like someone from the nearby state. As for the little girl, she was born very agile, and her temperament was elusive, and she didn't seem like an ordinary person at first sight. I'm afraid the identity is not ordinary.

After Gongshan Ziyou made a guess in his heart, he lowered his body a little and walked over.

"A few."

Qiao Xun took a step forward, showing his dominance. He nodded slightly and said:

"My name is 'Zuochuan', and I am the former apprentice and younger brother of Daoist Master Bai Hao. Before he went down the mountain, he told me that the monsters in fear of Yushan Town were extraordinary and asked me to come and help." He sighed, "but unfortunately, I came here. It's too late. He was killed in a fight with the monster last night, and he has already driven west. I will take care of the unfinished business for him."

Qiao Xun didn't say much, but he was concise.

After Gongshan Ziyou heard it, he immediately made a sad look,

"It's so bad. Daoist Bai Hao is a high-spirited person. He heard that he was killing the demon queen for the people. already?"

Joe Tour said,

"Don't worry, Daoist Bai Hao and the demon died together. As for the demon's body, it also turned into dust and disappeared with the wind. My brother has been poor all his life. Demon died."

"My guard house must hold a beautiful funeral for Daoist Bai Hao."

Gongshan Ziyou's mouth was full of grief, but his eyes were light. After hearing that the demon was solved, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No need. Daoist Bai Hao has always called himself Xianyun Yehe, and he can't bear the rites of the world. We will naturally take care of his funeral. This time I came back because of him."

"It's really a high mountain that was born, and the smoke that came into the world. Please come with me when you go to the river. The only thing that Daoist Bai Hao hasn't finished is the dream cicada."

Gongshan Ziyou led Qiao Xun to the door of Lan Zhiwei's bedroom.

"Lord Lan hasn't woken up yet. I didn't know what harm it would do to forcibly wake him up, so I let him fall asleep."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"I'll wake him up."

Come on, he tapped his finger on the door a little.

A halo of ripples on the water surface flashed, and the entire bedroom was filled with pale white shimmer.

Such a method made Gongshan Ziyou very shocked. He couldn't help but think that the Taoist priest walking the river was probably more powerful than the Taoist priest Bai Hao, and his face was so young, it was really amazing.

After a while, Lan Zhiwei's voice sounded inside,

"Please come in."

Then, Qiao Xun pushed open the door and entered.

Seeing the visitor, Lan Zhiwei, who was sitting in front of the bed, felt puzzled.

Gongshan Ziyou immediately explained.

After listening to Lan Zhiwei, his face showed sadness,

"Daoist Master Bai Hao died because of me. It is difficult for me to repay this kindness."

Joe Tour said,

"Young Master Lan, don't think too much, Daoist Bai Hao died for the people."

These words suddenly shocked Gongshan Ziyou and Lan Zhiwei. What surprised me was the three words "Lan Gongzi".

Generally speaking, Lan Zhiwei is called Master Lan, and he will use the title "Lan Zizi"... Only those who know Lan Zhiwei's true identity.

Gongshan Ziyou secretly observed Qiao Xun's expression. After seeing that it was very normal, I was puzzled again. Could it be that this is just a casual name for the Taoist priest? On the other hand, some people have high spirits and are unwilling to obey the concept of superiority and inferiority, calling officials "adults".

Lan Zhiwei's expression didn't change~www.readwn.com~ Daoist Walker and this little Daoist, if you have any requirements, just say. No matter what, I have to be satisfied, just to make up for the debt of Daoist Baihao. "

Qiao Xun didn't say anything, just pinched and pulled with two fingers, and a ball of light swept out from Lan Zhiwei's eyebrows and fell into his hand.

He stretched out his hands and opened his wings, but the silent Dream Eater was lying in the palm of his hand. He said to Lan Zhiwei:

"This is the cicada that ate your dream last night."

"Then take a look."

Qiao Xun waved at will, and an incense porcelain box was suspended in front of him. Then, he threw the Dream Eater into it, and moved his fingers again, attracting a little spark.

The incense and the cicadas in the porcelain box burned together, and wisps of blue smoke wafted out.

The blue smoke gradually condensed into a clearly visible picture.

This kind of method makes everyone very surprised.

This is obvious, Qiao Xun really wants to see Lan Zhiwei's dream last night, and he can take it out at will, but then there is no feeling. So, you have to add some action and special effects. Judging from the performance of everyone, the bells and whistles and special effects are worth it.

For ordinary people, if you don't emphasize special effects, they don't know how powerful you are.

Qiao Xun just wanted to let Lan Zhiwei know that he is very powerful and a great person.


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