Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 81: Immortal gate is closed, imperial power is supreme

Blue smoke bird bird, incense full of nostrils.

The dream-eater cicada gradually disappeared in the faint spark. The dream of Lan Zhiwei that he swallowed appeared in the smoke.

However, this is just an ordinary dream. In the dream, he was doing very ordinary official business.

There is no fox demon that Lan Zhiwei said.

"This..." Lan Zhiwei felt confused after reading it, "I do feel that the fox demon entered my dream..."

Fox demon?

Jun Jun, who was waiting beside him, looked at Lan Zhiwei, and there was some thought in his eyes. She gradually realized something... This person's surname is Lan, and she should be Lan, and she is talking about the fox demon... Shouldn't he, he is my father!

This is not something difficult to think about. Even if Junjun is excellent and has limited thinking ability, this result can be easily deduced.

Her lips paled slightly, watching Lan Zhiwei gradually become fascinated.

After feeling her gaze, Lan Zhiwei asked curiously:

"Do you have something to ask, little girl?"

Jun Jun took a step back, then looked at Qiao Xun.

Seeing Qiao Xun shaking her head slightly, her shoulders sank, and she said with a smile:

"It's nothing, just stunned."

She smiled reluctantly. Lan Zhiwei also felt that this little girl had something reluctant to say. But after all, I don't know who she is and what it has to do with me. If it's the first time I see her, I can't ask any more questions.

He asked Qiao Xun,

"Then, Master Zuochuan, this dream is an ordinary dream, does it mean that the demon is completely free from me?"

"Not really. If you still know her for a day, she will affect you. Not seeing her in your dream last night does not mean that you will not see her in future dreams. Unless, after the time passes, you completely remove her from her. Forget, no longer remember that this demon haunted you."

"That seems like a long time."

"It may only be a few months, or it may be unforgettable for a lifetime."

Lan Zhi smiled,

"Hopefully I can forget it in a few months."

This is very uncomfortable in Junjun's ears. She was so sad that she couldn't breathe, and tightly tugged at Qiao Xun's cuff, trying to take him away from here.

Qiao Xun felt Junjun's movement and said:

"Then Young Master Lan, we will leave first."

Lan Zhiwei quickly said,

"Waiting for a while, please be sure to leave a little time, Lan has not given a good reception, and I feel sorry for it."

"I want to go north to the Imperial Capital of Heaven, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay for long."

When Lan Zhiwei heard this, a slightly happy expression appeared on his face,

"Walking to the Taoist priest to go to Tianyun?"


"To be honest, after this time, I just went to Tianyun to report my work. If you don't dislike it, you can come with me and have someone to take care of you on the road."

Qiao Xun's face was embarrassed.

When Lan Zhiwei saw it, he hurriedly said:

"The journey is long, and I'm afraid that the boats and cars will be exhausted. The Taoist priest has great powers, and naturally he won't stumble. But the trail leader and the little girl are children after all. Lan has no other abilities, but he can still prepare for the entanglement of vehicles and horses. cause them to suffer on the way."

Qiao Xun looked at Changyan and Junjun, and after pretending to think, agreed with difficulty,

"If that's the case, then I will trouble Young Master Lan."

After listening to Qiao Xun's agreement, Lan Zhiwei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then the priest of the river will go to the guest living room to rest first, and we will have a meal together later."

Having said that, he sent someone to lead the three of Qiao Xun out.

Only Lan Zhiwei, Gongshan Ziyou and Xu Changming were left.

Gongshan Ziyou was about to speak, but paused again, then glanced at Xu Changming.

Xu Changming immediately laughed,

"I still have something to think about and discuss it with Daoist Master Chuan, and take the first step."

Saying that, he walked away quickly.

Lan Zhiwei said,

"This Xu Changming has good eyesight, and he is good at everything. But he is not very talented, and he is not expected to be of great use. But thinking of this credit, he can also help."

Gongshan Ziyou nodded,

"Your son is right."

Lan Zhiwei frowned slightly,

"Mr. Gongshan, what do you think of the Taoist priest?"

"He called him by the name of 'Lan Gongzi'. I don't know if he knew the identity of the son, or what. It may also be a cultivator, who doesn't like the rank of the dynasties in the world, so he bluntly said the son. Putting these aside for the time being, The ability of the Taoist Master Zuochuan is really great. In the first 20 years of his journey, he traveled from south to north, and saw many cultivators and qi refiners, but no one could have his power."

Lan Zhiwei asked,

"In your opinion, can you win over?"

"From the point of view, Taoist Zuochuan has extraordinary abilities. If he is under the command of the son, he will definitely be able to solve many worries. But I don't know what his identity is. Whether it is really the junior brother of Taoist Baihao."

"Daoist Bai Hao is the descendant of Jiushan Dao. Jiushan Dao used to be the way of life of our dynasty, and the records are detailed. After returning to the Tianyun Imperial City, we will find out in detail."


"Whether or not the Taoist priest intends to help me. It is a blessing to be able to make good friends. There are not many people with such abilities."

"My son is farsighted."

Lan Zhi shook his head slightly,

"For the time being."

Gongshan Ziyou nodded and left.


guest living room.

After there was no outsider, Jun Jun's suffocating emotions finally broke out. She looked at Qiao Xun, her lips trembling,

"Teacher... Uncle Shi, is that Lan Zhiwei my biological father?"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Yes. Your mother came for him."

"But he can't remember his mother."


"Why did you forget? Did you abandon our mother and daughter?" Jun Jun lowered his head in despair, "Do you think we are demons and don't want to communicate with each other."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"He was given supernatural powers and can't remember you."

"Then can't I meet him?"

"He doesn't know you, so what if he recognizes you? In his memory, there has never been a wife named Zhuang Lianxin and a daughter named Lan Jun."

"Is that the only way? He doesn't remember his mother, how sad his mother should be... But I never knew."

"Junjun, don't worry about it. He will remember it eventually."

"Uncle Shi is so powerful, can't he remind him of his mother?"

"I can't do that."


"Junjun, this is what you should do. If I did it for you, it would be neither reasonable nor reasonable."

"But I can't do it." Jun Jun lowered his head.

Joe Tour said,

"I will teach you. I will teach you powerful magic."

"How long will it take me to be great?"

"It won't be long." Qiao Xun said silently in his heart, and I couldn't wait that long.

Hearing this sentence, Junjun cheered up again, and put a smile on his face in a second.

child mind.

The little Taoist Changyan then asked:

"Uncle Zuochuan, do we really want to go to the Heavenly Fate Imperial Capital?"


"But what about the Taoist temple on Monster Slayer Mountain?"

"After your master leaves, it's no longer worth remembering. Besides, Xiaoyan, don't you want to know about your master's past?"

"Yes, of course!"

"His past, and the past of his inheritance, are buried in that prosperous imperial capital."

"Master said that every Taoist has two ways, one is his own way, and the other is the way of inheritance. The master said that his way is the way of slaying demons and eliminating demons, but he never told me what the way of inheritance is. "Uncle, do you know?"

"Nine Mountains Road. This is the way he inherited."

"Isn't it Shishu? You and Shifu used to be brothers."

"Nine Mountains Road no longer exists, and he and I are just former apprentice brothers."

"It feels complicated."

"I'll get to know it slowly in the future."

"All right."

At the lunch table, Lan Zhiwei showed the friendship of the landlord, and took good care of everything. He probably saw that Qiao Xun, the Taoist priest who walked the river, was quite aloof and difficult to get acquainted with, but he came up with other ideas to please the two children around him.

The one on the left is concerned, the one on the right is inquisitive, but it does not seem excessive, and everything is just right.

Especially for Jun Jun, who knew that he was his biological father, it was even more warm.

Junjun is just a child in the end, and he can't think of too many twists and turns. He just feels that although his father doesn't know him, he is still very kind to him. I can't help but think, if one day, father and daughter recognize each other, will it be better?

As for Lan Zhiwei's thoughts, Qiao Xun knew very well that this was exactly what he wanted.

After coming to the mythical world of Immortal Realm, he soon discovered that Immortal Realm is more closed and conservative than other mythical worlds.

Here, there is no trace of any other world to be found.

Even in the heaven of unity of belief, traces of the civilization attributes of other mythical worlds can still be seen.

Fairyland doesn't exist at all.

The entire immortal world is like being covered by a very perfect ball, and everything outside can't get in.

After feeling this, he was even more fortunate that he asked Wang Liangsi for help and didn't break in directly. If you break in directly, you will definitely be found.

It's not that he is afraid of the immortals in the heaven, but if he is targeted from the beginning, it will definitely have a big impact on what he is going to do.

He can't guarantee whether there is a more powerful existence than Michael in the fairyland.

Dealing with a Michael has already cost him a lot of effort.

In addition to this problem, there is another problem in Immortal Realm, which is also discovered as soon as you enter here. That is, the myth system is completely separated from the secular world. In other words, people in the world have no access to myths at all, and myths never contaminate the world. It's like a world apart.

The impact of this problem on Qiao Xun is that once he shows god-level power in the world, he will immediately become a very conspicuous focus. As an outsider, the situation will only get worse.

In particular, the existence of demon power, which is completely different from other powers in the fairy world, is easier to find.

After realizing this problem, he quickly understood that he couldn't do whatever he wanted like in other mythical worlds. It is necessary to find another way to circumvent this restriction.

After observing the world for a few days, he came up with a solution—

Find an agent to act on his behalf.

Therefore, he found the fox demon Junjun and the little Taoist priest Changyan.

The reason why he shows his ability from time to time to lure Lan Zhiwei to befriend him is to prepare for the convenience of the two little agents in the future.

After Qiao Xun entered the fairyland, he also tried to find Nan Shizukuto and Lu Xianyi.

But nothing gained. He gradually realized that he may not be able to solve the problem quickly in Immortal Realm this time, and it will take a lot of time. In addition, he also has a strange feeling, like the feeling of "there is a certain number in the dark", this feeling tells him that many of his doubts may be answered in the fairy world.

fairyland --

This one is more "mythical" world than the other core mythical worlds.

After two days,

The three of Qiao Xun, together with Lan Zhiwei, Gongshan Ziyou and some followers, set off from Yushan Town to the Tianyun Imperial Capital in the north.

Long Trip.

Qiao Xun was in the carriage every day, explaining the basic techniques of immortality with Junjun and Changyan.

Although he has never cultivated immortals, understanding immortality is only a momentary thing for him.

All mythological techniques can be regarded as some kind of use of some kind of power.

Analyze power and find ways to use it.

This is really not too simple for a demon with the characteristics of the Seven Sins.

His teaching to Junjun and Changyan is completely based on the essence of immortality, and he can even make corrections according to his own understanding, abandon some shortcomings, and optimize some complicated procedures. Therefore, the cultivating technique obtained by Junjun and Changyan is a more perfect existence than the original cultivation in the immortal world.

In addition, the understanding of the two is quite good, and the progress is very fast.

On the day of departure, the two of them could only understand some basic theories. After more than a month of traveling, they were already able to skillfully use the function of "shu".

It's just that to add the word "immortal" in front of "surgery", they also need to have a richer accumulation of their own.

More than a month in a hurry. It seems like a long time, but in fact, it is very fast. Normally, it takes three months. The speed is due to the convenience of the cities and inns along the way. This convenience, it can only be the convenience of Lanzhiwei.

But no matter how convenient it is, the horse can only run so far a day at most.

After all, this is mortal speed. But there is no such thing as a god-level means of leaping through the world.

Qiao Xun, who has lived a "fast life" for too long, feels the "slow life" after a long time, and thinks it is fine. I have more time to seriously think about various issues. Unlike before, I was always busy with something. After this thing is done, the next thing will follow immediately.

As soon as the carriage entered the Heavenly Fate Imperial Capital, the bustling atmosphere rushed towards the face.

The huge city is like a "giant life" that has fallen into the mortal world. This "life" Zhongri exhaled a scorching breath, glowing with light and heat, scorching everything around him. Other things seem so boring in front of this city, which is the highest point of human civilization in the immortal world~www.readwn.com~.

The prosperity of the Heavenly Fate Imperial Capital cannot be explained in one or two sentences.

For Junjun and Changyan who have never seen the world, this is the case.

But for an outsider like Qiao Xun... He has seen the miraculous structure of the truth ring world. Of course, there is no "stunning" feeling about this land.

However, it is also good to feel the old taste.

Back at Tianyun, Lan Zhiwei showed his true energy. Without further ado, directly in a large garden in Tianyun City, a large garden was arranged for the three of Qiao Xun. It can be said that his dignity is very obvious.

Although he didn't say it, Qiao Xun always knew his true identity, the sixth prince of the Zhou Dynasty.

Without this identity, Qiao Xun would not pay any attention to him.

At this time of the Great Zhou, the Holy Emperor was getting old, and there were many princes who had ideas about the throne. The Sixth Prince Lan Zhiwei is one of them.

As for this noble prince, why he went to the remote Yushan Town to serve as a local official for two years is another secret affair of the palace.

Qiao Xun stood on the roof of a loft in the big garden, looking at the sky of the big Zhou Dynasty, and whispered:

"The immortal gate is closed, and the imperial power is supreme."


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