Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 82: My mind is the color of the world

"Junior Brother, Junior Brother!"

Early in the morning, the call of Junjun rang from the plum garden, one of the largest gardens in Xiaoxiangting.

The Four Gardens of Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Pine are the four best gardens in Xiaoxiangting, and are headed by the Plum Garden. Therefore, the garden where Lan Zhiwei settled the three of Qiao Xun could be said to be the best garden in this little Xiangting. And this little Xiangting has a "Ting" in its name, which is naturally related to the royal family.

The plum garden is very big, and there are only three people living there for the time being, so it seems very empty.

Lan Zhiwei said that in two days, there will be servants to serve them. Although Qiao Xun didn't have much trouble with the life of an old man who served others, in the final analysis, the Great Zhou Dynasty was a feudal dynasty. Since he was in the WTO state, he could not avoid dealing with this aspect. Moreover, this is also a way for Lan Zhiwei to express his intention to win over.

One is willing to give and one is willing to take.

Without the fox ears, Junjun feels a lot more relaxed. When he walks and runs, he just feels "full of spring breeze".

She ran to the yard in front of a wing and shouted:

"Junior Brother, Junior Brother!"


A reluctant voice came from inside the house.

After a while, the door opened, and Chang Yan, who had packed up, came out, his voice not very confident,

"Can you stop calling me 'Junior Brother'..."

Junjun widened his eyes,

"How can you! You are my junior brother! My uncle said that we will receive his teaching on the same day, so we will arrange it according to age. I agree, and you agree!"

As the saying goes,

"I thought you agreed to it when you were younger than me! Who knew you were older than me for half a year!"

Words are very speechless. The first time he saw Junjun, he felt that she was short and small, and she was so cute, she must be smaller than himself! As a result, when she reported her age, she was eleven years and seven months, and she was eleven years and one month.

Junjun put his hands on his hips,

"Are you kidding me! Junior Brother!" She deliberately bit "Junior Brother" very hard.

As the saying goes, don't overdo it,

"No, I won't be dishonest."

When Jun Jun laughs, the amplitude is very large, and his eyes are often narrowed into a slit. She raised her head and said:

"Then call me 'Senior Sister'!"

"not called."

"Then I'm going to tell Shishu you're cheating!"

"You threaten me!" Chang Yan glared at her and said.

"I didn't threaten you. If you don't call me senior sister, you just ignore the words of my uncle. That's not a shame."

"Damn, you are really, you are really!" Chang Yan was too anxious to speak.

Junjun made a curious expression,

"How am I really?"

"No, no, no..." Chang Yan blushed, trying to scold that sentence, looking at Jun Jun's clear eyes, but couldn't say it. Discouraged, he whispered, "Sly fox."

Jun Jun felt that it was a compliment to say that a fox was cunning, and he was even more proud.

"Hmm. However, you haven't called me Senior Sister yet."

Chang Yan closed the door with his head closed, strode out of the yard, and only shouted after walking a long way,

"Senior sister, good morning, senior sister! Did you sleep well last night? Have you eaten?"

"Junior brother also good morning! I slept well last night! I haven't eaten yet, so I'm here to ask you to eat, and my uncle bought breakfast outside!"

"The Guard is Here"

"Didn't you say that Uncle Master went to buy breakfast? You made Uncle Master wait for a long time again!"

Chang Yan then quickly stepped aside and ran towards the front yard, complaining while running,

"Why is this garden so big! It's almost bigger than my former Changjia Village!"

He wanted to come, probably the one room he slept in would arrive at the house of a family in Changjia Village.

Is this the house where the powerful family lives? awesome.

On the table.

Chang Yan and Jun Jun ate the breakfast bought by Qiao Xun with relish. Qiao Xun sat and watched them.

Junjun asked,

"Does the uncle really not eat fireworks in the world? It was also on the road before, you didn't eat."

Qiao Xun has never said that he does not eat human fireworks. Even if he can indeed avoid eating, he will still ensure his appetite under normal circumstances.

The reason why he didn't eat it was because the diet of the Zhou Dynasty was really average. The ingredients are often very good, but the spice is lacking, and the cooking methods are different, each dish lacks some flavor.

Eating has evolved to a certain extent as a purely spiritual enjoyment.

Since the diet of the Great Zhou Dynasty made him unable to reach the level of spiritual enjoyment, why did he have to feel this lack of taste?

As for the high-level appearance of "don't eat human fireworks", it's just for the sake of the situation.

Qiao Xun nodded,

"The reincarnation of the five grains, for cultivators and qi refiners, is a low-level tonic method, which will cause a burden on the body. The dewdrops of the sky and the earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, the spiritual energy of mountains and rivers and other things without impurities are the better tonic methods. "

"Heaven and earth dewdrops..." Jun Jun said, "My mother used to feed me dewdrops. But she said that my physique is still weak, so I can't eat too much, and I still need to eat meat."

Chang Yan swallowed a mouthful of peach cake and said:

"Master told me. The demon is the one who steals the essence of the sun and moon."

"Stealing?!" Junjun suddenly became annoyed when he heard this word, "You people eat dewdrops and evolve not to be called stealing, but our demons are called stealing?"

As the saying goes, shrinking his head,

"Master said so."

"Then your master is really an annoying guy."

"Don't say that to my master!"

The two looked like they were about to quarrel, Qiao Xun patted the armrest of the chair,

"Okay, concentrate on eating. Eat quickly and practice."

Qiao Xun's words worked, and the two of them were honest.

Junjun smiled at Qiao Xun,

"It's better to be uncle, and I won't look down on our demons."

"They are all creatures of the world."

As soon as I mentioned this, Chang Yan became curious.

"Uncle Master, but Master told me that demons are not tolerated by the way of heaven, so how can you say that they are all creatures of the world?"

"The way of heaven is not the world, the way of heaven is just the rules and conventions of some people."

"Who are you, so powerful?"

Qiao Xun looked up,

"The gods of heaven."

"Fairy!" Chang Yan and Junjun both opened their mouths.

Junjun looks longing,

"I'm going to become an immortal too, and then go save my mother."

"You can. Practice well, you can definitely do it."

This confidence, Qiao Xun still has it. It is not difficult for him to cultivate an immortal, but what he wants is far more than an immortal. He wants more.

This "more" is placed on Junjun and Changyan.

In order to avoid children being impetuous, Qiao Xun once again emphasized,

"The premise is that you must work hard. I can only teach, and the most critical integration is still within you."

Junjun nodded earnestly,

"Although my uncle speaks very profoundly, I will definitely work hard!"

"Me too!" Chang Yan assured Qiao Xun, "I want to slay the demons, I want to avenge the master, and I want to become an immortal!"

Junjun said angrily,

"Didn't you think about a monster sitting next to you before you said this!"

As the saying goes,

"It's not against you."

Qiao Xun thought to himself, in fact, there was a demon sitting next to him.

After dinner.

Qiao Xun led the two little guys to the garden in the backyard.

"are you ready?"

"Ready!" The two little guys replied excitedly.

"That's good, we will officially start cultivating immortals today."

"Cultivation of immortals! Immortal cultivation!"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Very good, in good spirits."

Let's just say, a little ink condensed between his right index finger.

The ink droplets are run smoothly, revealing a little gemstone texture, but they are far more "immortal" than black gemstones.

The ink on the fingertips dripped onto the ground with Qiao Xun's movements.

A ripple was aroused, as if this was not the ground, but the calm water.

The ripples gradually swayed and spread around.

The pitch-black ink spread out, staining the entire garden black. At the same time, the ink traces continued to draw and paint, and gradually, mountains rose, lakes and rivers merged. Among the dark-colored mountains, pines and green cypresses are dotted, and eagles and cranes are faintly chirping.

Suddenly looking at it again, it is no longer in the back garden of a plum garden, but in the world of landscape ink.

Junjun and Changyan were stunned.

Junjun squatted down and touched the ink-colored ground,

"What is this? Am I dreaming?"

Often the words tremble,

"It's not a dream, it's not a dream! It's an immortal skill!"

"Immortal skills!" Jun Jun's eyes flashed like falling stars.

One couldn't hold back, and two fiery red fox ears suddenly appeared on her head.

When Qiao Xun saw it, he was stunned for a moment.

Um? Can this little girl actually break through her own magic? Even if it was just her own means, but she... was just a little fox.

"Junjun, the fox ears are showing." He coughed and reminded.

"Oops!" Jun Jun screamed, his hands immediately covered the ears on his head, then turned his head and looked at Qiao Xun aggrievedly: "Uncle, I didn't mean to."

Qiao Xun smiled and shook his head,

"It has nothing to do with you, I was negligent."

After speaking, he touched Junjun's fox ears again. Then the two ears drilled in again and grew out from the side of the face to become human ears.

Junjun asked curiously,

"Could it be that if you touch it, you are using some powerful fairy magic!"

Joe Tour said:

"Ah, this is not, I just look at the furry and want to touch it."

"..." Jun Jun was stunned for a while, and then asked with a smile, "Then why don't I just turn into a little fox and let my uncle touch it?"

Fuck the fox...

Sounds great.


"No. Junjun, don't think like that. You are a demon, not a fox for people to play with."

"Hey, but if Uncle Shi wants to touch it, I'm willing."

"Neither. You can't have this kind of thinking just because we are close. You must root this concept in your heart. You are just you, not someone's plaything. Be sure to protect yourself!"

"It's so profound. But I will listen to Uncle Shi!" Jun Jun clenched his small fist.

Changyan said with a smile,

"Yes, yes, I heard that there are many masters out there who like to raise little foxes. You have to be careful not to be caught."

Junjun slapped Chang Yan's arm,

"Damn junior brother, no big or small, don't make jokes about senior sister!"

Painful, hissing and breathing,

"How can senior sister bully junior brother!"

"Junior brother has to be obedient, and senior sister won't teach you a lesson!"

"You're only six months older than me!"

"A big day is also a big day!"

"The sly fox..."

Junjun saw that the younger brother's clothes were softened, so he didn't teach him a lesson, turned his head and ran to Qiao Xun's legs,

"Uncle, uncle, what is this place?"

"Well... I named it 'Moshan'."

"It's the same color as ink everywhere... Trees, birds, water are all black."

"So here comes the point. The way you cultivate immortals, as the saying goes, is to color this world. Make it the color of the world in your heart."

Junjun open your eyes,

"Wow, is immortal cultivation like this?"

"There are many ways to cultivate immortals, this is just one of the arrangements I have arranged for you."

"Are we going to use brushes and paints?"

"Well, I've prepared it for you."

As he said that, Qiao Xun spread out his hand, and a few drops of ink rained down on his palm.

Afterwards, various painting tools such as pens, paints, and inkstones were displayed in turn.

Qiao Xun put the tools on the ground,

"This one will wear out, and the paint will run out."

"Ah? With such a big world, so much paint, it's definitely not enough."

"So, you need to find a way by yourself. Use fairy magic to inject spiritual energy into the pen, and you can repair it. Similarly, you can also condense paints of various colors. The key is what you think in your heart."

"In our hearts..." Jun Jun didn't know what to do.

Say your own opinions,

"Is my heart the color of the world?"

"Yes!" Qiao Xun laughed, "Xiao Yan's opinion is very good."

"My eyes are paint, and my eyes are the color. My hand is a paintbrush, and my hand touches the earth, which is the world." Chang Yan looked at Mo Shan and said sentence by sentence, gradually giving birth to a rhythm in him. Dream, in an instant, ripples swayed around him.

he said softly,


After speaking, a drop of red ink landed on his fingertips.

Bright red, in this ink-colored world, is extremely gorgeous.

Joe Tour said,

"Xiaoyan~www.readwn.com~ how do you feel?"

"It felt...good. I really felt myself for the first time. I felt my soul, like it was touching my heart."

"Keep it up and look forward to your progress."

"I will."

As the saying goes, when the heart is blessed, don't say more, just take a step and move forward.

His voice gradually disappeared into the ink.

Jun Jun looked at him blankly. After a while, she pursed her lips and tried to condense a drop of colored ink on her fingertips.

But, no matter what she thought or what she did, there was no ink drop.

Then she wept sadly,

"Uncle, I can't do it..."

"It's okay, Junjun. You can do it later."

"But the junior apprentice realized it all at once... I, I can't. Am I stupider than the junior apprentice?"

"Junjun, different people harvest their hearts at different times. Don't blame yourself, and don't be disheartened because of this. When you welcome the happiness of your heart, everything will be clear. You don't have to send anyone else. ."

"Uncle...Thank you."

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity, thank you for helping me, thank you for teaching me. But I can't do anything for you."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"Then try to grow up and grow up to be able to help me."

"I will, I will!"

Comparing with each other is normal among children. This is the commonality of all living beings. Since Qiao Xun was her temporary guardian, she naturally also played an educational role.

"Then you go too, to find your own heart."


Jun Jun looked at the ink-colored world, and after a short pause, she chose a different direction from what she said.

Qiao Xun looked at their figures for a while, then turned and left.

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