There are a lot of canals built in Xiaoxiangting, the water sends heat and brings coolness.

So, even in the heat of August, the comfort of autumn can be found in the plum garden.

After exiting Moshan World, Qiao Xun rushed towards the front yard gate of Meiyuan.

Pushing the door and looking out, there are already a large group of people waiting outside. Looking at the guys who dressed up and cleaned up, it should be Lan Zhiwei who arranged to dress their servants.

On the faces of these people, the concept of honor and inferiority is very clear. Qiao Xun couldn't come out, so they waited outside until they came out.

Qiao Xun didn't like to take care of this, so he called in these people to take care of it. The manager's surname is Chen, his name is Hongliang, and he looks in his forties. At first glance, he sounds like an experienced horner. Just let him cook according to his usual experience.

After the explanation, he went out alone.

The Heavenly Fate Emperor is so big that it is difficult to measure it with footsteps.

Qiao Xun didn't even think about where to go for a stroll. He went out the door, turned right, and stepped on the wind, relaxed and at ease. After a while, he arrived at the imperial palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty - "Zhiyang City".

He looked at this to the central city from a distance.

Luxurious style, but also faintly overflowing with extraordinary momentum.

This momentum... In Qiao Xun's view, it is not something that should exist in the world.

Especially when the immortal world is significantly divided, it should not be there.

However, due to the fact that Xianfan was divided, he could not understand this situation as he wanted. After all, the power of insight is transcendent, and once it is used, it is easy to be discovered. Wait until the situation of Xianfan's separation is broken before talking about it.

As for how and when to break, it depends on how the two little guys in the world of Moshan are progressing in their cultivation.

Therefore, there is such a period of leisure time to wait for the opportunity.

Qiao Xun didn't intend to deliberately find something to do for himself, it was unnecessary. What should be done cannot be done for the time being, and what can be done is not obviously necessary for him.

It's better to "go with the flow" and go with your heart.

Just pick a time to get to know yourself better, so as not to wait until later, you will gradually become unfamiliar with yourself.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and no longer paid attention to the affairs of Yangcheng.

After walking around, when I returned to Meiyuanzi, the sun had already set on the west mountain.

The sun was dyed a little red, and it shone into the Tianyun Imperial Capital, and there were mottled glowing spots everywhere.

As soon as he entered the plum garden, Steward Chen walked over at a small and fast pace.

"Mr. Zuochuan, His Royal Highness is waiting for you at the West Wing Pavilion."

Lan Zhiwei's identity in the Tianyun Imperial Capital is clear. Therefore, the people around him no longer call him Master Lan or Young Master Lan, but call him His Royal Highness. After all, he is the sixth prince himself.

As for the title "Mr. Zuchuan", it was also suggested by Lan Zhiwei.

The reason is not hard to imagine.

Change the "Taoist" to "Mr.", which can bring the relationship closer. On the other hand, because of his identity as a Taoist priest, he is more sensitive, especially in the imperial capital.

Qiao Xun followed Manager Chen to the West Wing Pavilion.

Lan Zhiwei is chatting with Gongshan Ziyou. Seeing Qiao Xun coming, he smiled and said:

"Mr. Zuochuan, are you satisfied with your stay in this plum garden?"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"If the two little guys are satisfied, I will be satisfied."

Lan Zhi secretly remembered this sentence in his heart. Then he asked:

"I just came here for a while when I heard that Mr. Zuochuan was out, so I waited here. Did Mr. Zuochuan also take the two children out? Why didn't I see them. I also said that I brought some palace pastries and opened them up. Appetizing, after all, it takes more than a month to travel, and the diet spans a wide range, and I am afraid that I will not adapt to the environment."

Qiao Xun said bluntly,

"Young Master Laolan. They are still practicing. I will bring your thoughts to them at night."

"Cultivation?" Lan Zhiwei asked curiously, "Cultivation?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It's just some of my own ways."

Saying it like this doesn't mean to elaborate. Lan Zhiwei understood and didn't ask any more questions, but he was still curious about the level of Daoist Master Chuan's own path.

Come to think of it, I have never seen his true abilities.

Lan Zhiwei then changed the topic,

"I haven't heard of Mr.'s preferences, and for a while, I don't know how to entertain. Tonight, it happened that the East Building held a literary and music party. There are many talents and beauties. It is a bit lively in this Dankou. I don't know Mr. If you are interested, if you are interested, I will accompany Mr.

"There are talents and beauties, as well as dignitaries?" Qiao Xun asked with a smile.

This question made Lan Zhiwei unable to speak for a while. The East Building was originally built by the royal family and princes together, and the Wenqu Club was naturally organized next to them. It was originally a dinner for the dignitaries. It should not be asked if there are dignitaries, but what level of nobles there are.

Qiao Xun looked at Lan Zhiwei, smiled and shook his head and said:

"Master Lan, I'm not a pedantic person, so I don't have to speak with etiquette."

Knowing what Qiao Xun meant, Lan Zhiwei let go a lot at once, loosened his shoulders, and said with a smile:

"I'm overthinking it. Mr. Zuochuan is generous and generous. The Wenqu Festival is also a banquet for the dignitaries. If Mr. Zuochuan doesn't like the smell of worldly wine lees, I won't bother you much."

Joe Tour said,

"Master Lan came here in person, why do I have any intention of spoiling the fun? Along the way, Master Lan took good care of him and arranged accommodation in Tianyun City. Master Lan's heart, how can I be stupid not to know it? Master Lan has a heart, and I will …”

Lan Zhiwei turned his ears.

After a short pause, Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"It's exactly the same. Since he was born, he hasn't disturbed the world for a long time. If he can be favored by Young Master Lan, it can be regarded as a threshold for re-entry into the world."

When Lan Zhiwei heard this, his heart suddenly relaxed a lot. He beamed with joy,

"In that case, let's go and talk about it upstairs?"


The road car is coming,

After getting closer to Qiao Xun, Lan Zhiwei was more relaxed and asked more personal questions. he asks:

"I know that young man is a disciple of Daoist Master Bai Hao. What about that little girl? I haven't heard it mentioned by Mr.

Joe asked:

"Why did you suddenly ask today?"

"Haha, if you have a taboo, sir, I will take the liberty of it."

Qiao Xun shook his head and said,

"There's nothing that can't be said. Junjun, I discovered it by accident. When I saw her brows were filled with lotus, and her eyes were shining with stars, I thought that she might have extraordinary luck, so I accepted her."

"Such a vision, but the reincarnation of an expert?"

"I don't know yet. I just have to teach my students. I hope they have a smooth path in the future."

Lan Zhiwei's eyes are dim,

"The people around Mr. are also extraordinary."

"I didn't like much in my life, and now I just look after them."

"Mr. takes them seriously."

"Well, the two little guys are very talented, and I naturally value them."

"Excellent talent..." Lan Zhi whispered softly.

This rating is not low. Especially for Mr. Kokawa, who is unfathomable in himself.

After chatting for a while, we arrived at the East Building.

As the "entertainment club" of the royal family and princes, it is naturally very pompous. There are still some roads, and you can see the gorgeous lights inside and outside the building, as if there is a starry sky there. The carriages that come and go are all dressed in brocades, and even the horse is handsome and majestic. The meaning of extravagant gold decoration is soaked in the evening breeze.

Even if this East Building is full of dignitaries, Lan Zhiwei's identity is also a dignitary among dignitaries. People of his status have special passages in this kind of place, so there is no need to squeeze the front door with those nobles of ordinary status.

Lan Zhiwei is thoughtful and has made arrangements in advance.

Since then, someone has come to greet them immediately.

As soon as he entered through the special passage, a person called "Landlord Wan" greeted him with a smile.

Qiao Xun didn't get involved in these matters, Lan Zhiwei's identity was not polite, and everything was handled by Gongshan Ziyou, who was always by his side.

Entering the door, crossed a clean corridor, and arrived at the main courtyard of the East Building.

The yard is very large and there are many people, all of them dressed in brocade clothes, with a luxurious appearance.

Qiao Xun and Lan Zhiwei entered a wing room. The wing is in a good location, but not the best.

Then, someone sent the process sheet for tonight.

Lan Zhiwei didn't read it first, but asked Qiao Xun:

"Do you want to take a look, Mr. Zuo Chuan?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I don't look at it. Whether I look at it or not, the result will not change."

Lan Zhi smiled,

"That's not necessarily true. If you don't like a show, sir, just send someone there."

"I don't like it, maybe someone else likes it."

"Mr. has a big mind."

"It doesn't have to be."

It didn't take long for melon and fruit snacks, wine and food, etc., to come up. Even the people who deliver the food are all beautiful people with good looks.

Lan Zhiwei saw that Qiao Xun basically didn't pay attention to these beauties who delivered vegetables, and he knew in his heart that either Mr. with leisure.

Just as he thought.

If Qiao Xun was really thinking about this, then many worlds would have to be merciful everywhere.

What's more, he understands the word "desire" very well. Such low-level desires will not bother him.

When the time comes, go through the process, and the show begins.

Even if not all the people in this building are literati, but the matter of elegance must be touched, so as not to make others talk vulgar and not play with you. Therefore, this opening program is the classic work of everyone in Tianyuncheng Ledao - "Wild Mane Tune".

The tune is big and gorgeous, perfect for an opening song.

After one song is finished, all four are good.

After listening to Lan Zhiwei, he immediately looked at Qiao Xun and asked:

"Sir, what do you think of this song?"

"The wild mane is not wild, it only makes the ears itch, but there is no turbulence in the heart."

Lan Zhi nodded slightly,

"The wild mane is not wild... This evaluation is very clear. The name of the person who played this piece is Liu Jijiang, and the family is a musician, and many of them are court musicians. These musicians are usually weak and weak, not in this palace. , is in that mansion, how do you know what 'wild' means."

"Young Master Lan also has a lot of research."

"Hehe, I don't study much. It's just... I have a vague feeling that maybe someone in my life will often play for me. It's just that every time I think about it, I think it's just a dream, it can't be real, it's just verbal. It's just gossip."

Qiao Xun thought, there are always tunes in your life. It's just that it's not a man, it's a monster. he asks,

"Young Master Lan, over the years, you often feel like you've missed something?"

When Lan Zhiwei heard this, his brows furrowed.

"Sir said so, it is true. I often feel surprised, I feel that I have suddenly forgotten something, and I can't remember it. Do you have any insights?"

"Just say it casually."

Qiao Xun said casually.

The speaker does not intend, the listener intends. Moreover, Qiao Xun is not "unintentional".

Lan Zhiwei took a closer look at Qiao Xun's expression. He is a careful person and can't help but think more. Mr. Zuo Chuan's words, are they trying to wake me up?

"Sword Comes"

He couldn't think it through, so he kept it in his mind, thinking, and then he would study it later. This memory thing is no child's play.

The second show, not so elegant, was a group dance of beauties.

It's not elegant, but it makes the people in the building happy.

This group dance received much more applause.

After the two shows, the door of the wing was suddenly knocked.

One person walked in, bowed respectfully, and said:

"Sixth Highness, Third Highness invites you to talk."

Lan Zhiwei said,

"Is there anyone else over there, Your Highness?"

The visitor said:

"The Fourth Highness, the Eleventh Highness, and the Fourteenth Princess are all here."

"Sister Fourteen? What is she doing here?"

"This little guy doesn't dare to know. The little guy is just passing on the wishes of your highnesses, and invites the sixth highness to come and talk. Besides..." He paused and said: "The third highness knows that the sixth highness has a new guest, which may make the guests feel neglected. , also invited this guest." He showed his hand to Qiao Xun.

Lan Zhi frowned slightly,

"The Third Highness still cares about this? He has neglected many of my guests."

"Small can't guess."

Lan Zhiwei looked at Qiao Xun,

"Sir, you and Ziyou watch first, I'll come when I go, it won't take long. If you feel bored, you don't need to worry about anything, just let Ziyou take you I intend to be with Mr. tonight. It's good to get close, but it's really... ah, I hope Mr. will be considerate."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"Someone invited, why don't you go and meet?"

Lan Zhiwei said,

"I'm afraid that the idleness between my brothers and other brothers will disturb Mr. Qing."

Qiao Xun turned slightly sideways,

"Young Master Lan invited me to go with you, didn't you think about this mess?"

"Mr. clear, I took the liberty."

"If you have good intentions, you will naturally do good deeds." Qiao Xun said, "Young Master Lan doesn't have to be too polite. Many things can be said clearly."

It can be said clearly that it is not a sign of closeness.

Lan Zhiwei's heart opened up,

"If that's the case, then sir, come with me and have a good time with my brothers."


In the other wing, it was very lively.

At a general glance, nearly ten people are sitting in groups, laughing and giggling.

In the room of a dozen or so men, there was an out of place young woman.

She did not join the staggered team, but sat alone on one side, looking out the window in a daze. After a while, she was suddenly startled,

"The third brother and the sixth brother haven't seen us for a long time. Will he really come this time?"

A middle-aged man with a slightly fat body but full of eyebrows said:

"It will come, it will definitely come, and if you are here, he will definitely come. The sixth is coming back this time, but he wants to get along well with us brothers. It's just that, the fourteenth sister, even your own sister, the old one. Liudu rarely asks, I am afraid that these years have forgotten the relationship between brothers and sisters. We should ask questions carefully."

As he spoke, he drank a glass of wine, raised the corners of his mouth, and said in a low voice:

"Liu Liu, you really don't give up. I invited another guest to come back. Isn't this hurting others."

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