Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 84: "Brother and brother respect, brotherhood"

There is a sign on the door of the wing with two words:


Waiting at the door, looking at the look, it should be a guard or something.

Seeing that His Royal Highness Lan Zhiwei was coming, the guard opened the door after bowing.

The voice inside suddenly poured out, very lively.

Lan Zhiwei walked ahead and stepped in.

A dozen or so people fell silent. After a while, the third prince, who was sitting in the first place facing the door, stood up and laughed loudly.

"Lao Liu, Lao Liu, these years, you are really hard to see. Come in, come in quickly!"

The three princes all stood up, so of course the others had no reason to sit and stood up one after another.

But there was only a young woman sitting in a corner, maybe a girl from 16 or 17 in a daze, wondering what she was thinking.

Lan Zhiwei glanced over, no matter which one, he just glanced at it for a while, but it fell on this girl, and his eyes showed complicated meaning.

The third prince sits on the left and right of the fourth prince and the eleventh prince.

The fourth prince has a strong bookish air about him, and even his appearance looks like a literati.

As for the eleventh prince, he is relatively young and slightly immature. His heroic spirit is displayed between his eyebrows, and there is a cinnabar seal on the center of his eyebrows. Judging from the seal, he belongs to the "life-saving style". I think he was often sick when he was a teenager, so he only ordered it. Such a cinnabar seal.

Except for the three princes and the princess who seemed to be very out of place, the rest were all the princes, disciples, and young and promising officials who had made good friends.

After a while, these individuals became clear in Qiao Xun's eyes.

Lan Zhiwei first said to Princess Fourteen:

"Yuedong, come here."

The fourteenth princess is named Lan Yuedong.

Blue Moon Winter, don't overdo it,

"I'm just sitting here, cool."

"Yuedong?" Lan Zhi frowned slightly.

Lan Yuedong sat in an orderly manner, clutching the skirt at her knees with both hands,

"Sixth brother, let's find a place to sit first."

Lan Zhiwei gave her a hard look, then walked to the banquet of several princes and their guests.

The third prince Lan Zhimao looked at the eleventh prince Lan Zhiming next to him,

"Old Eleven, give your position to your sixth brother. You still need to have the concept of elder and young."

Lan Zhiming got up and slightly cupped his hands,

"What the third brother said is."

His appearance is relatively handsome, and his voice is not hoarse and thick, and he has a youthful air.

Lan Zhi slightly flicked his sleeves, brought a square stool and sat down,

"No need, the old eleven stools are already hot, and the third brother shouldn't let people sit on the cold stools."

"Haha, what a hot bench, a cold bench." Lan Zhimao held a small wine glass and tapped the table slightly, "Old Sixth, how can I be my brother a cold bench for my brother? In winter, you When I came to my house, didn't I warm the stool in advance and move it for you to sit on?"

Lan Zhi smiled slightly,

"Maybe it's because I don't appreciate my ass, and I don't feel the concern of the third brother."

"You really are, you always say some strange things." Lan Zhimao smiled and sipped his wine glass. Afterwards, he raised his brows, looked at Qiao Xun in shock, and said, "Oh, why is there still a guest here. Oops, I've been patronizing my sixth brother, but I haven't seen it. Come on. Come on people, get ready!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two entourages brought a very gorgeous and generous chair.

Judging from the way the two moved, the weight of this chair is definitely not clear. The top is decorated with gold and silver inlaid gems, and also with very delicate paintings of mountains and rivers.

The entourage put the chair in front of Qiao Xun, and the legs of the chair fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

From when Lan Zhimao said he was ready to sit, to when this unbelievably gorgeous chair was moved to Qiao Xun, the process was quite smooth, just like he had practiced in advance.

A chair was placed in front of Qiao Xun.

Looking around, the chairs that the princes were sitting on, compared with the gorgeous chairs here, seemed like they were made by a rotten carpenter in a small workshop.

Then, who in the world dares to sit on this chair?

Seeing this, Lan Zhiwei immediately knew the intention of his third brother, looked at him and asked:

"Third brother, what do you mean?"

Lan Zhimao said with a smile,

"My week is a country of etiquette. When guests come from afar, I naturally have to entertain them. This chair is called 'Xiangshan Returning Sun Seat'. When I was hunting in Xiangshan, I saw a good scene. I did it according to the good scene. It can be regarded as my serious work. Since I want to entertain guests seriously, I naturally have to invite this chair."

Lan Zhiwei was about to speak.

Qiao Xun first asked:

"Where is Xiangshan?"

When this question was asked, everyone present was stunned.

Where is Xiangshan?

Is this something that a Da Zhou person can ask?

Lan Zhiwei's eyes flashed, and while everyone was in a daze, he immediately answered:

"Xiangshan is my royal hunting ground with golden letters in Dazhou. Non-clan princes are not allowed to enter the hunting area. Naturally, no one can describe the scenery of Xiangshan except the clan princes of Dazhou without authorization. Of course, this engraves the scene of Xiangshan. The third brother has the final say on Jing's chair. Who can sit and who can't, it's the third brother who has the final say."

After saying this, Lan Zhimao's expression suddenly changed.

The phrase "it's all the third brother has the final say" changed the nature of the matter.

From "Who dares to sit on this chair" to "Lan Zhimao said that whoever can sit can sit."

Lan Zhimao didn't want to wear this big hat on his head. However, he did not lose his temper and said with a chuckle:

"A chair is a chair, and the scenery of Fragrant Mountain is the scenery of Fragrant Mountain. It can't be done. It can't be said that if a cat ran onto this chair, that cat really went to Fragrant Mountain, right?"

A group of gatekeepers hurried to relieve him,

"His Royal Highness is right. The chair is for people to sit on, but Xiangshan is not just for people to see. Therefore, it can't be done anywhere."

After listening to their discussion, Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Then I can sit."


Everyone looked at Qiao Xun suspiciously. They don't understand, it's all about it, how can this person say such a thing.

But... can you say "can't sit" to him?

I'm afraid I can't, doesn't it seem that the three princes' words and deeds are inconsistent.

But if you say "can sit"...Isn't it that you can't hurt others, but you have suffered a dull loss?

One is inconsistent in words and deeds, and the other is suffering from a dull loss...

Don't even think about it.

Lan Zhimao narrowed his eyes,

"Of course you can sit. I was supposed to let you sit."

"Then I will accept the will of the Third Highness."


Damn, you can actually say the word "heart".

Stuffed on top of stuffy, lost on top of lost.

Before Lan Zhimao could speak, Qiao Xun, who had just sat down, was amazed.

"This chair is really different. It's easy to sit, easy to sit! It really is the serious work of the Third Highness."

... Lan Zhimao's neck stiffened,

"As long as you like it." He really didn't want to discuss the topic of this chair, wouldn't it be contrary to the theme of tonight? He then immediately asked, "You haven't asked for advice yet?"

Qiao Xun smiled and replied:

"In the next savage, you will lose your name and surname, and only get one number, 'walking the river' is also."

Lan Zhimao said,

"Mr. Zuo Chuan was born?"


"Then why did you join the WTO again?" Lan Zhimao's eyes made people feel unable to grasp the importance. I don't know which words he said were serious and which words were casual.

Joe Tour said,

"The lake has painted the road, and I want to find a clear day in the secular world."

This word...

Saying it is the same as not saying it, but there is really no room for refutation.

There was a brief silence in the room.

The atmosphere became eerie.

I saw a group of distinguished people sitting on ordinary chairs, and a "savage" who didn't know how many pounds and taels was sitting on the luxurious Xiangshan Returning Sun seat.

Under the table, the fourth prince Lan Zhishuo touched Lan Zhimao's elbow. The third prince came back to his senses and said with a smile:

"Don't stand still, it's a good thing for my sixth brother to return to heaven. Hurry up and give my sixth brother a toast."

After speaking, he took the lead, filled a glass of wine,

"Sixth brother, third brother, this glass of wine is just to wash away the dust for you."

Then, drink it up.

The waiter has filled the quilt in front of Lan Zhiwei with wine.

Lan Zhiwei's heart sank slightly. He is very clear about his own drinking capacity, and can drink with three or five friends, but if there are more than ten people in this game, if they all want to toast him, they will be embarrassed.

He glanced at Qiao Xun subconsciously.

Qiao Xun nodded slightly.

Lan Zhiwei didn't know what Qiao Xun's plans were, but he was willing to trust this Mr. Zuchuan once.

He squeezed the glass and drank it.

The moment he entered the drink, his brows twitched.

This... what kind of wine is it, it's clearly tasteless water.

Lan Zhiwei felt incredible. As soon as the wine was poured out, the smell of the wine was pungent, and it turned into clear water when he entered his mouth.

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"His Royal Highness, I am very honored to be invited to this banquet. The Sixth Highness and I are new guests outside the table. If we have good intentions, we should naturally return the favor." After speaking, he looked at Lan Zhiwei, "I don't know what the Sixth Highness means. how?"

Lan Zhiwei's spirit was lifted.

If drinking is really drinking water, what can't be respected?

There are as many respects as there are, not a single one is left behind, and not a single cup can be missed.

He stood up and said excitedly,

"Okay! I haven't seen you brothers for a long time. Naturally, I should give a toast. I don't think this small cup can hold our friendship. Send someone to change some big cups."

Lan Zhimao frowned slightly. Looking at Lan Zhiwei's appearance, he felt strange in his heart. Could it be that after a few years of leaving Tianyun, the sixth child lost his previous cautiousness? In other words, it really gave him a good amount of alcohol. he nodded,

"Listen to the Sixth Highness, change the glass. Bring more wine."

Soon, more than a dozen cups that could not be held with one hand, and several jars of fine wine were delivered.

At the Wenqu meeting outside the wing, everyone also listened unintentionally, and all the cares were placed on this banquet of open and secret battles.

At this time, the fourteenth princess Lan Yuedong asked worriedly:

"Sixth brother, isn't your alcohol intake normal?"

Lan Zhi was slightly sullen,

"A princess has to look like a princess. Don't worry about it."

Lan Yuedong gritted his teeth,

"You go back to Tianyun and don't go to see the mother-in-law. If I didn't follow the third brother, I wouldn't be able to see you. It's good now, it's hard to see, you don't care about me, but let me not worry about you? "

Lan Zhiwei said,

"Is this where you should be?"

"How can I meet you if I don't come?"

"Fourteen, you're not a child anymore. You've reached the age of marriage, why don't you know how to measure up? If the royal father knew that you came to such a place, you would have to copy the book a hundred times and be banned for half a year."

"Then go and tell the emperor."

"Don't make fun of you."

The two siblings quarreled. Although the third prince Lan Zhimao looked happy, as the host of the banquet, the etiquette should still be in place.

"Hey, Sixth Brother, it's rare for Little Fourteen to see you, so don't say these words. There is also Fourteenth, and the Royal Brother still needs to be respected, not to mention that your Sixth Brother is your brother."

Lan Yuedong pursed her lips, sat beside her, and looked away.

Lan Zhiwei said,

"The third brother is well educated."

"Don't say anything else, if you can't stop drinking, you can't stop."

Then, in the order of honor and inferiority, starting from the fourth prince Lan Zhishuo, toast Lan Zhiwei.

This wine glass was changed to a larger one, and everyone had to shake their arms before toasting.

After a circle, Lan Zhiwei didn't stop, and then began to respond again.

After he finished his toast, Qiao Xun greeted everyone with a full cup in the name of "thank you for the invitation".

The two of them came round after round, each round finding a legitimate excuse.

What "respect friendship", "respect the good season", "respect the great Zhou Taiping"...

Lan Zhiwei made a circle, and Qiao Xun circled.

After half an hour, the two of them combined for eight laps.

After eight laps, Lan Zhiwei couldn't take it anymore.

Not drunk, but drinking water. This is one hundred and eighty glasses of water.

However, the effect is remarkable.

Looking around, the eyes of all the guests were blurred.

Qiao Xun thought to himself, it's also a good thing that the alcohol content is not high. If you exchange a 50-60-degree sauce for you, you will have to fall unconscious before it's over.

The third prince, Lan Zhimao, is still in good condition, with no signs of confusion.

However, he also clearly realized that something was wrong. After these 180 cups, you two don't even look slightly drunk?

It's not too much to drink fake wine!

But they clearly watched them drink the wine...

This... Dionysian possession is not so exaggerated!

Lan Zhimao thought to himself ~www.readwn.com~ The sixth brother himself knew it, no matter how much he practiced his alcohol intake, he would not be able to achieve this level. But the situation in front of him was clearly wrong.

The reason could only be...

This suddenly appeared, and the unknown Mr. Zuo Chuan.

What kind of person is Mr. Zuo Chuan?

Lan Zhimao realized that he was careless and did not find out his identity in advance.

I thought it was similar to the disciples that Sixth Brother had raised before... but today, it is completely different.

After thinking about it for a while, Lan Zhimao also knew that if he drinks again, the person on his side will be the one who will make a fool of himself first. So he smiled and said:

"I want to drink this wine, but we haven't had a good time to see this Wenqu meeting. It's good to drink slowly and watch slowly."

As soon as the third prince's voice fell, the doorman, who was already too drunk, hurried to meet him.

Lan Zhi smiled,

"Then according to the third brother, don't force this drink."

Not force……

Lan Zhimao heard it clearly, and said it more directly, that is, "I'll let you go today".

Seeing Lan Zhiwei's face full of spring breeze, he was very heartbroken.

Look at the Mr. Zuochuan again...

Qiao Xun's expression was calm, and between the calm, he showed some indifferent attitude that he didn't care about. In the eyes of Lan Zhimao, who suffered a loss, this indifferent attitude showed other meanings, such as... "a sense of sarcasm".

After tasting this meaning, Lan Zhimao's heart twisted even more. He murmured in his heart,

"Good boy, good boy... A chair and a few pots of wine will make you proud... Take your time, there is no one I can't handle in Tianyun City."

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