Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 86: Master, I will never lie to you

The night view of Tianyun Imperial Capital is beautiful.

The lights and crowds are filled with indescribable prosperity.

After leaving the East Building, Qiao Xun strolled in the darkness.

Lan Zhiwei chased after him,

"Mr. Gochuan, Mr. Gochuan!"

Qiao Xun did not stop,

"Well, what's wrong."

After Lan Zhiwei ran to Qiao Xun's side, he gasped a little.

"I'm sorry, the fourteenth sister is that kind of character. She is different from ordinary royal princesses, because when she was a child, she was not educated in the inner court, and I spent more time with my mother and concubine, so she was contaminated a lot. family habits."

"It's nothing. Children, just coax it."

"This... okay. The gem that Mr. gave her should be very precious. The little sister has caused you trouble, and it is really difficult to accept your gift out of thin air. Please tell me the price, and I will send it back to you."

"First Evolution"

Qiao Xun glanced at him and said,

"That thing isn't precious, but it can't be measured with your Dazhou currency. Since it's a gift, there's no asking price. You can just treat it as a gadget that pleases children."

"Actually, Yuedong is not an unreasonable savage girl. She is very kind to people, and she probably just complained a little bit about me tonight. I hope you don't care about her, sir."

"His Royal Highness doesn't have to care so much. I can't care about a little girl in her teens."

"That's good, that's good. However, Yuedong is not a child, and in the royal family, it is time to get married."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Sixth Highness, you don't need to talk about it."

"Nothing, hehe, nothing." Lan Zhi smiled to ease the atmosphere. Then he said, "Tonight, thanks to Mr. Zuo Chuan, he helped me out several times."

"I agree to understand."

"Then, what does Mr. Zuochuan think of my third brother?"

"My opinion is not important." Qiao Xun looked ahead, "Sixth Highness, do you want to be emperor?"

He spoke very, very clearly.

However, this is not something a prince can easily answer.

"Mr. Zuochuan, this is still..."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Don't worry, no one can hear our conversation."

Lan Zhiwei paused and looked around,

"But these passersby... are right next to us."

"Besides, but also in the horizon. Chichi is far away."

"Mr. Zuo Chuan is really a god."

"Sixth Highness, you'd better answer my question properly."

"I was just thinking, why did Mr. Zuokawa ask this question so early?"

"Because, knowing your purpose, you can have a number in your heart."

The two walked on the noisy street, but they felt as quiet as a deep mountain.

Lan Zhiwei's charming eyes gradually filled with light,

"The monarch is the minister, and the minister is the monarch. There are some things that only the monarch can do, but the minister cannot. I just happen to have something to do."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"I understand."

The words are so obvious that Lan Zhiwei is no longer reserved,

"In that case, does Mr. Zuo Chuan intend to discuss this big plan with me?"

Qiao Xun glanced at him,

"Sixth Highness. Whether it is political struggle or the whirlpool of officialdom, it is not the purpose of my entry into the WTO. I have no intention of fighting over favors and grievances. The purpose now is to educate Changyan and Junjun well. The two of them are mine. future."

"Mr. Zuochuan... Is that what you planned?" Lan Zhiwei's face was full of regret.

Qiao Xun went on to say,

"Don't be discouraged by this. I won't be your public doorman, but our private friendship is still there."

"Mr. Zokawa means..."

"Usually there are problems, and we can discuss them. But things like today's things don't happen anymore. I can help you out today just because you need to regain your footing. If it's just an ordinary banquet for nobles, it won't happen. So many things are going to happen."

Lan Zhiwei suddenly realized,

"Mr. Zuochuan doesn't like vulgar harassment, I can understand." Then, he frowned again, "Just, this way, wouldn't it become that you paid for me unilaterally? Mr. Zuochuan didn't want to get What? Noble, wealth, power?"

"If I'm really interested in those, I'll have them."

"Then why is Mr. Zuochuan willing to help me?"

Qiao Xun said profoundly,

"Sixth Highness, when you truly stand at the pinnacle of power, you will understand one thing. This world is the world after all. Likewise, when you reach the pinnacle of power, you will understand what I want."

"What if I can't give it?"

"I don't force it."

"Whatever you think, it's like I'm taking advantage of Mr.

"There's no such thing as taking advantage or not. Things you don't understand are actually priced. When you understand, you'll know the price."

"Mr. speaks very profoundly."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"There's still a lot of time together in the future. Don't be in a hurry."

Lan Zhiwei said,

"I feel bad for not doing something for Mr.

After all, Lan Zhiwei felt that it would be very passive to owe people all the time. He doesn't want to fall into passiveness like this, which can easily turn people into thoughtless puppets.

Qiao Xun felt Lan Zhiwei's complex emotional changes. He knew that if he didn't ask Lan Zhiwei to do something, he was afraid it would make him unable to sleep.

Qiao Xun exhaled slightly,

"As the saying goes, there is also Junjun. Both are children. I can teach them my skills, but after all, I am not an orthodox teacher, and I can't teach them popular knowledge, classics and other knowledge. I don't want them to become only A foolish person who knows magic power. If your Sixth Highness has a suitable solution, please take a look at it for me.”

After receiving Qiao Xun's request, Lan Zhiwei relaxed a little. He was really afraid that Qiao Xun would not want anything.

"Since it is Mr.'s request, I will definitely try my best to do it well."

"It's serious."

"There is a private school in my house, which is not bad. But in the central city, there are two schools, which are considered to be the best. One is the inner court school for the princes and princesses to study, and the other is for the enjoyment of" It is a school prepared by the heirs of officials and nobles with the qualifications of Gongdu. The inner court school is inconvenient for outsiders to enter, but I can do it."

"His Royal Highness arranged it."

"Actually... if Mr. Zuo Chuan is willing, he can also take up an idle official position in Cheng Xuetang. He doesn't need to do anything, but he can take care of two little guys."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I don't have to. Chang Yan and Junjun are studying in the palace, and there is no difference between me and you and your left."

Lan Zhiwei was a little surprised. Do those two little guys have such a high status in Mr. Zuochuan's heart?

"If that's the case, it's according to Mr.'s will. I'll take care of it tomorrow."

"It's work."

"What Mr. Yu has done for me is far from being a 'labor'."

Qiao Xun walked forward,

"Go to the end of the street, and tonight is the end of it."

"I'll accompany Mr.

"Sixth Highness, the road to becoming emperor is very bumpy."

"If it's not bumpy, it won't attract so many people to pursue it."

"A lot of people have died on this road. Do you think you will be one of them?"

"If I don't have the determination to win, I can only be one of them."

"Yes, you are right. Your Sixth Highness, my appearance will inevitably break your original balance. Therefore, I hope you can measure it well and don't easily show the chips you have when things enter a critical situation. There is not much I can do for you, but what I hope to do is the key."

Lan Zhiwei understood what Qiao Xun meant, this was telling him not to come to him if he encountered any small trouble, and he would only come forward at critical times. And it's up to him whether it's important or not.

"Mr. Zuo Chuan has far-reaching considerations."

Having said that, Qiao Xun took a step forward, stepped into the crowded street again, and disappeared into the crowd in a flash of Lan Zhiwei.

Lan Zhiwei froze in place for a while before regaining his senses. Looking around, no matter where he was, he couldn't see the slightest shadow of Qiao Xun. He murmured in a low voice:

"It's really a master..."


After returning to Meiyuanzi, Steward Chen, who was in charge of cooking the garden, came forward to greet him.

"Mr. Zuo Chuan, a hot bath has been prepared for you."

Hot bath...

Qiao Xun didn't have this kind of consideration at first, but since he is ready, there is no reason to waste it.

"Well, take me there."

"Does Mr. Zuochuan need a maid to serve? There are maids in the garden who are skilled in pinching their shoulders, beating their backs, and pressing their feet and hands."

"No need."

"What about dressing and cleansing?"

"No need, I'll be fine by myself."


Manager Chen also felt special when he thought about it. These days, there are not many men who do not have an inner room and are not close to women.

After taking a hot bath, Qiao Xun felt much better.

Sometimes, even if you have achieved transcendence and have the ability to traverse a limited world, it is difficult to find a better way to decompress than taking a hot bath.

"Perhaps, the most ordinary is the best..."

The road is simple.

Qiao Xun didn't understand much about "The Great Way to Jane", but he felt that if there really was a so-called "Great Way to Jane", then taking a hot bath to decompress would definitely be one of them.

He has never been a person who likes to socialize, so even in socializing, facing a group of people who are not a threat to him will make him feel invisible pressure.

This pressure does not come from those in the entertainment, but from himself.

He himself is putting pressure on him. This is an instinctive rejection of what is disgusting.

This kind of pressure, it is best not to accumulate in the heart, and find time to relieve it in time.

Blow in the night wind for a while and feel refreshed.

Qiao Xun came to the garden in the backyard and walked into the world of Moshan, intending to see the results of the two little guys in one day.

As soon as you enter, there is a bright color contrast map immediately presented in front of you.

It was a few colored cypress trees. Among the cypress trees, Chang Yan's figure kept tossing and turning, looking very busy.

And in a forest in the opposite direction from him... The little fox demon Junjun was staring at an uncolored cypress tree in a daze, holding a paintbrush in his hand, looking like he had nowhere to start. Judging from her appearance, it should be a good time to keep doing this.

Qiao Xun walked over.

He stepped on the dead branches and leaves and walked behind Junjun, but she didn't make a sound at all.

Really fascinated.

"Cough cough."

Qiao Xun coughed twice, Junjun was immediately startled, and his ears almost popped out.


"So serious?" Joe asked.

When Junjun saw that it was Qiao Xun, his eyes immediately became watery. She hugged Qiao Xun's leg,

"Uncle, I'm actually really an idiot! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu already dyed several trees, I didn't even change a drop of paint...uuuu..."

"Well, don't be sad. You just haven't found your heart yet."

"You don't need to comfort me." Jun Jun let go of Qiao Xun, squatted on the ground, holding his head, a small one, like a large mushroom, "You adults like to coax children. I'm actually an idiot, I can't do anything well. Every time my mother goes out, she always tells me not to open the door to strangers. In fact, I can remember it once I say it, but every time she says it, doesn't she just think I'm an idiot?"

This brain circuit is really weird.

Joe Tour said,

"If you get discouraged so easily, you'll really fail me."

Junjun cried even more,

"I don't want to let my uncle down, but I... but I'm an idiot, and I can't help it..."

"It's only one day."

"What, it's been a day!" Jun Jun widened his eyes, "I thought only an hour had passed. It turns out that I didn't change a bit of paint for the whole day!"

Her eyes were even more sad, and there was even a sense of despair for herself.

"It's okay, there's still a lot of time, don't think that you can succeed all at once."

Junjun was very sad, and Junjun didn't want to pay attention to Qiao Xun's comforting words.

Qiao Xun was helpless and put his finger on her head. Then, fox ears popped out.

Sure enough, revealing the fox's ears will hurt Junjun even more. She hurriedly stopped crying and hugged her ears,

"Uncle Shi, change back, change your ears back!"

"Don't cry, I'll change back."

"I didn't cry! It's just watery eyes!"

"..." Qiao Xun turned her ears into human ears again.

Only then did she gain the only little sense of security.

Although I don't cry anymore, but still sad,

"Uncle, will it be possible... In the future, the younger brothers will become immortals, and I still can't change the paint."

"You're thinking too far."

"But, but I'm really stupid!"

Joe Tour said,

"Do I have to say that you are the smartest fox in the world, but it's just not time for you to play?"

Junjun widened his eyes,


"When did I lie to you?"

"But I... obviously feel like I'm stupid."

"Feelings will deceive you. Everyone is the same, you need to cross a certain hurdle in your life in order to usher in your own glory. So, no matter what, don't feel sorry for yourself. You just need to practice seriously and immediately, the rest, don't Think about it."

"Has your uncle done such a thing too?"

"Hmm... that's it."

"How long did it take Uncle Shi to change the paint for the first time?"

"One month."



It's ignorant, but it's good to comfort you.

"Then I have confidence again!"

"That's right. However, you can rest today. I have something else to tell you."

"But I don't feel tired at all, and I'm not hungry. The uncle clearly said that a day has passed..."

"Because, you are absorbing the energy in this world, so you will not be hungry."


"...It's aura, immortal power and the like."

"Is it really absorbed!" Jun Jun asked in surprise.

"Of course, otherwise your stomach will be too hungry to bear."

"So, in fact, I, I am not stupid!"

"It doesn't make sense."

"It's good, it's good!"

A place where children are happy is always so special.

Qiao Xun took Junjun and Changyan away from Moshan World.

As the saying goes, the meaning is still unfinished, and when he goes outside, he is still grumbling about what color.

"Uncle, what do you want to tell us?" Jun Jun asked expectantly.

Joe Tour said,

"From tomorrow, you will go to study."

"Reading?" Chang Yan came back to his senses.


"Do immortal cultivators also want to study?"

"Yes. Besides, at your age, it's not good to keep you in a closed world~www.readwn.com~ You still need to communicate and communicate with people."

As the saying goes,

"I just want to cultivate immortals."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No. When you are eleven, you should do what you were doing when you were eleven. Study, play, and make friends. Don't become a fool who only knows magic."

As soon as he heard that he would become an idiot, Jun Jun agreed without hesitation,

"Okay, okay, I will listen to my uncle and go to study! Junior brother, don't talk too much, study well, so that you don't become an idiot!"


Chang Yan felt that Junjun's words were unconvincing and wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute, so he nodded in agreement.

"Then, what about cultivation? Uncle Shi."

"Cultivation remains the same. It's just that you don't need to spend as much time as today. In the future, you only need to practice for a quarter of the day."

"Will it be too little? Twelve hours in a day, three hours in a quarter..."

"Cultivation is about refinement, not quantity. Don't worry, I will take good care of your cultivation results."

"OK, all right!"

Qiao Xun's words are still very convincing to the common saying.

Suddenly, a gurgling sound rang out.

"What sound?" Chang Yan asked in surprise.

Junjun said shyly:

"I'm hungry."

Qiao Xun smiled.

I can't help but say:

"Senior sister, you are a girl anyway, can you be more reserved?"

Jun Jun angrily slapped Chang Yan on the back of his head,

"Don't teach senior sister a lesson!"

"Uncle Shi, look at her, how unreasonable, talk about her!"

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Okay, don't make a fuss, let's go eat something."

"Okay, okay!"

Among the foodies destined to be in heaven, there should be Junjun.

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