Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 87: I have to find a gift to make you happy

Lan Zhiwei is a very active person, and he is very concerned about Qiao Xun.

So, early the next morning, I personally came to pick up Junjun and Changyan to study.

He took care of everything, Chang Yan and Junjun only need to take people with him.

For reading, Junjun has a natural yearning, and Changyan has a natural rejection. Junjun yearns for knowledge that can make people smarter, but as the saying goes, he rejects the vulgarity of reading and reciting scriptures.

Therefore, when we set off, one was full of spring breeze, and the other was downcast.

Before leaving, Lan Zhiwei said:

"Mr. Zuochuan, this carriage will come to pick them up every day from now on. In my words, I'll just accompany them to a school today and explain some things by the way. I won't come every day in the future, but I hope you understand. "

Qiao Xun nodded,

"If you can come in person, you are already very affectionate."

"Qingyi..." Lan Zhi smiled, "I didn't expect this word to come out of Mr.

"Who do you think I am?"

"Probably someone who has nothing to do with feelings, affection, or lust." Lan Zhiwei said, and smiled lightly, "I hope my knowledge is short-sighted."

The carriage took the three away.

Junjun stuck his head out of the small window, beckoning and shouting loudly:

"Master, I will study hard!"

Qiao Xun looked at the carriage gradually disappearing at the end of the road, his brows lowered. After standing at the door for a while, he turned around and planned to enter.

As soon as he took two steps, he was stopped.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Joe patrolled the reputation.

A princess in disguise ran over in a hurry.

Dressing up...princess...however would not put it together. However, the person who came running was indeed the Fourteenth Princess, and she was indeed disguised as a... aunt.

Qiao Xun stared blankly at the panting "Aunt" in front of him,

"Princess Fourteen, you are..."

"Auntie" showed a very shocked expression on her face, looking at Qiao Xun in disbelief,

"You recognize me!"

"It's not difficult to recognize you, isn't it?"

"I'm a disguise made by the priest with the best skills in disguise in the palace!"

Qiao Xun paused, then asked suspiciously:

"Who are you, Aunt?"

Princess Fourteen's neck stiffened, and then she said loudly:

"You don't have to recognize me, and you pretend not to recognize me in order to cooperate with me!"

"...There's no need to make it so clear." Qiao Xun then asked, "Is there anything the Fourteenth Princess wants to do with me?"

"I...I'm here to apologize."

"Apologies for dressing up like this?"

"Because it's a shame for a princess to apologize to an ordinary person. Although I know you are not ordinary, you are an ordinary person in terms of personnel attributes."

Joe looked at his head,

"Does the princess really know what an apology means?"

"What else could it mean..."

"Apologizing is an emotional and moral correction behavior after a person has done something wrong. This behavior can be expressed verbally, physically, or something specific... There are many ways, but no The one exception is that people who make mistakes should feel ashamed and humiliated. And that shame can help people who made mistakes to make the same mistakes again. That’s how an apology makes sense.”

The fourteenth prince raised his mouth and looked at Qiao Xun blankly,

"So, do you want me to show that I'm the princess of the empire in front of everyone, and then apologize to you eloquently?"

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Your mouth is more aggressive than your brother's."

The fourteenth princess scratched her head,

"Actually, I not only want to apologize, but also... um, thank you for your gift. My concubine often taught me that I can't accept gifts from others without any reason. I have to understand why others give you gifts. "

"So, why do you think it is?"

"I thought about it last night and couldn't understand it, so I came to ask you in person."

"It's important? Is it worth it for you to come in person so early?"

The fourteenth princess lowered her head, her tone was low and serious,

"Worth... No one has ever given me such a gift that I like. The father, the queen, the concubine, the brothers and sisters... have never. They will only give me jewelry, calligraphy and painting, woven fabrics, elixir, etc. things. Last night, I put the starry sky gem in the bedroom, there are stars on the walls and on the top of the beams. I watched it all night. "

Joe Tour said,

"You won't be moved so easily."

"Ah? No!" Princess Fourteen propped up her back, "I'm just here to apologize and thank you. By the way, I'll ask you what you like, and I'll just give it to you!"

"Then let's start with an apology."

"What... how does it seem like a process..." Princess Fourteen shook her head, "Forget it."

She stood upright, stooping to salute,

"I'm so sorry, I offended you with my rudeness last night!"

"It's ok."

"Then... thank you very much, you gave me such a precious gift!"

"You're welcome."

The Fourteenth Princess felt strange in her heart, and after a little thought, she came to her senses. She straightened up, widened her eyes and said:

"How can you let me stand outside! You have to invite me in anyway!"

"It's not an important thing, forget it."

"It's not important..." Princess Fourteen said loudly: "It's very important, it's very important to me! Whether it's an apology or a thank you, it's all important! You can don't care, but you can't say it clearly!"

"How will it be said?"

The fourteenth princess bowed her head,

"Yes... I will be very sad. Things that are so important to me can be dismissed by the other party's casual 'unimportant'."

Qiao Xun glanced at her, turned around,

"come in."

"Okay, okay!" Princess Fourteen swept away her sadness and hurriedly followed Qiao Xun into the plum garden.

As soon as she entered, she reacted. There's something wrong, how can I feel sad because I can't get into someone else's door...

Weird, really weird.

But... the strange thing is me, or him?

Joe Tour said:

"You can take off your disguise. Pretending to dye doesn't smell good either."

"How to unload, I won't..."

"You don't know how to unload, so you dare to come out with a disguise? Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to return to the palace?"

The fourteenth princess said apologetically,

"I want to come earlier, forget it."


Qiao Xun picked a leaf by the road and handed it to her.

"Wipe your face with this."

"Can this work?" Princess Fourteen expressed doubts.

"Try it yourself."

According to Qiao Xun, the fourteenth princess wiped her face with a leaf.

Icy cold feeling, very comfortable.

There is also a clear aroma.


Wipe your face while walking.

Wait until the main courtyard, just right. The Fourteenth Princess took off her disguise and returned to the original.

She took the small bronze mirror she carried with her, looked left and right, and said in surprise:

"It's amazing! Can you teach me? I feel like if I learn this skill, I can do whatever I want."

"Is that what a princess should say?"

"Why not. I'm not one of those silly princesses who spend time in deep palaces waiting to get married."

"...Did you say that about your sister?"

"You are not allowed to inform!"

"I was still apologizing and thanking me earlier, but now I'm rushing to threaten me again."

"No. Oh, it's hard for me to say it anyway. I don't hate my sisters either, it's just... I don't like their life. How can I put it, it's not free at all."

Little Book Pavilion app

"In this cage on earth, freedom is higher than the sky."

"Where's Mr. Zuo Chuan? Aren't you free either... I feel like you're more comfortable than us."

Qiao Xun laughed,

"One day, when I am taller than the sky, I will be free."

"Higher than the sky... What is the sky?"

"God...is all you can feel."

"Isn't it the sky above my head?"

Qiao Xun looked at the head, the blue sky reflected the eye boy,


After speaking, he walked to a building in the front yard.

The Fourteenth Princess followed behind.

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The fourteenth princess asked:

"Why are you giving me a present?"

"Coax children."

"You!" Princess Fourteen resisted, "I'm not a child. I'm sixteen years old, Jasper Nianhua, Jasper Nianhua, do you understand?"

"Are you happy after receiving the gift?"

"Ah, happy."

"Isn't that alright? My purpose is to coax children, and you were coaxed to be happy. Then aren't you a kid?"

The fourteenth princess blushed,

"You think I'm a fool! This way of inferring has absolutely no basis!"

Joe brushes his hands,

"Forget it, I don't want to discuss with you whether you are a child or not."

"I'm not, I'm not!" Princess Fourteen's tone was a little anxious. It seems to be considered a child, which is a very fatal thing.

Joe Tour said,

"Okay, okay, you're not."

"Don't be so perfunctory. I...really not. I have some sisters who got married when they were fourteen and fifteen." Princess Fourteen frowned, and it was rare to see a hint of weakness on her face.

Joe patrols,

"how about you?"

"I...I don't want to get married."

"But the royal family will not follow your wishes."

"Well. So, I have to keep making mistakes. The princess who makes mistakes will be educated for a period of time."

"What did you do wrong?"

"I kicked him into the pond while the school teacher was admiring the lotus flowers."


"You laugh at me?"

"No laughing." Qiao Xun said with a serious face, "It's nothing funny."

"You're obviously smiling."

"No smile."


Joe Xun hissed,

"I see something really wrong with you."

"It's your fault! You're not honest at all, you're not upright!"

"...Okay, stop, I don't want to argue about meaningless things."

The fourteenth princess said,

"You are too selfish."

"Don't judge me specially."

"Not taking criticism is a bad thing."

"Oh, forget it. Saying so much, it's nothing serious." Qiao Xun asked, "What else do you want to ask?"

Fourteen Princess said:

"What do you like? I'll give you a gift."

"No need to pay."

"Pay it back!"

"You can't give me what I want."

"If you don't say it, how do you know I can't give it."

Look at her serious look. Qiao Xun was a little silent. He really didn't want to talk too complicated stuff to a naughty kid who would kick his teacher into the pond.

"Okay. I like to write. Just give me a pen."

"A pen..." The Fourteenth Princess immediately fell into contemplation, and after a while she shook her head, "No, I can't think of any pen that is comparable to your gem."

"It doesn't have to be really equal. It's all about your mind. It's okay to be equal."

"Your intention in giving me a gift is to make me happy. If you have the same intention... How can I make you happy?" Princess Fourteen looked at Qiao Xun curiously.

This...is a very complicated question.

How to make yourself happy.

Qiao Xun looked at his head, and when he thought about it, he thought very far.

Then, he regretfully found that he didn't know what would make him happy, really happy.

Qiao Xun said in a low voice,

"I do not know either."

He didn't know, since when, he gradually became unhappy.

Is it from the moment of evolution? But it may not be happy before evolution.

Did it start from the moment of ascension?


He thought that maybe it was after becoming a **** that it became difficult to be happy.

The fourteenth princess asked,

"Are you really unhappy?"

An adult usually does not share his thoughts with a child.

But for Princess Fourteen, a child who constantly emphasizes that she is an adult. Qiao Xun moved his lips slightly,

"do not know."

"You don't even know if you're happy or not, then you must be unhappy. So, when you say you like pens, you're actually just trying to kill me."

"You are sharp."

"Sure enough, he sent me!"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Forget it, Princess Fourteen. There's no need to be so serious."

"...No! I must give you a gift that will make you happy! Definitely!"

"Why are you so persistent?"

"I..." Princess Fourteen frowned, looking a little negative, "I don't know what I do every day, why I live. I'm like a pet that has no goals and is fed. Maybe, I will give you a gift, you can It's one of my goals. Just, I hope you don't deceive me. Three years ago, the sixth brother lied to me once. This time, the sixth brother came back to fight for the throne, and he didn't even care about me..."

"You know that your sixth brother is going to fight for the throne."

"I'm not stupid. The second, third, sixth, and ninth brothers are all fighting for the throne, and there will definitely be other brothers who will join the fight in the future."

"You know so well? Then I came to make trouble for your sixth brother last night~www.readwn.com~ Princess Fourteen bowed her head,

"I... I actually don't want Sixth Brother to fight for the throne."


"Because it's dangerous."

"I underestimate you."

Princess Fourteen looked at Qiao Xun seriously,

"So, maybe I can actually find something that makes you happy?"

"..." Qiao Xun was silent. He didn't want to answer the question. He didn't want to put his burden on someone who had nothing to do with it.

Moreover, the more Princess Fourteen said that, the more ashamed he became.

At what point do you have to be powerless to count on a child to help you?

he stood up,

"Stop talking about that. You're a good boy, there's no need to get stuck with me."

"I'm not a child."

"You are a good person."

"It always feels like you're scolding me."


The fourteenth princess stood up, her footsteps swayed, and she almost fell.

Qiao Paun waved his hand to steady her,

"What's wrong?"

"It was very sleepy. Last night was a night. Can I sleep with you for a while?"

"...you're on your mind."

"No. I'm really sleepy."

"Forget it. Eat something before going to sleep, or it'll be very uncomfortable. I'll ask someone to make you something."


"No. Go back to bed when you're asleep. Don't make trouble for me."

"I didn't make trouble for you."

"You know that a princess of yours is sleeping in my garden, and what will happen to me after the news spreads?"

The Fourteenth Princess looked at her head, seriously thought about the previous precedent, and then blurted out:

"My father will marry me to you in order to maintain the royal reputation."


Oops, I said the wrong thing!

The fourteenth princess realized later, blushed, buried her head without saying a word, and walked honestly.

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