Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 88: The monster in the plum garden

At dusk, Tianyun City is dyed with orange-red afterglow.

The carriage carrying Chang Yan and Junjun swayed to the entrance of Meiyuanzi.

Manager Chen was already at the door, waiting for the two little masters. He didn't quite know the identity of the master he was serving now, but he knew the identity of Lan Zhiwei. There is no need to guess the identity of someone whom the Sixth Highness respects so much.

Junjun was as full of energy as when he left in the morning, and there was no sign of exhaustion on his face.

Chang Yan was completely lethargic, and seemed to be suffering from studying a lot.

In the matter of studying, Junjun can be considered to have found the dignity of being a senior sister, and asked with concern:

"Junior brother, are you tired?"


"You can't go on like this, it's only the first day. Didn't you say that you have to study for at least ten years before you can be considered learned."

"Forgive me... It's good to practice for more than ten years, why should I study for ten years..."

Junjun scolds in a coquettish voice,

"Don't be discouraged! You can't live up to your uncle's expectations."

"Okay." Chang Yan bitterly followed Jun Jun into the plum garden.

As soon as he entered the garden, Junjun threw off the saying and rushed to the backyard impatiently. She wanted to share her experience and gains with her uncle as soon as possible.

"Uncle Master, Uncle Master!"

She ran and shouted.

After not listening to the answer, she thought, are you sleeping?

So, she lightly walked through the corridors to the wing where Qiao Xun slept.

Then, gently pushed open the door of the wing. After seeing the quilt bulge, she thought, she is really sleeping, so don't bother.


I was about to turn around and take the door to leave, but then I thought, what does Uncle Master look like when he sleeps?


How can a child's curiosity be suppressed.

She walked more gently in the direction of the bed.

After reaching the bedside. It happened that the person sleeping on the bed turned over and faced her.

Seeing the sleeping face, she was stunned.

Then, frightened, she cried out,

"Uncle Shi has become a girl!"

With her voice, Lan Yuedong, who was sleeping beautifully, was frightened to sit up.

"What happened?"

Lan Yuedong looked at Junjun standing in a daze in front of the bed,


Junjun took a few steps back,

"You, are you Shishu?"

"Do you mean Mr. Gochuan?"


"No, I'm not him. I just borrowed his bed."

Jun Jun swallowed his saliva, turned around, and shouted while running,

"Uncle Shi, your bed has been occupied by a woman!"

Lan Yuedong paused, stretched out his hand and shouted:

"It's not occupying, it's borrowing!"

She hurriedly got up and put on her clothes, and before she could comb her hair, she chased out.

As soon as I walked out of the Moon Gate of the small courtyard, I almost collided with Chang Yan, who came from Xun Sheng.

It is said that small spells will still be ordered. A levitation spell turns to the side, and then asks vigilantly:

"Who are you?"

Lan Yuedong thought about it and said:

"Um...Mr. Gokawa's...my friend's sister."

"Mr. Zuochuan's friend... Are you Lan Gongzi's younger sister?"

"Master Lan... oh, yes yes."

Chang Yan sighed,

"Oh, it's boring, I saw that Senior Sister was so flustered, I thought I met a monster."


Immediately, Chang Yan frowned,

"However, why did you occupy the uncle's bed?"

"It's not occupying. It's borrowing, I am..." Lan Yuedong said this, and reacted... Why am I so guilty in the face of a child! She straightened up and asked, "Where's your uncle?"

"do not know."

Lan Yuedong raised his brows,

"It's rude to leave the guests and disappear."

"Guests should sleep in guest rooms, right?" Chang Yan expressed doubts about Lan Yuedong's identity, "Who are you?"

Lan Yuedong has a feeling of being pressed tightly.

She looked at Changyan,

"What's your name?"

"I won't tell you." Chang Yan put on a stance, "However, you better prove that you are not a thief, a monster or something."

Lan Yuedong is a little helpless,

"If you don't believe me, you might as well ask your uncle."

"Where is Uncle Master?"

"how could I know!"

"Then I can't trust you. You don't even know where your uncle is, so it's even more suspicious!"

"Forget it, I'll find him myself."

Lan Yuedong just took a step, and Chang Yan immediately shouted nervously and loudly:

"Stop, don't move!"

Lan Yuedong was taken aback,

"What do you mean, you stinky brat, are you treating me as a robber?"

Chang Yan blushed,

"Who knows if you are a robber! My uncle is not at home, I am the eldest man in the family! I have the responsibility to protect this family and my senior sister. You can't let you hurt my senior!" He touched his back, Then he remembered that he didn't bring a peach wood sword, swallowed his saliva, and felt a little nervous in his heart, but bravely stood in front of Lan Yuedong.

Lan Yuedong was speechless. She didn't take the common saying of the eleven-year-old child seriously,

"Forget it, let's not make trouble with you."

Having said that, he will go over him to find Qiao Xun.

But just as she took a step, she heard Chang Yan shouting:

"Robber, take my trick!"

Then, a stone popped out of his fingertips. The stone hit Lan Yuedong's knee with a burst of energy.

The strength of a child is not high, and the cultivation base is not high, but it can still be done to beat a girl with flesh and blood.

Lan Yuedong first felt a little hot in his right knee, and then a tingling sensation followed.

She stared blankly at Chang Yan, squatted down little by little, sat on the ground, hugged her knees, hissed and breathed in, and then couldn't help shouting,

"It hurts! Stupid brat, what have you done! It hurts me to death!"

Knee being attacked really hurts.

Tears swirled in Lan Yuedong's eyes, how could the fine-skinned and tender-fleshed royal princess ever experience such pain.

"Ah, is it so weak..." Chang Yan first grunted, and then realized that what she said was true. He was a little flustered, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't know you were so weak."

mental attack.

Lan Yuedong not only has knee pain, but her heart also hurts now. Being called weak by a kid who is five or six years younger than me...

"You're weak, you stinky brat!" She burst into tears, trying not to let the tears fall.

Crying in front of a child is so humiliating.

She endured the pain and wanted to stand up, but she just got up. The piercing pain immediately made her fall to the ground.

A pair of hands, at the right moment, supported her waist and made her stand up.

Qiao Xun supported Lan Yuedong and asked Changyan,

"Xiaoyan, what's going on?"

Chang Yan has not yet reacted to the sudden appearance of Uncle Shi. He didn't understand, he had been staring at the front, why didn't he see when the uncle appeared?

"Little words?"

"Ah, Uncle Shi!" Changyan said nervously and fearfully, "I, I... I thought she was a bad person, so I shot her in the knee with a small stone." He lowered his head, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it. Clearly, if you hurt others, please punish the uncle."

Qiao Xun looked at Lan Yuedong, raised his eyebrows,

"How are you?"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

She reached out and lifted the hem of the pleats under her right skirt, exposing her knees. It was red and swollen, and the center was a little blue.

"Look at it, see for yourself, how am I?"

Joe Tour said,

"You're not being reserved at all, you lift your skirt in front of outsiders."

"It hurts! How can I care so much!"

Qiao Xun abandoned her,

"It didn't hurt the bones, just go and put the stasis-removing plaster on your own."

Lan Yuedong said,

"Where am I going to post? Are you not responsible for getting hurt at your house?"

Qiao Xun looked at her with a pained face, and then at Chang Yan, who blamed herself beside her.

He thought, if Chang Yan doesn't make up for his mistakes, this little guy is afraid that he will be depressed for a few days.

As the saying goes, he is a serious child. Serious people are often easy to get into the horns and care more about the opinions of others.

He exhaled,

"Xiaoyan, go to Moshan World to pick up some herbs."

"What herbs?" Chang Yan immediately regained his spirits.

"Three feet high rat's eye grass, one foot wide light moss, and then take five drops of dew that fall on the jasper grass."

"Is it healing?"

"Well. Since you hurt others, you have to make up for the fault yourself."

"I will!"

"Also, before picking the medicine, color it first."

"Well, I remember!"

After Changyan finished speaking, he turned and ran towards the garden where Moshan World was located, running very fast.

Here, with a wave of Qiao Xun's hand, Lan Yuedong's knee injury subsided. Then he turned around and said,

"Your knee is healed, don't stand stupidly."

"Hey, it's really good!" Lan Yuedong rubbed her knees, her eyes glowing, "How did you do it, how did you do it? Teach me!"

"You have a big face. I'll teach you when I preach."

"I can worship you as my teacher! Well, so can my uncle!" Lan Yuedong said enthusiastically.

Qiao Xun laughed,

"Then you have to call those two little guys Senior Brother Senior Sister."

"Well, I do!"


Qiao Xun did not expect that she, who wanted so much face, actually agreed. He coughed,

"If you want, when I didn't say it."

"You man, don't be fooled!"

"You are too old to have no potential."

"You said I was a child before, and now you say I'm old?"

"Children, there are also small children, middle children, and old children. You are obviously an old child."

"I get it. You just don't want to teach me."

"It's good to hear it."

"You don't even have to defend yourself!"

Joe Tour said,

"While you want me to respect you, you also say that I won't even lie to you. Why, are you acting like a princess?"

Blue Moon Winter looks up,


"I haven't said that you occupied my bed without saying a word."

"...How do I know it's the sleeping room, there are no personal belongings in it, it looks exactly like the guest room. Besides, of course I want to sleep in the best room! Your room looks like the most beautiful room in the garden. OK."

"You need a face. I didn't drive you away, I've already done my best. Your sixth brother, the future emperor, didn't show prestige in front of me. You'd better restrain yourself." Qiao Xun threatened.

Lan Yuedong doesn't want to scare people at all, but frowns and murmurs:

"The future emperor? Are you so sure that the sixth brother can become the emperor?"

Qiao Xun looked at her,

"Don't think too much, just say it casually."

"I do not believe."

"believe or not."

"..." Lan Yuedong had the arrogant look of a princess on the surface, but she was not a tyrannical person. She quickly changed the subject and asked, "Since you can heal my injury so quickly, why do you want that little guy to go somewhere to get some medicine?"

"Just taking his own medicine. He is a serious and responsible person, and it is easy to put himself under inexplicable psychological pressure. If you don't let him do anything for you, you may not sleep well."

"It's easy to blame yourself... This kind of character can't survive in the court. Will you send him to the court in the future?"

Qiao Xun glanced at her,

"Are you testing me?"

Lan Yuedong tilted her head,

"Well... I actually want to know what the relationship between you and the sixth brother is. The sixth brother respects you very much, and he may need you to help him fight for the throne. But, what do you want from the sixth brother? ?"

"You're not qualified to care about this."

Lan Yuedong was not angry when she heard this. She didn't feel that Qiao Xun was humiliating herself, but she spoke honestly from the bottom of her heart.

She exhaled and looked at the full moon gradually showing its outline in the distant sky,

"Women under imperial power are probably that humble."

"You live fairly awake."

"It's a pain to be sober."

The two turned the corner of the corridor. He met the anxious Junjun face to face.

In just two blinks of eyes, Junjun staged a rapid change in his demeanor.

From anxiety to joy, from joy to doubt, from doubt to daze, from daze to sudden realization, from sudden realization to indifference.

She put her arms around her, with a grown-up tone,

"Jun Jun, I'm really going to be angry."

Qiao Xun blinked and asked:

"What's wrong Junjun?"

"I called you so many times, so many times! You don't even answer me, don't answer me, you're still talking and laughing with this strange woman who occupied your bed!" She asked angrily: "You Do you still have my nephew in my heart?"

Qiao Xun: ?

How can I make it look like I've made a big mistake...

He coughed,

"Junjun. Her name is Lan Yuedong... Well, she's Lan Zhiwei's younger sister."

Jun Jun was stunned,

"Lan Zhiwei's younger sister..."

She thought to herself, according to her seniority, isn't that her own aunt?

"Auntie..." She murmured subconsciously.

Blue Moon Winter:


Junjun said hastily,

"Nothing! I'm hungry and my stomach is growling."

"Oh... I heard it as 'aunt'."

Junjun: It's dangerous...

After knowing that Lan Yuedong was her aunt, she changed her previous attitude and became friendly and warm.

"Can I call you Princess Sister?"

"No, no, no, no."


"Look, if you call Mr. Zuo Chuan uncle, and you call me elder sister, am I a generation younger than him?"


"So, you can call me..." Lan Yuedong thought about it and found that she couldn't find any suitable title. "Forget it, just call me sister. However, you don't need to bring 'princess'."

"Okay, Sister Yuedong!"

"Hey, the little guy's mouth is so sweet, he grew up eating honey." Lan Yuedong laughed so happily.

When the two came back to their senses, they found that Qiao Xun had gone far.

"Hey, wait a minute, why go in such a hurry!" Lan Yuedong hurried to catch up.

Joe Tour said:

"I said, Your Royal Highness, are you not going home?"

"It's so late, how dangerous it is outside."

"Let your sixth brother pick it up."

"Sixth brother is too busy, don't disturb him."

"Then call your inner guard."

"It's so hard to be a person on such a big night. I'm a good princess who is considerate to my subordinates."

"So, are you relying on me here?"

"Xiaoxiangting's plum garden was originally a dowry given to me by my sixth brother! So ~www.readwn.com~ Logically speaking, you are an outsider!"

Qiao Xun paused for a while, and said:

"What a blue zhiwei, he started thinking about me when he entered Tianyun."

He looked at Lan Yuedong,

"You brothers and sisters, one counts as one, they are all lamps that do not save fuel."

"What's the matter... I don't have to stay here anymore. It's just that I'm a person who keeps my word. I won't leave until I pay you back my salute."

"Yes, you can do what you want. You are a princess of a country, who can control you. Anyway, I'm going to retreat soon, and you won't be able to disturb me by then."

"Shut up?!"

One word, three voices.

Junjun and Lan Yuedong looked at him in amazement. Including the common saying that the herbs were picked from the Moshan world and ran out of breath.

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