Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 90: Winter solstice, killing life and disaster, good luck

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winter solstice.

The Heavenly Fate Emperor's capital was to the north, and after a gust of cold wind blew, the heavy snow continued for several days.

Snow piled on the house, a thick layer, wrapped in silver.

But on the street, snow plows pass by from time to time, so there is no snow. As the imperial capital, there is no such thing as "sweeping the snow in front of each door" in Tianyun City. It is the official arrangement of snowsweepers to take care of the streets in winter.

As soon as the snow passed, it fell clean. The streets are washed.

A carriage with a non-slip wooden twist traversed the street and stopped in front of a mansion with a particularly lavish gate.

The servant quickly fetched an umbrella, propped it up against the carriage door, and prepared for the snow.

The shelter door was pushed open, and Lan Zhiwei came out, pushed open the servant's umbrella, and strode into the mansion.

The servant put away his umbrella and followed behind,

"Master, master, today is the winter solstice, and the mansion has prepared a mutton pot and will be waiting for you to come back. Should I let the cook pick it up immediately, or should I rest first?"

"Lamb pot?"

"Well, it's a sheep that was just killed in the early morning. It's a baby sheep. It was brought from the Baisha farm. The sheep over there are the best, not stinky, and tender. Also, His Highness the Seventeenth, this morning, brought it here. He took half of the deer's leg and said he beat it himself in Xiangshan."

"A lot of good stuff."

"It's a good day today. You have to prepare some good ingredients."

Lan Zhiwei walked into the corridor and brushed the snow off his shoulders.

"I remember the winter solstice, both the Inner Court Academy and the Cheng Academy are on holiday, right?"

"Yes. Da Zhou's school is closed."

"Go to Meiyuanzi and invite Changyan and Junjun over."

"The slave is going here."

Going to Meiyuanzi to invite someone is already a common occurrence in the Sixth Prince's residence. Everyone knows that the Sixth Highness is especially close to the two of Mei Yuanzi. Moreover, His Royal Highness specially instructed the mansion that seeing those two is equivalent to seeing him. Therefore, the people in the house call them little masters in private.

There is also some gossip, saying that His Royal Highness has not married yet, but treats other children as if they were his own, fearing that they are illegitimate children left in the early years.

Lan Zhiwei packed up, changed his clothes, and went straight into the study.

As soon as he entered, there were several disguised people who appeared out of nowhere, all kneeling in front of Lan Zhiwei on one knee.

Lan Zhiwei flicked his sleeves,

"Say one by one."

Starting with the first person on his left,

"His Royal Highness, three days ago, the third prince met Liyun Governor Yuan Chenghai in a private restaurant in the outer area of ​​Tianyun City. The next day, he met Liyun Governor Zhou Huan in the same place."

Lan Zhi frowned slightly,

"For two consecutive days, I met the governor and the governor..."

he nodded,


Then, the second person began to report,

"There is a new deputy commander named Kemeng in the Southern Zhou Dynasty's main camp. Kemeng had a relationship with the seventh prince in the early years, but in recent years, he has not communicated directly."



A total of six people reported some information to Lanzhiwei in turn.

Afterwards, the six disappeared without a trace in the mansion.

Lan Zhiwei closed his eyes for a while in the study, looking like he was taking a nap. Then, he got up and left.

After reaching the large courtyard outside, I saw a group of servants making a fire in the snow.

The charcoal sparks lit up high and disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

The smell of lamb wafted in the air. He counted in his heart how long it had been since he had returned to heaven. He didn't know how long he had been in the sky, but when he counted it, people's eyes were a little dazed.

"It's been five years..."

In five years, a lot seems to have happened. Again, nothing happened.

He looked up in the direction of the central city. In the imperial city, the towering tower, which symbolizes the supreme imperial power, is the tallest building in the entire imperial capital. As long as the weather is clear, you can see it no matter where you are in the imperial capital.

Looking at it for a while.

Gongshan Ziyou came to him,

"Your Highness, it's windy outside."

Lan Zhi shook his head slightly,

"The wind is stronger in the central city."

"There's always a time to stop."

"Who knows who will see the sun first after the wind stops." He lowered his head, "Royal father's body is getting worse every day. Recently, he has become more and more... manic-depressed. Many important officials of the imperial court are beginning to move. They are all saying that they are afraid that the tower will be opened soon.

Gongshan Ziyou thought about it and said,

"His Royal Highness, don't be impatient. The more this happens, the more calm you need to be. According to the previous political style of the Holy Master, this may be a fog with a hidden fire."

"You are right. The father is a man with a strong desire to control. As long as he is still there for a moment, he will never allow some people to be so arrogant. What I am afraid of is... those guys can't stand it anymore and do something beyond expected things."

"In any case, the movements of the several military camps outside the city must be grasped. Avoid some princes from raising troops to force the palace. Before the Santian Pavilion is opened, there is no possibility of detours without Shengze's instructions. When the Santian Pavilion opens... Good to say."

"So, do you think there must be a prince who will make a big deal before the tower opens?"

"Well, especially those princes who have a low chance of winning."

"It has to be guarded. I don't know, who will become cannon fodder for the first time."

Gongshanzi You paused,

"Your Highness, don't you worry... After the tower opens, will our situation take a turn for the worse?"

Lan Zhiwei said,

"If Santian Pavilion can decide everything, why fight? If you can't get the last chip, you should quit earlier and make more corrections."

"Does His Highness use Mr. Zochuan as the last bargaining chip?"

Lan Zhiwei said,

"No. He is not a bargaining chip. Mr. Zuo Chuan is not something that this world can restrain."

"But he's been gone for five years."

"What is five years?" Lan Zhiwei lowered his eyes, "I have a feeling. Mr. Zuo Chuan has always been there."

Gongshan Ziyou bowed slightly and said nothing.

Lan Zhiwei stepped outside and waited for a while. After seeing a carriage approaching in the snow, he let out a little breath.

people have arrived.

The carriage stopped in front of the Sixth Prince's Mansion, and then, a young boy and girl came out from inside.

Lan Zhi smiled and greeted him,

"You are here."

The common saying that is already half-adult-like said repeatedly,

"Uncle Liu Wang came out in person again, so we can't bear it."

"It's all said, don't pay attention to those. The etiquette rules are for other family members to see, and my family members are exempted."

Jun Jun, who is wearing the snow velvet wind, said with a smile,

"It's disturbing again."

"What is it to disturb." Lan Zhiwei said strangely, "Today's winter solstice is a good time, how can I bear the two of you to live in the plum garden?"

"The same is true for the winter solstice in previous years."

"The next year, for many years to come, will be the same."

Jun Jun looked at Lan Zhiwei deeply,

"Well, that's good."

Lan Zhiwei said,

"I've been busy during this time, and I haven't had a chance to ask you about your grades. Why, just tell me today."

"Okay, okay!" Jun Jun was impatient.

It's not that I want to invite Lan Zhiwei because of my good grades, but I can't wait to see Chang Yan's twisted expression.

She turned her head to look, and sure enough, Chang Yan had begun to be uncertain,

"Uh... Uncle Liu Wang, isn't it a good day? What a disappointment to do your homework."

"Sabotage?" Lan Zhiwei pretended to be surprised, "I thought it was more than happiness."

He knows what the saying goes.

As the saying goes, the grades in homework are actually not bad. In Chengxuetang, they are a lot worse than him. After all, there are many people who are not good at reading. It's just... that there is an overlord classmate and senior sister who has won the championship in the school year for five consecutive years, and his grades are no different from the last one.

Under the king, everything is bad.

Seeing the bitterness of the common saying, Lan Zhiwei didn't ask any more questions.

"Stop talking about it, let's go in."

During the winter solstice, family dinner is usually eaten.

Although Lan Zhiwei had no family history in the Sixth Prince's Mansion, in his opinion, he didn't seem deserted at all.

"Uncle Sixth King, has the Fourteenth Sister come back yet?" Junjun asked.

Only Junjun can call a pair of siblings "uncle" and "sister".

Lan Zhiwei said,

"I don't know when she will come back. However, it would be nice to be outside. For her, the City of Fortune is like a cage. The farther away, the better."

In the eyes of Junjun, the light of the old days flashed,

"When the fourteenth sister left, she said that there was nothing in Tianyun City that would make him happy... Then she left. At that time, I didn't ask what it meant, and who 'he' was talking about. However, I She has also grown to the age of the Fourteenth Sister, and I can gradually understand it."

Lan Zhiwei asked,

"Who do you think it is?"

"Uncle Shi, who else is there?" Jun Jun sat in front of the stove and stretched out his hands.

The slender and straight fingers gleamed like red lanterns under the firelight. As she grew older, her eyes became more and more red, especially when the fire was reflected, which made people see her eyes as if they were seeing the afterglow of the sunset.

After she said this, she fell silent, just looking at the charcoal fire in the stove.

Lanzhiwei asked:

"You miss your uncle?"

Junjun said calmly,

"I almost forgot about him."

As the saying goes, the mouth is broken by the side,

"Don't pretend that I don't know, you always stand in a daze in front of the room where Uncle Shi used to sleep."

"It's impolite! Senior sister doesn't call her senior sister, what is it called 'you'?"

As the saying goes,

"When you walk outside, others treat you as my sister."

"That's when you came out with a lot of beards at a young age. Don't think that you have grown up when you have a beard."


The family dinner has begun.

The servants who served the aristocrats, served dishes and soups, and hurried before and after.

The lights of the Six Palaces were lit up, one by one, creating a warm and misty scene in the white snow.

The smell of meat permeates the night. Another great night.

This beauty, in a place where no one is watching, quietly cracked a hole.

The rumbling sound of the iron cavalry exploded in the large camps outside the city.

Afterwards, the soldiers and horses gathered, stepped across the permafrost, and galloped towards the brightly lit Sky Fortune City.


After the family dinner, it was already a little late.

Lan Zhiwei asked Chang Yan and Jun Jun to stay tonight and rest in his mansion. As the saying goes, it doesn't matter, I think sleeping in Meiyuanzi is the same as sleeping in Liuwangfu. Perhaps, the Six Palaces should be warmer, after all, there are many people living there.

But Junjun insisted on going back to Meiyuanzi.

Lan Zhiwei didn't pretend to be an elder, so he obeyed Junjun.

On the way back, because it was dark and there was a little snow on the ground, the carriage went slower.

In the carriage, Chang looked at Jun Jun inexplicably,

"Uncle Liu Wang seems to want us to stay... He may have something to say. How do you..."

The curtain next to Junjun was lifted, and cold wind kept pouring in. However, the two of them have practiced for five years and are fearless.

The wind blowing Junjun's ears and temples was a little tangled,

"If Uncle Shi comes back and sees us not at home, how sad he will be."

"First of all, Uncle Shi is very powerful. He will definitely know where we are, and then come to us. Second, Uncle Master will not be sad even if we are not at home."

"You're not Uncle Shi, how do you know Uncle Shi won't be sad?"

"Then how do you know he'll be sad?"

Junjun said,

"Uncle Master..."

As the saying goes,

"Before in the Six Palaces, why did you say that you almost forgot your uncle?"

"Because... I'm really forgetting. Junior Brother, didn't you notice? The appearance of Uncle Master has become more and more like a lake. I gradually only remember that Uncle Master existed, but I can't remember what he looks like. already."

Chang Yan paused, closed his eyes, and recalled it seriously. Then I felt a sense of horror swept across my back,

"Me... Me too! I've almost forgotten what Uncle Shi looks like? But why is this, will there be monsters messing up our minds?"

Junjun with a straight face,

"Can you not throw it on the monster as soon as you encounter something bad..."

"But it's really weird!"

Junjun said,

"My mother told me a story before. She said that when I was just born, a visitor came down from the sky. My mother said that she clearly saw the visitor's appearance at that time, and was so impressed that I often dream about it. The fox demon has a very strong memory and can usually remember people for a lifetime. But my mother said that for some reason, I gradually forgot what the visitor looked like. The only impression left is... that visitor, A very young girl..."

"This story is not a story at all. There is no beginning or end, and there are no ups and downs."

Junjun said angrily,

"Because this is my mother's personal experience, what kind of plot do you want!"

"so what?"

"The situation is very similar to what we feel now."

"Is it possible, do you think Uncle Shi is also a visitor?"

"I'm not sure, and I don't know what my mother meant when she said the aliens. I just think... Shishu, maybe it's different from us. You see, we have learned a lot over the years, and we have I know a lot of things in the world. But I really haven't seen one, and I haven't even seen someone more powerful than Shishu in a book."

"Indeed. Also, I didn't expect that my master, Daoist Master Bai Hao, was the pinnacle that mortals can reach. But master and uncle... are obviously not at the same level."

"You said, could the uncle lie to us? He is not your master's younger brother at all?"

"Will my uncle lie to us?"

Junjun sighed,

"I don't want Uncle Shi to lie to us either. But...he is so powerful, but he can't find any records about him." She quickly changed her expression, "But, I still want to believe Uncle Shi. He's so nice to me, he's definitely not a bad guy."

"Me too."

Jun Jun suddenly lost interest in speaking again and leaned against the edge of the window with his head tilted. Pressing his face slightly, he pushed out the flesh on his face, showing a healthy rosy slightly.

Chang Yan couldn't help looking at her, and gradually became a little lost.

He came back to his senses,


"Yeah." Jun Jun's tone was lazy.

Frequently Asked:

"Didn't the twenty-second prince write you a letter yesterday?"

"Seems to be."

"You're not going back to him?"

"I didn't even look at it."

"...the family is the prince."

"Yesterday was the 2,000th day we met Uncle Shi. On such an important day, whoever he is, don't bother me to miss Uncle Shi."


"However, why are you asking this?"

"I... Of course I'm worried that Senior Sister doesn't know the etiquette and makes people angry. After all, she's a prince."

Junjun rolled his eyes at him,

"What if I don't come back?"

"Aren't you afraid that he will stumble you?"

"Uncle Liu Wang is here. If Uncle Liu Wang can't handle it, I will clean him up and leave. Anyway, hitting that kind of vegetable seedlings is just a matter of breath."

"Where can you go?"

"It's up to you. The world is so big, isn't there a place for my little fox?"

"what about me?"

"You..." Jun Jun raised his head and raised his eyebrows to look at him. Just as he was about to speak, the carriage suddenly jolted and shook violently.

"What's the matter?" Jun Jun opened the curtain and asked.

The driver who drove the car swallowed ~www.readwn.com~ The road ahead was blocked. "

Junjun looked forward.

I saw that a column of cavalrymen were neatly entrenched at the key intersection, and there was a lamp hanging on the right side of each horse.

I saw at least one person out of the queue, shouting loudly:

"By His Majesty's order, the whole city is under curfew. Please return home quickly. After half an hour, those who stay outside will be under control!"

Junjun replied loudly,

"But our way home was blocked by you!"

The cavalry thought for a moment. What they blocked was the way to Xiaoxiangting, and the people living in Xiaoxiangting... all were important officials of the court and family records of clan princes.

"Do you live in Xiaoxiangting?"


"Okay, please pass!"

After the cavalry finished shouting, they turned around and made several gestures.

Then, the cavalry made way.

The driver drove his horse forward.

When the carriage came to the front of the cavalry line, it was about to pass.

Chang Yan's eyes narrowed,


Jun Jun also reacted and couldn't help but slapped the body with his palm, and the horse running in front was immediately controlled, turned quickly, and ran towards the other.

The driver was overwhelmed and screamed in panic.

Chang Yan raised his fingers a little, and he immediately calmed down and fell on the platform in front of the carriage.

The change was too fast, and after the cavalry blocking the road reacted, the controlled horse had already dragged the carriage and ran out of the way.

"Captain, do you want to chase?"

"No, the main intersections are under control, and they can't go anywhere. Let's guard this intersection."

"However, how did they see it?"

"Who knows. That's not our concern."


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