Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 91: The sky is dark and the moon is high, the country is unstable

Horses' hooves smashed a thin layer of ice on the street, splashing snow and smudges into the drains on both sides.

In the carriage, Jun Jun and Chang Yan condensed the aura lingering outside the body to avoid being perceived.

After getting away from the previous pair of cavalry, Junjun maneuvered his horse into a relatively narrow alley. Deep in the alley, they dropped the carriage and quickly disappeared into the night.

Jun Jun's body is strong and flexible, she jumped up and jumped from the ground to a guardrail attic.

The saying follows.

They looked around and saw that all the important intersections in Tianyun City were blocked by cavalry with lanterns lit.

"What's going on?" Chang Yan asked with a frown.

Junjun said,

"These cavalry outfits seem to be the sectarian troops of Xishan, Dongdao, and Nanzhou Road outside the city."

The so-called gate party army, that is, the special army guarding the gate of the country, is generally ordered directly by the emperor.

As the saying goes,

"Didn't the captain of the cavalry say to impose a curfew on His Majesty's decree before?"

"Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it. The winter solstice is considered a small New Year's Eve for Da Zhou. On such a day, it is unlikely that a curfew will occur. That is to say, it is snowing heavily tonight, so there are no people on the streets. If it is a clear night, it must be scattered with lights, A crowded scene."

"So... this is unlikely to be the will of His Majesty the Holy Emperor."

"But aren't the parties and armies of the Sifangmen in the east, west, north, and south only under the orders of His Majesty the Holy Emperor? At present, it seems that only the Beipo army has not come."

Your eyes are like a fire burning,

"Junior brother, you obviously don't pay much attention to the political situation in the palace."

"Ah? We're just studying in the Imperial Academy, how can we care?"

Junjun said,

"Who are our classmates? They are all the children of important officials of the court. The ones who give us lectures are all cabinet bachelors, and there are several young princes who have frequent contacts with us. More or less, we can listen to them. Let's go to some court affairs. You don't usually pay attention?"

As the saying goes, don't overdo it,

"I can't take care of my grades in my homework, so how can I take care of them. You can do your homework, you have a good relationship, and you have many friends around you, so you have the opportunity to get to know them."

Junjun smiled and said,


"Don't be jealous. Anyway, in Cheng Xuetang, you play with other people every time you take a break. It's great for me to be quiet by myself."

Junjun laughed,

"Look at how unpromising you are."

"Okay, I'm useless. Then tell me what's going on now."

Jun Jun's tone gradually became a little illusory, she said,

"The Holy Emperor is ill, the sky is high and the moon is dark. The Great Zhou Kingdom is like a fire, burning in the hearts of many princes. Our Uncle Sixth Prince is also one of those princes. If you know about the monarchy of Great Zhou, you should know that since When Da Zhou built his dynasty, he has always been 'according to God's will' and regarded himself as the highest system under the heaven, so he built the Santian Pavilion for this purpose. It is said that the Santian Pavilion can contact the will of God. As soon as the Cangtian Pavilion opens, it is basically a foregone conclusion who the new king will be."

She sat down, looking more relaxed. A pair of eyes, more and more like peach blossoms,

"Some time ago, I heard the twenty-two princes inadvertently say that the towering pavilion is about to open. It will be revealed who the new prince is. There is only one new prince, but there are many princes who are interested in Guozuo. In this case , Naturally anxious, especially those princes who think that they are difficult to be chosen by God. As the saying goes, if you were such a prince, what would you do?"

As the saying goes, think about it and say,

"Give up as soon as possible, and become a prince in the future, and live in peace and stability for a lifetime."

Junjun rolled his eyes at him,

"So you basically have no friends except me in Cheng Xuetang!"

Chang Yan snorted coldly,

"I just want to cultivate immortals, and I'm not interested in other things. I think it's better for Senior Sister to throw away some worldly thoughts, purify the Dao, and cultivate according to Uncle Shi's arrangement."

"You don't understand at all..."

"Don't understand what?"

"Uncle Master is obviously a man of high spirits and doesn't mess with the world, but he intends to approach and help Uncle Six Kings... What do you think is the reason?"


"For us." Jun Jun's eyes were rather dark and distant, "Do you think Shishu just wants me to cultivate well?"

"Is not it?"

"No. Uncle Shi, he obviously wants us to do a big thing with Uncle Liu Wang."

"What's up?"

"do not know."

As the saying goes,

"Senior sister, I think you are thinking too much."

Jun Jun shrugged,

"Take me thinking too much."

"But... why would Senior Sister think like this?"

"Keep studying, keep thinking... Write down every movement, every expression, and every conversation he has with Uncle Liu Wang. Also, Uncle Liu Wang is so kind to us, it's worth it. Compared with his own children, it is difficult to say that it is not because of the uncle. Including Mr. Gongshan, doesn't he often hold small classes with us? Some of his concepts, combined with the position of the sixth king in the court... Many, many links are connected together When you get up, you can come to this conclusion. Uncle Sixth King obviously understands this... Mostly he has reached some kind of tacit understanding with his uncle. "

As the saying goes, it feels very confusing, and my head is a little dizzy when I hear it.

"Senior sister, you think so much in a day, aren't you tired?"

"Not tired."

"You're only sixteen..."

"Other girls are married at sixteen."

"...do you want to get married too, senior sister?"

"I don't want to. I didn't want to. Before my uncle came back and my mother was rescued, I didn't want to."

"Oh." Chang Yan lowered his head.

He didn't know when it started. Senior sister, who was obviously very naughty and naive, suddenly grew up and became good-looking, smart and mature.

Junjun shook his head,

"Why are you taking it so far..."

She watched the cavalry around the blocked intersection and said,

"If there is no accident, it should be a certain prince who couldn't hold back and started to act."

"Just to rebel."

"Success is to obey God's will, and failure is to rebel."

"Then what should we do? Secretly go back to Meiyuan?"

"Look at Xiaoxiangting, can you go back?"

Chang Yan stood up and looked into the distance.

Xiaoxiangting was surrounded by cavalry, and the lights were bright. One after another, they were taken out of custody, squatting outside and being watched.

"Little Xiangting lives in the family papers of important court officials..."

"That's why it's like this."

"Meiyuan can't go back, shall we find a place to hide?"

Junjun shook his head,

"We can't let tonight's action succeed. If it succeeds, Uncle Liu Wang's efforts will be in vain. Moreover, looking at the performance of Uncle Liu Wang before, I obviously did not expect this kind of thing to happen today. Maybe I am not prepared. . . . and... bad!"

"What's wrong?"

"Uncle Six Kings may be in danger!"

As soon as Jun Jun finished speaking, he stepped forward and moved between the roofs of the buildings.

She is so beautiful, like dancing in a snowy night.

But in the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Chang Yan reacted and hurriedly chased after him.


six palaces,

After sending Chang Yan and Jun Jun away, Lan Zhiwei simmered in front of the stove. Put some dried fruit snacks on the side to pass some idle time.

Gongshan Ziyou and a group of other disciples were all sitting around the stove, activating their minds as usual.

Lan Zhiwei said,

"I have a feeling more and more that someone will take the shot before the tower opens."

"I think so too. It's just that the time period...it's not easy to say." Gongshan Ziyou said, "Nowadays, although His Majesty the Holy Emperor is seriously ill, he can still take care of government affairs himself, and the main power of the inner court is still firmly established. Hold it."

Another doorman said,

"The power of the inner court is the sole of your Majesty's feet, and you can naturally grasp it. But... Judging from the appointment of officials during these times. Local government affairs are becoming more and more powerless. There is also the more critical issue of military power. The four major military camps in the east, west, north and south, The interval between external drills is getting longer and longer. Your Majesty, I haven't met those generals for quite some time."

"Bing power...Beida battalion, our right to speak is quite heavy. But the other three battalions are hard to say."


All the guests, you are saying one by one.

Lan Zhiwei listened silently without speaking. At halftime, everyone was tired of talking, and when they were drinking tea, he suddenly asked:

"What kind of days are suitable for mutiny?"

"This..." Gongshan Ziyou said, "At this point in the mutiny, we must focus on a surprise. In my opinion, if the preparatory work is appropriate, it is best to choose festivals. Like New Year's Eve, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Holy Birthday of the Queen and the Queen Mother."

Lan Zhiwei looked at him and asked,

"What about the winter solstice?"

"New Year's Eve is also a suitable time."

Lan Zhiwei frowned suddenly.

A kind of doorman is startled,

"Your Highness, don't you think..."

Lan Zhi stood up slightly,

"Neglect, careless! Careless!"

His words made the guests behind the door feel like a cold man.

Gongshan Ziyou's complexion changed greatly,

"Your Highness, do you want to send someone to investigate the other three military camps?"

At this moment, a person in disguise appeared out of nowhere.

The moment he saw him, Lan Zhiwei immediately understood.

Everything is too late.

come to report,

"His Royal Highness, the four intersections of the six palaces have all been blocked. A total of 480 cavalrymen are rushing towards the palace."

Lan Zhiwei's brows pierced like needles, stabbing. He raised his eyebrows,

"Are you sure who arranged the action?"

"It's under investigation. Judging from the signs of these cavalry, it is the combined army of the three barracks in the east, west and south."

"It's really those three..."

Gongshan Ziyou said,

"It is estimated that it is the arrangement of the Seventh Highness."

Lan Zhiwei then asked,

"How is the action of the Janissaries to Yangcheng?"

"No action by the Guards has been detected."

"The intelligence system of Zhiyang City has been corrupted to such a degree... There are all holes inside and outside." Lan Zhiwei calmed down, "No matter what, they can't let them open the gate to Yangcheng. You immediately brought my intention to inform the Holy Emperor, and at the same time, accompanied by another person, went to the Imperial Guards Imperial Sword Battalion, forcibly ordered the battalion headquarters to defend the city, and indicated that all the consequences shall be borne by me."


Gongshan Ziyou said,

"Your Highness, is this a bit rash? The third prince, fifth prince, eighth prince, and ninth prince..."

Lan Zhi shook his head slightly,

"Lao Qi has already lost his head. If he is allowed to force the palace to succeed, there will be countless big holes in the next big week. I know him as a person, only the heart of being an emperor, and he has no will to run the country at all. He is suitable for fighting, Instead of engaging in politics. Da Zhou Guozuo, even if he falls into the hands of the third brother who likes to play tricks, he will be better than him."

Gongshan Ziyou went on to say,

"Your Highness, we are surrounded, what should we do?"

Lan Zhiwei frowned.

"Since Lao Qi dares to surround my palace, then other palaces, he will not fall. It is estimated that he wants to kill us all, under the pretense of the father's order, first falsely accuse us of treason, and then establish himself as a defender of the country. Then force the father emperor to pass the throne to him. No matter whether he is stable or not after he ascends the throne, it will definitely cause the court to fall into a violent vortex of party struggle, and it will definitely shake the country."

"Then, Your Highness, you can't be controlled."

"But now... just relying on the soldiers and horses in the house, how can you not stop those elite cavalry." Lan Zhiwei kept pacing, thinking about countermeasures.

getting closer.

Until a certain moment, he suddenly heard the uniform sound of iron hooves.

Gongshan Ziyou asked,

"Your Highness, are you guarding?"

Lan Zhiwei frowned,

"Don't keep it. Open the door. It's too sudden. We have lost the space for decision-making. The change of the winter solstice is destined to rewrite the history of the big week."

"Your Highness..."

Lan Zhi shook his head slightly,

"It's far from being short-lived. It's just that the five-year operation must have lost more than half of it. I'm afraid that this will make Da Zhou very sad."

After he finished speaking, he went out the door, walked through the snow-filled yard, and walked towards the main entrance.

After the front door opens.

He looked forward. There are more than 100 elite iron cavalry lined up in front.

"Sixth Highness, please come with us."

"You must know very well who should move and who shouldn't."

"We don't know. It's just that we can understand the will we received. The palace will not leave any of them, but will all be arrested."

Lan Zhiwei wasn't angry either, just sighed,

"Lao Qi really did a lake painting thing."

He knew that with Lao Qi's ability, even if he succeeded, the throne would not be stable, but it would obviously tear the balance of the court for many years.

"Please, Sixth Highness."

Lan Zhiwei took a step forward.

But only one step was taken, and a sudden change occurred.

All the lights around him went out, and everything fell into violent darkness.

A few minutes later, the wind picked up, and the snow came.

The wind and snow were mixed, accompanied by a miserable howl. This strange and manic change made the warhorses under the cavalry immediately fall into a state of restlessness.

The neighing of war horses and the howling of wind and snow turned this place into chaos.

Lan Zhiwei only felt a strong thrust and pushed himself into the palace, and then heard the sound of the door slamming shut.

Then, there was a shrill scream outside.

The screaming didn't last long. Only four or five breaths passed.

Then, the door opened.

There is no light, only a little shadow. Lan Zhiwei vaguely recognized the person at the door,

"Is it Junjun and Xiaoyan?"

Jun Jun's highly recognizable and beautiful voice sounded, making everything uneasy to settle down,

"It's me, Junjun!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand, and all the lanterns that had been extinguished were lit up.

The figures of her and Chang Yan became incomparably clear.

After seeing them, Lan Zhi exhaled slightly,

"How about you?"

"Uncle Liu, on our way back, we were stopped by a line of cavalry. As for me, I figured it out and thought it might be a mutiny. I was worried that Uncle Wang would be killed, so I rushed over." Jun Jun patted his chest. , "Fortunately, it came in time."

"Those people outside..."

"It's all under my control. Uh...it's turned into an ice lump. I guess it won't survive, it shouldn't matter..." Jun Jun asked carefully.

Lan Zhi was stunned for a while, then loosened his brows and smiled,

"Of course it doesn't matter."

"That's good, that's good." Junjun said, "Uncle Liu Wang, today is probably a very critical day. I won't go back. If there is anything I can help you, just say. In the past five years, it has become very powerful!"

Lan Zhiwei instantly cheered up, his eyes glowing~www.readwn.com~ Junjun, Xiaoyan, you are really my lucky stars! "

Often scratching his head,

"Senior sister is amazing, I'm just following senior sister..."

"Let's talk about the gossip. Now that the siege has been resolved, the subsequent arrangements cannot be left behind."

Lan Zhiwei gave an order, and several people in disguise instantly appeared around. He spoke one by one and arranged seven secret orders in succession.

Finally, he looked at Jun Jun and Chang Yan,

"Xiaoyan, I want you to go to the North Slope Camp immediately and hand this over to the Dadutong there."

"Okay." As the saying goes, Lan Zhiwei handed over a little finger-sized jade slip, and after looking at the senior sister Junjun, she disappeared.

"Junjun, if you can, you can immediately go to the Tianxing Palace in Yangcheng to protect His Majesty the Holy Emperor." Lan Zhi exhaled slightly, "His Majesty the Holy Emperor also pays attention to you at ordinary times. Although you don't get along much, he evaluates you. Very high. He will accept your protection after you explain what happened tonight."

"no problem!"

After some arrangements, Lan Zhiwei himself was not idle, and immediately entered the study and began to write letters and orders.

The entire Tianyun City, like a huge machine, burst into noise.

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