Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 93: It's another year of peach blossoms, but things are different

It has been four months since Lan Zhihui's mutiny and rebellion.

In Tianyun City, a lot of things happened. Lots from top to bottom.

The Holy Emperor Lan Hengguang seemed to have regained his spirits after that treacherous night, and was no longer the terminally ill appearance before. Since then, the Holy Emperor began to rectify the politics, army and clan.

The rectification lasted for four months, and yesterday was the day to see results.

At yesterday's meeting, a series of rewards and punishments and new policies were issued.

All the officials of Lan Zhihui's lineage, large and small, without exception, were all cleared from the political center, those who were delegated to the devolved, those who were forced to retire in advance, and many people went to prison, and even lost their heads.

From monitoring, auditing, to intelligence, all of them have been changed.

In terms of awards, the five princes Lan Zhihuang and the third prince Lan Zhimao were awarded...

Other officials, clans, etc. who have made contributions to punishing Lan Zhi's restoration of the old department and reviving the dynasty have all received awards more or less.

Only Lan Zhiwei, who made the most of the credit, didn't mention it at all.

Not only people from Lan Zhiwei's lineage are puzzled, but even the opposing factions, such as the Third Prince, Fifth Prince and other factions, do not understand the intention of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Could it be that the political incident that Lan Zhiwei violated eight years ago made His Majesty the Holy Emperor so worried?

Moreover, isn't the one who has the most credit for escorting Lan Jun, a disciple of Lan Zhiwei's mansion?

Even if Lan Zhiwei didn't do anything, he should give some rewards for Lan Jun's merit in escorting him.

And the truth is, not only is there no reward, but the name is not even mentioned.

Of course, for this situation, some officials think that it may be that His Majesty the Holy Emperor already likes the Sixth Prince Lan Zhiwei, so he is not rewarded with meaningless rewards at this time.

The thoughts of His Majesty the Holy Emperor are hard to guess.

No one dared to intervene at this juncture.

On the contrary, Jun Jun and Chang Yan are taking advantage of the wind. His Majesty the Holy Emperor personally requested that they be sent to the school for the princes to study, and even had the chief scholar teach them personally. Moreover, they were moved from the plum garden of Xiaoxiangting to the inner courtyard of the palace, and they were also allowed to pass freely to the central city.

Free passage to the central city, this is the qualification that all princes do not have.

The Holy Emperor Lan Hengguang showed his love to everyone.

As a result, Junjun and Changyan have become the most concerned figures these days. Even if they are still at the age of study and have not really had the power to control the government, but the love of His Majesty the Holy Emperor alone is enough to attract other people desperately to look around.

Plum Garden.

As usual, Junjun stood in front of the moon door in the uncle's room and looked inside.

It became her habit. I always feel that maybe at some point, Uncle Shi will come back.

Although she has a residence in the inner courtyard of the palace, she still prefers to live in Xiaoxiangting. With the favor of the Holy Emperor, it doesn't matter where she lives, no one dares to talk too much.

"Senior sister, you are also here..."

As the saying goes down the corridor.

Junjun looked at him,

"Why did you come back?"

As the saying goes,

"There are still some things left."

Junjun asked,

"Are you really going to move to the palace?"

After a moment of silence, Chang Yan nodded,

"Yeah. It's very clean and it's more suitable for cultivation. In Meiyuanzi, there are always some people who want to come to disturb you."

"If you really don't care, no one can bother you anywhere."

Shaking his head,

"I'm not as transparent as Senior Sister. I'm worried that one day I won't be able to resist the temptation of the world. So... it's better to stay far away."

"But, you have to come back every now and then."

"The world of Moshan has already been painted, and the follow-up practice that my uncle left us can be anywhere... So, Mei Yuanzi, there is no need to come back."

"But, this is our home."

"It's not home. Senior sister, this is not home. From the day Master died, from the day your mother was taken away, there was no home."

"But, uncle..."

"Senior sister, you also said that my uncle taught us to cultivate immortals, probably in order to achieve some of his goals." Chang Yan lowered his head, "I have thought about it for a long time, cultivating immortals and seeking the Tao should follow my heart. What uncle wants to do is far from us? Maybe, we have to find our own way."

Spring breeze blows.

The girl's hair moved slightly. She looked at Chang Yan silently.

Chang Yan was slightly taken aback and said:

"Senior sister, you are more and more like your mother."

Junjun said,

"Xiaoyan, is this your plan really?"


"If Shishu comes back, will you still move back?"

"Uncle Shi won't necessarily return to Plum Garden."

"Since you said so, it means you don't want to."

As the saying goes,

"Sorry, Senior Sister. I just want to cultivate well. My uncle must think so too. I hope we can cultivate well."

"I thought you would stay even for me..."

"What?" Chang Yan paused.

Junjun shook his head,

"Nothing. I respect your choice."

After speaking, she turned and left. The figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chang Yan stood in a daze. He still thought about what his sister said.

"Could it be that Senior Sister already knew that I liked her..."

He looked at the place where Jun Jun disappeared, and after a long time, he sighed,

"Master, I will remember your words. Dao..."

Master had told him that Dao and love cannot have both.


Junjun left the Tianyun Imperial Capital.

She went to a far place—

Yushan Town.

For her with a high level of cultivation, this road is no longer far, but it will be reached in a while.

In the wild peach forest in the back mountain of Yushan Town. She stayed for two days.

The hut that I once lived in has long been abandoned. It is said that the tomb of Master Baihao Daochang is also covered with weeds and cannot be seen.

On the first day, she cleaned the cabin, swept the grave of Daoist Bai Hao, erected a more solid tombstone, and cut down the surrounding wild trees.

The next day, she waited in the wild peach forest and witnessed the blooming of peach blossoms with her own eyes.

On the third day, she returned to the Imperial Capital of Heaven.

After Junjun returned to the Tianyun Imperial City, he found that there were two white lanterns hanging outside every building in the city, and all the pedestrians in the street were dressed in white clothes and wrapped in white scarves. She immediately realized what was happening, so she hurried back to the palace. Then she knew,

In the two days that she left, two major events happened in Tianyun City.

The first thing, His Majesty the Holy Emperor Lan Hengguang, who was still full of energy some time ago, died at midnight.

The second thing, the reading of the will of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, is said to be located in Lanzhiwei of the Six Kings.

She was extremely sensitive to the court situation, and immediately realized that the next time would be the most difficult time for Lan Zhiwei. When she found Lan Zhiwei, the latter was busy arranging the funeral ceremony of the late emperor Lan Hengguang, and at the same time, he was also dealing with the new monarchs of various officials.

Busy and overwhelmed. Obviously, Lan Zhiwei didn't expect that the late emperor died so suddenly, and the edict passed on him was so sudden.

Finally, in a gap in the evening, Lan Zhiwei was able to rest for a while.

Although Junjun didn't want to disturb his rest, but at this time, he had to get in touch with him.

In the second hall on the side of the Guanghe Hall, after Junjun entered the door, he immediately closed the door and used the barrier spell with ears on the partition wall.

"Six..." As soon as she opened her mouth, she immediately changed her mouth, "Your Majesty."

Lan Zhiwei, who was squinting for a moment, opened his eyes. After seeing Junjun, he immediately cheered up.

"Junjun, where have you been these two days?"

Junjun answered honestly,

"I went to Yushan Town."

"So far? How did you..."

"I'm fast. Well, if I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have left."

Lan Zhi shook his head slightly,

"Don't talk about that. Just come home safely."

Junjun went on to say,

"Your Majesty. Although you are very tired now, I think it is necessary to analyze the situation carefully."

"Well, yes. It's all in such a hurry that I don't have time to think about it."

"Your Majesty, why do you think the Emperor's Legacy belongs to you?"

Lan Zhi frowned slightly,

"As a matter of fact, the team I have run in the imperial court for the past five years is not bad. It's not that I don't know about the imperial examination. As for the inheritance, I..." He looked at Junjun, and for the seventeen-year-old girl in front of him, he There is an instinctive sense of trust, "I think, on the one hand, I have a certain management in the local area, and I have the ability to check and balance other princes in the court and military camps. On the other hand... Maybe, the emperor agreed with me. some insights.”

"What opinion?"

Lan Zhi took a long breath,

"That is, Dazhou's Jiangshan Sheji cannot conform to the will of God, but should conform to the world."

"God's will... On the night of the mutiny, I heard the discussion between the late emperor and the seventh prince about the will of God. At that time, I felt that although the late emperor said he wanted to obey the will of God, his heart was shaking. It's just that I I don't know that His Majesty is of the same opinion."

Lan Zhi slightly sighed,

"The reason why I was forced to leave Tianyun and go to Yushan. It was also because the opinions at the time were different from the emperor's examination, which made the emperor's examination angry."

"Your Majesty, what is God's will?"

"God's will is the opinion of the sky. Every once in a while, it will be issued through the Santian Pavilion."


Junjun thinks, it is probably the so-called heaven.

"Why do that?" she asked.

Lan Zhi shook his head slightly,

"I don't know either. Complying with God's will is the policy that Da Zhou has set out hundreds of years ago. On the one hand, Da Zhou can have today's glory because of complying with God's will."

"Then Your Majesty is not worried that if you don't follow the will of God, you will be abandoned?"

Lan Zhiwei didn't answer in a hurry, but told Junjun a story.

He also told Qiao Xun about this story. It was seventeen years ago, his experience in assisting General Zuo Zhenyuan in the northern Xinjiang.

After Junjun heard it, his heart was very moved. She realized that the woman Lan Zhiwei had grown strong in the desert was her mother.

"I originally supported conforming to God's will. But since that time, my thinking has gradually changed. God's will, maybe it's just a way of God's coercion of the world, I don't know the specifics, but this feeling has become more and more over time. The more intense it became, the conflict broke out with the Imperial Examination." Lan Zhiwei sighed, "I also once doubted whether this idea of ​​mine was wrong. But the appearance of Mr. Zuchuan gradually strengthened my idea. "

"Uncle Master?"

Seeing that Junjun has also grown up, Lan Zhiwei no longer hides it,

"Mr. Zuochuan said to me before his retreat that he helped me for a certain matter, and said that this matter will be understood when I become emperor. I have been thinking about it all these years. Gradually I thought that maybe Mr. Zuochuan He is not a member of the human world, perhaps, he was going to do something contrary to God's will."

Junjun lowered his head and said suddenly:

"It turns out that the uncle is for this matter..."

"I don't know when Mr. Zuochuan will be able to leave the customs. He once said that he would help me two more times... These two times, it was too late."

Junjun's eyes gradually became firm,

"Your Majesty, no matter what, I have to practice the idea of ​​my uncle, so I will do my best to share your worries. If possible."

"Then what are your current thoughts?"

Junjun said:

"The court rewards and punishments a while ago greatly boosted the limelight of the third and fifth kings. Most of them and their henchmen believed that in the heart of the late emperor, they were the favorite candidates for the heir. No one would have expected such a sudden departure, and it is even more abrupt to pass on your will. It is difficult for them to change their minds and regard you as the king of a country. And their power in the court and locality is very large, so huge It is enough to shake the country's capital. This is bound to be a huge hidden danger. At this time, it is the funeral period of the late emperor. Your Majesty, you must work a lot, and they have more energy and time to prepare. Now, the towering pavilion is not open, most of them are Will revolve around 'God's will' to attack."

Lan Zhiwei looked at her deeply,

"Junjun, I really never thought that you are so well versed in the political struggle of the court."

Junjun said,

"I just have a lot of heart."

"Mr. Zuo Chuan told me at the beginning that he is a smart person, but it is only limited to the wisdom of practice. And you, you have great wisdom, you just need to wait for your own well-being. Now it seems that Mr. Zuo Chuan's words are not bad at all. "

"Your Majesty is overrated. I just follow my uncle's thoughts."

Lan Zhiwei thought for a while and said,

"Junjun. You are so clear about such a situation. I want you to temporarily use the government, local and military resources I have to complete the preparatory and stability maintenance work for the new dynasty. My housekeepers, guards and intelligence systems, Anything can be used by you. What's your opinion?"

Junjun paused,

"I originally just wanted to share my worries for Your Majesty. But I'm not afraid to say something presumptuous. Does Your Majesty trust me so much that you're not worried about my backstab?"

Lan Zhiwei said,

"I once took it for granted that I wanted to be an emperor. But after I really became an emperor, I realized that what I hoped more was to set things right and break the banner of 'Shun Heaven's Will'. Break the banner of 'Shun Heaven's Will'... I don't think anyone is more suitable than you."

Although Junjun is well versed in political affairs, he is still a little nervous to take on such a big burden at once. After all, he is only seventeen years old...

"I... can I really?"

"I'm standing behind you, and Mr. Zochuan is standing behind you. If you can't do it~www.readwn.com~ then no one can."

Jun Jun thought hard for a while, and finally took a deep breath,

"However, I hope that I will always be behind the scenes, or issue the will in the name of Your Majesty."

"Why? This is a great achievement of the auxiliary government."

Junjun shook his head,

"Actually, I don't care about fame and power. I just want to... follow my uncle and do what I want to do."

"What do you want to do?"

"I... I'm sorry, but I will definitely tell His Majesty later."

Lan Zhiwei gave her a deep look and nodded,

"In that case, it's up to you. During this time, you will have to work hard."

"It's my pleasure."

Lan Zhi shook his head slightly,

"Junjun, you and I didn't have to have the etiquette of monarch and minister before. I also know very well that you are not my minister, and I am not your king."


After speaking, Junjun took out a jade piece from his arms, exuding a shimmering gleam.

she says,

"Your Majesty, this can cleanse your heart. Put it on your body to avoid hurting your body all day long."

Lan Zhiwei nodded and took the jade piece.

"In the evening, you come to the imperial study, and we will discuss it in detail."


Lan Zhiwei left in a hurry.

Junjun stood there, thinking for a long time,

"God's will... Except for me and Xiaoyan, there are no immortal cultivators in the world. It's also God's will..."

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