Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 94: He will not be absent

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Lianxing Road is a road to the central city.

The road is not the point, the point is to build various palaces, halls and gardens on both sides of the road for living.

The palace, of course, refers to the emperor's harem. It is where the queen mother, queen, concubines and young princes and princesses live. Only the emperor's daughter-in-law and blood clansmen can live here.

The hall is the living room, which is specially used for temporary residence of important officials who often come and go in and out of the palace. Many times, some ministers who came to meet with the sage usually cook until the night. At this time, if the emperor loves this minister, he will let him come here to rest for a while. This is also a way for the emperor to manage the relationship between the monarch and his ministers.

And the Yuan refers to the Celebrity Yuan... and it is also the most special.

Different from the temporary resting nature of the living room, the Celebrity Garden can be permanently inhabited. It is specially established to commend courtiers, clansmen and generals who have made outstanding contributions. The people who live in the Celebrity Garden are often the kind of people who are absolutely irreplaceable in the heart of the emperor.

Therefore, with a history of nearly a thousand years in Dazhou, few people can own a house of their own in the Celebrity Garden.

Moreover, the house of the Celebrity Court, after the owner dies, will be taken back and will never be passed on to the next generation.

Not long ago, when the first emperor wanted to give Changyan and Junjun a set of residences in the Celebrity Garden, there was a lot of discussion. Many ministers urged the late emperor to think twice at the court meeting. After all, Da Zhou had never had such a precedent. Those who can enter the Celebrity Garden have always been the great figures of a certain dynasty.

However, the first emperor's power to eliminate differences, or gave this pair of senior brothers and sisters the qualifications of the celebrity garden.

Lianxing Road was originally located in the depths of the central city, with high walls built around it, and a forest planted with various exotic flowers and trees, not to mention the noise from outside.

The Celebrity Garden is in the depths of Lianxing Road. There are very few people living there.

Therefore, it can be regarded as one of the quietest places in the central city.

Most of the time, when Chang Yan came out of his mansion in the Celebrity Garden, he looked around and saw no one except the palace maid and the eunuch.

However, this is good for him.

It's good to be clean, so that no one disturbs it.

In the early morning, after getting up, as usual, he went out alone, crossed an arch bridge, and walked more than 200 meters to a lake.

The lake is an artificial lake in Zhiyang City, specially built for people in Lianxing Road. Usually, some people go boating, fishing, playing in the water...

But during this time, almost no one came here.

The common saying also knows why. The first emperor dies and the new emperor ascends the throne. The concubines and children of the former emperor in the harem must observe filial piety for three years. In the past three years, in addition to basic activities, there can be no other extra activities, such as playing games, which are not allowed.

Seeing the quiet appearance here, Chang Yan thought, being in the emperor's family is not necessarily comparable to ordinary people.

At the very least, when an elder died in a normal family, it was stipulated that they should observe filial piety for seven days.

Royal guard for three years, three years, must eat clean, live clean. Any offense will be punished.

However, it is better for him to live in the Celebrity Garden. He does not need to be filial to the late emperor and can still live a normal life.

After doing breathing in front of the lake for a while, Chang Yan returned the same way. It just so happened that breakfast was already delivered from the imperial kitchen.

The Inner Court Academy is closed today, and the chief academic is busy with other things, so there is no need to study.

I like a day like this the most.

Have the most time to practice.

After breakfast, he went into his exercise room.

After careful arrangement, no one could see or enter this practice room except him. It's his most private, secret place.

Sitting on the futon, he maintained the posture of meditating and began to circulate his body through the meridians.

Seven small weeks in the abdomen and one large week in the whole body constitute a cycle.

He repeated.

a cycle,





a hundred.

After one hundred cycles, it was already dusk. Just in time for dinner, the palace maid brought a food box.

He had previously explained to the maids who delivered the meals that only breakfast and dinner would be delivered.

Sitting at the dining table, watching the maid open the food box and place the plates one by one.

Looking at the food on the plate, Chang Yan has no appetite.

Of course, he wouldn't chalk it up to bad work. The food in the imperial kitchen was already the top of the whole week, even better than what he had eaten before.

But, there is no appetite.

Seeing that he was not eating, the maid who served the meal asked nervously:

"Is Mr. Chang dissatisfied with today's meal?"

Mr Chang...

Even though it has always been called that, the common saying has never been heard. But I really can't find a suitable name. Chang Gongzi? What's the difference with those dandy kids in the secular world? Mr Chang? This sounds rather old-fashioned.

Shaking his head,

"No. Just a bad appetite."

"Can you ask the imperial kitchen to prepare some appetizing appetizers?"

"Forget it, take it back."

"Lord Chang..." The palace maid looked troubled, "How about you still have something to eat?"

The food was brought back without moving, and the imperial kitchen was to be held accountable.

Shaking his head,

"Forcing an appetite doesn't go well."

The maid bowed her head,

"Okay, the slaves will clean up now."

Chang Yan got up and walked to the door.

The dusky sunset is about to go down. He looked at this day, it was still the previous day, but when he went to class before, he always vaguely heard something like "The big week has changed."

He didn't quite understand it, and he didn't want to waste time trying to figure it out.

"After all, it is necessary to cultivate the immortal class, and lose this worldly chaos."

The palace maid packed the food and retired.

Chang Yan opened his palm and stared at the slightly fluorescent veins in the palm of the branch...

"Uncle Master, you said that you have dyed the world of Moshan, and you only need to rotate Zhoutian... But I have been running for two years, and every meridian in my body is filled with cultivation. After that... Uncle Master, after that. …”

In the past few days, he has been doing the meridian circulation every day. But there has been no progress at all.

It was as if something was stuck there and couldn't break through anyway.

He really wanted to ask Senior Sister, why is this...

But Senior Sister seems to have been busy with something and has no time at all. Most of the time when I go to her, she is not there.

Chang Yan sat down, very unruly, on the threshold, and the fronts of the scholars' clothes were all spread on the ground.

"Uncle is not here... Sister is not here either..."

He had a feeling that he was the only one left.

Looking at the dim yellow in the distance, he murmured in a low voice,

"Am I abandoned?"


In the imperial study on the side of the Tianxing Palace.

Lan Zhiwei reviewed the memorial alone.

At a certain moment, the candle light went out for a moment, and then immediately turned on again.

He knew that it was Junjun who came back.

In a bronze mirror in the corner, a beautiful figure was reflected. The figure was getting closer and closer to the mirror. Until, out of the mirror.

Junjun has long since stopped wearing girlish attire, even though she is only a seventeen-year-old girl.

From the day Lan Zhiwei handed her the burden, she changed into her mother's attire. Clear and distant, like a suit that is not in the world.

Every time Lan Zhiwei sees her, there is always a feeling... Junjun is indeed as she said, and it will eventually become more and more distant.

"Your Majesty." Compared with before, Jun Jun's eyes became deeper and deeper, and from time to time there were flashes of light.

Seeing this look, Lan Zhiwei couldn't help feeling ashamed.

He knew that before she came, she must have done some very unclean things again. Those unclean things should have been done by him. But now, it's all up to her.

"Junjun, you don't need to salute, just sit."

Lan Zhiwei put down the memorial in his hand and asked with concern, "How do you feel?"

Junjun smiled slightly,

"Of course it's very good. The problems left by the late emperor have basically been dealt with. The resources in the hands of several princes are almost recovered. After a while, there should be no worries. At that time, His Majesty can implement it. The new concept will gradually remove the basic concept of 'following God's will'."

Lan Zhiwei said ashamedly,

"Since I became the throne, what I have done is not as much as you, nor is it as important as what you have done."

"Your Majesty doesn't need to say that. We're all on the same line."

"It's been hard work for you... Actually, you don't have to work so hard. Don't delay your studies and cultivation. That's the most important thing for you."

Junjun shook his head,

"Don't hide it from Your Majesty. What the school can teach me, I can learn, basically I have learned. As for cultivation..." She looked a little stunned, "About a year ago, my cultivation reached its peak, and I can't improve any more. half a point."

"Why is this?"

"After thinking about it, I had to use the word 'God's will' to explain it." She looked up, "God doesn't want me to go any further, and I can't do it."

"Is this also the case with Xiaoyan?"

"Xiaoyan... I haven't communicated with him for a long time. However, according to my calculations, he should have reached the top these days."

"Is there any conflict between you?"

Junjun said,

"It's not a contradiction. It's just...Xiaoyan's pursuit is not the same as mine. He seems to be more concerned about his own path. My words...I just want to do what I need to do with my uncle. After that, I will I'll think about other things."

Lan Zhi paused slightly,

"Xiaoyan, it seems to have a different meaning to you."

"I know he likes me. I knew it a long time ago."

"how about you?"

Jun Jun seemed a little dumbfounded at this time. She has her mouth shut,

"He's my junior brother. I only regard him as my junior brother..."

"Children of your age, most of them have a budding heart." Lan Zhiwei's tone showed an elder's concern for his younger generation. Like an adult asking a child if he has a sweetheart.

In most of the time, Lan Zhiwei did treat her as his own child. He thought that this was probably because Junjun had always been close to him. Unlike the saying goes, there are always clear boundaries.

Junjun said,

"How can I say it...a little shy," she lowered her head and raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "I feel that no one is worthy of me for the time being..."

Lan Zhi was stunned for a while, then laughed loudly,

"You really...you're not polite at all."

Junjun's face is a little red,

"Well... it was originally. Otherwise, His Majesty said, who is worthy of me? I won't say that it is limited to men. Who is worthy of this week's men and women, flowers and plants, big demons and little demons? I?"

Lan Zhi smiled and said,

"Yes, yes, of course no one is worthy of my first female hero in the big week."

"Don't say that about me... what a heroine, sounds like a sloppy Jiang Yang robber."

"You have such a high vision, don't you have to live a lonely life?"

Junjun took a breath,

"A lifetime is a lifetime. It's just that you can do what you want to do easily, without any burden... Unlike my mother, who took me with a small tail back then, it's not doing this, it's not doing that."

"Your mother? I don't seem to have heard you mention it."

Junjun paused,

"Oh, it's not important anymore. It doesn't matter if you hear it or not."

"Where is your mother now?"

Junjun thought about it, if you said that he was missing. That His Majesty had to do everything possible to help her find it, but she couldn't find it at all, and it would definitely be a waste of money and manpower to get it in the end. So she said indifferently:

"Already deceased."

After finishing speaking, she silently said sorry to her mother in her heart.

"That's it. Alas, you are a miserable man too."

"I'm fine. With the help of my uncle in the middle way, and His Majesty's meticulous care... So, I have done so much for His Majesty, not because I am charitable, but in gratitude to repay His Majesty's care!"

Lan Zhiwei smiled happily. He is very relaxed.

Only when I chat with Junjun will I be so happy and relaxed.

After all, except for Junjun, there is no one who can not regard him as a high-ranking emperor.

Happy enough, the two calm down.

After a while, Junjun said:

"Your Majesty, I have been feeling more and more recently. The Tower of Heaven is about to open..."

Lan Zhi nodded slightly,

"My feelings are getting stronger and stronger."

"What are we going to do to prepare?"

"You have helped me with all the preparations that can be made. Now is the best time in the past ten years."

"But I always feel like something is missing."

Lan Zhiwei said,

"Lack of a man at the helm, right?"

"Well... Your Majesty~www.readwn.com~ Although I don't want to offend you. But I feel that in the face of the so-called 'will of God', you can't control the situation."

"I am self-aware of this, and I don't need to think it will offend me."

"So, I'm thinking, this matter, for us, is a difficult challenge that we have never experienced. If we are a team, then this team lacks people who can determine the number." Jun Jun looked disappointed, "Even though I am confident and have practiced hard to have an opponent, I have no confidence at all in the face of this matter. Maybe, we will be defeated in the end."

Lan Zhiwei said,

"Junjun, you have to understand that your so-called defeat is already a height that most people will never see in their entire lives."

"But this height was given to me by my uncle. I often wonder, where would I go without my uncle?"

"Don't feel sorry for yourself. There is no 'if' and what happens is the right thing to do."


"And, Junjun, don't forget that Mr. Zuochuan is just retreating, not leaving. You know very well that he is a person who has calculated everything. When he appears, he will definitely not be absent." Having said this, Lan Zhiwei actually had no confidence in his heart. After all, Mr. Zuochuan had not heard any news for more than six years, and he almost forgot his appearance.

But he had to cheer up Junjun.

Junjun raised his head,

"I... I believe in Uncle Shi. I just need to do what I need to do and wait for him to return."


"Your Majesty, I will retire first."

"Have a good rest, don't work any more."

"You too."

After speaking, Junjun disappeared into the bronze mirror just like when he came.

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