Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 95: anger from heaven

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Winter is here again.

Compared to before, the Heavenly Fate Emperor was much quieter. There is a sense of peace and tranquility in the air, but this peace and tranquility makes some people tremble.

The charcoal burners carried the charcoal for the fire in their wagons.

The temperature of the charcoal, which was slightly hidden, was very high, creating a warm atmosphere around the carriage. Children who get up early like to follow the charcoal car to make a fire. The playful little guys would always get close by accident, and then be severely reprimanded by the charcoal burner.

In a morning soup shop that has been on fire.

Jun Jun was holding a bowl of hot soup, slightly close to his face. The heat rushed up, making her face a little red.

She watched as the charcoal-burning car slowly drove past the street outside the morning soup shop. At this time, a gust of wind blew in. The smell of charcoal fire filled the shop immediately.

Then, just as she wanted to be reminded, she came back to her senses and hurriedly drank the morning soup.

Throwing two copper coins on the table, she quickly left.

When she reappeared, she was already in Zhiyang City. When she arrived at the Yonghuang Hall where sacrifices were held, she raised her head and looked deeper into the central city.

In the mid-air there, a castle in the sky loomed.

The pavilion is suspended in the sky, as if dragged by clouds and mist.

The morning fog overflowed, and the mist became misty.

Others looked at it inadvertently, and probably only thought that they saw a cloud that looked like a building. Those who go deeper are just seeing a mirage-like scene. But in Junjun's eyes, that is a tall building suspended in the air. A majestic building towering above the sky.

Tower of Heaven.

That is the sign of "God's Will" in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is a symbol of the supremacy of imperial power in the world.

Junjun tried to see the top of the tower at a glance. But at the moment, the top has not yet appeared. She couldn't help but wonder, could the top of the tower be connected to the heaven?

"Heavenly Court..."

Junjun murmured.

She took a breath and walked away.

Not long after, she appeared again at the Celebrity Garden on Lianxing Road. She also has a mansion of her own here, but... she has only been there once and never again.

This time, she won't go to her mansion either. But next to it, the mansion where Junior Brother Changyan is located.

When she arrived at the door of Chang Yan's residence, she subconsciously wanted to push the door directly in, but she paused as soon as her hand was on the door. Then, she chose to knock on the door.

After a sound, the door opened spontaneously.

Junjun looked inside before walking in.

As soon as she entered, she frowned. There's a "not so good" feeling in there. She couldn't tell, but it was strange. This feeling made her uncomfortable.

"Little words?"

no answer.

The meridians in her body became active, and her cultivation gradually spread out of her body, condensing into a solid barrier.

Then, she moved towards the place that made her feel bad.

Be careful...

To a certain wall in the inner room. She stopped. It feels like it's coming from the wall.

She thought about it for a while, and when she moved her fingertips, a drop of colorless water appeared. Then, the water droplets left her fingertips and attached to the wall.

A water curtain gradually takes shape.

"It really is the Water Curtain Cave..."

This is one of the common spells.

She stepped inside.

As soon as he entered, he immediately saw the dying Changyan fall to the ground.


Junjun stepped forward quickly and helped him up.

Chang Yan kept his eyes open, but his eyes were scattered and unfocused. His body was limp and powerless, and a scorching breath kept pouring out from his heart. And in the dantian, there is a large mass of immortal energy, which may explode at any time. Judging by the size, it is possible to blow this Lianxing Road upside down.

Junjun didn't dare to delay, and first suppressed the energy of this group of immortals into the dantian as the saying goes. Then, her fingers pressed the gate of life between Chang Yan's eyebrows and injected the energy of immortality into the inside.

After seeing the situation inside Chang Yan's body, she was stunned.

It is said that every meridian in the whole body has cracks of different degrees. The crack was clearly an unbearable bulge after it had expanded to its limit.

What the **** did he do?

Junjun has no time to think about this issue. Help him to the bed, and then constantly repair his meridians with his own magic to prevent the escaping magic energy from damaging his internal organs.

a weekday,


Then ten weeks later, the usual situation stabilized. His consciousness gradually recovered, and his eyes began to focus.

After a while, he finally saw Senior Sister in front of him. His lips trembled, and he said with difficulty:

"Senior sister, no...don't knock on the door."

Junjun frowned,

"What's the matter with you?"

As the saying goes, cough, cough,

"I failed."

"What failed?"

"A month ago, I found that no matter how much I cultivate, I will not increase my cultivation... I thought this was my bottleneck and needed to break through. So I tried to break through... But I failed."

"what have you done?"

"Heaven and Human Induction... Uncle told us before. All beings in the world, to become immortals, need to sense the way of heaven, sense the world. I went to sense... But what I sensed is not the way of heaven, but a very large tree. The tree, the human world we are in, is just a leaf on that big tree..."

"and then?"

"Then, that tree grew dense thorns and attacked me. I didn't have any ability to parry, and I was instantly hit by a divine sense. The immortal energy in my body was out of control, destroying my meridians... After that , that's what you see."

Jun Jun looked at him and said nothing.

As the saying goes, the face is haggard,


"I'm sorry? What are you apologizing to?"

"I'm giving you trouble."

"Senior sister only cares about junior brother."

"Then why didn't you say a word."

Junjun stood up and walked aside,

"Because, I have nothing to say."


"What else do you want me to say. Xiaoyan, since you decided to leave Meiyuanzi, I don't know what you want to do or what you are after. I can't evaluate whether it's right for you to force a breakthrough, and I can't criticize you for this. A secluded life." Jun Jun sighed, "Of course, no matter what you do... I will still be your senior sister."

"Senior sister..." Chang Yan lowered his head, "I thought... you abandoned me..."

Junjun looked at him with complicated eyes,

"Xiaoyan, it was you who abandoned me and my uncle."

The body trembled.

Junjun walked out and said as he walked:

"It doesn't matter. I won't force you to do anything just because you are your senior sister. In short, you can do anything, and I will try my best to help you if it can help you. But, I hope you always Stick to yourself and don’t always waver. In addition, the Sunrise Pavilion will open tomorrow, so if you can, you should come over.”

Her voice was getting farther and farther away. until it disappears.

Chang Yan looked at the empty practice room and couldn't recover for a long time. He didn't know when it started, Senior Sister never showed her signature sly smile again.

"Maybe... the day I left the plum garden."

He coughed for a while, closed his eyes, and began to recover.


On a sunny day in winter, the sun shines on the ground, and it still looks very cold.

A dense crowd of people stood neatly on the large square in front of the Yonghuang Hall. Everyone was dressed in solemn and solemn dresses and met in black and red. And His Majesty the Holy Emperor is black and gold.

They were standing here long before the sun hit the earth.

No one dared to say a word, and after the sunrise, the minister of Tianjiu Temple on the altar angrily and loudly announced:

"When the Jiazi is over, the towering sacrifices to the ground, the mountains and rivers, together in peace!"

Except for him and the Holy Emperor Lan Zhiwei, everyone knelt on the ground.

Afterwards, the minister of Tianjiu Temple once again announced:

"The first emperor collapsed, and the new emperor ascended the throne. I am grateful for the grace of God, and I should respond to the sky to show the will of heaven!"

After speaking, he retreated under the altar and also knelt down.

Only Lan Zhiwei was left on the altar.

He looked at the tripod in front of him. Inside the tripod were the utensils used to preside over the sacrificial ceremony, as well as a seal made of unknown material.

That seal is the introduction, which is used to receive the divine treasure from the towering tower.

Regarding the origin of this seal, it is said that Emperor Taizu received the grace of God during a mountain and river festival, and was bestowed by God.

Whether this is the case or not is impossible to verify. Even in the palace, there are very few records about that mountain and river festival.

Looking at this seal, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

After a little hesitation, he cheered up, took out the sacrificial utensils and seals from the tripod, and placed them on the eucalyptus table next to them.

Then he began to read the words,

"Since the Emperor Gaozu defeated the evil dynasty..."

After reciting the long tabletop words, he used the sacrificial utensils and carried out a series of sacrificial activities in accordance with the regulations. Including worship to the gods and the earth, temples to worship ancestors, sacrifice to living beings...

After many and many processes are completed, it is the turn of the seal to function.

Lan Zhiwei held the seal in the palm of his left hand. With the index finger of his right hand, he tapped a sharp needle prepared beside him. Then, he squeezed a drop of blood onto the seal.

This drop of blood was divided into denser and smaller blood threads.

The bloodshot wraps the seal and suspends.

Afterwards, a beam of light penetrated the seal, connecting Lan Zhiwei at the bottom and the towering tower at the top.

At the same time, the clouds in the sky dissipated. The Santian Pavilion no longer molds the lake, and the whole book is revealed in its entirety. Only then can you see what it really looks like.

The towering tower is not a traditional attic, it is more inclined to a bone of some kind of huge creature. After some withering and transformation, it becomes a pavilion.

The breath is majestic, oppressing the earth, making people who are already kneeling on the ground even more afraid to raise their heads and watch.

Lan Zhiwei vaguely saw that in the towering tower, there seemed to be dense eyes. Those eyes blinked, as if they were looking at this world.

After watching for a while, all eyes fell on him.

At this moment, Lan Zhiwei felt that 10,000 needles were piercing his skin.

The sharpness made him uncomfortable, but not painful. I just want to resist this awkward feeling.

He felt that those eyes were peeping at everything about him.

Then, he noticed, the gaze of those eyes became very strange.

as if suspicious of something...

Gradually, this doubt turned into a certainty.

Then, it must have turned into anger. Like the anger of being deceived.

The Tower of Heaven trembled.


Out of nowhere, a bell rang.

Later, Lan Zhiwei lost his balance and felt that everything around him was moving away from him.

After bringing him to wake up, he found that he was not in front of the Yonghuang Hall, but a very vast place.

There are tall walls on all sides.

On the walls stood countless statues of gods. The statues were motionless, yet gave the impression that they were living creatures.

At a certain moment, right in front... an extraordinarily imposing statue made a sound,

"The Great Zhou Lan Clan!"

Lan Zhiwei thought, he should be talking about himself. He nodded slightly,

"What's wrong?"

"Because of God's will, there is the Great Zhou Lan Clan. Without God's Will, there is only the Lan Clan, and there is no Great Zhou."

"What's the meaning of this?"

"You are against God's will."

"I am the ruler of a country, why do I have to look at the sky when managing the affairs of the country?"

The idol said solemnly,

"Ridiculous. The world is pure and peaceful, the merit is in the heavenly court, and the mountains, rivers and rivers are blessed. How dare you say such a thing with the power of mortals?"

Lan Zhiwei knew that there was a huge information gap between himself and these idols, so there was no point in debating scriptures. He just put on the air of an emperor,

"I have my own plans. Besides, what is this place? You wait for a group of stone statues, but what kind of ghosts."

Immediately, there was a lot of discussion in the immortal class on all sides.

The mixed voices of discussion made this space seem particularly heavy. It made Lan Zhiwei even more uncomfortable.

The idol, who opened his mouth earlier, said again:

"Lan Hengguang collapsed early, you disobeyed God's will, usurped the emperor's throne, and acted in perverse ways. You are ignorant. If the human world passes through your hands, you may be full of mud. It's really a scandal and evil deed by the immortals like us. Fortunately, Fortunately poor, I can be comforted. Therefore, I order you to be in Lan Zhimao, and then discuss the will of God."

"Lan Zhimao... Do you think he is more suitable to be an emperor than me?"

"He knows God's will better than you."

"It turns out that, it turns out... The only condition for the selection of the emperor in the Cangtian Pavilion is whether he obeys the will of God and understands the will of God..." Lan Zhiwei shook his head.


Lan Zhiwei continued,

"I don't care what kind of weird power you are, but if you think that you can look at the sky and you can govern the world well, then it's better to have fun every day. Or, you are just enjoying yourself every day."

"Ignorance and mortals cannot be taught! There is only one way to destroy!"

Lan Zhiwei laughed and said ~www.readwn.com~ I can't convince me, so I can only threaten? It seems that the so-called immortals are also very painted. I thought that the gods who cook in the world are some high-ranking people. It seems that they are just a group of grass-roots who have the first opportunity. They are nothing. "


The sound of the deity echoed in his ears, causing Lan Zhiwei to have a splitting headache.

The huge divine power was vented in this space, squeezing every inch of his flesh and blood.

But at this moment, he once again experienced the feeling of the world turning around.

Then, Meng Ran woke up and found that his arm was being grabbed. He looked to the side and saw Junjun looking at the towering tower with a serious face. she says:

"Your Majesty, stand back. The Tower of Heaven... is attacking you!"

Lan Zhiwei felt that his nose was hot and humid, and when he patted it with his hand, he found that there was a nosebleed. He suppressed his disgust and said:

"Junjun, I saw the immortal class in the sky... They condemned me and intended to make me abdicate."

Junjun said,

"It seems that you are not the emperor they chose."

Lan Zhiwei's tone was eager,

"Those are all immortals... so dense that you can't even count them."

"Your Majesty, I have seen it."

Lan Zhi was stunned for a while, then he looked up and looked at the towering tower.

One after another, the heads of the gods emerged from the outer wall of the towering pavilion.

They have the same face, the same expression, the same gaze.


only anger,

They looked at Lan Zhiwei and Junjun angrily,

"If the will of heaven is not right, you will become an emperor by cultivation; if the gate of heaven is not opened, you will never become an immortal! Wait, you are ignorant!"

More and more statues gradually replaced the main body of the tower.

The anger from heaven is on the verge of bursting.

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