Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 99: undocumented stalemate

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God senses...

To explain it in simple words: with transcendent ability, a kind of touch to the essence of the world, that is, the root of the world.

If the touch effect is very good, the root of the world responds to you, and it is considered to be in a state of induction between heaven and man.

After that, there is the matter of being ranked in Xianban.

Junjun actually wanted to go and say hello to Lan Zhiwei. After all, after yesterday's incident was over, I didn't have time to see him in person, so I just had someone bring a letter over there.

But thinking about it...

Since the uncle has only left the customs after so many years, he didn't say anything about going to meet Lan Zhiwei. Presumably... everything that can be done in this world has been done.

Then I won't take a few more memories... In the future, there will always be opportunities. Junjun thought like this, his consciousness began to sink.

Consciousness sinks, there is a feeling of falling from a high place to a low place.

This process usually takes a long time. Because the beginning of transcendence, the root of communication in the world, is a more difficult thing.

However, for Junjun, this is just a matter of thinking.

Almost as soon as her consciousness sank, the mythology system of the fairy world established a connection with her.

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Junjun feels that he is in a fragmented world. Everything she knew became a fragment in the world. Numerous fragments, relying on some kind of magical power, are interrelated. That's probably why everything can be related, she thought.

A clear trend rippled around her, pulling a cold wind.

The air was transpiring, and her will suddenly rushed to the sky, knocking the door of heaven.

There are no stratus clouds, and the sky is clear.

The sky showed a vision, and everyone around looked up. They saw that, above the sky, a gate slowly opened.

The moment the door opened, Junjun stood up.

It is different from the feathering ascension imagined by the world. She just moved a position in the air, and instantly tore the shackles of the world and entered the gate of heaven.

However, it is also the same as what Qiao Xun said. Inside the Tianmen, there are already densely packed heavenly soldiers and generals waiting.

Junjun stood firm and looked at them.

This time, it is not the idols set up in the human world, but the living gods.

At the same time, she felt a calling.

That should be a call from heaven. Let her be baptized with some kind of special power.

She thought that this should be the necessary process to be ranked in the fairy class.

However, the densely packed heavenly soldiers and generals all looked at her closely. She was extremely sure that if she was baptized and placed in the Immortal Sect, then she would definitely be attacked by a group, and she would be kicked out of Tianmen immediately.

In fact, it is not attractive to her if she is not ranked in the fairy class.

Her ideal in life is not to become an immortal and cultivate longevity, but to live a free life.

If you are ranked in the fairy class, you are destined to be "supervised with good benefits", then no matter how big the benefits are, it will be meaningless.

Therefore, without any hesitation, she refused the call from the depths of her consciousness.

The moment he refused to be ranked in the fairy class, the gate of heaven closed.

The immortals who looked at her seemed to have received an order and slowly disappeared into the clouds.

When the clouds and mist dissipated, Junjun was able to see the original appearance of the heavenly court.

Heaven is not like the human world, there is only one continent in the entire space. All live on the mainland.

Heaven... There is no continent, it is more like a starry sky that is always bright. And in this starry sky, there are countless small islands suspended. Between some small islands, overpasses are built. But more islands are isolated. Floating in this space, drifting with the flow.

The only place that can be said to resemble the heaven in the folk imagination is a huge building complex in the distance.

Because it is very far away, it is impossible to face and feel the stalwart of the building complex. But just by looking at it casually, you can see that the building complex is supported by thousands of floating islands.

"There is heaven..."

"That's right."

A voice suddenly sounded in Junjun's head, startling her,

"Who? Who is in my head!"


"Uncle Master?"


"Why are you in my head?"

"Didn't I say, I will appear in heaven in a special way."

"But you didn't say it was this way!"

"If I told you, you would resist."

"I won't! Uncle Master stays in my head, I'm very welcome." Jun Jun said strangely, "Instead, Uncle Master, you don't trust me..."

Qiao Xun was silent,


Junjun asked curiously,

"How did the uncle do it? Is the soul temporarily residing in my consciousness?"

"Almost." In fact, Qiao Xun was parasitic in Jun Jun's desire.

This is a unique ability for demons.

"What about Uncle Shi's body? Is it still in the world?"

"I don't have an ontology."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jun Jun didn't quite understand. After all, her concept is that living beings have three souls and seven souls. Soul palm consciousness, soul in the body.

It's not her fault, in her cognition, there is no such creature as demon.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about me."

"Oh, okay." Jun Jun was a little excited, "Will my uncle peek at my thoughts?"


"Hey, it must be so straightforward."

"What's so beautiful about your mind."

"What if there is? Uncle Shi is not me, how do you know that there is no interesting thing in my head."

"Anyway, no."

Qiao Xun did not explain too much. Of course he wouldn't say he could read desire.

Junjun walked forward, took Qiao Xun, and looked at it as he walked,

"If my uncle is in my head...isn't he able to control my body?"

"Yes. But I won't. Adapting to a body requires energy."

"Oh... Uncle, please don't quietly control my body while I'm sleeping."

"Don't worry. Your body hasn't reached the level of its own, so you're not a treasure."

"Mainly, I'm a girl!"

"Then you can rest assured."

"Why am I a girl, but I can feel more at ease!" Jun Jun had a hard time accepting, "Listen to what you mean, it's because I dislike me for being a girl."

"Overthinking." Qiao Xun said, "Junjun, don't try to tease Uncle Shi. I know you are just when your youth is sprouting, but now, you have more important things to do."

"Uncle, if you say that, it will frustrate my self-confidence..."

"If this can be thwarted, then the agreement between us should end early."

"Master, you were not like this before."


"In the beginning, you still cared about me very much and spoke to me in a gentle tone. But now, why do you act like I'm some kind of bad guy."

"Because you used to be a child, and you just separated from your mother, and you can't recognize your father. So, I need to show you some love from the elders. Otherwise, your childhood will be very miserable. The result is, It will create a weak inner personality."

"...So, even your previous love and tenderness was planned?"

"You used to be cute. As a human being, of course I have an instinct to like you. But, you're right. I found you, cared for you, and taught you. It was all planned."

"Xiaoyan is leaving, have you made a plan?"

"No, as planned. He'll be standing next to you at the moment. But..."

"But it doesn't matter, is it. Because you have a more suitable... tool like me?"

Joe Tour said,

"Junjun, why do you insist on breaking the illusory relationship between us?"

Junjun bowed his head,

"Your love for me is fake...but I'm real. Uncle, before you planned all this, did you ever think that we are flesh and blood creatures. How should Xiaoyan and I feel about you? What to do?"

"have not thought."

"Uncle Shi, you are a bad person." Jun Jun couldn't think of any swearing words, and his tone didn't sound like swearing.

"For you, it is."

"That's fine, at least you really never lied to me. Even if the truth hurts, you say it."

"You're really optimistic."

"Thanks to my uncle's love for me, I have developed such a good character. Look, everything is in your plan." Junjun Nunuzui, "If you didn't care enough for me before, let me fall into In the pain of losing my mother, now that I know the truth, I will definitely collapse even more. Maybe I will fall into the trap of Taoism and go into the devil. My uncle will definitely be very troubled."

"It won't be very troublesome. If you go crazy, I will take over your body and continue my goal."

"Uncle Master!" Jun Jun stamped his feet in a hurry, "It's too much, it's too much!"

Qiao Xun was silent.

Junjun flew to an uninhabited floating island and stopped.

There is a small lake on the island, the lake is clear, and the surrounding scenery is also very good.

She sat on a stone by the lake, looking at her own reflection in the water,

"Master, have you always been like this?"


"I mean, besides me and Xiaoyan, how many people have you cheated on your relationship?"

"a lot of."

"a lot of?"

"What happened to them in the end?"

"They don't know anything. I didn't tell them."

"Hey, why did Shishu only tell me about it?" Her eyes lit up, "As expected, in Shishu's heart, I'm special!"

"Just because you noticed it and asked. If they asked, I would answer truthfully."

"...Uncle Master, have you always been like this? In your life, there is no one who really cares about you?"



"a faraway place."

Junjun looks up,

"I'm very curious about what kind of person you really care about."

"Junjun, you are too sensitive. In fact, you can fulfill our agreement just like fulfilling the contract. There is no need, so care about this matter."

"Uncle Shi may not be omnipotent, I think. At least, you don't know why I have to ask to understand."

"I really don't understand."

"Uncle Master made me who I am now, but he can't understand who I am now. Doesn't this mean that Uncle Master's plan from the beginning was wrong?"


Junjun said,

"I still feel that my uncle cares about me. It's just that you yourself have fallen into some kind of deadlock that you can't prove yourself."


"Yeah, it's hard to say, it's Uncle Shi's weakness. Your self-assertion doesn't match your underlying thinking... Although I can't prove this situation. But I just have this feeling!"


"Do you have someone you like?"

"Which one do you like?"

"Well... the kind of love that my mother has for His Majesty."

"I can't answer."

"If you can't answer it, there is."

Qiao Xun felt that these words seemed similar to the past. It seems that both Xin Yu and Yu Xiaoshu have said it.

Could it be that women's opinions in this regard, regardless of time, space and civilization, are only related to gender?

Junjun went on to say,

"In the traditional education I received, being in the right household is the key to matching the marriage between men and women. I have always felt that there is no one worthy of me in the world, so I never know what it feels like to like it. Uncle can tell me ?"


"What kind of marriage education did the uncle receive?"

"Free love. It's not about identity, ethnicity, social status, gender or even race...it's just about personal preference."

"Personal preferences?"

"Simple 'I like you, you like me'."

"Oh... in that case, it's hard to say that I already have someone I like."


"Hey, did you know so soon?"

"Junjun, you care so much about whether my feelings for you are real or not, but you have to think that I actually care about you. Doesn't that explain everything? I'm not an idiot."

"Then will I look pitiful like this?"


"Isn't it pitiful to fall in love with such a heartless guy?"

"...I won't sympathize with you anyway."

"Aren't you even willing to give a little sympathy?"

"If I sympathize with you~www.readwn.com~ you will look even more pitiful."

"...Uncle Master, don't say such things. If you say it, I will be even more pitiful."

"I will not trick you."

"That's the most hurtful thing to say."

"But you don't look very sad."

Yes, Junjun's face reflected on the quiet lake shows the usual demure. She sniffed and said,

"Can't you tell me I'm pretending to be strong?"

"But not."

Whether it is pretending to be strong, Qiao Xun understands very well. The emotions of Junjun he felt were normal, and even had some "funny" feeling.

He has some doubts, is this guy's mentality really that good?

It looks like he won't be hit at all.

"Um... can I ask a question?"


"Uncle Shi came to Immortal Realm, what did he do?"

"Find someone."

"Someone important to you?"


Junjun smiled,

"There are really people you care about. Then I need to get to know them well."

Qiao Xun did not speak.

In fact, even if he completed his insight into the fairy world, he still could not find Nan Shizukuto. The only trace was the "young woman" who appeared in the story that Junjun's mother told her.

As for Lu Xianyi. He had clearly felt her presence.

But, now is not the time to see her.

There is another problem, yet to be studied.

That is, what is the relationship between the existence that occupies the position of a large number of immortal classes in the heaven and the great existence in the depths of his consciousness.

This might be the closest he's come to the biggest secret in his body, he thought.

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